A neighboring farm boy had some friends over to play, they decided to go out to the chicken coop and play with his chickens. They went running out laughing and goofing of as boys do. This young boy always goes in through the door but for some reason, this time he peeked into the little window first.

Yes a cougar ( or) mountain lion. It was in the coop and apparently had been there for awhile. It had killed 26 of their chickens and eaten a bunch of them.
What a testimony to this young boy that he had been lead by the Holy Ghost to not just rush into the coop as he usually did. But this time to stop and peek into the window first.
We are all watched over my friends...if we will just stop and listen to that still small voice.
I am hoping now that a cougar doesn't come over the field and to my house!

"Kids Say The Darndest Things"
I do, I used to love to watch it when I was a little kid. I felt like I was one of those kids being interviewed. Kids still do say the darndest things too...here's an idea that would be fun to do.
How about getting your video camera out...sitting your child or grandchild down and asking them some questions? Here are a few questions to get you started...Have fun doing it!

2. Where do you live?
3. Who is in your family? Tell me about them.
4. Do you have any pets?
5. Do you go to school?
6. Who is Jesus?
8. Do you remember when you were a baby?
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do your mom and dad do?
11. Who is the President?
12. What is your favorite holiday?
13. What is the nicest thing anybody did for you?
14. What is your favorite..breakfast...lunch..
dinner..cookie..ice cream etc.?
15. What is your favorite book? TV show?
Write out a list of other questions or just wing it. Shorter is better, but you may be surprised at how much your child likes to be listened to. You may even learn something. It will capture your child's personality better than any missed soccer goal...an nobody will say, "Fast forward it."

Yes...stop the world and go play with a dear child in your life...it will bless you and them!
Have a good week my friends. :D
Thanking God that this boy stopped to look through the window first. I can't imagine what went through his parents mind when they realized what was in there! God looks after His children...that is for certain!
Love the questions for kids...my grand-children and I have chats like this all the time. I write so much of what they say in our family journal. We did the same with our children.
Have a great day! Hope it's sunshiny in your neck of the woods!
Hi Julie! Oh, so true! God was certainly watching out for this little guy.
I do remember the Art Linkletter show! Kids are so funny!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
So thankful God was watching over this child and his friends.
I did a mini-interview with my little boy a couple weeks ago, but I'm going to ask him some of the questions you've posted tonight. I can't wait to see what he says. Kids can certainly be funny at times!
Wow! What an amazing story.
Glad the kiddos were all safe!
So true! How wonderful that the chicken coop episode turned out well.
He must've been very hungry to take that bold of a step during the day. Wow! No...I wouldn't want to run into one either.
OMG..Yes once again God was watching out!!
And I so remember Art Linkletter show just loved seeing the kids..Hope all is well in your world today my friend..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
True story of God watching....
I decided to come back to blogging after nearly a year off. Just missed everyone!!
Have a Great Day!
My goodness this is quite a story, sweet Julie.
Your landscape keeps amazing me every time I visit your beautiful pocket in the world.
I threw the sweet Julie notes in the big giveaway hat, fingers crossed crossed crossed!
Enjoy the rest of your day, mine is coming to an end xxxx
That is one scary cat! God does watch over us!
I taught my GRAND~girls my phone number just so they would call me when they wanted to. Now, I love when the GRANDS call just to say, Gigi, I love you. I always say, I love you more. We play alot seeing as I keep then 2 to 3 days a week and some times on Saturday night.
WOW!! What a story!! Thanks for sharing!! The Holy Ghost is most definitely a gift!!
I do remember that show..."Kids Say The Darndest Things"!! Makes me smile just thinking about it!
Wonderful story that proves God is always watching over us.
What a scary story! So glad those boys were ok!
I very vaguely remember that show! How very fun!
Thank Goodness that little boy listened to the voice!
How dreadful!
I remember Kids say the darndest things!
Have you seen Heidi Klum has one similar out now. I saw a bit of it and it is pretty cute.
When I taught Preschool I had 4 year olds! Boy O Boy! The stories I could tell! Maybe I will blog about them!
We have our daughters taped saying sweet things. A favorite is Sergio talking to Emily when she was about 5. He was talking to her about boys and boyfriends. Making her promise not to love any boy more than she does him. She giggles and tells him she has a secret. Then tells him that she is gonna marry him! When he tells her what about poor Mommy. She looks very thoughtful and then said, I was teasing! Im gonna marry your BROTHER! It is so precious.
The Great Protector was watching out for those children as surely as I am sitting her typing!
I love to ask my grandkids questions and do it all the time. i am amazed at what they say (and do)...that is one reason I write my blog..so that I remember..so that THEY remember too. Bless you for this wonderful, inspiring post! xxoo Diana
WOW' that is awesome that the little boy listened as you explained to the still small voice. Love that. So glad nothing tragic happened to a young ones life. Its to bad about the chickens though.
I do love some of the funny things my kids can say... its never a dull day around here. hugs, jen
Oh my gosh what a close call for that little boy..It's true, I'm a firm believer he was being watched over..Man how crazy is that!
I love the little things kids say, On my other blog, my preschool one, I did a post on the cute things that come out of their mouths.
We hear some doosies!
What a lesson this is to constantly be listening to that still small voice. I remember the Art Linkletter show. What a fun family activity that would be to have a list of questions.
God did protect that little child.
I love "talking" for my little grandbaby ... "she" does say the funniest things.
That cougar story gave me goose bumps!
I LOVE hearing what my grandchildren have to say and love hearing their sweet voices on the phone. Last night I got a phone call and saw my daughter's number came up on my caller ID. I answered it with, "Hi, Jill!" My 3 1/2 year old granddaughter said, "Grandma, you thought I was my mom but I'm not! I'm me!"
Love the video camera idea.
Have a wonderful evening, my friend!
Oh Julie,
I DO remember this funny radio show. My mother always did her ironing on Sunday afternoon. This was the entertainment for this hour or two...a good memory for sure.
Love to you dear one...xoxox...Rosie
Wow Julie, that is a amazing story! It reminds me of the kind of story Pres. Monson would tell. A little boy in tune with the spirit! Now I hope that big cat doesn't come your way either!
What a story, Julie!
Oh and I'll bet he'll always remember the protective hand of God!
I love your idea... I laugh out loud often at school as my 11 year old sixth graders sometimes say the darnedest things!
It's amazing how much they say too!
There's always something new to learn!
*Bless you always,
Oh WOW! Thank goodness he looked before he ran in!
Thank you Lord for watching over that kid! It would have been the worst scenario if he barged into that coop!The cougar would have gone into defense mode!
O, I love this post, Julie. Don't we love kids so so much!
And, I do remember Art...loved his show.
I remember wondering about so many sex things as a young person so I made it a point to talk with my son and daughter fairly early on. Of course, they had a course in school, too. Wonder why we didn't?
xoxo bj
Oh my goodness!! That is so scary...terrifying! This was absolutely the Lord watching over and protecting him. Thank goodness he listened to what he was feeling by looking through the window first. This weekend my husband knocked over his oxygen tank (he's a jeweler) and we were so fortunate that only the regulator broke off opening only a small hole. If the main screw would have broken off the almost 5 foot tank would have become an airborne missle and posibly exploded up the entire shop. I believe the Lord saw us through that one as well!
Such a blessing! He still has things to do here on this earth. So happy for his family. I loved Art Linkletter. They don't make shows like that anymore! Mimi
Hi Julie, That is an amazing story about the cougar.
I enjoyed Art Linkletter also. I don't have children/grands but lots of nieces and great nieces and love to get calls/letters from them.
Since moving to a new neighborhood, our little dachshund attracts children and they always ask us why she rides in a stroller! We always tell them, she's old and tired!
Always uplifting to visit your blog. Have a wonderful day.
Hi Julie, I always enjoy your posts and I was really taken down memory lane by the mention of the Art Linkletter show. I remember it well and always got a laugh out of the cute kids saying the darndest things.
I'm so glad to hear the boy was kept safe from the mountain lion. The Lord was definitely watching over him! PTL!
Have a good Wednesday! Hugs, Cheryl
Oh my goodness Julie!!! The story about the cougar gave me chills. I am so thankful for the gift of the Holy Ghost and his promptings in my life. I am glad the little boy was prompted to look into the window first and that he was not hurt. I hope the cougar does not find you! We always used to have Art Linkletter on the radio in the mornings as we were eating our breakfasts and getting ready for school. I can remember how sweet his radio program was, even though I was a child myself! Thanks for jogging my memory! xxoo
Wow! So scary. God was watching and protect him.
I'll do an interview with the kids... such a cool idea.
Julie, I am so very thankful that the little boy listened to his Protector. I hope the mountain lion moves on or is stopped soon!
Children are absolutely reinvent the world for us! I love your idea about the interview on video! Art Linkletter was an artist with children on that show.
Blessings ~ Tanna
What a scare!!!! Bless that neighbor boys heart for looking in the window, first. Definetly a prompting, when he was so use to just running in to the coop. I hope that cougar or mountain lion stays good and far away from everyone. Poor chickens, too.
Great idea for recording while talking to children or grandchildren. They are so precious and so fun and funny. Their little minds are amazing and how they see the world is sheer delight. They do make the world a better place. xo
Sweet protection for those boys! 26 chickens gone!! OH NO!
Children are SO refreshing....just when I think I am at my wits end one will completely BRIGHTEN my day with their sweetness!
Wow! He was being looked out for! Can you magine.....
Thank you for all sweet comments. I really appreciate you!
xo, misha
That is so scary! So glad he's ok.
I love the thoughts on children and grandchildren.
So true.
That was so freaky Julie!
OMG, I would have had a heart attack I think.
And I'm like you, I love kids, I love babies and I wished I could have had more!
But I am happy having a grandbaby to love and care for now.
Hugs to you,
That is a wonderful story of the protection that our guardian angels provide for us! Thankfully this young boy was listening to his heart, it could have been a terrible tragedy.
Yes our grand children bring us such joy. When they want to play we need to drop everything and go be with them as they grow up way too quickly! I had my granddaughter and her little neighbor friend here for a sleep over last night and we had such a good time! I loved waking them up this morning with tickles and hugs and they did too!
Like Cindy said I wish I could have had more children but feel blessed to have our one son, a very special DIL and of course my two grand kids! This is the number that God chose for me so I am content. :o)
No one should be without a child in their life! :) Children touch the heart in special places....
Thank God the little boy didn't go in that coop! Such a miracle. I love your idea of videoing the kids. I've been a real slacker with my youngest. He constantly keeps us laughing with the things he says. Children really do make the world go around.
I am a FIRM believer - and a witness - to the fact that we should always listen to the inner voice inside. It is the Holy Spirit's voice, no doubt about that. That little boy is blessed indeed - and smart, too.
Love your ideas about filming. I will have to remember this one.
Wow, that is a testimony that God watches over us. Kind of scary. Thanks for the idea, and I do remember that show, I watched it! Loved it. I need to do this with my granddaughter.It will be so cute.
Dearest Julie, I do believe one day God/Godess and we human beings must not be separeted from Him/Her as in our present condition. What a great experience that boy had, he was surely guided by the Presence.
hugs my dear
Amazing story. I am glad to hear the young boy was fine, and God was for sure protecting him!
I do remember that show on t.v.. I loved that one and Candid Camera...:) Kids are pure entertainment...with the things they say!! I know that probably was one reason why Jesus loved to have the children around him. Special blessings!!
I hope you are staying warm and cozy this evening. We are getting a few showers again as I type this.
Blessings to you,
xoxo Gloria
What a great story Julie ~ sometimes I fail to remember that I am being watched and guided by God. : ) Thanks for the reminder.
Happy Thursday.
That first story just gave me chills! So thankful he was o.k!!
I don't remember the show but I think Bill Cosby did a similar show? I was pretty young so I'm not real clear on what it was called. That's one reason why I've always enjoyed working with children. Love their sayings and their joy for life!
Oh my Julie, that's so scary. So glad your neighbor's son is OK.
Thank God Julie that the little boy sensed something was different that day...:)
Yes children bring so much joy!
No wonder Jesus asks that we become like children...
Blessings dear friend xo
Deborah xoxo
Oh, how thankful those parents must've been!
We used to have a book around here by Art Linkletter based on his interviews with those kids. I'm going to have to see if I can find it and see what some of his questions were.
I loved that show too. My mom and some of the ladies from our church went to watch it be taped when I was a little girl, and the pastor's wife was interviewed and ended up on t.v. Everyone was so excited :-)
Thanks so much for your prayers for my nephew Julie!
WOW---so glad our good Lord was watching over the little farm boy.
What an awesome post...........I know we love our children SO MUCH. They are the lights of our world. :)
Stop over for a visit!!
Oh WOW! Scary! Happy to hear the outcome. What a smart boy! Thanks for sharing and reminding us to listen to promptings. You are wonderful!
Have a beautiful weekend!
What a great post today Julie! I love the idea of video taping as you ask children simple questions ... that would be a priceless treasure in the years to come for sure!
How scary and sad for those chickens, and yes, very fortunate for that little boy! :)
Hi Julie! Back again :o)
Oh how I wish the ocean and sunshine were mine! The photo in my post today was taken in California by my daughter and son-in-law... They were there a few weeks ago... I was so envious of their weather while there... Here in NY state, we had below freezing weather and snow! lots of it at that time!
So glad to see just a little sunshine today ~ yesterday it was cold and snowing!
Wishing to be finished with winter and sooo look forward to spring!
Blessings always * Maria
I don't know how I missed this post, but am so glad I found it. I loved Art Linkletter's show, and once in a while someone will show a clip., and what a great idea, you have of interviewing our own. And they do say the darndest things!!!
I know the thrill when one of ours call us too. So continue playing and making wonderful memories.
Hugs, Sue
Those mountain lions scare the heck out of me. We have them where we live too. Last week someone driving up my street stopped someone walking their dog out in front of our place and told them not to go any further, there was a mountain lion out on the street.
What a wonderful lesson to tell about that little boy listening to the spirit. We should all be like a child so that we can heard that prompting.
A wonderful post and story Julie.
Hugs, Ann
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