Don't be sad ladies, you don't have to be skinny or friendless!
Why, with this new treatment, we can all be husky in just a
couple of weeks!
To start building up your health, purchase a package of these
ironized yeast tablets right away. If not delighted with the
results of the very first package, your money will be quickly
Watch a flat chest fill out, skinny limbs thicken attractively,
new health develop, you'll see that you are a new, good looking
person right away!
Have you read similar adds? Do you believe what their product
will do all that is says that it will do? Do you rush out to buy it?
A new study shows that:
Slightly over weight but active women who don't obsess about their
weight are happier than thinner, active women who do.
Are you happier when you have a little weight on you but at the same
time staying active (or) when you already look pretty good but are
actively pursuing a size 2 and keeping track of every calorie and fat gram?
Is it really such a big deal to be thin? Do we all need to be swim suit models?
Other countries believe that when we are a little bit heavier, we are happier.
Our American brains can hardly take this in. We watch with awe at all the
celebrities, with their personal nannies and chef's and trainers and air brushed
photographs and we think we need to look just like them!
Consider this:
About five years ago, many women thought, I am so fat! And then looking
back at photo's of themselves, they think, hey, I looked good, I wasn't fat
at all! And most would love to turn back the clock! Those same women are
saying the same thing to themselves today, I am so fat, don't take my picture!
Moral of the story is this:
Love and accept yourself as you are...today! Don't starve yourself and eat teeny
bits of things you hate...don't do that to yourself! Moderation is the key sisters,
sample what you want; those cookies, some candy, that popcorn, those truffles.
We aren't here for our time o earth to punish ourselves everyday of our lives.
We are here to have JOY and learn to master ourselves and to enjoy the sweet
bounties and blessings of this life. So stop starving yourself and making your life
so unpleasant, you can live and be happy, just remember...moderation with food and some
good walking everyday will go along way to helping you be healthy and happy!
Why, with this new treatment, we can all be husky in just a
couple of weeks!
To start building up your health, purchase a package of these
ironized yeast tablets right away. If not delighted with the
results of the very first package, your money will be quickly
Watch a flat chest fill out, skinny limbs thicken attractively,
new health develop, you'll see that you are a new, good looking
person right away!
Have you read similar adds? Do you believe what their product
will do all that is says that it will do? Do you rush out to buy it?
A new study shows that:
Slightly over weight but active women who don't obsess about their
weight are happier than thinner, active women who do.
Are you happier when you have a little weight on you but at the same
time staying active (or) when you already look pretty good but are
actively pursuing a size 2 and keeping track of every calorie and fat gram?
Is it really such a big deal to be thin? Do we all need to be swim suit models?
Other countries believe that when we are a little bit heavier, we are happier.
Our American brains can hardly take this in. We watch with awe at all the
celebrities, with their personal nannies and chef's and trainers and air brushed
photographs and we think we need to look just like them!
Consider this:
About five years ago, many women thought, I am so fat! And then looking
back at photo's of themselves, they think, hey, I looked good, I wasn't fat
at all! And most would love to turn back the clock! Those same women are
saying the same thing to themselves today, I am so fat, don't take my picture!
Moral of the story is this:
Love and accept yourself as you are...today! Don't starve yourself and eat teeny
bits of things you hate...don't do that to yourself! Moderation is the key sisters,
sample what you want; those cookies, some candy, that popcorn, those truffles.
We aren't here for our time o earth to punish ourselves everyday of our lives.
We are here to have JOY and learn to master ourselves and to enjoy the sweet
bounties and blessings of this life. So stop starving yourself and making your life
so unpleasant, you can live and be happy, just remember...moderation with food and some
good walking everyday will go along way to helping you be healthy and happy!

In a large bowl ;
1 cup butter, softened
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
Cream until light and fluffy.
Beat in ;
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
Combine ;
2-1/4 cups flour
1 cup quick oatmeal
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
gradually add to creamed mixture.
Stir in ;
1 pkg. white chocolate chips
1 cup chopped cashews
1 cup dried cranberries
Drop by rounded tablespoons
2 inches apart onto a Pam sprayed
baking sheets. Bake at 350'
for 9-11 minutes or til golden brown.
Remove to wire racks to cool. Makes
four and one half dozen cookies.
This is a very yummy cookie...now go ladies and make something
good for you and your families, just don't eat them all at once,
moderation is the key! And remember to go for that walk too! :D
In a large bowl ;
1 cup butter, softened
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
Cream until light and fluffy.
Beat in ;
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
Combine ;
2-1/4 cups flour
1 cup quick oatmeal
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
gradually add to creamed mixture.
Stir in ;
1 pkg. white chocolate chips
1 cup chopped cashews
1 cup dried cranberries
Drop by rounded tablespoons
2 inches apart onto a Pam sprayed
baking sheets. Bake at 350'
for 9-11 minutes or til golden brown.
Remove to wire racks to cool. Makes
four and one half dozen cookies.
This is a very yummy cookie...now go ladies and make something
good for you and your families, just don't eat them all at once,
moderation is the key! And remember to go for that walk too! :D
Will do Julie. Right after I polish off the rest of my muffins. Thanks for the recipe and give Bob a squeeze for me. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
I love my bloggy sister....lol....you are a hoot Julie! What a hilarious ad, and I totally agree with everything you said, by the way,...but I was so laughing when you followed this up with a fattening recipe!!!! THANKS! Hugs and Wishes for an excellent weekend way out there!!!!
Off I am, sweet Julie.
Love for a happy weekend. xxx
Cute post....those cookies look great. My husband made some oatmeal cookies the other day and we did not have raisens so he added cranberries. They were great!
Great advice Julie! Moderation is the key! Oh and yummy cookies help!
Wow, you certainly wouldn't find an ad like that in today's society, that's for sure!
Personally, I've been anorexic and over-weight and balance and health is key to everything. there is no such thing as a diet; it's all a way of life.
thanks for a great post...
LOL! I LOVE this post, Julie!! The part about looking back at your old photos and thinking, "Well, I looked pretty good and I wasn't fat." is so true! I try to remind myself of that when I get to feeling too fluffy! LOL! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Tanna
Thanks for keeping us, your readers a little more grounded. You really gave me a laugh with this one.
Darn those cookies look good. Since I'm not stressing about my weight or how I look I believe I'll go indulge in something yummy :)
great post Julie. I remember about 5 years ago when I first quit smoking ( that's when it all wnet down hill) I thought that I was fat at 140 ~ now, I look back and see a great figure. ughhh. I just want to get back to 140. Heck 145 sounds pretty good.
Happy weekend.
I wanted to ask what source you were using for your bloggy book?
I so agree with your last post. I like to comment on blogs. But sometimes I think that I have been commenting forever and this person has no idea who I am in return.
I have had surgery on my hands for CT. Something I learned along the way. You can also have low thyroid that can cause the symptoms. So check that out before you do surgery.
I appreciate all your comments. (((((HUGS))))0
Such good advice, and a yummy looking recipe, too!
Such a sensible viewpoint :) I have to agree- the times I've really focused on my weight turn me into a self-conscious and self-critical person. I've pretty much let go of that the older I get and am fairly happy with not just how I look, but also don't tend to focus on others in a critical way either.
That ad is hilarious! Love that you had the great words of wisdom before the yummy recipe!
Amen to the walking.
Oh, I so agree! Everything in moderation...enjoy the cookie and take a walk, too! :)
yum..those look so yummy, too!
I love that you followed all that with a delicious naughty recipe! Happy Weekend!
ooo, sweet lady...this post is going to make you loved even MORE by bloggers the world over. :))))
We already love you to the moon and back!!
As soon as I go to the store tomorrow, I am making these delicious sounding cookies. ummm, i love anything with cranberries. O, and one of my best friends love them, too, so I'll make a double batch of cookies...:))
Can't even imagine the colors of Heaven..with the colors HE gives us here, HE must REAlly have pretty ones waiting for us.
I accidently caught the most intense Blue Hour the other evening that I;ve ever seen. Mr. Sweet couldn't believe it when he saw the pics on my camera. I have a post worked up for the 24th (I think)...I would love for you to see the blue...amazing.
hugs, bj
Yes, we would all be all little better off if we thought this way. I think about weight constantly. Life would be better if I did not! Still life is good, I can't complain to much!
I want a cookie!
Hi Julie!
Love the old photo...and the wise words...
I enjoy your writing :o)
Wow... what a great cookie recipe!
filled with fun and goodness all in one!
Thanks for sharing from the heart ♥
You are so funny! Give me the address of that company I will buy!
I need to accept myself but I also need to get healthier!
The ad is hilarious. There are too many pressures out there now for all women, especially young girls. They don't realize that all the digital corrections and air brushing present a perfect looking photo when that is not the case at all. Taking care of our health is key and yes, walking and moderation is important. I can't deal with "diets" as such...too much like deprivation and that makes me rebel. :-) I try to eat healthy foods, walk and I drink tons of water daily.
Now....I'd love one of those cookies! Or maybe 3-4-5???? :-)
I love seeing the photos of your family and the special celebrations. Glad you're going to have your blog in a book too! That will be a great treasure trove of memories for the family.
I have to agree with Julie ! LOL Yaw, I wish I was as fat as I was when I thought I was tooo fat to live!
Truthfully? I would have to agree with you. Walking 6 days a week has been so good for me! I have been amazed at how I feel. The Adversary doesn't want us to be happy and anytime we can obess about ourselves is less time we can spend doing good.
Great post. now, I wish I was totally good at what I'm preaching! LOL
Enjoy your Sunday
What an ad!!! Thanks for sharing the great sounding recipe. Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.
I love your post! So true, so true! We women need to stick together, through thick and thin--ha!
I love this post Julie! I used to fight to stay thin. Then Middle age happened and I found it much harder to do. So, I took the attitude that you just described and I am much happier. I exercise for my health now, not to try and get into a much smaller size.
So true!! As I have gotten older and rounder I am learning to accept it. Size 14 is the average anyway. Woo hoo!
LOL! Loved reading this post Julie. So true, so true. *Smiles*
Julie.. I love this post..and I so agree with you.. I have a theory..
I know I will never look like i did when i was 18,, and Im ok with that.. I have not agreed to let the "old ladie" move in yet either.. I eat in moderation..so that I can eat what i want.. I love food,,and I dont want to be deprived of it.. but I dont want to be unhealthy for the sake of my family..
so great post. find a happy medium in life and be who we are..the best we can be..and enjoy life...
Hi Julie...hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Love the outlook and the cookie recipe. Everyone needs some sweetness in their everyday life.
Amen, Julie!! And thanks for yet another great recipe!
Happy New Year to you and your family.:o)
The Tattered Tassel
Great old ad :)
Boy oh boy have things changed.
One thing that I am truely working on this year, is not to beat up on myself for not being good enough.
So far... so good.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me, and I love me too :)
Yummy looking recipe.
Have to tuck that one into the old recipe book to try one of these days.
Julie, You have to see this cat! It's on another blog I follow. I couldn't see it well so I clicked on the photo. Made me laugh!!! And I also thouht it would make you smile to. Here's the link
ps Your right, I don't think we live tons apart.
Beautiful post my friend!! These cookies sound delicious :-)
Amen!! I am with you 100%!
Great words of wisdom, Julie.
I'm sure Bob will do fine in your care, Julie. Just takes a bit of time. I'll try this recipe next weekend. I'm doing more baking since the cold weather is now upon us. It is -10 tonight with heavy wind. Hope you have a great week and your wrist is getting better. Take care, Deb=^..^=x5
Hi Julie! Oh, you know I've seen some of these ads. What a hoot!! :)
You're so right about how we feel about ourselves! At this stage of my life I'm happy in my own skin - even if it's a bit fluffy! :)
Now, could I please have a cookie?
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Boy do those cookies look fabulously delicious, Julie! What a fun post!
Wonderful post. Great intro for a cookie recipe! I dieted once and ended up with a kidney stone!
So true Julie...I'm just "Happy To Be" no matter what size I am..as each day that God gives me to enjoy I enjoy to the fullest..what would life be without chocolate ha ha!! Hugs and smiles Gloria
Amen Sista!! ;-)
You must know my husband, Matt!! I'm pretty sure this is him talking!! ;-)
Really, you are so right!! Thanks for the pep talk!
Amen, sister!
I'm going to sign off and go eat one of the delicious snickerdoodles my daughter just made...yum!
Hope your Sunday was a delight, my friend!
Exactly right. Love this post. If we can love ourselves it's so much easier to love others. But sometimes it's a hard thing to do. Those cookies look delicious! Mimi
Julie, what a great post! I hope you have a wonderful Monday....I'm about to bake some cookies ; ) hehe
Great points Julie....as I sit counting calories.... but I do walk to maintain and I'm baking goodies for my husbands work today! LOL Seems men don't care about their waistlines like us women tend to, lol. Cookies look yummy, but I'm allergic to cranberries :-( I'll be on the look out for your other recipes though. Have a great day!!
Great post Julie! I've been thinking along these same lines. I'll practice moderation after I have a couple of those cookies!
What a funny ad!
Thanks for another great recipe. We're snowed in today so I think I'll bake (as long as the electricity doesn't go out)!
Off to enjoy another cookie...xoxoxo Monday hugs.
hello sweetpea
oh your posts do make me smile :o)
and thank you so much for sharing the recipe for those delicious looking biscuits mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm
i would love one of those with my cup of tea.
wishing you a wonderful week
millie xxx
Funny ad, and great advice. Right away though, the old self-talk kicked it...this only applies to those of us that are of normal weight...not me. I need to get busy with the self-torture of dieting, failure, etc. all over again. Does it have to take a life time to realize we are OK, God loves us in spite of our body shape, etc. The problem is we have trouble loving ourselves in this situation. Thanks, media.
Great post, Julie. Happy New year!
I always KNOW if I completely DEPRIVE myself of goodies it will NOT END WELL!
Oh that cookie recipe looks like one I will be trying Julie!
Amen ! You are so right ! I decided not to worry about my weight this year because i am way too critical with myself when i am absolutely not with others !
Great post ! Have a great day and those cookies look so yum yum !
Love ya !
Julie, i can't be your friend on Facebook. The "request friendship" button is not there ?
You are such a sweetie! Love ya!
xo, misha
Oh this is a great post and a great message! The "old, fat" photo comment is SO true too! Why do we do that to ourselves?
I have one friend who really does "WORK" to be that size 2 ... it is almost like a job for her because she spends HOURS a day running and working out. She has said to me. "Once you reach this size, it is so hard to maintain it - it is a constant battle." And she really isn't happy about maintaining it either. :(
No thanks ... I do like my food way too much! (Moderation!)
I admit I am a little obsessed about my weight in the sense that it is always on my mind...but I eat chocolate like it is going out of style and cook nice sized dinners. I just get down on myself when I don't take the time to exercise. As much as I care about the scale and my size, I care more about my happiness and indulging my family with new treats to show my love. Great post.
&&& 30 years of marriage that is beautiful! :)
Hummmm....guess you like oatmeal in these cookies! Really you don't know what you are missing unless you try the Papa Bear Oatmeal...you can't taste the oatmeal so much. My oatmeal will always be "dressed" with something. So don't knock it till you try it, it is really so good, much like a dessert! I dare you to try it one day!
Have a good one~
Great post! I just read a great article in LDS Living magazine that was along the same lines.
Great food for thought. :)
Hi Julie that's a great post. I am one of those that cannot be fat and I am constantly watching my weight. I think for many it's a self esteem issue. I still eat things I love though. Enjoy a Happy New Year! Big hugs
Those cookies look delicious!! And they even look healthy. Right... just don't eat them all at once.
Good for Treston. That is the best way to start a year off.
Ladybug Creek
I had a skinny friend who drank a pint of cream everyday for extra calories to gain more weight...don't think I will ever have that problem...I like cookies and can't wait to try your recipe!
Beautiful post!!
I think this time of year we all need this reminder. We also need to remember that God looks at the heart...the inner woman (& man). He "does" want us to take care of our bodies and exercise physically and to exercise moderation with what we do eat. Balance is the key! The good Lord did want us to enjoy food!!
But, I know there are some that have food addiction problems that when they take one cookie, they will eat the whole platter every time. So, my heart does go out to those. It is an issue of soothing a hurt, or comforting themselves with food. For them I know moderation seems impossible. And may be impossible for them without help!
Anyway...I didn't mean to write a book for a reply. Just a thought that was in my heart! :)
Your cookies look very delicious, and I KNOW my family (& myself) would love them! Thank you for sharing from your heart, and for sharing your yummy recipes!
Sweet blessings to you,
XOXO Gloria
Hi Julie!
I see you all the time on blogs I frequent, so, I thought I would pop over and say, HI!
I love this post! As women, we certainly know how to beat ourselves up, don't we! I am that woman you talked about who thought she was fat, when she was skinny - and the one who hates (still) to have her picture taken. I think we need to remember that we are daughter's of God, work on making our bodies our temples and quit agonizing over being thinner - help me remember that please!!
The cookie recipe looks delightful! Thanks for sharing.
Hello honey
I came by a few days ago when you first posted your other post and it would not let me leave a comment. I hated that. haha
Funny post tonight. I am fixing to do a page on my site about weight loss. Its not that I want to be thin I just want to be healthier, to feel and look better.
As always I love coming by here
OH Julie! I needed to read this today! THANK YOU!
Have a pretty day!
recipe sounds yummy! thank you.
As always, wonderful advise! Your post make my day! Thanks for the yummy recipe and I won't eat them all at once, well I will try not to! Does a ride on my pink bike count?!
I love that whacky intro. Let us know we don't have to suffer being skinny any longer ( I don't think I will ever have that problem)
then slam us with a cookie recipe that we can't resist. Good work!!!
What a cute post. I agree that I beat myself up with my weight problem.I should stop and just worry about staying healthy at my age.
That recipe sure does sounds yummy.
Thanks for posting it.
Have a great day.
OH! Julie what a great encourager you are, I had to smile when I read about looking back on previous photos and feeling this way.
This post is what I needed today, and oh how right you are about moderation, this is the key, which so many times I haven't practice. LOL.
Thank you for the recipe I love dried cranberries in cookies, and have all the ingredients on hand except the white choc. chips. But since we are snowed in I will have to wait until I get to the store. You share just great recipes, and wonder if you have ever thought about writing a cook book?
Thank you for sharing.
Miss Julie, you write the cutest posts! Then you top them off with a yummy recipe... you've got to stop making me want to lick my computer screen! *LOL*
I think loving ourselves is the most important thing....sometimes the world makes it hard to do, but it is something to strive for.....those cookies would definitely make me happy!!!!
I've never struggled with weight (knocking on wood for when menopause hits)...but I do feel better when I'm eating healthy and exercising!
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