made a ton of shoes and boots while he lived here.
sleeps now where no hand may disturb his repose
'Til the trumpets of God drown the notes of the wave
And we see him arise from his unknown grave,
God bless that unknown grave.
Good advise for each of us today I think.

He told them that women are naturally compassionate, that they readily see the needs of the people and are quick to extend comfort and assistance. He said that the Lord had directed that the women should be organized for the purpose of giving them strength or authority to express their benevolent natures and assist the priesthood in looking after the needs of the poor, or the lonely.
The women voted for Emma to be the President of their Nauvoo Female Relief Society.This organization is the oldest and the largest women's organization on the earth today.
"They stood next to each other in life and were martyred at
the same time, side by side, in the Carthage jail."
in 1903 the church bought it and restored and dedicated it. There is
such a strong and peaceful spirit there felt very sacred to be there.
On October 27th, 1838, Governor L.W. Boggs issued an extermination order on the Mormons. His intent was to force the Mormons to leave the state under threats of extermination. He said in this order...The Mormon's must be treated as enemies and must be exterminated or driven from the state. This gave the mobs all the excuse they needed to go after the Mormon people and their leaders.
Someone yelled, "The Mormon's are coming," (even though they were not) and the mob dispersed in every direction. The Mormon people never retaliated. As soon as the word was out that the prophet was dead, there were predictions that Mormonism was also dead. "Cut off at the head," they said. A newspaper article concluded: "Thus ends Mormonism."
The ends of the earth shall inquire after thy name, and fools shall have thee in derision and hell shall rage against thee. While the pure in heart, and the wise, and the noble, and the virtuous, shall seek counsel, and authority, and blessings constantly from under thy hand. And thy people shall never be turned against thee by the testimony of traitors, and thy God shall stand by thee forever." (D&C 122: 1-4)
I know that Joseph Smith was God's prophet, and through him the Lord's church was restored to the earth. I am so thankful that the Saviors true and living church is on the earth again. I know that God continues to speak to his children through his prophets today. I know that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of his children and has provided a great plan of happiness for us to live by, so that we can return to live with him again. I know that the way the Savior taught is the way to live. He taught us to love one another as he loves us, and if we can do this, we will find so much happiness as we live on this earth, and in the life to come, as we live together in love.
There are so many good people on the earth today. At times it doesn't seem like it as we watch the news, but they are here living good lives, loving others and raising good families. I have found so very many here as I blog, and I express my love to each and every one of you, my dear friends. I think it is such a choice thing, that even though we may all believe differently, we can still have respect and love for one another...I think that is how the Savior would want us to be.
I know that Joseph Smith was God's prophet, and through him the Lord's church was restored to the earth. I am so thankful that the Saviors true and living church is on the earth again. I know that God continues to speak to his children through his prophets today. I know that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of his children and has provided a great plan of happiness for us to live by, so that we can return to live with him again. I know that the way the Savior taught is the way to live. He taught us to love one another as he loves us, and if we can do this, we will find so much happiness as we live on this earth, and in the life to come, as we live together in love.
There are so many good people on the earth today. At times it doesn't seem like it as we watch the news, but they are here living good lives, loving others and raising good families. I have found so very many here as I blog, and I express my love to each and every one of you, my dear friends. I think it is such a choice thing, that even though we may all believe differently, we can still have respect and love for one another...I think that is how the Savior would want us to be.