Cougar did was bring his toy, smiling and begging for
us to "please come and play with me" could I not?!
"See, here it is, come throw it for me!" He sure missed us!
everywhere we went in Illinois, this one was so awesome!
a great vacation! I'll share more on that next post,
meanwhile here are some very yummy Fall treats!
...I'll be making these two recipes for our deer hunters...
...I'll be making these two recipes for our deer hunters...

Coat a 15x10x1" baking pan with Pam.
In this pan, arrange rolls from a 36oz. package
(12 count)... frozen cinnamon rolls...
(any kind, I love them with lots of raisins and cinnamon!)
Chill package of frosting.
Sprinkle one 4 oz. serving size box of Vanilla ( or) Butterscotch,
cook and serve (not instant) dry pudding and pie filling mix
over frozen rolls.
In a small bowl, whisk 1/2 cup melted butter
and 1/2 cup packed brown sugar.
Spoon over frozen rolls. Cover with waxed paper,
then with plastic wrap; chill overnight in fridge.
Remove over wrap. Let stand at room temp. 45 min.
Bake at 350' for 20 minutes or til golden.
Remove and cool in pan on wire rack for 5 min.
Invert onto a platter. Frost rolls with the
frosting from the reserved packets.
Makes 12 delicious cinnamon rolls.
1 Box Spice Cake Mix
1 (15 oz.) Solid Pack Pumpkin
1 package Semi-Sweet Chips
Mix this all together and
bake at 350' for 14 minutes.
Couldn't be easier, and
they are really good too!

I like mine frosted so you can do this if you'd like...
2 cups powdered sugar
1 T. lemon juice
3 T. milk
Mix and frost cooled cookies.
I am finding out that the younger gals really
like these short and very easy recipes the best.
My daughter called for my Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie
recipe the other day, I gave it to her but she still wanted an
easier, quicker recipe, so here are two that I hope you will all
My next posts will all be about our vacation,
if my computer will cooperate, it has been
giving me fits! I don't know what I would do
without my genius daughters who help me
when I get in trouble with it! I think I would
just throw it out for good! LOL
2 cups powdered sugar
1 T. lemon juice
3 T. milk
Mix and frost cooled cookies.
I am finding out that the younger gals really
like these short and very easy recipes the best.
My daughter called for my Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie
recipe the other day, I gave it to her but she still wanted an
easier, quicker recipe, so here are two that I hope you will all
My next posts will all be about our vacation,
if my computer will cooperate, it has been
giving me fits! I don't know what I would do
without my genius daughters who help me
when I get in trouble with it! I think I would
just throw it out for good! LOL
Great pics Julie!
Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
And you were pretty close to me if you were in Illinois!
Oh, dear HEAVEN! I see the POUNDS adding on quickly ... I will definitely be trying these beauties.
So appreciate your sharing, Julie.
Glad you had a wonderful vacation.
Your pics of the trees are awesome!
Have a BOO-TEA-FUL weekend!
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Julie- Thanks for always posting such nice comments on my blog. I love coming here too!
I am going to copy BOTH these recipes down right now into WORD so I don't forget them. I was looking for another cinammon roll recipe. Is this using the ones that come in the tube in the dairy case? And...those pumpkin cookies---oh..I am so making those for work. Hugs- Diana
Cougar cracked me up with the toy there. That is exactly how Duke greets me every day when i get home from work :)
I have got to make some of those cookies this weekend. How easy and they look delicious.
Can't wait to hear more about your vacation
I can see that Cougar is glad that you are home! I bet your arm was tired from all the throwing of his toy! My cats always come and greet me when we have been away, they are more like dogs then cats sometimes!
Those trees are just gorgeous, reminds me of here in the fall. We have such beautiful foliage too.
The recipes are great and I am going to print them off too. My crowd loves pumpkin chip cookies, especially my grandson. The cinnamon rolls are making me expand just looking at them......I do have a package of frozen ones that I really should use up.......
The pictures of your darling grand baby are just gorgeous. She looks so sweet in her blessing gown. Love the bow around her head and the bow in the back of her dress. Yes, little baby girls should be dressed in ruffles!!
Thanks for stopping by, I always enjoy hearing from you and reading your posts!
Great pictures! So glad that you had a great time!
I can tell that Cougar REALLY, REALLY missed you! You can see the love that he has for you in his eyes.
Thanks for sharing the recipes. I've made these, and they always turn out yummy.
Sorry about the computer.... I can relate. Mine has been a real brat lately too.... just putting up with it, and trying not to grind my teeth off :)
Have a beautiful weekend !
I am so glad that you had a wonderful trip Julie. It must have been great to get all the same! I loved seeing all those gorgeous pictures of Sophia's special day too. Thanks for sharing these special memories.
Best wishes for a wonderful weekend,
Good to be back home, yes? Our doggies always act like we have been away for years!!! lol...
I love the pics of your loveable Cougar. So cute...
Thanks so much for the recipes. I shall have to try the pumpkin cookies as tis the season!!!
Glad you are back. :-)
The sweets look delicious, Julie. Cougar is a cutie. We have had a busy week with our pup. She is good but has decided she likes peeing on the kitchen floor the last two days (right after we bring her back in.) It could be that it is cold here (one hour north of us had snow today!) We will have to keep working on it.
Love the colours of the trees. And to think we are now halfway through the spring, here in Australia!
My cat always first is happy when we get home and then runs away on a tissy fit! Love the midwestern colors in the fall. I grew up in WI and miss it so much! Yummy treats for the deer hunters. Joni
I LOVE pumpkin & chocolate chips! YUM!!! When i saw the title of your post on the side of bluebird notes I had to swing by & check out your goodies! I feel like I have been posting about treats a lot lately! :)
Thanks for more yummy recipes. Those pumpkin cookies sound delish. Illinois looks beautiful this time of year. We'd like to go maybe next spring. We've never been to Nauvoo. Is that where you went? Have a great weekend. Mimi
Cougar is so adorable Julie! Oh how he missed you! Thanks for the GREAT recipes!!! I will be trying both of them!!!
Love the cute snaps of Cougar Julie! What a sweetie pie! And talking of sweetie pies! Look at those fabulous recipes! Sooooo scrummy. They are making me hungry now! xxoo
Des pages de vie remplies d'amour et d'allégresse.
Très joli blog ...
Loving anything chocolaty!! Happy hugs for a grand weekend, Julie xxxx
Oh my goodness! This whole post is wonderful. The colors of the trees are breathtaking. Your dog is just like a kid. Too funny. And thank you, thank you for the yummy recipes. I'm one of those who like short and easy. Can't wait to try these.
Good to have you home!!
Thanks for the recipes! I can't wait to try them out, they look yummy!!
Welcome home...your sweet pup is beaming with JOY!
Oh so many treats over here today...I wish I had them all in my kitchen..especially the cini buns ...Weekend hugs my friend.
Absolutely perfect....I love life's simple pleasures. Such as the color in those trees, the puppy and the FOOD! Can't beat that.
Those fall colors are so vivid. Ours aren't that saturated yet except in a spot here or there. Some years they are better than others. My Bailey begs to be played with too when we have been gone. I know she is missing me now since I'm not home. Those recipes sound really good. I love pumpkin stuff.
Hi Julie! Poor doggie did you miss guys, love the second pic lol.
Hunting season begins next month here in Pennsylvania.Deer hunting is a big thing here.But I dont like the meat,sorry Ive tried it several times and cant like it at all.
Yummy recipes liking the second one.I consider myself young cause I like the quick and easy ones too ;) lol.
Have a blessed Sunday Julie!hugs!
Dear Julie, so good to know you had a great vacation time... and so wonderful the colors of autumn over there!!!
I could NEVER resist that sweet Cougar!!!! LOVE THAT DOG!
Lovely photos from Illinois, Julie. Wow it is so pretty this time of year. I adore it! Treats look yummy!
That dog is such a LOVE - It really does look like he is smiling! I love dogs with great personality like that.
The recipes look awesome - I adore anything with pumpkins so pumpkin cookies - I am there!! Ha Ha
Hope you are having a beautiful weekend Julie.
Welcome home Julie glad you had a great time. Fall is so beautiful everywhere YOU are going! I wish I had a deer hunter around here I'd have free dog food all year! were a little closer to Ohio! :) Fall looks about like that here...lots of big red trees!
Wow...those rolls and cookies look amazing. Suddenly I'm hungry!
Cougar is so cute....boy was he glad to see you guys! Isn't Fall the most gorgeous time of year...the colors are just unbelievable. I would love one of your cinnamon rolls right now. Those hunters are some lucky dudes! Have a wonderful Sunday! :)
Julie your recipes sounds so delicious! I love cinnamon rolls been a long time since I had them. Congrats to your daughter and baby Sophia and her husband for the name and blessing. She is so cute! your daughter and her husband are a sweet handsome couple. Have a fund weekend! big hugs
Julie- you always share the best recipes with us.
You need to do a cookbook!
Enjoyed visiting,
White Spray Paint
welcome home Julie. Your recipes look fantastic.
Kisses to the adorable cougar!!!!!
The autumn pics are so pretty! But I should know better than to visit on an empty stomach as now I want to make rolls and eat pumpkin cookies, how yummy! And please give Cougar a hug from me, I miss my Golden named Dakota so, so much.
Julie, I think Cougar is so adorable, makes me just want to hug him. Isn't it amazing how our animals miss us so when we are gone, even if it is a short trip to the store.
The oak tree so pretty, have I ever told you that you share the best recipes. Your family is so blessed to have these goodies near by.I bet your grandchildren really rave about all of your goodies too. I know when mine tell me about mine I just grin from ear to ear. . lol
Thanks for always inspiring me.
Looks like you are enjoying a beautiful fall with all of those glorious colors. We don't get alot of color here, but I can feel fall in the air and it make we want to bake every day...your recipes look wonderful!
I really enjoyed stopping by your blog! Your Golden is adoreable. We have an older Golden named Rosie plus 5 other doggies!
Cougar must have really missed you! What gorgeous autumn colors on those trees! Love your recipes! The cookie recipe sounds good. Is it made with a spice cake mix? I understand that one of those cookies with 4 chocolate chips is only 1 point for weight watchers. That's the recipe I'm writing down!
Have a good day!
Oh Honey I love these fall pics. Wow I have always dreamed of visiting places like this in the fall. How wonderful that you shared these pictures with us they make me smile.
Thanks honey for such a undersstanding comment you left me but when I think of a happy relationship with their kids and family I always think of you. I almost wished you had not read that post. Silly of me right but you and your family are so close and special. I love reading about you
Love ya
Those cookies look so good. I agree frosting is the way to go. I'll have to make some for my deer hunters!
What a beautiful photo that tree.
Glad to hear that you had a great trip to IL. My old stomping grounds.
I would love to go back there again some day.
I have printed off those yummy recipes. Thanks
I think I am madly, deeply in love with Cougar ;)
Your pup is so precious! I can see why you could not resist going out to play with him. Those treats look very yummy!! Thanks for sharing the recipes. The Fall tree photos are beautiful, it looks like you had a wonderful trip. Looking forward to reading & seeing more about it...:)
Happy Monday!
xoxo Gloria @}~`}~~~
I love the greeting our Bella gives us when we just makes my day.Cougar has missed you for sure! Glad you had a lovely break.Just reading through your past posts and catching up.Sophie looks so adorable on her special day! :o)
I always make cinnamon rolls for our hunting men too....yummy.
You were in Illinois! That's my real home. So cute your pup wanting to play and all those yummy goodies...YAY! Thanks for the recipes:)
Oh I do love a good cinnamon roll - you are a baker extraordinare my friend!!!
And I love your puppy! It is so sweet how much they miss their owners when they are away, isn't it?
Welcome back. Glad you were able to have such a glorious "fall" trip. :)
All I can think is YUMMY...the rolls and the cookies both look and sound delish!! Glad you had a wonderful vacation.
O, you do give us the BESTEST recipes, dear heart.
I love my cookies iced, too, and I sure am going to make these.
xo bj
Beautiful trees in Chicago. My brother and his fam. live there, I sure hope to visit there one day.
I so wish I was your neighbs. So when I smell your baked goods I could just happen to stop by... HA! my mouth is watering and I still have no chocolate and all of these treats look and sound divine. Hugs, Jen
I absolutely love photos like this! Only God can make a tree...
Glad you had a good trip and will look forward to more pics and info about it.
Thanks for sharing the recipes too!
Have a blessed week ~
A friend,Ann, told me to look at your recipes.My last blog was about my love for a good cinnamon roll.The cookies sound great also, so will try both.You have a fun blog!
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