It's a cheerful book full of great ideas that will bring you and
those around you happiness, and help to make your world a
happier place to live in.
He teaches us to always obey those warm hearted impulses
when they come into our hearts. And tells us that if what we
have to give may be just warmth of heart, that is enough. If
we think of our heart rather than our purse as the reservoir
of our giving, we shall find it full all the time!
He teaches that it takes bigness of spirit to praise the great
and the successful, instead of envying them. And he quotes
George Matthew Adams who said; "He who praises another
enriches himself far more than he does the one praised. To
praise is an investment in happiness...The poorest human
being has something to give that the richest could not buy."
He says that more than anything else, the world needs the
healing influence of a great surge of simple thoughtfulness
and kindheartedness. Such a surge is beyond the power of
the world's rulers. It must start with US, as individuals.
One thing is for certain: When we set out to give ourselves
away, fully and freely. our hearts make direct connection
with that great central source of light and power, God, the
giver of all good things.
I hope you can get your hands on this little book and take it
into your heart, it has changed my heart and it fits hand in
hand with the scriptures that teach us the same thing.
I am making candy today...the easiest candy there is!
He says that more than anything else, the world needs the
healing influence of a great surge of simple thoughtfulness
and kindheartedness. Such a surge is beyond the power of
the world's rulers. It must start with US, as individuals.
One thing is for certain: When we set out to give ourselves
away, fully and freely. our hearts make direct connection
with that great central source of light and power, God, the
giver of all good things.
I hope you can get your hands on this little book and take it
into your heart, it has changed my heart and it fits hand in
hand with the scriptures that teach us the same thing.
I am making candy today...the easiest candy there is!

Stir together:
1 (lb.) box of powdered sugar
1/2 cup of baking cocoa
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 cup of milk
1 T. vanilla
Stir together in a 1 quart dish,
Top with 1/2 cup butter.
Microwave 2 min. Stir til smooth
Blend in 1 cup chopped nuts
Pour onto wax paper lined 8x8 pan
Delicious and it could not be easier!

In a micro-safe bowl combine:
1 cup butter
2 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1 (14oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
Cover loosely with parchment or wax paper.
Microwave for 4 to 5 min. or until butter starts
to melt. Now, whisk to combine. Microwave for
4 to 5 min. more. Whisk well. Now do it again for
4-5 min. then whisk again.
Now add the Vanilla.
Also at this point you can add:
nuts, I added 1 c. sliced cashews.
Our caramel into a pan that has been buttered.
Chill for 1 1/2 hours or til just firm. Use a buttered
knife to cut into 1 " squares.
You can wrap each piece in waxed paper squares
or place in candy cups to give or serve. Store at
room temp. for up to 2 weeks. Makes about
50-60 pieces. SO GOOD!
daughters and DIL's for Christmas. They were so easy!
Just cut two 4" pieces of fleece from a 64" wide
piece of material, sew them together at one end.
Then sew a regular stitch, right up the middle of that
long strip, pushing the fleece forward. It will sew gathered,
if you want more gather, sew up the strip again, doing the
same thing. It gets twisty as you do this. So easy and so cute!
Just cut two 4" pieces of fleece from a 64" wide
piece of material, sew them together at one end.
Then sew a regular stitch, right up the middle of that
long strip, pushing the fleece forward. It will sew gathered,
if you want more gather, sew up the strip again, doing the
same thing. It gets twisty as you do this. So easy and so cute!
I got this great idea from a friend who is so very creative!
From the blog..Just Another Hang Up...She is such an
inspiration to me.
for all my neighbors..20 of them...And several of you wanted
the recipe so here it is! It makes a lovely neighbor gift, I do 3
at a time in my oven...they are SO GOOD. Have fun making it!
1 chocolate cake mix
4 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1/4 cup of baking cocoa
1 cup water
1 small pkg. instant
chocolate pudding.
Mix all of this together,
for 4 minutes. Pour into
a well greased and floured
Bundt pan. (I just use Pam
spray to grease pan)
Bake for 45 minutes in a
350' oven. Take out and
cool for 15 minutes in bundt
pan, then tip out onto a nice
plate if giving as a gift or serving.
Cool for 30- 45 minutes
(Glaze when the cake is still
slightly warm.)
1 cup powdered sugar
2 T. soft butter
1 to 1 1/2 T. Milk,
(or lemon or orange if you
prefer a flavored glaze)
Mix together and pour over cake.
You can also decorate cake
with seasonal sprinkles, nuts, or
crushed candy canes etc.
Sometimes I fill the center hole of
the bundt cake with candy etc. before
I wrap them up. I get the cellophane wrap
at Walmart.
Have fun my friends! This might be my last post until after Christmas,
So I just wanted to again, send each of you all my love and THANK YOU
for your friendship and sweet kindness given to me this past year. It has
meant so much to me! Love you all...MERRY CHRISTMAS! :D
1 chocolate cake mix
4 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1/4 cup of baking cocoa
1 cup water
1 small pkg. instant
chocolate pudding.
Mix all of this together,
for 4 minutes. Pour into
a well greased and floured
Bundt pan. (I just use Pam
spray to grease pan)
Bake for 45 minutes in a
350' oven. Take out and
cool for 15 minutes in bundt
pan, then tip out onto a nice
plate if giving as a gift or serving.
Cool for 30- 45 minutes
(Glaze when the cake is still
slightly warm.)
1 cup powdered sugar
2 T. soft butter
1 to 1 1/2 T. Milk,
(or lemon or orange if you
prefer a flavored glaze)
Mix together and pour over cake.
You can also decorate cake
with seasonal sprinkles, nuts, or
crushed candy canes etc.
Sometimes I fill the center hole of
the bundt cake with candy etc. before
I wrap them up. I get the cellophane wrap
at Walmart.
Have fun my friends! This might be my last post until after Christmas,
So I just wanted to again, send each of you all my love and THANK YOU
for your friendship and sweet kindness given to me this past year. It has
meant so much to me! Love you all...MERRY CHRISTMAS! :D
WOO HOO thank you SOOO much for the chocolate cake recipe. and my daughter likes to make the microwave fudge, as well as peppermint fudge over the burner. I shall have to add the caramel to it! YUMMY...Oh my where is my waistline going....(NOT DOWN- that's for sure.) willpower willpower Just one taste just one taste...:-) Have a VERY VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS my dear bloggy sister who shares my name. Julie -which carries with it the meaning of joy and Youthfulness...Bet you knew that. (gave my daughter Kat her middle name of Julianne just to pass it down) :-) Hugs and Hugs...
Oh, Julie! Your scarves and your recipes are wonderful! Busy girl showing love in everything you do! Thanks for sharing! If you don't post again until Christmas, please accept my wishes for a delightful time to you and you precious family!
Julie, I have the house to myself this evening and would love to try making this fudge.. I have a large back of confection sugar-- do you think thats 2 boxes?? I have everything else I need..
thank you for sharing this recipe and I will try to find the answer to the sugar issue online , just in case you dont see this tonight..
Julie I have never given out my address to a stranger nor do I have it listed on my blog as public knowledge. I don't believe having our emails listed is a way to find a home address. I have no idea how they found it?.?. That is not the only reason I have been thinking. After two years I have blogged about all I can think of. I sure do enjoy the lovely friends I have made along the way. Thank you for your kindness.
Blessings to you and your family.
I haven't heard of the book but it sounds like a great philosophy to live by. I love to give. It always blesses me more than the receiver. Can you believe I have this cake recipe laying out and was just about to start on it? Haven't tried it before. Thanks for the idea of putting the Christmas sprinkles on! Hope my turns out as pretty as yours!
I always have the best time visiting your blog Julie. Such pretty scarves and oh, I love caramels better than anything! Thanks so much for the recipes. I wish you and your entire family a blessed Christmas.
Oh my hecka, can I come to your house and eat all of your yummies! I'm drooling reading this post!! I might just have to go make some of that fudge!!
Julie I haven't known you long but you always fill my heart with such a warmth for you. I wish I could just pop in and get in the kitchen with you, share coffee and talk and pet the dogs. The first part of this post touched my heart so tenderly as I think of how much my daughter has done for me. She has given everything to come and help me. What a great love that is!
All the goodies sound so good. We haven't done any baking nobody wants to gain weight. It's fun to watch what your fixing and talk about ambitious!! Baking for your neighbors! It doesn't look like you have any. I thought you were way out in a private place. Thank you so much for sharing your love and humor all year long. You have a sweet gentle spirit and the gift of encouragement. I never fail to leave here more uplifted than when I came. You are precious! Enjoy your wonderful, huge family full of beautiful babies, daughters, sons and your husband that you love so much. That is what Christmas is all about. Christmas at your house would be full of joy without any packages at all, and that is awesome!
Julie well don't I feel silly. HE! Come back by and read my update on the strange *gift*.
The fudge and the book both sound divine. Yum! Your blog recipes are some of the best in blog land. *Smiles*
I have so enjoyed getting ready along with you for Christmas. You are always making something wonderful and your baking has always looked delicious. I know you will have a wonderful Christmas with your large family and all the grand-kids. I am really looking forward to celebrating with my little grand-daughter, Riley. Have a very Merry Christmas, Julie and God Bless. Love & Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
I can't wait to try the fudge recipe. I've never been able to make fudge that sets up. You are still my inspiration for many holiday activities. Merriest of Christmases to you and your family.
Julie you look ready for Christmas. I am going to try some of your recipes for sure. This coming week is all about the baking! Love those scarfs! Have a wonderful week and a very Merry Christmas! hugs, Linda
You must have memorized that book because it fits you to a T! You're so warm, friendly, loving and filled with the spirit. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
Thanks again for sharing your recipes and love with all of us! are working so hard dear friend! What lovlies. That book sounds as though you could have written it :)
CHRISTmas Blessings!
Oh my goodness girlie. Leave it to you to make my mouth water! And that book sounds really good too. Great give-away.
You make want to go back and look at my latest post again. I posted it before I wrote it! How does that happen??
I think I may have gained 10 pounds reading this post. the fudge, caramels and again the bundt cake. all looks delicious.
Those are really nice scarves i'm sure they will love them. better yet because they are hand made
sounds like a very good book. I'll have to look for it
Have a joyous Christmas with your family Julie! :)
YAY ! Thank you for the recipe ! LOVE the small scarves ! such a good idea ! My brain is on scarves mode right now but i need time to make them !
Great book !! Super cool !
Big hugs !
Ooooo, the fudge and caramels look so tasty! :)
Hi Julie!
Yes, I must get my hands on that book! Sounds very inspiring and uplifting. A feel good kind of book. :) Thank you soooo much for all the recipes! I will be making them and printing them out to put into my cookbook!!!! The scarfs are darling and the girls will love them. I am making a lot of my own gifts to and it sure feels good to do so! Thank you for another year of blogging!!! You sure brighten my day!
Merry Christmas sweetie!
Everything looks wonderful today, Julie--wonderful ideas, wonderful book, WONDERFUL recipes!
Thanks for all you share, my friend! Hope you're having the most beautiful weekend...
Hi, Julie,
This sounds like a wonderful book with some terrific messages for us all. Thank you for sharing and also for sharing your delicious recipes. I want to take this opportunity to tell you I appreciate your sweet spirit and also wish you and your family the merriest of Christmases. Love and blessings~ Vicki
Your scarves are so sweet, and I want to make some of that microwave fudge. Will it work without nuts? I have a couple of kids with nut allergies.
Now that sounds perfect! A good book + homemade fudge = loveless!
Those scarves are awesome, I need to know how to make those!!
Have a Merry Christmas!
So much goodness here today Julie! Love it all and I love you! Thanks for all that you share with us throughout the year. xxoo
Wow! That fudge looks amazing, and idiot-proof, lol! :)
i only found your blog
a few months ago but
you have brought such
fun and warmth to my
computer screen
your thoughts and words
of kindness are such a
blessing ~ you are truly
a Child of God
enjoying all your photos
and recipes
wishing you and yours
a very merry CHRISTmas
Yummy recipes!!
Those thoughts are beautiful Julie..very true.
Have the most blessed Christmas my sweet friend!
May you be filled with joy as you celebrate the birth of Emmanuel, God with us.
Love, love, love,
Deborah xoxoxo
Hi Mz. Julieness! Sounds like a good book, I haven't heard of it before. Your scarves are so beautiful and that candy. Lord, have mercy. I loved your gingerbread men recipe so I know I'm going to have to try these too!
Hope you have a beautiful Sunday, sweet friend.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Thanks for the Bundt Cake recipe Julie! I look forward to making it this week for a special friend.
Hope you have a great and wonderful week!
The Tattered Tassel
What a beautiful life you have created. I have my first grandson, Sam who is 7 months old. I can't even imagine 20 heart would burst with all that love. Happy Jolly Winter to you.
Thanks for sharing the caramel recipe. Scarves are pretty. Is that a couple rows of gathering stitches?
Thanks so much for the recipes! I make a similar recipe for chocolate cake, but your bundt pan makes it look so special. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Blessings for the New Year too!
Merry Christmas to you and your family Julie!
The Tattered Tassel
You always have such lovely posts Julie!
Thanks for the recipe it looks so good!
And those scarves are wonderful!
Your Daughters and DIL's will love them.
You really are an amazing woman!
Thanks for the inspiration and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Mmm...The Mister loves carmels! I must make those for him this week! :) thank you!
We are making that caramel tonight! Thanks so much for the recipe. Also, those scarves are adorable. I've got to try to figure it out! I'm going to go back and read it again...
Julie, you are just filled with the goodness of the season and its oozes from all of your festive and fun ideas! Such simple and clever ideas, perfect for gift giving :) The candy would be such a big hit and I love the fact it doesn't require tempering and candy thermometers! Thanks for sharing...
Wow my have been busy...those scaves are amazing. What a blessing you are!
Hugs for a JOYful week....xoxoxo
You are one busy lady! Wow! You are making candy. It looks delicious.
Thanks for the book recommendation. I will see if Barnes and Noble has it. Hope so!
Have a blessed day.
Ladybug Creek
Hi Julie! How did I know you'd be baking? lol:) Thanks for sharing the recipes and that book looks like a keeper, I'll be on the look out for it! After spending some time Christmas shopping yesterday around some grumpy people, it sounds perfect:)
Have a great week!
I love Caramel. I want to thank you for sharing it. It does sound so easy.
I have not heard of that book, but it does sound like it is full of inspiration.
You sure a busy lady with all that baking and sewing. Those scarfs for the girls are beautiful.
Have a blessed week.
Lovely post, Julie! YOU have been busy. I am so far behind this year..My Fibromyalgia has just been in full swing this blessed season.
Love the cake recipe! I may take this with me to Ohio and Mom and I will partake in your recipe :)
xo, misha
These look absolutely delicious!!
I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Many Blessings,
Dear Friend: You've given me all sorts of inspiration for Christmas 2011. I can hardly wait...oh wait, I have to enjoy 2010 first...and I will for sure. I think I'll make a practice scarf soon though. Merry Christmas "sister".
I love love your scarves, such a great idea to give all your sweet peas one. Looking oh so great hanging happy next to each other!
Have never tried the candy, perhaps I should.
Enjoy this last week before Christmastime, Julie. xxx
Julie~ I'm making this cake tonight! I had the recipe saved from when you posted it before. I'm making a few for last minute gifts as well...Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Julie, I wish you a very, very blessed Christmas. Thank you for all the wonderful recipes and for the book tip! Sounds like something really inspiring! Best of all to you and yours ~ Tanna
Oh Julie, you know how much I love your fudge recipe...I can almost smell that sweet yummy goodness from here in Australia! I am going to have to try the cake now-it looks delicious!
Thanks for the info on that book. I haven't heard of it before but it sounds really interesting.
I hope that you and your beautiful family have a very Merry Christmas and a happy 2011! Enjoy all the happiness and joy that this blessed season brings.
Best wishes always,
Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes! Merry Christmas to YOU and YOUR FAMILY!
Special thanks to your friendship and kindness shown each time you visit! I adore you!
Love, Brenda
Oh Julie, I am so grateful for your recipes. I'm serious! I needed something simple to make and those caramels have my mouth watering and I'm so enthused that you can use a microwave to make them. I'm going to give them and the bundt cake a shot. Thank you heaps for sharing. Have a Merry Christmas---I hope you treasure the day.
So nice to stop by and see what Julie has been up to...all things good and yummy!
You're a joy to us with whom you share your beautiful life with, thank you so much dear sister!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes. They look amazing. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Julie! Enjoying a little white Christmas ourselves herein Provo. It truly is beautiful!
Lots of love,
I am so very behind in blogworld, hello! I have missed you. Love your ideas, words and sparkle. Thank you for the up lifting words about my grandfather, I think of him often and I am truly happy for him to return home. Happy Merry Christmas to all the Hawards, hope to visit lots more in 2011!
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