(A small story;) One day there was a fire in the barn and the farmer was trying to get the chickens out...he shooed and flapped his arms..he got most all of them out, but this one chicken wouldn't budge. He finally gave up, saying; "you dumb chicken!" The next morning, while walking around looking at the damage, he found that dumb, stubborn, dead chicken. He went to move it aside, and out from under her wings, came her baby chicks...all safe, not a one burned or harmed in any way. She had given up her life to protect her babies...they had obeyed her and came when she called them.
This story reminds me of the Savoirs words in Matthew 23:37
(how often would I have gathered you together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!) Unfortunetly, sometimes we can be full of rebellion and not listen to our Lord's voice as he calls us to come to him, even though he did indeed give up his life for you and for me.
I had lots of fun visiting with Tiffany, Isaac & Caleb and Lindsey & Michael while I was in Ceder last week. Ron was down that way on business, so I went along and spent the days with my daughters and their loved ones.
My dearest delight is Caleb...he is talking, saying anything and everything anyone else says! It was so much fun to just be near him and watch him play, play with him, follow him around taking pictures of him and all his darling ways. (I sound like a proud Grandma huh?!~Well I am!) I'm proud of all my grandkids, love them to pieces! I was out buying birthday gifts today for all the June birthdays, loved it. Our 19th. will be born in August..I can hardly wait!
Cute chickens Mom! Suprise! I guess you guys weren't expecting some spring chickens, but they look so cute and fun to have. I love that story of the Chicken and how it relates to the Savior. It was fun to see you and Dad and spend time with you here in Cedar city. Hope all is well! Love ya!
Oh, I've always wanted to have a hen who would hatch out some chicks. Someday I will. your grandkids are pretty lucky kids. What an awesome grandma.
I too loved the story of the chicken and how it relates to the Savior, Thanks! Love ya :)
Your whole blog is just pretty darn awesome! I love the peaceful look of your home and beautiful surroundings. Chicks and little ones. Great combination!
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