This is such a fine young man,
he is so kind and sweet. He had
a very special day this last week.
Saturday January 1, 2011. A great way
to start off a new life and a new year!
We enjoyed being there with all of Treston's
family...a real nice group of people for sure.
"As A New Year Begins"
I think we find happiness as we desire to make others happy.
"He that will lose his life for the sake of others and the gospel,
shall find it." I think that is pretty sound philosophy.
Christmas is not a day or a season, it is a condition of the heart.
If we love our neighbors as ourselves;
if in our riches we are poor in spirit
and in our poverty we are rich in grace;
if our charity vaunteth not itself,
but suffereth long and is kind;
if when our brother asks for a loaf,
we give ours instead;
if each day dawns in opportunity
and sets in achievement
however small;
then every day is Christ's day
and Christmas is always near.
(John Wallingford)
Love of God the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ and for
one another is not just for Christmas. It would be such a
wonderful Him, to others and to ourselves...if we
extended our efforts to serve and love others all year long.
May the spirit of love linger with you long after the tree is
down, the lights are put away, and the music is silenced.
May we keep before us the testimony that JESUS IS REAL.
If we accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God, we will keep His
commandments and bear testimony of Him in our words and
in our actions, at all times and in all places. If all the world would
accept Him, there would be peace on earth and good will toward
everyone...each and every day of the year.
Yes, you heard me right...Bob.
After the baptism, it was getting dark, we drove for
about two hours and then stopped to find a motel to
stay at. We tried a couple of places, they were too much
and not nice enough. So we tried a third place, which was
really nice and it was the best price.
As we went to go into our room, we heard the loudest and
the saddest crying I have ever heard. It sounded like a baby
cougar! We looked around and saw this little guy...he was sitting
on some steps above us freezing because it was about zero degrees
or more. I tried to call to him and get him to come to us but he was
so scared, yet so cold that he couldn't move.
Long story short, we finally got a hold of him and brought him into
our room. Ron went to find something for him to eat and a box to put
him in. Yes, we brought him home...and Ron named him, now you see
why his name is Bob...but it seems to fit him, I call him Bobby-kins.
He is not too well, nearly starved to death but he loves the litter box
place, and he loves to cuddle.
a bit scared of sudden movements but not scared of our little
dogs at all. It's funny how these things happen, we had to put
our Jack down, and then about two weeks later this poor little
one shows up to us. Well, he has a home now, no more freezing
and starving. I just need to get him all well, we do love him already.
...Just to let you know...
I have been having trouble with my hand and wrist,
a little carpal tunnel going on I think. I love to visit and
comment on all of your blogs but it is affecting my hand
and wrist.
I just cannot spend so much time doing this anymore. So
from now on, I will comment... as you come here and comment
to me but not go all over blog-land commenting to everyone. It
is a lot of work to comment to all on my blog list... especially when
not all come back to comment here. I have decided that I don't need
100 comments every time anyway!
So as you comment here, I will, for sure, come back to you with a comment
but if you are not hearing from me, you can know that it is because I am
not hearing from you, sometimes even after many comments to you.
I hope no one is offended by this but my wrist just can't take it and I am not
going to push it until I have to have surgery for carpal tunnel.
...Just to let you know...
I have been having trouble with my hand and wrist,
a little carpal tunnel going on I think. I love to visit and
comment on all of your blogs but it is affecting my hand
and wrist.
I just cannot spend so much time doing this anymore. So
from now on, I will comment... as you come here and comment
to me but not go all over blog-land commenting to everyone. It
is a lot of work to comment to all on my blog list... especially when
not all come back to comment here. I have decided that I don't need
100 comments every time anyway!
So as you comment here, I will, for sure, come back to you with a comment
but if you are not hearing from me, you can know that it is because I am
not hearing from you, sometimes even after many comments to you.
I hope no one is offended by this but my wrist just can't take it and I am not
going to push it until I have to have surgery for carpal tunnel.
I don't need a comment back but I do need to wish you well with that hand; the Arizona cold is really messing with my arthritis. So happy that kitty was caught and will have a delightful life now with you. Off to grind wheat and make some bread. Happy day blogfriend. Yes, I intentionally did not make that two words. Silly.
Bless your heart you fellow animal lover and rescuer... girl/sister after my own heart interests...big smiles...and I hope your wrist will mend with rest and some downsizing of comment numbers...
You certainly don't have to comment at my blog...I just love to visit here because we are like sisters in Christ and family love and animal love and all the small things in life...not to mention we share the same name. :-) Hugs to you, and get better wishes! Love your recipes too!!!!woot!
Congratulations on your grandson's baptism. Truly a wonderful event!
Sorry to hear about the pain in your wrists. My mother-n-law went through CT a while back. It is not a pleasant feeling. And please don't feel you need to comment back. Take it easy.
It's funny you wrote about your new cat. I've got some thoughts and pics I need to post about our newest addition. Of course, I am NOT a cat person, so it's been interesting around our house.
Take care.
What a super big heart you have. I know with your love and nurturing Bob will mend quickly. {{hugs}}
Happy New Year Julie!!
Sorry that your wrist is causing you pain...asking fir His healing touch for you today.
So glad to meet precious little sweet, and so good to know he is receiving such love & care now..bless you!
How exciting to see your loved ones choosing to follow Christ..there is no greater blessing!
Love to you...
Deborah xoxo
Julie you are an angel for sure! You were in the right place at the right time for that little Bobby-kins! So sorry to hear about your wrist pain ... a good friend of mine had surgery on both of her wrists for carpel tunnel last year and it has been a hard recovery! So sad for you because you do SO much with those hands of yours. :(
What an adorable kitty cat! You know I am a huge animal lover, so great to see him getting a good home. :-) I hope your wrist is feeling better.
Have a great evening!
I sure do hope that you take care of yourself and that wrist.
I sure do understand and I really like to visit you and your family.
Congrats to your grandson btw.
I sure do hope that the newest fur member gets well soon.
He is so lucky to have you to take care of him.
Have a great day.
bless you and your hubby for saving sweet bob. it brought tears to my eyes.
oh how i love kitties ;-)
congratulations on trestons baptism, he is quite handsome in his pink shirt and cowboy hat!
Well, Julie, Julie, Julie. You are my favorite lady. I just about cried when I looked at Bob's face. I think you found him just in time. God love him. He does need your love and care. I am so happy you have him and I do hope your wrist heals soon. I am glad you are going to take it easy though. You did so much over Christmas that you probably over did it with your wrist. Take a break, take it easy and hug that little darling cat for me. I think your husband is as much an animal lover and protector as you are. You are a fabulous couple. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
Oh no that really hurts (carpel tunnel) as I've had touches of it also. A baptism is always so special. I am so happy you found Bob or he found you and now has a new home. I did want to ask where you are getting your blog printed into a book? I would love to do that. Answer when you can...I don't want you to hurt at all. hugs, Linda
Hey Julie.. congratulations to your family on your grandson decision to be baptised.. that is so awesome..
Oh and Bob, is so cute.. I hope him and Jack will become best bud's..
I have to ask.. Is that your house on the header of your is beatiful.. and oh my what a view..
if it is, that is so cool.. just curious
Oh my goodness is that why your comments were off the last couple of posts?
I feel bad that your wrist is hurting. It IS alot of work to comment all the time on everyone's blogs, especially those that post everyday or multi times per day. I finally decided that I post 2 or 3 times a week on average and that was how many times a week I could also catch up on blogs - this could really be a fulltime thing if you let it!
Anyway, I hope your wrist feels better. You do not have to commment on my blog - I just sure love to come over and see what you are doing :-D
Bob is a lucky kitty - he found the best caretakers!!
congratulations to your grandson on his baptism. What a special day that was for all of you.
A special day for Bob also. Lucky for him that you happened along to rescue him and give him a loving home.
You take care of that wrist and don't worry about the commenting. Your wrist is more important
I was going to say "Poor Bob" but I think I should say, "Lucky Bob". That's so kind of you and your husband to take care of that little waif!
Hope your hand gets feeling better. I don't know how you get everything done that you do with all your blog visiting! You're amazing!
Love your daughter's book she made. I need to do that with my kids missions! It's been 1 1/2 years since they returned home and I'm still just thinking about it! I guess I'm not sure what to do!
Have a good day!
Oh my gosh you poor girl!! You know you have it bad when you can't blog anymore!
I wanted to ask you how you are making books out of your blogs, I really want to do that. Just keep it in mind and we can talk about that when you're healed from your surgery.
Bob sure found the purrrrfect home he's a lucky kitty!!
Take care and know I'm thinking about ya!!
Congrats to Treston and wonderful. :)
Happy New Year to you and yours. Stop over for a visit soon.
What blog printing place did your daughter have her blog printed?
I know you are so happy and proud for your grandson.
I sure am thankful that Bob has a new loving home and a patient mommy who will nurse him back to health. He is beautiful and I can understand why you love him already.
I sympathize with your wrist problem. Hope some rest and maybe some moist heat will make you feel better soon.
How fun to get baptized New Years day...such neat symbolism in that! Love your cute family!
Julie...I'm also wondering, which site did they use to print the blog books, I LOVE those and I've been meaning to do it (feeling overwhelmed about 350+ posts), but I like how they split it into volumes!
Julie, Your sweet heart, love of God and family is so precious!
Thank you for sharing your Treston's baptism. What a wonderful family you have!
Awwww, Bob!He has found such a happy home!
And about your carpel tunnel. I have that too. This is the year to get my hand opperated on. It is from years of painting, sewing, rug hooking etc. I wear a brace to bed (got it at CVS) and that really helps. Rest it and get better!
You will be on my prayer list!
I know your heart is full of celebration over Treston's baptism! I can't think of anything a grandmother would be more happy over.
I was so sad for your losing Jack; seems Bob was meant to be. He is so pretty, even in his sickly state!
Julie, I think you do a grand job of expressing the love of Christ throughout the year. I'm proud to "know" you! You inspire the rest of us.
Congrats to you grandson, as well as Bob! He is so fortunate to have found a home with you...bless his heart; here's to a quick recovery to restore him to full health.
Take good care of yourself and your wrist...I experienced CT when I was pregnant and golly, talking aobut painful!
Julie, so glad Ron and you are around to help the lost animals. So sweet of you. Nice family pictures.
What a handsome young grandson!
And Bob is adorable...hope he adjusts well and recovers completely! I didn't know about sorry!
Sorry about the wrist. I love comments but with my family and all, I just don't have time to comment so just know that I read your blog and love the pictures and once I noticed all the people commenting on your blog I didn't want you to feel obligation to comment on mine. I KNOW how tender hearted you are. I patted Cougar at the store Yesterday, I think it was, I almost feel like he's family. Congratulations on your newest addition and sritch him for me right between the ears.
Hi Julie,
Sorry to hear about your hand problems,isn't this aging thing fun !!!!!!
If you don't mind I would love to know how you published your blog into book volumes,that sounds like something I would love to do.
God has a way of healing our broken hearts in His special way, even if it's sending a stray cat our way to replace a lost one, isn't He wonderful ??
Blessings to you
Another beautiful family moment with the baptism of Treston..thank you for sharing that precious young man's special day with us. And BOB! I love BOB! You know our Sweetcheeks had an invisible friend, BOB, that disappeared....and I have missed him...Now I will think of him as living on in YOUR CAT! lol
I love your family and the deep love and connection you all have. God is good! xxooDiana
Hi Julie! You're so right - what a wonderful way for your grandson to start the new year! Looks like a wonderful gathering with lots of family! I wish I had more family - no brothers or sisters - poor little me! :) Probably just as well, I would have been the bossy one! :)
Oh, little Bob! Bless his little heart. You are so wonderful to take this little kitty home and make him a part of your family. Hope he gets his health back soon.
I'm sorry, Julie, about your hand and wrist. We could stay on our puters all day long,well, I could. I know what you mean about commenting though. I think it's really rude when you comment and comment on someones' blog and they just never comment back. Eventually I'll quite commenting on theirs.
You don't worry about me.
I'll be here to check on you. Just take your time and hopefully you will heal.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Hi Julie, so sorry about your hand. I agree with what Mary Sue said. Sometimes I'm so guilty of reading and not commenting. I loved seeing your family pics. Good luck with Bob. Ha, that's our teens nick name! (along with George lol) I love my wooly puppy Lucy. She's getting huge. When she first came home with me she was so shy I was sure she had been beaten. Now she's at the awful drag stuff around the yard stage!
In the winter do you walk on a tresd mill? OH yeah, is your hot tub compleatly out under the stars? or under a deck?
Enjoy your week.
I love the cowboy hat! Your faith shows in everything you write Julie...and your kindness too :-)
So sorry to hear about your wrist. You take care of yourself my friend!
I forgot to add...what a sweet story about "Bob"! I'm sure he'll thrive with your loving care :-)
Sweet family photos!
I am so sorry about our carpal tunnel, that is very painful.No need to answer back altho I do appreciate you coming by today.
Julie~ What a wonderful way indeed to start the year! Please tell your sweet Grandson that prayers come from Indiana to him and his commitment to Christ.
Bob♥ What a dear lucky kitty. Reminded me of when we received one or two of the Kitties our Sweet Lord sent my way. One of my little starved kittens ended up becoming HUGE after recovery. Our Vet said, sometimes that happens as they are so fearful of being without food again. Mario topped at 25 pounds.
Im sorry that nasty carpel syndrome hits you. Please dont ever feel you have to comment back to me. I feel your prayers and believe me, that is worth more than any ole comment♥
My prayers for you & your family to have a Blessed 2011, sounds like it is starting off in a beautiful direction.
Love In Christ~ your Blog Buddy in Indiana
I am sorry about your hand :(
Get better,
Love your family and so glad you were there for the baptism. Can you adopt me ? I sure need family around here :)
Loved your post :)
Hi Julie,
I have had that same problem with my hand as well. In fact I ended up in the emergency room one night because the pain was so unbearable.
I know what you mean about commenting. I hate to miss people but sometimes you just have to do your best and then stop.
Love the kitty and the baptism!
Blast that carpel tunnel. A girls got to do, what a girls got to do ---and spare yourself from so much pain. So sorry! And what a perfect New Year gift to attend your grandson's baptism and to come home with a brand new friend, Bob. What a cat!
Take care and Happy New Year to YOU!
Way to go Treston, doesn't it just make your heart sing to see your offspring growin' in the Lord??? It's so cool that his Dad got to do the honors. Yep, I'd say that's the best way to begin this year!!! He makes me proud just lookin' at 'em. He's a fine handsome young man!!!
Oooooh, poor Bob. Ya spell it backwards and it's still Bob!!! He's gonna be one pampered kitty but he does look like he's had a ruff life out there.
I scrolled down through your post, girl you do have one beautiful family. I too don't visit as often as I'd like. I used to visit all my followers at least once a week. The list has grown (not that I'm complainin') but the feat is now impossible and too time consuming.
I'll pray that your carpal tunnel heals without the surgery. Do you do yoga??? It sure help my tendinitis, carpal tunnel and back problems. Just sayin....
God bless ya and have a beautiful day my friend!!! :o)
Happy New Year, Julie!
Congratulations to Treston and his parents on his wonderful milestone with his walk with our Lord and Savior!
Also, what a great thing you and your husband did by saving Bob. The world needs more people like y'all.
I enjoyed looking at all the pictures you have been posting of your family.:o)
The Tattered Tassel
I didn't know about lil Jack. He was such a sweet thing. Bob is darling.
So happy for Treston and family!
Hope your hand/wrist improves!
Hi Sweet Julie,
first- congrats to your adorable grandson! what a blessed young man:)
How sweet that you rescued Bob, there's a special place in heaven for people like you! I hope your hand and wrist get better, if your like me, just the thought of surgery can heal me quickly!
big hugs,
What a great way to start the new year!! Baptism's are the best!
You take care of your hand and wrist. I don't know how you've done it, commenting on everyone's blogs!?!? That takes a huge amount of time!!
You and little Bob get some rest!! :-)
Hi Julie,
So sorry to hear about your wrist. I have some Carpal Tunnel in my left wrist and so can relate. Something that has helped me a bit is a visit to a chiropractor. I know they are not for everyone, but I was in pain and need to use a keyboard at my job, so I tried it.
It isn't a cure, but it did help and I agree with you about surgery, I'm trying to avoid that route if at all possible.
Take care of yourself and thanks for stopping by!
What a wonderful milestone for your sweet grandson. I can see he is just beaming :)
Lucky kitty! He will pay you back in love and kindness 100 fold, for your compassion!
Sorry about the CT!! Ouch! I know that after my Dad had his surgery to repair CT (on both hands!) he felt 100% better. But, he did put it off as long as he could; he wasn't a big fan of surgery :)
Don't ever think that I am needing to receive a comment from you..... I know life is busy and we are busy women. Just know that I'm thinking of you, and wishing the best for you and your family!
I'm so glad you have a new cat to love. :)
Sorry your wrist is hurting. Typing can be hard on us, I think.
I can't answer all my comments, either. I try so hard, but I can't sit at my computer long, either, so I just do the best I can.
Blogging shouldn't feel like a should be fun. Just comment as you can and don't worry about it. :)
Your grandson is such a handsome little fella.:)
hugs, bj
So proud to see someone baptized in the name of Jesus! Thank you for saving the little kitty! My daughter does the same thing...she now as six that she has rescued.
I too have the carpal tunnel thing and sleep with wrist bands at night. Not fun! My right hand often goes numb and gets really cold when I use the computer mouse.
Again not fun....
Take care!
Lots of good stuff on your blog :) Glad to find you.
Julie- Congratulations to Treston! That is so wonderful , and baptised by his Father -how special.
AWWW! What a kind thing with the kitty!
Have a pretty day!
What a pretty post for the new year. Congrats to Treston!
Bob is one lucky cat. I know that he will bring you all much pleasure and love.
Sorry to hear about your hand and wrist. I think that your comment plan should work out well.
Have a great Friday.
Just stopping back by to suggest that you try a hot parafin wax therapy bath for your wrist. Hope you get better soon.
I don't know if you have taken him to a vet Julie, but I think he may have a loose stool because he has worms. When I looked at his eyes the 'third eye' they call it is showing and that can indicate worms in the stomach. The vet will give you droncit for that and then he will be able to absorb all the goodness from his food. Also it could be that he is eating new food and his system needs time to get used to it. You could try him on a hamburger and rice diet for awhile to see if it stops. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
Your grandson will remember his baptism day for the rest of his life. And, although it was a long way to go, he will also remember that his grandparents were there.
You are an animal lover just like me! I can't stand to see an animal suffering. I try to do all I can to help them.
Rest that wrist! You definitely don't want to have to have that surgery down the road. I've read where Calcium and Magnesium are very helpful in getting your wrist better.
Awww... poor little Bob!! He looks like a sweetie!
I loved the pictures of your granson and his special day, Miss Julie- tht is so wonderful.
I'm so sorry to hear about your wrist- I worked in a dental office for 18 years so I know how painful that can be.
That's so sweet of you to rescue that little guy. I'm sure he will be very happy in your home.
I sure hope your wrist feels better....
Happy New Year sweet friend...
You have such a tender, loving, compassionate heart...Bob is one fortunate kitty.
I feel your is so busy I just can't keep up. So, I will think of you often and stop by when I am in NEED of a real good cuppa.
Thank you for your precious friendship...hugs...Rosie
Happy New Year! It looks like you've started it off good!
Julie I love you even more!!!! I have such a soft spot in my heart for cats....(as if you couldn't tell) are such an angel to rescue him!
Bob is perfect.
I love that your husband is as smitten as you.
Great family picture with your and your sweetheart standing behind everyone.
Such a great occasion for that handsome young man!
I love your posts!
my sweet sweet friend
i am back in blogland after several months break. i have missed you so. you may not recognise me as millie meadowsweet, but you might just possibly remember me from my previous incarnation as skipping in the meadow.
it is so lovely to see you this january and i must congratulate your lovely grandson and his parents on his babtism.
you are such a kind-hearted soul, how fortunate for bobby-kins that you found him. he looks like a sweetheart, i just want to cuddle him too x
i will now be keeping up with your lovely blog again and that makes me happy :o)
warmest love and hugs from a meadow in the english countryside xxx
millie (sumea)
Congrats on the kitty! oooh, I had carpel tunnel in both wrists when I worked at the Post office. It is painful. Have you tried the wrist brace? They really make a difference...especially at night. Hope it gets better soon!
Hi Julie!
Wishing you a Happy New Year! Take good care of your wrist!
"I think we find happiness as we desire to make others happy."
You make others happy! I admire everything you do for others, including the sweet cat!
Blessings to you!
Love, Brenda
It is always a joy to read your blogs...looks like you are doing well, and you are enjoying a life full of blessings! Best wishes to you all in this New Year!
Hi Julie, I didn't know you were having trouble, but you will be so glad to get the surgery over with. I have had it done and it not too serious. Your new Bob looks just like my new Tiny. She plays in the hall all night and sleeps all day. Sending my best wishes and if you need anything I am here for you. Are you wearing a wrist brace? When are you having it done? Annette
that is indeed a great way to start the new year for your grandson. that Bob is one lucky cat! i hope he does well. and as for your carpal tunnel- ouch. i hope slowing down on the computer will help.
How wonderful that you were able to be with your grandson for his special day.
That kitty-cat is so blessed he found you and your hubby to rescue him! I am glad Bob has found such a nice place to live, and now he doesn't have to go hungry or freeze to death!
Sorry to hear you are having wrist and hand pain. That is one of the casualties of our computer world we live in. I hope it heals soon for you.
I also loved your books that you showed. I have thought about printing some of my posts up into a book at some point for my mom and dad who do not get on the computer (and live far away). Great idea!
Have a lovely weekend, sweet Julie!
XOXO Gloria
Hi my friend...could you let me know where you get those books printed up from your blog? I think that is a wonderful idea!
Hope your hand heals fast my friend...not fun at all.
Weekend hugs to you!
Baptism is such a special event to have in the family!
Where are you getting the blog book printed? I want to do that for my blog. THanks :)
Cute grandson! Congratulations on his baptism.
I teach the 8/9 year olds in's such a fun age group to teach.
Sorry you are having trouble with your hand. Hopefully with a little rest it will feel better!
I am so glad you found have such a kind heart and this also gives me the opportunity to thank you for your kind words after my husband left me.....It was kindness that really kept me going...that and faith...Thank you so much Julie for being a friend......
Julie, is it odd that I'm always on the look-out for stray kittens that I can also adopt? There are loads of strays in my Farmington neighborhood, and they know exactly where to come for food, water, and shelter. But a darling little kitten would just make my day! So glad you and Bob found each other :)
awww... Bob is sooo cute. Good for you for rescuing him, he needed someone's help. We also rescued an older cat last year (8 years old) after our 13 yr old dog/best friend passed on.
BTW- you don't need to comment back, I hope your hand feels better.
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