These books are my favorite cookie books. They are about cookies but also about so much more. They teach the sweetest lessons about life and are wonderful to teach children or adults about some of life's very important...bite size lessons. I hope you will check these books out.
Here are just a few quotes from the books;
ENDEARMENT means: Come here, my sweet cookie, my sweet little morsel.
CONSIDERATE means: I waited until you got home so we could lick the bowl together.
SUPPORTIVE means: That when your cookies are a huge hit at the bake sale, no one is happier for you than I am.
TENDERNESS means: See how we're lifting the fresh cookies from the
tray with care and gentleness? That's the same way we treat
another's heart.

ADORE means: I think you're simply delicious. Oh, I could just gobble you up!
HEARTBROKEN means: My heart feels sad and hurt, like a crumbling cookie.
SELFLESS means: No, really, please, I want you to have the last cookie.
BLISS means: Oh my, the aroma! The taste! I'm in total cookie heaven.

CHERISH means: There is no where in the universe I'd rather be than here in our kitchen, baking sugar cookies with you.
COOPERATE means: How about you add the chips while I stir.
PATIENT means: Waiting and waiting for the cookies to be done...still waiting.
RESPECT means: Offering the very first cookie to your grandmother.

UNFAIR means: You get a bite of this cookie...and I get the rest!
PESSIMISTIC means: How awful, how dreadful, I have only half my cookie left.
OPTIMISTIC means: This is great! I still have half my cookie left.
CONTENT means: Sitting on the steps...just you, me, and a couple of cookies.

1 cup shortening
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. soda
1 cup peanut butter
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp. salt
optional to add in:
1 cup chocolate chips
butterscotch chips
or chocolate kisses
Mix all ingredients together, batter will be stiff.
Roll a small scoop into hands, place on cookie sheet,
press cookies with fork tines to flatten and create a
cross-hatch pattern. Dip fork in flour each time.
Bake until golden brown at 375' for 8 to 10 minutes.
Let cool, remove to rack
2 T. shortening
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup cream
Boil 3 minutes, cool,
add 1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Frost and dip in ground peanuts.

I LOVE making these cookies even the dough smells delicious!

Oh! And then the adding of the chips...one of the crowning events of cookie making!

And the other crowning event is...that first bite of a warm cookie...YUM!

I love them this way too...oh, there are so many good things to do to this cookie!

A house should have a cookie jar, for when it's half past three
And children hurry home from school as hungry as can be!
There's nothing quite so splendid in filling children up,
As fluffy, fresh warm cookies and sweet milk in a cup.
A house should have a mother waiting with a hug,
no matter what the child brings home..a puppy or a bug!
For children only loiter when the bell rings to dismiss,
If no one's home to greet them with a Cookie and a Kiss.

I love this little book too. I love that when you give him a cookie,
he requires even more care. He needs a glass of cold milk to go with
that cookie, and then he needs a little nap because he is now so full
and so tired...and it goes on an on.
I think I just LOVE cookies...how about you, are you in the mood now?!
I hope so...get making some cookies ladies and sharing the warmth with your
loved ones..or friends..or neighbors..or even a stray mouse or two!