Put in a saucepan;
1 cup dry mustard powder
2/3 cup Sugar
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup vinegar
1 pinch of salt
1/8 tsp. Cayenne pepper
Stir in til smooth and let come
to a boil. Reduce heat to low,
for 10 minutes. Place mixture
in a mason jar and store in the
refrigerator for a few months
to use over steaks or any meat.
to share together since we were dating. My hubbie is the one
who grills the steaks while I do the other part that goes on top.
salt and pepper. Just as they are getting soft I throw in a bunch of fresh
chopped mushrooms and let them sit in there with the onions and butter.
(Sometimes I cook some chopped up small red potatoes along with the onion.)
~And for dessert~
(Sometimes I cook some chopped up small red potatoes along with the onion.)
~And for dessert~
Whisk 2 eggs whites with 1/2 tsp. salt
in a large bowl until stiff peaks form.
Gently fold in one 14 oz. bag shredded
sweetened coconut and 3/4 cup of
sweetened condensed milk.
Stir 1 1/2 cups mini chocolate chips
nuts or dried cherries. Then scoop
2 inch balls and lay them about 1"
apart onto parchment lined baking
sheets. Bake at 300' til golden, about
25 minutes.
You can store these in an airtight container
for a good week. So good with a bowl of your
favorite ice cream... a movie and a snuggle!

Yum, that mustard sounds wonderful, and easy. Right up my alley!!
Oh my, Oh my, Oh my, this mustard sauce sounds so gooooooood. I am going to try both recipes. I am a hot mustard freak so I am very excited about that one.
I liked your comments. Yesterday while at Papa's appt. I was reading the Deseret News. There was an article about a proclaimed feminist and atheist. This woman stated that she loves reading Mormon Mommy Blogs because it gives her a sense of comfort. She said they were like an escape for her. All of us little mormon women taking care of our families interests her but, not enough to change her life. I would think she would want to explore that feeling she gets. I don't know how anyone could not believe there is a God who loves us.
Hi Julie!
Yum, Yum! Nothing better than steak with spuds and onions! The hot mustard sauce looks amazing too - and the macaroons . . . there goes my diet, just looking at them made me gain weight!! I guess it is time to start thinking about a romantic dinner... ;0)
I love your thought about being inferior! I teach the 4th Sunday RS lesson and I am going to use this thought for my lesson, thank you! We truly need to stop worrying about the rest of the world, and remember who we are, we are daughter's of God, He loves us and wants us to return to Him. I sometimes look at those sweet little babies, straight from God's arms, and wish they could talk, what would they tell me? What message would they have for me? Thank you for sharing - just beautiful!!
Julie- What great recipes. I have not had macaroons in years! My mother loved them..and I don't think I have ever made them. Hugs- Diana
Oh my goodness, I am looking at your blog before I eat and my mouth is watering!! You have a whole meal there and it looks so good. TFS!
I've already eaten my dinner but now I'm seriously hungry again. That steak looks delicious and those macaroons...yummmy
I love the quote!
I also love the fact you have a romantic go-to dinner. Sweet.
Thanks for the wonderful recipes and for the loving words of encouragement. I will use both.
Hey Julie,
So I find it interesting you think your paper is too open...really? and is there anything wrong with that?
Thank you for such kind comments and the unending support this week. I also like the reminder of being in touch with our Heavenly Father; so true and it's nice that I can count on you and others to guide and direct me. I appreicate you!
That steak looks delish!
It is our date night dinner too- but we use the chance to escape from the kids and go out to eat. :)
Those macaroons look so yummy but you stole my heart with that hot mustard recipe. I'm headed to the kitchen to make a jar now !!
Have a blessed tomorrow.
I love macaroons and have not had them for a long time! Thanks for sharing this recipe, Julie! I'll be making them soon.
Eileen :0)
Thanks so much for these recipes. Macaroons are John's favorite treat! Thanks for the inspiring words and I wish you and your famiily a blessed weekend.
Your parting thoughts are certainly my own as well.
Thank you so much for sharing both of these recipes. They look fabulous!
Yum! That's one of our favorite meals too! And the mushrooms and onions just go so well with it!
That mustard looks yummy!
YUM! or as I have seen my kids type on FB NomNomNom...:-) All looking quite delish my bloggy sister and thanks for all the goodie info and recipes...You know we will ask! I like the part BEST about the cookies and favorite ice cream and snuggles....a very wonderful thought! Hugs to you and I agree with your closing thoughts. Heart felt thoughts always reach out and touch those soft sister spots... :-) Glad to be here.....
Hi Julie!
I love everything about this post, especially the macaroons!
I have all the ingredients and my daughter, Amanda, who LOVES coconut is coming home again tomorrow! I can't wait to try this!
*love the swan quote*
*happy weekend to you dear ♥
Oh, 39dgfnld3...Sorry I had to wipe my slobber off the keyboard..Now where was I?
Oh my everything looks so delicious @#$dlierhe...There I go again..drooling over your post. I better quit now before I need a new computer!
I never even thought about making mustard. It sounds wonderful. I am a spice girl - love lots of flavor in my food so this really sounds right up my alley!
Your parting thoughts are wonderful. If the whole world knew than it would be a more wonderful place!
Both of these recipes look fabulous! And I love your thoughts on who we really are and how to stay intuned with our Father in Heaven. Thanks, Julie!
Great parting woods! Just knowing this helps me get through the day and through my life!
Thanks for the recipes. I'm for sure going to make the hot mustard.
That is some yummy dinners right there!! That looks absolutely delicious.
And your shared thought at the end is wonderful too! Thanks Julie!
Those steaks look YUMMY!!! Thanks for the recipe, too.
A very tasty post Julie! I am so grateful, like you, for the knowledge of who I really am.
This amazing truth has blessed my life in wonderful ways. I wish everyone knew who they were. What a different world we would live in! xxoo
beautiful heartfelt words julie- your spirit is beautiful it is apparent you live a Christlike life. thank you for your thoughts and the recipes- I AM SO HUNGRY right now!
I love a good steak.
What a great way to start the day, for me....uplifting words and reminder of who I am....and your food selection...crazy good. What a super romantic meal. I love it. xoxo
Julie, living in your home must be such a joy!! Those recipes look delicious!! And, as always you are an inspiration. Hugs~ Tanna
This sounds like the perfect meal for Valentine's. My hubby grills steaks quite regularly. I'm going to try the mushroom and onion topping. Yum!
It all looks yummy!! Thanks for always sharing!
I'm working on a joint lesson to give to the YM/YW of our ward and I'm going to use President's Uchtdorf's talk and Mormon message on that very quote and story!! It's perfect! :-)
Hi pretty Julie! Oh, you had me at the macaroons! I've never made those and we just love them!! :)
Those steaks look so good!!
I'm giggling about the funeral potatoes! :) Yep, I understand about funeral foodds! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Mustard and macaroons, such funny combination ^_~
Your image of the homemade mustard is oh so inviting, sweet Julie.
Much love for a wonderful weekend! xxxx
Yes, the steaks look waaaayyyy yummy! much to my saddness I can not cook a good steak! But the Mr can! I think we shall give the hot mustard sauce and steaks a try this week end. (all the sno has melted from around the grill! LOL)
I am a Child Of God.... I agree with what you said, " there are no ordinary people, for we are all offspring of God".
In response to our newest Grand baby post,
Cowboy Mom said this: "I wonder
if we could all feel the miracle of our OWN births If we would quit being so hard on our selfs." Ahh, so very true huh.
I'll be thinking of you as we ooooo and ahh over our steaks covered with onions and hot mustard sauce!
oh miss julie, you never cease to amaze me with all of your deliciousness! if i lived closer, i would invite myself over for one of those steak dinners! they are my favorite!!!!
i love your quote too ... i needed to read that today, so thank you!
have a wonderful weekend my friend!
I copied the recipe for the mustard.
That steaks looks so yummy. I was wondering about how much vinegar you use???
Thanks for the beautiful words for us to read and to apply to our own lives.
have a great weekend
Oh Julie, that sauce looks wonderful and flavorful- the steak made my mouth water- so yummy! Loved your parting thought, such truth in that statement and we forget at times to feel the richness of his blessings. Thanks for that reminder :)
My Dr. Hubby loves a good steak with mushrooms.
{{hugs}} Hope you have a fantastic weekend.
Oh my gosh!!! :) NOW I am hungry! This looks SOOOOOOOOOO very delicious!! Thanks for sharing!
Sweet words for a beautiful post dear Julie!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
Blessings to you,
XOXO Gloria
Hi Julie, just got the chance to catch up and read blogs. The recipes sound so good! Thank you for sharing. Just love the photo and the words.........wonderful post! blessings, Kathleen (also from Eggs In My Pocket blog)
Can I just tell you how much I love sauteed mushrooms and onions? I made a big pan of them the other night to put over our chicken and by the time I poured it from the pan to the serving bowl there was only about a half a cup left. I had been sampling too much. I could make a meal of that alone. This steak sauce sounds so delicious.
You're one of the best cooks I know.
I'm making those macaroons tomorrow. Coconut is one of my favorites.
Wow Julie..that looks soooo good..
again,, it just wants to make me visit even more..lol..
thanks for sharing..
Hi Julie,
Thank you for sharing your recipes. That steak looks delicious! Have a wonderful weekend! :)
i so want that steak right now! looks sooooo yummy! and those delish cookies to top it off. just perfect!
Your FOOD is looking mighty delicious! Thanks for sharing, love it all!
Come along and link your Mustard sauce to my first "Friday Weekend Fun" Drawing!
Have a great weekend!
Love, Brenda
Julie, all the recipes you share always look so good! I bet you and your husband had a wonderful dinner.
Thanks for sharing!
hugs, Ann
Hi Julie!
Thanks for linking up! We all love your recipes! You are special!
Have a great weekend!
love, Brenda
You always have such beautiful posts Julie!
I love your parting words here.
And that steak and those cookies look heavenly!
No pun intended!
Hugs Friend,
I am behind on my blogging because I am on babysitting duty a lot these days.
I always enjoy seeing new recipes..and especially when theres a photo to go with it.
Lovely and yummy looking Julie!
Dont you love it that love is more than a characteristic of God;
it is His character.
...the Lord your God..is the faithful God,
keeping his covenant of love
to a thousand generations of those who love him...Deut 7:9
Deborah \0/
Thanks Julie for a couple more great looking recipes!! I'm not a meat eater but I have to admit that steak looks darn good.:o)
The Tattered Tassel
Honey I should know by now not to visit you unless I have just eaten. I always get so hungry after visiting you. lol
Gosh I don't know what looks better the sauce, steak or dessert.
Love you
Your recipes always look and sound so tasty!!
Our Father promises us that it His goal to conform us into the image of Jesus Christ His son. That is a comfort to me! and speaking of comfort that food is scrumptious!
Good food AND great thoughts!
Julie! I ADORE macaroons...throw in some chocolate and I am SURE it is a tiny slice of heaven!
Just seeing those onions cooking in butter makes me drool! You always have such good recipes and things to try.
I just love the picture of Tiffany and Ella dressed alike! Just precious! Also the pictures of Caleb and Libby having so much fun in the snow. I remember doing that as a kid with our dog Ginger. :o)
Oh I see you have Easy Best Bread on your sidebar.....I must go take a look at that!
Thanks for sharing some more yummy recipes. Very encouraging words too:)
Have a warm and wonderful Sunday!
That mustard sauce looks absolutely divine! I will try that one for sure.
The steak looks so awesome I was sure I could smell it.
Beautiful thoughts from a beautiful lady. You are wonderful.
hold on.. Let me wipe the drool from my mouth. Everything looks fantastic... esp the macaroons. ohh man.
I have said it before Julie, You share some of the best recipes, and your thoughts always bless me so much. Thank you for sharing.
Hi, Julie, you always cook and bake the most delicious treats! I know you and hubby enjoyed that delicious, romantic meal!! I am so thankful to know God and enjoy this beautiful world He has given us. I look forward to an eternity with Him, too. Have a terrific week, sweet friend. Love and hugs to you~ Vicki
totally delicious lookig post. the mustard sauce sounds wonderful!
i do so enjoy your posts :o)
wishing you and yours a lovely week
warmest hugs xxx
Oooh~ The hot mustard sounds wonderful, Julie... my hubby would love that! But the macaroons... if I make those they are ALL MINE!! *LOL*
Love your words, too... we must always remember this life is only temporary... and that a better life awaits us one day!
Hi Miss Julie! Coconut macaroons! Now why'd ya have to go and do that? Now I'll have to copy your recipe and do some! Mustard sounds good, too, and we haven't had a steak in a while...
I'm always glad to be here and let you inspire me, Julie. Thanks for always being bold and putting the precious name of Jesus out there for those of us who do not know Him. I don't know what people do that don't have the Lord walking by them daily!
Have a wonderful week!
Great recipes and inspiration! Have a wonderful week!!
Oh you've got my mouth watering Julie! Love a good steak:)
I realize now how lucky I am and I bet you do to, that we were raised in the country. Now when I tell these stories, like playing in barns, it sounds like I am making it up or maybe it was something I saw on a movie, but it really did happen and it really was wonderful. By the way, you have the most beautiful family place where you call home. Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a fantastic day. Heidi
Truly brilliant!!! I need to do this. Thanks so much for sharing.
I'll bet that mustard sauce would be wonderful on ham also!!
Yummy...thanks for sharing sweetie!
I can smell the deliciousness all the way to British Columbia.
You are such a breath of inspiration ! Love this spiritual thought and the food !
Hope you are having a lovely week.
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