It was as if we entered a world where strife and man made problems
were unknown. There was a gentle murmuring among the branches
overhead. The air was filled with the tangy, invigorating fragrance of
the evergreens.

Heap the holly! Wreath the pine!
Train the dainty Christmas vine-
Let the breath of fir and bay
Mingle on this festal day-
Let the cedar fill the air
With it's spicy sweetness rare.
Wake the carol-sound the chime-
Welcome! Merry Christmas time!
( Helen Chase)
I do hope your Christmas will have a little touch of Eternity
in it, among the rush and pitter patter of it all. It always
seems such a mixing of this world and the next- but that
after all is the idea!
I just had to smile on this post, my cats do the same thing! LOL
Many Blessings to you,
Too cute! Our cat has left our tree alone, anyway, as far as I know!
Have a very Merry Christmas.
You getting this snow? It's gorgeous!
Also, I ordered the book you featured in your previous post. I'm excited to read it!
What a beautiful cat! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Words so true!
Your kitty looks like she got caught doing something nautty. So funny when they do that.
Merry Christmas.
The sentiment of the poem in wonderful but the peek-a-boo kitty is tops. Merry Christmas friend.
Cute, silly kitty!
Have a Merry Christmas, Julie!
LOL! That is just too cute! I don't have a kitty but it seems to me those pine needles would "bug" them ... cats being SO particular and all! :)
LOL. That is so cute and funny.
The first cat my mother, out of pity, allowed in our home ran straight up into the Christmas tree. I guess it was the magic of Christmas, and the audacity of the cat, that changed my mother's mind about cats. She became a major cat lover. Your cat is so cute and funny in your tree -- funny comic too! Our cat likes to sit under the tree, like he is a present. He is, to me! Joni
Must be a favourite past time activity for cats at Christmas... My cat keeps hitting the baubles off the tree & bats them around the house, chasing them as if they were mice or something. Heres a video I want to share with you it's so funny & so accurate!
How cute!
Merry Christmas!!
This is our 2nd Christmas with our "Kitty". Such great creatures!
Merry Christmas my friend!
LOL! Julie I love it. How cute...:)
now isn't that just the cutest little kitten hiding in the branches. Maybe he just wanted to see what it felt like to be a tree ornament :)
Oh my I can so relate to what you have found in your tree. Holly and Richard are home with their kitties...and they are loving my tree. I think they have even unwrapped a few presents way up under there. Oh my! I have tried everything but they just keep going back for!
Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and yours.
Now that is the cutest picture ever Julie!
Merry Christmas my friend, your blog is always so fun!
LOL! I love that cute little face peeking out of the branches! My what a beautiful ornament you have there. ;) Julie, thank you for the smile and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
I'm pretty sure my tree doesn't have a cat in it's branches, but your tree looks pretty cute with your kitty perched among the branches.
LOVE the scarves you made!! You've been a busy girl!!
what a cute kitty! Have a very merry christmas!
That photo is so CUTE! ADORABLE! What a sweet kitty!
Have a pretty day!
Thanks for the giggle Julie. I had to share w/ Hubby. As you see from my profile picture I have kitties that get into the tree as well♥ Aren't they adorable?
Love to you, hope you enjoy these Blessed days!
I had one cat that LIVED in the tree when we had it up..and at night you would see his eyes glowing out of it...quite freaky really....and then another little kitty that loved it too...
Nothing says Home more than a Cat In Your Tree! lol xxoo Diana
Blessings to you this Christmas too!
oh how that a white simese? I have one too..her name is Abby..she is quit a princess though,,my tom cat ,loves our tree..he doesnt climb in it any more,but he can be found laying underneath it all the time..
too cute..thanks for sharing.
I love to see a kitty in a tree...maybe not my Christmas tree! Merry Christmas!
I had to smile when I saw your post. My kitty loves to hide and jumps out at who ever dares to come by!
Hugs, Ann
That is a beautiful cat!
I love cats.
Our cat has been chewing on the tree. A little bit obnoxious.
I hope your Christmas is a good one filled with love and family.
Thanks for being so wonderful! I have loved your blog and friendship!
Hey honey I have wondered when this might happen to me too. Cute pictures. lol
Thanks so much about getting back with me about the Turkey Breast. I appreciate you so much. It turned out great and I may not every buy a whole turkey again. lol
Hope your having a wonderful week
Merry Christmas
So sweet.....
Sending you blessings of joy and love my sweet friend ...for a magical Christmas. xoxoxoxoox
Gotta love kittens! Cute post!!
Merry Christmas!!
Too cute, Julie! Looks like you were able to capture a few good pictures of the event, too. Sometimes that can be hard to do.
Our cat just prefers to lay under the tree in the back haven't seen her in it yet!
I'm baking your Heaven's Chocolate Cake this evening x 3!!
The Tattered Tassel
Merry Christmas sweet blogg friend! What a cute kitty in your tree! Hope your holiday is fantastic. {{hugs}}
Oh that is too funny. I t reminds me of the National Lampoons Christmas Vacation movie...the squirrel hiding in the tree...have you seen that one?
Dearest Julie,
I have to come by to say Merry Christmas to you; I have seen your name for MONTHS as I see that we both adore Rosie up in Canada! Your kitty is daring to circumnavigate your prickly tree! Wishing you a joyous time of love and family, Anita
How cute is that cat?
Have a Merry Christmas.
PS I made your caramels and they sure are yummy.Thanks.
Merry Christmas Julie. Hope you and family have a wonderful holiday season. I just noticed your sidebar pic with that beautiful bee hive cloche....I think I'm in love!! It's gorgeous.
And a grand holiday to you too, Julie! Anita
Such cute kitty pictures! My cat is a little nuts. We now have an artificial tree and she still likes to get up into it??
Ha ha
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Oh, but kitty is too darn cute. Yep, had this very same problem in Christmas past.
God bless you and your precious family and may you have a very blessed and Merry Christmas!!!
Oh dear Julie,
He (she) is perfect amongst the bobbles and fancies...we have a "flocked tree" that our pup L*O*V*E*S to sleep under. Consequently, "SHE" is Flocked too!...Ahhh, what can ya do?
Well my dear girl,enjoy each and EVERY moment of this BLESSED Christmas season with all those beautiful babies...Thank you for all the love you sprinkled in my world all year long...Hugs...Rosie
Hi name is Dixie Walker.I am a friend of Brenda of Just A Bed of Roses fame. I clicked on your blog a few days ago and noticed you mentioned the book A Dress For Ellen. It is one of my favorite stories. Ellen was my aunt. Mary and Leland Jeppson were my grandparents. It is a small world.
I sure enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for sharing!
Merry Christmas!
That is so cute! Your cat looks a lot like ours and I have a feeling our cat would do the same thing if it were an indoor cat! By the way I just love love love the picture you have on your side bar of the Manti Temple.
Your blog is inspiring and uplifting!
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Blessings to you and your family, From my mountain to yours Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I don't have a cat, but I am kind of thinking that I need one! How cute he is hanging out in the branches.
It's been so much fun getting to know you and your sweet family this year. All the best for a great 2011! Take care and enjoy...
Rocky Mountain Woman
I am so lucky our cats just like to sleep at the bottom of our tree!
Merry Christmas Julie! :)
No kitty in the tree here :)
Just a doggy that would really, really like to open the presents:)
Have a great week and a very, very, Merry Christmas!!
Hi Julie!! :D
My daughter's kitties used to get in our Christmas tree as well! So cute!!
I haven't been in blogland for a while and had to catch up a little & read some of your older posts as well! I love the story about your two horses playing tug of war with the stick!! How much fun it would be to watch them play this game every day! Your ranch and home look like a wonderful wonderful place to live!! Do you ever feel like you're living an unbelieveable dream?? :) God is so good!! :D
I will have to try some of your recipes...especially the fast and fun chocolate cake recipe that you give to your neighbors! My sis-n-law used to wrap up cakes like this for gifts...she would bake up an old family loved (and protected) recipe.
Julie, I hope you have a wonderful, blessed Christmas as you remember the birth of our dear Lord and Saviour! Merry Christmas!!!
Love and hugs to you,
Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine
So cute Julie! Merry Christmas to you & your lovely family!
Cats are so funny! Hope you have a very merry Christmas and happy new year! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here with all of us. Looking forward to the new year.
what a darling tree ornament. a living, breathing tree ornament! have a very Merry Christmas!
i love your sweet kitty in the tree!
The bottom branches of my flocked christmas tree are flockless- my cats love to play hide and seek there!
Thank you for all that you share here. It is always a joy to come visit the Harwards!
Have a beautiful Christmas dear Julie. Wishing you the sweetest of blessings and a wonderful new year.
Cats! What are they like?!
Luckily Bella is past the stage of playing with the Xmas tree.
Have a wonderful Christmas Julie with all your lovely family around you. :0)
Sooooo cute seeing your cat in the tree! Mine are too fat to climb up the trees any more! I did get them some cat nip toys at the feed store today and they have worn themselves all out from playing so hard!
Thank you for your friendship, I always enjoy your lovely posts. May you have a wonderful Christmas season celebrating the birth of our Savior!
Julie, that is funny. My cat Rusty used to get in the tree every year when he was younger. Too old now! Have a wonderful Christmas!
hugs, Kim
Our cats used to do this! It's cute until the tree falls over! LOL!
I hope you have the most wonderful Christmas! I'm so glad you are my bloggy friend!
I enjoyed this post, Julie. The eyes on that cat were beautiful. I want to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and I look so forward to catching up with your posts and photographs in the coming year. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
Julie, our kitten is loving the tree this year too. She's 9 months old and the tree is her playground. :)
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Merry Christmas to you too !
Thanks for the laughs !
Always remember Julie that it is the last 'gift' we can give them is a peaceful passing. You did your best and he was lucky to have your family for the time he had with you. We only have them for a little while and they make us better people. God Bless and have a Merry Christmas. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
★Merry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★Christmas★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門| ˚From our home to yours!! May God Bless You and Your's in the coming New Year!
Much Love, kisses and hugs to the Harwards!!! May you have a beautiful and blessed time.
maria cecilia
Lovely thoughts, lovely pictures, lovely poem...hilarious comic strip! Thanks for the beauty and the giggle, my friend!
Just stealing away for a few quiet minutes to wish a few of my favorite ladies of blogland a very Merry Christmas...
May you and your precious family have the most wonderful of Christmas seasons, dear friend!
With love,
*A blessed Christmas to you, Julie*
Enjoy all the wonderful moments of Christmas*
Naughty little kitties. They're having so much fun though. Hope your Christmas was as wonderful as ours. Mimi
I hope that you and your precious family had a wondeful christmas.
Wishing you a blessed new year!!
OH, that is TOO cute Julie! TOO CUTE!
Our last indoor cat (now, sadly gone) used to perch in our tree.
Very cute! :)
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