Combine in a sauce pan;
36 large marshmallows
1/2 cup butter
2 tsp. green food coloring
1 tsp. almond extract
Cook and stir over low heat until
marshmallows are all melted and it's
all blended nicely. Remove and gently
stir in 4 cups cornflakes, stir til well coated.
Drop by tablespoons onto wax paper. Using
a 3" Christmas tree cookie cutter, shape trees.
Add red hots for decorations, press a cut
Tootsie roll for the tree trunk. Makes 2 doz.
that goes on here at our place every afternoon, and I finally got it!
The horse on your left is Mr. Red, the previous horse we had grew up
with Red and they had this same game going on everyday too. Here is
how it goes. Red gets a thick stick, about 10 inches long and he gives it
to the other horse. That would be Jeff, at first as Jeff came on the place,
he had no idea what the heck Mr. Red was trying to get him to do! He
finally caught on as Mr. Red forced him to do it!
Red pushes the stick to Jeff's mouth, Jeff tries to run off but Red heads
him off and herds him to stand still. He then pushes the stick to Jeff's
mouth and makes him take it in his teeth. Now the fun begins as they
have a great tug-a-war with the stick! This goes on for a good hour and
it happens everyday!
The horse on your left is Mr. Red, the previous horse we had grew up
with Red and they had this same game going on everyday too. Here is
how it goes. Red gets a thick stick, about 10 inches long and he gives it
to the other horse. That would be Jeff, at first as Jeff came on the place,
he had no idea what the heck Mr. Red was trying to get him to do! He
finally caught on as Mr. Red forced him to do it!
Red pushes the stick to Jeff's mouth, Jeff tries to run off but Red heads
him off and herds him to stand still. He then pushes the stick to Jeff's
mouth and makes him take it in his teeth. Now the fun begins as they
have a great tug-a-war with the stick! This goes on for a good hour and
it happens everyday!
Mr. Red yanks it away so Jeff can't reach it! Jeff tries over
and over to get it with Red keeping it from him !
They are really serious about this and have quite the tug a war!
and won't let Jeff get it again and just when Jeff was getting
good at it too!
any longer! I have not seen horses do this before, like I said it goes
on everyday, and sometimes Red will find a part of an old hose and
it gets played with. The horse Red grew up with was a big beautiful
black horse. When this horse died, Red grieved something awful and
when Jeff came, he didn't want anything to do with him. one day I saw
him trying to teach Jeff this game and I knew that he had now finally
excepted him as a friend, but now he was the boss horse and Jeff finally
learned the game! They are now best friends and we love them, they are
the best horses to ride! Never a worry about bad behavior from either one.
We had been gone for a couple of days and when we got home,
I got out of the car and was throwing Cougar's ball for him, it
must have fallen out of my pocket because a few days later,
after looking everywhere, we found it out on the lawn all chewed
up! I think he was trying to text me don't you? LOL Good thing
my 2 year contract was up, it allowed me to get a new one!
I am just sure I saw him on my porch the other night!
window as the sun sets and it's just so pretty every night!
NY Times dance editor Alastair Macauly, made a trip all
over the country judging ballet companies and he said;
"Utah's Ballet West's Nutcracker, is the oldest in the country
and the best production I have seen, it is the best discovery
of my Nutcracker marathon!"
They are double chocolate bundt cakes, they are
fairly quick and they taste awesome! I love to
make them every year.
and read good Christmas books together. I love this most
of all...nothing like a cup of hot chocolate and a plate of
goodies and some books and blankets and loved ones!
The story, A Christmas Dress For Ellen, was written
about a relative, she was a cousin of mine.
The story, A Christmas Dress For Ellen, was written
about a relative, she was a cousin of mine.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my sweet friends...have the
best Christmas ever this year, and remember what the
REASON FOR THE SEASON IS... and then, Christmas
will be full of JOY and PEACE.
will be full of JOY and PEACE.
Those tree cookies are precious. The horse pics are beautiful as is your tree. I am so sorry about your phone. HA!
Can I be your neighbor... HOlY COW what a great neighbor gift. I want one. ;(
I adore Christmas books and Cry everytime I read "A Christmas Dress for Emily!" a fav. XO jen
What a beautiful post. I love the story and the pictures of your horses. How incredible their game is. It must be fun to watch. So funny that Jeff gets mad. Your tree is so pretty next to that wonderful view. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family.
Even your horses are amazing Julie! I just love it! What great pics, they should be on Animal Planet or something like that!
Your tree is so pretty!
And look at all the baking you do!
Just amazing!
Hugs Friend,
I love the pictures of Red and Jeff playing together! We have 2 young colts in our pasture right now and I love to watch them gallop around together.
I am partial to the horse name Jeff also, as when I was growing up my Aunt had a horse named Jeff. She rode him in parades and we loved to watch them.
Twenty cakes! Wow! What a loving neighbor you are. They look delicious too. :0)
Have a blessed CHRISTmas, Julie to both you and yours. :0)
What a wonderful horse story! I loved it....
Hi Julie! OH, those are some cute little cookies! I am going to make your recipe for the gingerbread cookies - I have the dough getting all cold in the fridge and I'll bake them tomorrow. Yours were so cute and sounded so easy to do.
Your horses are so beautiful and I've so enjoyed seeing them at play.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
No Bake sounds so good at this busy time of year! Thanks for sharing, I'm going to try this out with the kiddos.
We just read the Little Match Girl two nights ago. Kills me every time!...in a good way.
Great post- enjoyed every bit!
Julie, I love how your posts are always so fun~! The horses are so cool! The tootsie roll for the trunk! I need to make these this weekend!
I am jealous of your neighbors! Those cakes look so wonderful all lined up!
Have a pretty day!
I want to be your neighbor so you can bring me a bundt cake! Yummy
Our neighbors on both sides have several horses and they can be quite comical to watch as they play and generally try to irritate each other!
Your home looks warm, cozy and ready for Christmas. Sandra
I've seen the wreaths but never the tree cookies! Love them! Funny how your horses play like that. You are one sweet neighbor! Those cakes look so pretty! Your tree is gorgeous! You really are ready for Christmas. Have a merry one!
Wow! What a great neighbor you are! Bless you for baking your heart out...:)They look delicious! Your tree cookies are very cute too.
Your horses are adorable! What a joy that must be to be able to see them interact with each other like this on a daily basis. I don't have one, I do think they are such beautiful creatures though. How blessed you are to have them!
Your books look like great family-time reads! I agree with you that there is nothing like cuddling up together and reading books to your loved ones. Wonderful bonding time!
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones...
xoxo Gloria
Julie, I loved seeing the pictures of the horses playing their game!
Your tree cookies are cute! I would love to be your neighbor too for one of those pretty cakes. But also just be around the beautiful landscape out there!
The pictures of the horses playing are so cute. Never seen anything like it. Would you share the double chocolate bundt cake recipe?
Very cute cookies! Love the photos of the horses and those cakes you bake for friends and neighbors...wow! I am ready for Santa also. I love books and can't wait to have books to read to my new grandson next year!
I'll send you my address for one of those cakes......hehehe.
Everything in your house looks scrumptious!
I realized when you were showing your decorations and some of your ideas that it was a year ago I discovered you! You showcased your house last year and I was so delighted to look around.
I have enjoyed myself here ever since!
Merry Christmas to you!
Dear Julie, wishing the beautiful Harward family a very happy christmas time plenty of Love, Peace and Joy.
I love watching the antics of our farm animals. All those books look fantastic. I am still reading a Christmas book to my littles each night. We read a Charlie Brown one tonite.
I want to be your neighbor! Adorable cookies but those cakes, yummy!! That's so awesome about your horses. It's amazing how they "play."
I love the horse story Julie. I'll tell my dad and he will get tears in his eyes. He has had many horses and has spent hours watching them too. Love your books. The cell phone story is a killer. Glad you got a new one.
big hugs
OH my what a great post. Everything! I am going to share the horses story with my sister as she has some and teaches riding. She will love it. And thanks for all the wonderful Xmas recipes.
You wouldn't want to share the chocolate cake one....WOULD YOU???? My 16 year old would just love it. :-) :-) Thanks for all the good stuff to read about. Cougar is a hoot. Silly Dawg.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. And I Love your beautiful tree...Thanks for your blog. A pleasure to come and sit with you and see what's going on out in Utah... :-) Hugs...
I am new to your blog and luv it. I heart your house!!!! I would luv the recipe for the bundt cakes. . anything with chocolate is good.
Wow you have been so busy....I love the bunt cakes!
OK, I don't know where to start! First I saw you over at Garden of Egan's blog...I'm sorta blog hopping.
Then I read your post and when I saw your horses I was overjoyed!! I'm a horse lovin mama too!! My husband and I have two horses and we love them to death...
I love your collection of Christmas books, I've been collecting them for some time now but unfortunately I haven't any grandchildren...Boys are still in college..Patience, patience I keep telling myself..
Anyway, I'm glad I found you, hope you don't mind if I follow along.
If you visit me, check out my post Dashing through the snow...You can see our horses!!
Looks like a fun game for the horsin' around!
You're so good to make a full bundt cake for your neighbors! I'm sure they love it...and you!
Glad you're ready for Christmas. I still have 3 weeks worth of things to do! Yikes!
Hi Julie!
I'm up really late with a tummy bug... not bad though... I fell asleep for hours and now can't get back ~ so I'm visiting friends ♥
I just love horses ...and used to dream of having them. Maybe someday*
I remember your chocolate bundt cakes from last year. It's such a pretty package! *Wishing I lived next door* I'll bet they're delicious!
I make my Swedish tea rings {a Betty Crocker recipe} I have to find that great food wrap plastic. I never think of it until the last minute. Where do you get yours?
I smiled when I saw your phone and was happy that you could get a new one! My daughter's are always getting chewed by her dogs! They're better about it now, thank goodness!
Hope you're having merry and bright days, Julie. Many blessings,
Love everything here today Julie, the horses, the cookies, those fabulous cakes (wish I was YOUR neighbour!), the story books,and that sweet tale about your dog texting you. How funny! Happy Christmas!
Hi Julie,I love your pictures of Red and Jeff. Horses only play like that when they are best mates!Your Christmas cookies look delicious!
I have read and re-read this post several times and enjoyed all the pictures and creative ideas Julie. The horses are magnificent and that is such a cute game they play!
I am really enjoying the winter and holiday season, through your eyes! Always a delight to visit your blog. Such good ideas, inspiration and information. Your love and tender heart, can be felt within your words and pictures.
I so love the "horsin around game". Red and Jeff are really something.Glad you posted their story and their exceptional game. That is really something.
Hope you continue to enjoy each and every day. xo
I love the story of Mr. Red and Jeff! That is amazing and I'm sure it is a joy to watch them everyday. One of God's many blessings! Your house if FULL of Christmas, Julie. The cookies and cakes look delicious! Have a wonderful week!
Julie, you are always so busy and yet you make time to visit Ladybug Creek. Thank you!
My goodness, you are busy. So funny.. my husband and I went to a party the other night and saw little wreaths made with the recipe you posted. If I can find gluten-free corn flakes for my granddaughter I will make these for her.
Your horses are amazing. I never knew they could have personalities like yours do. Cute!!
The cell phone... Wow!
Take care and take a few minutes off for yourself.
Ladybug Creek
That is such a sweet story about your horses. I love that the older horse is teaching his new friend to play the game he loves!
Your tree cookies are adorable and I bet the little ones in your life will LOVE those. I wish I was your neighbor! Your chocolate bundt cakes look delicious and so festive iced and wrapped.
Merry Christmas to you, Julie!
Julie.. those little trees are so sweet.. I must give them a try.. I also love your festive bundt cakes.. Makes me wish I was part of your family:)
I loved seeing the ballet photos. what a great experience it must be to see them in person..
Thanks for visiting me. I always love seeing your smiling face..
Holiday Hugs and Blessed Wishes for you and your family..
Those horses and their game is the cutest thing.
Your cakes look delicious and so festive.
hugs, bj
Love the cookie recipe. I haven't seen that one. It's a keeper.
I always love all your pictures. they make me happy.
Merry Christmas.
I bet that is a cute game to watch between your horses.
Your cakes sure do look inviting.
Sorry to see that your phone is now a chew toy.
Have a great day.
You are the sweetest neighbor. Great horse shots and those Christmas tree cookies reminds me of my visits to my grandmother's when I was a young child. She made those and sugar cookies every year.
That is a riot how the horses play!!! Great story! Thanks so much for stopping by! The cookies look delish too!!!! NO BAKE sure works for me!!! XO, Pinky
I love the horse story...they are so funny and most people don't realize what a personality they have. I miss having horses and hope to remedy that in a couple years. Your tree is gorgeous...love the look of those bundt cakes. Lucky neighbors. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Oh your poor cell phone! My Golden puts just every little thing in his mouth. I always have to watch him carefully when we go for walks.
The tree cookies are so cute and so easy! Loved the horse photos and story.
Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hi Julie! I made your recipe for the gingerbread cookies and they are wonderful! You may want to pop over to my blog as I've mentioned you today.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh my goodness Julie! You must work from sun up to sun down to get all that you get DONE! Once again, a darling treat to share! I haven't seen those trees in years and now I for sure want to make some! (20 bundt cakes???? You're amazing!)
I LOVE that story about your horses! How fun to witness something like that! The friendship in the making - the game playing ... love that!
Julie, you always have the neatest (and yummiest!) recipes on here!! Those little Christmas trees are the cutest things ever!
I love the game Mr. Red and Jeff play... *giggle* that is too cute.
So sorry about your phone- but it happened just in time to get a new one!! *wink*
Julie, you captured the 'boys' beautifully playing. I've never seen such playfulness ... adorable. I could watch them forever. They are both gorgeous horses.
Your cakes look deelish.
Have a lovely winter's day ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Merry Christmas Julie. Your decorations look lovely...isn't this just a fabulous time of year?
Another beautiful post, sweet Julie. I do love to cuddle up with my sweetpeas and sweetheart, Christmas songs in the background, a good read and just being together gathered around the Christmas tree.
Have a lovely merry happy Advent season and Christmas time, my friend xxxx
your tree cookies are so pretty. almost too pretty to eat :)
Love the story about Mr Red and Jeff, that must be something to watch them. How funny and entertaining.
Utahs Ballet West is the very best. My LuLu is so lucky to dance with Christiana and Christoper- they are beautiful- I love that they are married and dance together.
I love the pictures with your horses- a dream of mine!
I'm so glad that Red has found a new friend again, someone to pass the time with and to 'horse around' with. So cute.
Those cakes look divine! I might have to copy your tradition next year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours..sure am grateful for your friendship. I am inspired by the beautiful pictures you post and the warm feeling I get as I read your posts,
I've made those tree cookies before but they were shaped like wreaths! They are yummy, aren't they? :)
That game the horses play is amazing! Wow, they are such intelligent animals!
Love your idea of the cakes...how festive! They look so beautiful all wrapped up, too!
Such a beautiful post Julie - where do I begin! The little green Christmas trees look delicious as do your chocolate bundt cakes. We are having a get-together Sunday and I think I will try your no bake recipe :-) Your horses are stunning and your view at night with your tree all lit up is breathtaking. Last Sunday, my daughter, her friend and her friends Mum all went to see The Nutcracker performed by the National Ballet of Canada under the artistic direction of Karen Kain. It was so incredibly beautiful & we have decided to make it a yearly tradition ♥
Merry Christmas and Thank you for all your visits this year & lovely comments - they mean a lot xo
Your little trees are so cute and those bundt cakes are lovely! Lucky neighbors and friends! You've been busy, Julie!
Julie, your post was so beautiful. First, I love those cookies. Your recipes amaze me! Always done so well and they look so tasty. I love the story about the game your horses play. So cute. You can tell they are well loved. They are very beautiful too. I remember last year you posted pictures of those delicious looking cakes for your friends and neighbors and I was in awe how wonderful they looked. Wanna be my neighbor??
I wish you and your family a very merry christmas and a wonderful and peaceful new year.
Hugs, Ann
I love the little "game" the horses are playing how delightful!
Your poor phone, lol, I think our animals truly know what they are doing!
Glad you enjoyed the girl's cards, they had fun making them.
Those christmas tree treats bring back memories, my Mom use to make them too.
Have a great evening!
I am always amazed by the games my animals will play. My full grown and possibly dangerous rams will butt big rubber balls around and leap like little children over logs. Our dogs play the same game you described your horses playing. Our chickens play their own form of football ( beakball ?) with a piece of grass or colored paper. I believe this shows God gifted all His creation with a sense of joy and play.Now I am wondering just how a slug might exhibit this....
How fun that you were finally able to capture the 'horse games'!
Everything at your home looks so cozy!
I'm sure that your neighbors are going to LOVE the cakes.
I still have almost everything to do to get ready for Christmas....eekks!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Julie ~ I am so sad to see your Provo Temple is on fire ... prayers lifting that it can be saved & all working to save it are safe.
So sad to lose 'our' home ... We lost our church a couple years back & it has been rebuilt.
God bless ...
Have a beautiful Christmas season, all year ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
WOW you are so good at presents !
Hmmm chocolate recipe...C'mon it has to be good if you give them away..LOL
I love your horses ! Animals keep us young, They act like 2 year olds :)
Yummy recipe and you are the best and i love visiting here.
Love ya !
Oh Julie you are a wonderful neighbor! The bunt cakes look sooooo yummy! Thank you for all your wonderful recipes and sharing your home and heart! I love all the horse'in around that goes on at the ranch!
Merry Christmas!
Oh my so sorry about your phone. Glad your contract was up and you can replace it.
Those trees do look good and sound easy.
Girlfriend you sure make a lot og bundt cakes for friends. You are such a blessing to everyone.
I am having a brothers over tomorrow evening and instead of buying a whole turkey which is all I have ever fixed I bought a turkey breast do you have a great way to fix turkey breast. Help
Yet again, you inspire and delight me. I grew up in Scottsdale, surrounded by horse property and horses but none mine. My precious mom got me a subscription of Quarter Horse Monthly. :) I LOVE horses to this day.
I loveeee your blog!!!
Marydon, it wasn't a temple that was on fire, it was a century old building. Thanks for your concern.
the cookies are too cute...
I think the horses are wanting you to play tug with them or maybe throw the stick....ha
Your phone is hilarious!!!
I do NOT know where to begin! What a fun post. The horses are so precious and I am so glad that Red now has a good buddy again! Cougar! Naughty dog!
Those cakes are such a wonderful gift and I wish I was a neighbor! ;)
Hi Julie -- this was a very fun post from the trees to the horses and the beautiful neighbor gift! That is the funniest things with the horses -- I actually didn't know they would do something like that. Love your selection of books too. I hope you have the merriest. Joni
Julie what a wonderful post I love seeing the images of your horses playing!
Your dog story is really funny, as I was at a friends recently and we were talking in his studio, all the while his dog Roy got into my
purse and chewed up my wallet, credit cards, and even somehow my makeup bag!!
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