I love this little book too, it has spaces in it to record family
memories and recipes and traditions about our family, and
I have done that. I love to get it out every year and read it,
remembering the great Christmases when our kids were small.
It broke my heart, he was the sweetest cat I have ever had.
He was so kind and so full of love. He was a little wild, stray
kitten that I found. He was hurt and limping on three legs and I
gathered him up and brought him home. His immune system
was not good and it beat him up constantly, he was never really
well. He would get big sores on his body that wouldn't heal because
of allergies. Finally, he was so miserable I took him to the vet and it
was determined that it would be best to put him down. I miss him so
much, he taught me precious lessons about love and faith and life.
had a birthday, turning seven years old.
and you know that made me very happy indeed!
who is now 4 months old and acts like she is
about 6 months old, she is so smart and sweet!
a little angel in our home for Christmas time!
and just stare up at her with such sweet love, touching
her face and trying to share her binky with g- grandma.
Sophia is 4 months old and sits up for long periods of time.
She sat like this for over an hour, tearing open her gifts and
squealing with delight over each gift! What joy she brought
to each of us!
and ours. Everyone seems to love that big chair!
very hard of hearing 97 year old grandmother, honoring
her, and us, with their respect and love given to her. And
in return they are given so much joy because she is such a
fun, chatty grandma. We are all so blessed to still have her.
day and into the evening. Family, the best company there is.
went down to the horse corral, making a game of
jumping from one of the big round bales of hay to
the other, falling a bunch of times but making it
sometimes...never tiring of the challenge or the fun!
them back in because it is so cold, and we
know how boys just never seem to notice!
The fun continues...next post!
I hope you all had a great Christmas too!
The fun continues...next post!
I hope you all had a great Christmas too!
I am sitting here with a warm heart and a smile as I scroll through the sweet family photos of your family and good times. Wonderful family from Sophia to grandmother!
I planned on making your Heavenly Chocolate Cake to take to my brothers the day after Christmas but we had to postpone because of a snow storm. But, I haven't filed the recipe... I want to give it a try soon.
A joy coming by to share your Christmas joy, Julie.
It looks all too familiar!! So glad your Christmas was joyful!! You deserve only the best!!
Looks like you had a very full Christmas! The only kind to have huh!
Happy New Year Julie
It blesses my heart to see such a happy and blessed family enjoying their time together.
Sophia is SO cute!!! She seems very advanced for a 4 month old. Wow!!! Sitting up and so alert.
Hayden is three months and is starting to sit up a little. It is a blessing to have little angels.
God bless you my friend.
I love this post Julie!
You have such a lovely family and that little Sophia is such a doll!
And look at her sitting up already!
And that tartan plaid dress is just so adorable!
Hugs and Happy New Year too,
You & your family know how to enjoy Christmas to the fullest and thanks for sharing such wonderful photos. I'm sorry to hear about little Jack and I know your heart is broken. Thank God he had you and your love for him for the time he did. I look forward to your next post, Julie. Always fun to visit. We sure did enjoy little Riley this Christmas. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
Oh, it looks like you had a wonderful Christmas with the exception of losing your kitty cat. I am sorry for your loss.
I loved each and every one of your photos. I think my fave might be the 97 year old grandma with the baby on her lap. That is just precious. Although you do look very cute in your polka dot sweater and your granddaughter looks cute in her polka dot tutu.
What a wonderful Christmas you had. The presence of the youngest to the oldest only enhancing the special moments. Sophia is so adorable and that tutu is just the cutest. Santa was very good to you all.
what a wonderful christmas!!!! Sophia is sitting up at a young age.. WOW!!!
Your cakes look amazing!
Have a great rest of 2010.
Hi Julie! It certainly looks like a wonderful day at your house! And I agree: family is the best company around!
And I should say that Santa dropped a big load for that little Sophia! What fun, what a little doll - and I love that plaid dress!
Hi Julie,
It looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! Thank you for sharing the photos of your family. Sophia sure enjoyed her first Christmas...she is such a sweetie. I hope you have a very Happy New Year!! :)
I also meant to say I am so sorry about the loss of your sweet kittie. It's always hard to lose our pets, they are such a part of our hearts and lives.
Aww Julie sorry for the decision you had to make on Jack..but he knew you loved him!!
Your Christmas looked wonderful.The tutu is fabulous darling!! So big and fluffy!
What a joy to still have grandma around..what memories she can share with the children.
Those cakes look yummy! Looking forward to seeing some more of your Holidays.
Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Looks like you had a very wonderful family Christmas! Little Sophia is a doll! That really is amazing that she can sit so long already and I love the way she was looking at her great grandma - those moments are so sweet.
Sooooo sorry about you little cat. That is hard to put animals down that you love.
And don't men just look "Hot" in leather jackets!!! Ha Ha All men should have at least one leather jacket - Your honey looks so handsome!
Happy New Year!!
First of all sorry about your kitty. Sometimes making things better for our pets hurt so much.
I love seeing all your family pictures. Looks like you had such a sweet Christmas. That baby does act like she is alot older. The way she sits up and the way she looks at her great grandma is precious.
I bet is is so much fun to come to your house for those little ones. Have a great
New Year.
Julie- I love this post-because family really is what Christmas is meant to be-right after honoring Jesus, of course. Your family is gorgeous and I just love that sweet baby. She is big for four months old and pretty advanced too. She is like our little SweetCheeks-uh-oh...trouble comin'...lol
I am so sorry about your kitty. It is never easy to lose a pet-especially one you feel a deep connection to..at least he is past all pain and suffering..and that is the blessing in the whole thing.
Happy Holidays to you and your precious family- xxoo Diana
Wishing you a happy new year and I'm looking forward to many more inspiring post from you in 2011. A sincere thank you for your inspiration and fun. A great blog.
Oh, Miss Julie- looks like you had quite a Christmas!! Your Grands are so adorable... and I love the pictures of you and your sweet Hubby. Love that jewelry box too- that is gorgeous!
I'm so sorry about Jack- rest in peace, sweet little baby.
I dare bet those grands love going to your house, even if it's not Christmas! I still marvel at all the bundt cakes you made! You're amazing!
So glad you had such a wonderful Christmas!
Julie you have a beautiful family. I love to see all the fun you had. I loved the photo of the children gathered round their Grandmother...touching. I am sad to hear of the loss of your Jack, but he had so much love from you and that is a very good thing. Next year I will have a grandbaby to enjoy! hugs, Linda
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas with your family. Hope your 2011 will be healthy and happy. Mimi
Julie, sorry to hear about your cat.
I so enjoyed seeing the pictures of your family Christmas. Thanks for sharing.
Fantastic photos of you and your family!! Those Bundt cakes look divine!!!
What a grand old time you had there! How wonderful that your grandchildren get to know their great grandmother. Wonderful!!
Hi Julie
First I want to say how sorry I am to hear about Jack.
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas with your family.
Your kids are all so cute. I really like that photo of gd and g-grandma. What a wonderful memory that will be for you all.
Have a blessed day.
Thanks for sharing your Christmas with your family!!! Great photos and family fun!! Your granddaughter is so stinkin' adorable!!
Glad you had a great Christmas!!
Oh what a lovely Christmas Julie!!
Lots of love and joy and laughter with your family!
Your photos tell the story well...
Love, joy and peace to you dear friend as you continue to enjoy the holidays!
Deborah xoxo
Julie..so sorry to hear about your poor kitty cat passing.. I have 2 cats that i just love and just dont know what i will do when their time comes..but all in all it looks like you had a wonderful christmas holiday, the pictures are awesome... and girlfriend.. I want to order one of you chocolate bundt cakes..they look so yummy :)
Well blessing for you new year to come..and i will be stopping back in to say Hi real soon..
God Bless
Happy celebrating on December 31th, sweet Julie. Enjoy your gorgeous family!
And all my best wishes for a wonderful 2011, I am looking forward to a whole new year popping by your lovely little corner in the world! xxxx
I still think I need to give you my address for one of those cakes!
You know what I love about you? Your absolute love for your family....
LOVE all the photos! I cannot believe that Miss Sophia is sitting up at 4 months. She is going to be a busy little girl ~ lots of things to see and do. :-) It's heartwarming to see several generations gathered to enjoy this special day. Glad you had such a fun time too!
P.S. I'm very sorry about Jack. It is difficult to lose a fur baby...they are so full of love and acceptance. My heart goes out to you.
Hi Julie I am so sorry to hear about your fav kitty. That is so sad, but glad to hear it is not suffering anymore.
Looks like your christmas was fantastic! the family is gorgeous and your neighbors are lucky to have the chocolate bundt cake.
Wonderful Christmas photos. Happy New Year! Big hugs
So enjoyed your beautiful family & pictures of your celebrating Christmas. I love the children frolicking ... & the wee ones so wide eyed.
My heart goes out to you for your loss of your precious Jack. I so love cats & have had many ... they are so loyal & loving.
Have a beautiful & joyful NEW YEAR, Julie.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
I am Joel's daughter in law Andrea. I am sorry to hear about your cat (eventhough I am not a cat person)I will be sad the day that my dogs pass too. that dress of sophies how darling.
That sweet baby is so darling!
Looks like a house full bursting with love!
Beautiful grandchildren and WHAT AN AWESOME picture of great grandmother!
Happy New Year to you!
So sorry about your kitty, Jack, Julie! It looks like you had a nice gathering~great pics!
So glad that you had a wonderful Christmas!
I'm sorry about your kitty Jack. He certainly was one loved kitty!
Hope you have a great weekend, and stay warm.
We are getting hammered with snow. It will take until June to dig out :)
looks like a very merry Christmas was had by all at your home. sorry about jack. it wonderful that you made his life so great and comfortable. going from stray to a family and nice home-priceless! have a happy new year.
Oh Julie, so glad I stopped by for a visit and I think I'll stay. You know you showed us some true blessings in your life; your family, love and laughter with plenty to give away!
Thank you for sharing and Happy New Year!
What a wonderful family Christmas! Like your family we cherish our times together and have so much fun! There is nothing any better then family as far as I am concerned! Family and extended family as DIL's family has become one with ours for which I feel very blessed. Your little granddaughter is VERY smart to be sitting up at such a young age, she does look like she is at least six months old. Wonderful pictures of her with her G-grandmother! My FIL is 94 and is still as sharp as a tack! We too feel so blessed to still have him and my parents are 87 and 88 and in good health. Right now they are enjoying the sunny south as Dad doesn't like the cold any more!
Wonderful post, am looking forward to more!
So sorry to hear of the loss of your dear kitty. Having gone down that road numerous times I know the pain in your heart. Please be comforted in the knowledge that you gave him many happy years that he would not have had if you hadn't taken him into your loving home! xoxo
Julie oh how wonderful to have such a memorable heart warming Christmas together. I am always happy to see photos of your home and family. You all have a very lovely bond and it shows with the love in your hearts in each and every photo. The dogs are just too cute lounging!
I'm so sorry about precious Jack. I understand the pain of losing a special pet. I'm sending you a hug right now.
Thank you for your kind words on *me* and on my new year goals. I am definitely focusing on my good health for 2011. Being a certain small size and weight can be self absorbing in this society of ours. We do tend to pick ourselves apart as women. I'm trying hard to focus on how far I have come and being the healthiest I can be for the long term.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Warmly, ~Melissa :)
Looks like a wonderful Christmas time, Julie! Such lovely photos of a lovely family...
Wishing you and yours a very happy and healthy 2011, my friend!
May your New Year be filled with many Blessings and abundances of Joy for 2011. From my mountain to yours, Until next year
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
Family and friends is what it's all about while celebrating Jesus! A joyous time....so sorry you lost your kitty but thnak you for trying to save him.
Blessings to you in the new year, may there be many!
Oh! Julie, my heart just melts with joy when I visit your home,I was so blessed by all of your photos ,your love for the Lord, and your family shines forth like a beacon of light for all to see. Little Sophia and her great grandmother bonding is priceless.Thanks for always encouraging us to know how important our faith and family is.
Praying for many continued blessings on you and your family this new year.
Hugs, Sue
Merry Christmas! I love all your photos. So sorry about your stray cat. Those little eyes in the photo look very tired=0(
Looks like everyone had such a wonderful Christmas. Those chocolate bundt cakes looked gorgeous and I'm sure they were very tasty!
We have been busy with the little ones over here and not much time to take many photos=0( We did have a nice Christmas...all enjoyed!
Happy New Year!
Thank you for sharing all your family photos. As I looked through your photos I could feel the joy and happiness you all share - you're so blessed.
Have a wonderful 2011.
What a beautiful family post! How wonderful that you got to have your grandbaby (and all of your family) there with you on Christmas morning. It is such a joy to celebrate firsts with them! She is such a doll, and does look so happy all the time! I am amazed she is sitting up already...wow!!!
A whole bunch of love going on here. Such a nice post! Thanks for sharing.
I also love Donna Green's books (I have a couple of her books). Her artwork is such an inpiration to me!! :)
XOXO Gloria
I am sorry to hear about your sweet cat, Jack. It is so hard losing a beloved pet.
((((Julie)))) hugs of comfort for you.
XOXO Gloria
Oh my goodness -- Christmas looks like fun at your house! I have to say that one photo of little Sophia looking up at her great grandma is such a beautiful photo! Just love it! I'm just wondering if you could adopt me as a sister! ;o)
Such fun times with the Family. You are truly blessed! I got a jewelry box similar to that from my kids this year.. It was exactly what I needed!
Hi Julie!
Thought I'd comment on the blog book post here!
What a super idea! What website did your daughter use for printing her blog book? It's just beautiful!
You have quiet a lovely family... It must be difficult to choose photos, they're all so beautiful!
*blessings to you always*
I'm enjoying your blog so much,, its wonderful seeing your life and family,, so far removed from mine here in Northern Ontario,, its amazing,,
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