Here are just a few quotes from the books;
ENDEARMENT means: Come here, my sweet cookie, my sweet little morsel.
CONSIDERATE means: I waited until you got home so we could lick the bowl together.
SUPPORTIVE means: That when your cookies are a huge hit at the bake sale, no one is happier for you than I am.
TENDERNESS means: See how we're lifting the fresh cookies from the tray with care and gentleness? That's the same way we treat another's heart.

HEARTBROKEN means: My heart feels sad and hurt, like a crumbling cookie.
SELFLESS means: No, really, please, I want you to have the last cookie.
BLISS means: Oh my, the aroma! The taste! I'm in total cookie heaven.
COOPERATE means: How about you add the chips while I stir.
PATIENT means: Waiting and waiting for the cookies to be done...still waiting.
RESPECT means: Offering the very first cookie to your grandmother.
PESSIMISTIC means: How awful, how dreadful, I have only half my cookie left.
OPTIMISTIC means: This is great! I still have half my cookie left.
CONTENT means: Sitting on the steps...just you, me, and a couple of cookies.

1 cup shortening
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. soda
1 cup peanut butter
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp. salt
optional to add in:
1 cup chocolate chips
or butterscotch chips
or chocolate kisses
Mix all ingredients together, batter will be stiff.
Roll a small scoop into hands, place on cookie sheet,
press cookies with fork tines to flatten and create a
cross-hatch pattern. Dip fork in flour each time.
Bake until golden brown at 375' for 8 to 10 minutes.
Let cool, remove to rack
2 T. shortening
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup cream
Boil 3 minutes, cool,
add 1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Frost and dip in ground peanuts.

A house should have a cookie jar, for when it's half past three
And children hurry home from school as hungry as can be!
There's nothing quite so splendid in filling children up,
As fluffy, fresh warm cookies and sweet milk in a cup.
A house should have a mother waiting with a hug,
no matter what the child brings home..a puppy or a bug!
For children only loiter when the bell rings to dismiss,
If no one's home to greet them with a Cookie and a Kiss.

he requires even more care. He needs a glass of cold milk to go with
that cookie, and then he needs a little nap because he is now so full
and so tired...and it goes on an on.
I think I just LOVE cookies...how about you, are you in the mood now?!
I hope so...get making some cookies ladies and sharing the warmth with your
loved ones..or friends..or neighbors..or even a stray mouse or two! LOL
WONDERFUL post Julie- I just loved it and I ADORE peanut butter cookies.
If you were my neighbor I would be at you front door everyday- you make such deliciousness!
Here too!
Have a beautiful weekend!
What sweet little books! I love cookies, now I need to bake some! hugs, Linda
Love the sentiments in those little books! I wish more children these days knew what it was like to come home to their very own parents after school. So many children are being raised by daycares ...those kids will never know what they missed.
I wanna a cookie♥
The Cook Books are darling and very familiar to me...
Give A Mouse A Cookie is a fav that I read not only to my children but to my Preschool Classes
Peanut butter cookies are one of life's simple pleasures!
Very sweet books too.
FUN!! Those cookies look amazing!! I think I want some!! Do I need them? NO!! But, that's okay!! :-)
Those are awesome books. The peanut butter cookies look pretty good too
Oh my gosh! I love all those little sayings they're perfect! I might have to get the book.
As for your cookies...they look divine!
Such a sweet post! Those cookies look delicious!
Hi Julie! I had no idea there were more of these delightful Cookie books... I own the first one... bought it for myself even though I have adult children! It's such a cute book... so perfect for a cookie lover!
I love peanut butter cookies... especially if it has a chocolate kiss on top!
Have a perfect weekend!
Yum! I haven't made Peanut Butter cookies for a long time. I'm gonna add this recipe to my recipe file.
Cute, cute, cookie books and yummy cookies too! Thanks Julie xoxo
I love peanut butter cookies!! Those books are very cute. A cookie sounds really good about now. Thank you for sharing. :)
Thanks so much for sharing these books and quotes with us. They're wonderful! I'm going to see if Barnes and Noble have them.
Have a great weekend!
Ladybug Creek
I have never seen those cookie books before but they look right up my alley - How is it I missed those?
Thank you for always posting such wonderful and informative things on your blog - especially the recipes.
Hope you have a wonderful Friday!!
Hi Julie, I usually choose a book because of its illustrated cover. The covers of these books are precious! I love the quotes and the poem reminds me so of my own mom when I would come home from school starving to death! I bet the peanut butter cookies make the house smell yummy!
Just love cookies Julie and I adored this post. What's not to love, plus I have some more books on my wish list! xxoo
How sweet! Love the cookie lessons. So true! Just hopped on another blog who had choc chip cookies and now here's pb. If I hadn't just baked cupcakes for St Pat's Day, I'd bring out a batch of cookies. Gotta stop with the sugar somehow! Thanks for sharing.
I love this post!! I love all the little definitions, and I love that poem about cookies and a kiss.
I'm sharing the link to your blog with a friend because I know she'll love this too.
Thanks for sharing. Oh - and peanut butter cookies are (hands down) my favorite!
Those look like great cookie books. Those peanut butter cookies look so good. I think I may need to make a batch :)
I just adore the illustrations and who couldn't resist a cookie? Sounds like a winning combination to me. I'm going to go buy those.
Seeing your peanut butter cookies reminds me of something really funny, I'm going to post about it and, if you don't mind, about the cookie books too.
Darling cookbooks. I would love to have these for my darling little Kaci. I will have to see if I can find them. Appreciate you sharing these with us.
As always I am leaving your site hungry. You know honey cookies are my weekness and oh how you torment me.
Love ya
I heart cookies and your cookies look PERFECT!! I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend!
Julie I have never seen these cookie books and they are so endearing! I will look for them.
NOW, before I forget to tell you, I made your pistachio cupcakes yesterday for our St. Patty's Day dessert. WHAT A HIT! The kids were delighted and they were OH SO tasty! Thank you.
Yum, Yum, Yum!!! Beautiful post! I am always in the mood for cookies...:) It is raining here right now, and that is the best time to bake cookies. That brown sugar frosting on top sounds amazing! I have a thing for brown sugar frostings and fudge!!
I love those wonderful illustrations. I have a book illustrated by Jane Dyer too, "Talking Like the Rain." I love it!
I hope you have a fun weekend enjoying your beautiful family.
xoxo Gloria
What cute books.
I've never seen them before. Thanks for sharing your delicious looking recipe too!
Cookies are my all time favorite treat :)
Hi Julie! Oh, what darling books - I love the front covers - sweetest little artwork.
How great that these wonderful lessons can be taught in these little books! You're just a wonderful person, Julie! I'll bet you were the best mom! :)
I've got to run but I'll take a couple of those cookies and you come to my party, you hear? :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I LOVE those BOOKS!!! Love them! and the peanut butter cookies have me salivating again. I can eat a bunch of warm peanut butter cookies....that means a lot.
What a delightful post! Now I'm hungry for something sweet!
Are you kidding??? I'm so in the mood for cookies! A fresh peanutbutter cookie would be sheer "bliss" lol
Cute cute post! I need....need to put these books on a list. :-)
I love the poem "a cookie and a kiss" I really believe it's the truth! And ya know something? Kids NEVER out grow the need of a mom and her cookie jar. You have the BEST visits, eating cookies and drinking milk!
I love you cookie jars on your side bar!
Julie would you care if I used the cookie and kiss poem and the photo on my blog?
Let me know K?
CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! Love the books!
The pictures are adoraable!
What a sweet gift! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing these cute cookie books, I love your blog and followed over from "Archie and Family" comments.
LOVE IT, I will have a cookie for every emotion HA! Love cookies. I made Soft gooey oatmeal butterscotch ones 5 days ago and they were a hit. You always make each one of your post special. I apologize for not coming by as much. Its so hard with my craft blog and the endless emails sponsors etc. You are super fab. though and always will be. Glad I can keep up with you too on FB. luv ya! winks-jen
How sweet! I am going to remember these books for the children in our life!
xo, misha
This is such a sweet post! I wish I'd seen these books when my kids were little. Maybe I can find them for my niece and nephews.
The recipe looks delicious too Julie! Yum. Do you think that I could use butter instead of shortening? I don't know where to find shortening here. I'd love to know what you think.
Best wishes and happy weekend,
Cookies are my favorite thing to bake. My kids always got homemade cookies in their lunches and they always traded them for oreos or some other store bought cookie. Brats! Love that little poem. Mimi
We BOTH have sweets on the brain! Heehee! Love these darling books and thanks for the yummy recipes!
Have a wonderful weekend Julie,
When my son was young we always had a house full of his friends. I LOVED making fresh cookies and giving them to the boys while they were still warm. Sadly some of those boys never had homemade cookies or dinner for that matter. They just grabbed what they could at home, no one ever sat down for a meal together. I loved it when they showed up at my house right at dinner time! Now I make cookies with my grand kids and they love it. Those are great books, I will have to get them. Great post my friend!
Baking cookies with my daughters has always been a time I look forward too. Chatting, laughing and tasting together. Who could ask for anything better! :0)
Cute post Julie! What a darling cookbook. I love making cookies and giving them as gifts. Its a wonderful way to tell someone I Love you.
Hugs, Ann
Cute books and sayings! I love cookies (too much) and happen to be making some right now.:)
So love these books BUT Give The Moose A Cookie & that series are my very favorites.
Had not seen this frosting before ... sounds decadent.
Have a beautiful week ~
what cute little books. We have the
When you Feed A Mouse A Cookie that all 10 grands have gone thru. So sweet....
We all love cookies, too.
xoxo bj
oops and meant to say,
We all love cookies, too, and KISSES.
Those books sound adorable! Mmmm, cookies...
Cute books. I made caramel frosting tonight for some apple cupcakes! Only my recipe calls for butter instead of shortening. It turned out delicious!
There's something about having a cookie that makes the world seem safe and secure.
These are dear books. I love the sentiments! I will have to check these darling books out!
xo Yvonne
Oh what a cute post.. love those books.. how precious..and thanks for the cookie recipe..Im guessing those are calorie free, fat free, sugar free.. will not make me gain one oz...lol.. ok,, maybe one oz would be ok..lol
thanks friend..have a great week..
Those are some sweet thoughts!
I love peanut butter cookies. I will definitely try these!
Cute pictures that go along with your thoughts. I love them.
This is such a cute post, Julie. And who doesn't love cookies? The peanut butter cookies are a favorite of my son. I'll have to try out your recipe the next time he's coming home for a visit. Thanks! Have a wonderful day!
Those first books look so delightful. Yes, there are nothing better than home baked cookies. I just finished making Peanut Butter cookies-what are the chances. I'm having trouble saving them for my husband and daughter though---I'm wanting to just eat them all up right now! :)
I love this post it's so cute! I have that same cookie recipe but I have a twist to it and people have asked me if they came from the bakery! LOL! you always have cute post. How do you get so many followers and commenters. I need to know this so I can get people to follow me about my jewelry, any advise you give would be appreciated. Big hugs
I have never seen those books, but they sure are cute.
I remember making peanut cookies for the boys and their friends for after school. It is to bad kids today might not have that opportunity.
Thanks for sharing.
Sheer bliss, Julie! Jane Dyer has been one of my favorite illustrators since I discovered one of her childrens' books when my oldest daughter was just a baby--haven't seen some of these...I need to browse in the Children's section more often, I guess!
Thanks for sharing these--and the recipe--looks so yummy!
Hope you're having a wonderful day, my friend!
I would rather bake cookies than pies or cakes. I guess it is because it is something that children love to do. I enjoyed reading these cute definitions , Julie, and your recipes always sound and look delicious. I am still waiting for you to write your cook book. please hurry!
As always such a treat to visit with you.
Those are adorable looking books Julie!
You have such a way with things like that....you always make me smile!
Hugs friend,
Your blog is so comforting! I love the design you chose and the wonderful photos.Your peanut butter cookie recipe looks wonderful...I just wanted to reach through my monitor and grab a handful of that cookie dough. Thank you so much for visiting me at Brambly and taking an interest in my blog-it means so much to me.I'm your new follower. Take care.
I'm so glad I read this...such a SWEET post! ;)
What sweet cookie books! Your peanutbutter cookie recipe looks delicious. My son is home from college for spring break, so I think I'll make those for him.
I meant to tell you that I made cookies the other night and Deeds, my youngest grandgirl, ran and got some of the little cookie books we have around here. I told her I would blog about the books..I also told her that ANOTHER grandmother had done a beautiful post on cookies and books. :)))
hugs, bj
What a great post and I love the series of cookie books...right up my alley! Cookies can heal alot of what's wrong in this old world I believe and there's nothing better than peanut butter cookies to start. Glad you came for a visit today, I've missed you!
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