This was going by my house this morning...a Great Pyrenees dog with his sheep. There
were two of these big dogs with a large herd of sheep. I just love to see them together.
north from where we live, staying in a nice motel and eating out and shopping. He
never wants anything for his birthday but loves to buy for me, we had lots of fun.
Then I headed down south from us to help out a daughter in need. I love to bake a batch
of bread and take it with me, the kids love that. (The recipe for the bread is on my side bar,
it is so quick and easy! ) I made lots of other food also and took that with me too.
These two daughters and their families have been going through a lot of
sickness with their little ones. This virus that is going around has put a couple of them in
the hospital, it makes me so sad to see them that sick, but they are starting to get better.
She packs him all over the house, he is so sweet and when he
hears her say that she wants him, he tries to get out of her reach!
But he endures it well and she just loves to mother him so, so much.
See that little yellow play shoe on her foot....
it plays "Beauty and the Beast" over and over and
over and over...I know it well now, I even hum it a
lot myself now, such a sticky little song! ;D
This little guy was sitting on my shoulders and laying on my head
just hanging out with grandma watching cartoons.
Last time I was at their home, I sat with Caleb and talked to him in detail
about his bones. He loved it so much that on this visit, he would sit on my
lap and say; "Talk about my bones!" So we detail..over and over.
I told him that maybe he will want to be a doctor and fix peoples bones.
And this grandma loved it every time. These little grands are so precious!
though she has been so sick, she manages to give her sweet smiles
to all. Her mommie is giving her a breathing treatment here. This
morning I had a big cold sore...just worrying about them and my kids.
they make better toys than the costly toys do.
usually holds on to her collar to pull her around!
Ella and Sophia have both had RSV
and Ella was in the hospital with it.
Ella and Sophia have both had RSV
and Ella was in the hospital with it.
hospital also, with pneumonia but is doing well now.
by the neck and his little back feet do the is so funny!
I will be so glad when Spring gets here, maybe all this sickness
will come to an end! I had it too, for three weeks but am well now.
But it has been hardest on the little one this year.
- AND -

She graduated college in Graphic Design and she is so very talented at it. She has people coming to her to do their business designs and logos and people wanting graduation and wedding and birthday and baby announcements and everything else you can think of and name.
She has always been really talented in this field and loves doing it.
She worked for a company for awhile but now she wants to stay at home with her baby
Sophia. She is doing lots of work from home though and loving that, the best of both worlds.
Sophia. She is doing lots of work from home though and loving that, the best of both worlds.

Her prices can't be beat!
She is so kind and good hearted that she is always doing something
for free for family and friends. As you can see, I am proud of her.
{ Click on these two sites below to see her work }
I sure hope March is going to go out like a lamb this year...
that would be so nice! I am so ready for Spring and Easter...
How about you?
So sorry you all have been sick. I think we will all feel better when the weather warms up and we can get outside more. Your grandchildren are precious. Little Ollie is quite the good sport!! Your daughter is very talented and I'm happy she is able to stay home with the baby. Hoping you all have a good weekend.
Sounds like you had a great few days get-a-way.
Your husband loves to buy for you??
Does he have a brother???!!
Just kidding. I'm heading over to your daughter's website now. And that bread recipe. I can almost smell that picture.
Oh, the poor little grands and your family. That darn sickness has really struck hard this year. Hoping for better weather for you all and healthier days, for sure. Take good care! xo
Poor sick babies...that's miserable for everyone. Poor Ollie...bless his heart...what a good doggy. And finally what a talented daughter! Glad you had a good birthday weekend with hubby before all this landed on you!
Such fun! Glad you have enjoyed your joint birthdays!
Morning, Julie! Love the snap ofthe sweet sheep and doggy!
I'm so glad you and your hubby had a nice birthday! How special to leave the house the treat yourselves.
You have the sweetest little grands. I'm so sorry they've been so sick. Poor little Sophia having to take breathing treatments. Hope they all are better now.
I know you're so proud of your daughter and her talent! I think she's the one who looks like you! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Awww.. so sorry the little ones have been so sick. Hopefully all that's behind them now, and they'll be able to enjoy spring...when it gets here!
Looks like Grandma had a "grand" time with her grand-babies!
Oh - PS. Your hubby sounds like mine: never wants anything for himself, but always wants to buy for me. (We're so fortunate, aren't we?!)
Oh! Julie, I am so sorry the little ones have been sick, saying a prayer for them today.and I too will be so glad when the weather changes. I think everyone will be healthier. As always I do love to see the pictures of your family.
It seems like you both found a wonderful way to celebrate your birthdays, always so nice to get away. I am longing for a trip to our mountains.
A BIG congratulations to Lindsey, I wish her much success!! I will check her site.
So glad to have you back, enjoy your day.
Wow~ congrats to your daughter, Miss Julie! I pray she has wonderful success in her new business.
Your Grands are all so adorable... poor little things~ I can't stand it when a little one is sick, it breaks my heart.
I love the picture of the sheepdog with it's flock!
hope you had a great birthday! isn't it nice that we can run when our children and grandchildren need us. sorry yours have been so sick. i love how they play. laundry basket, dog kennel- so cute! hope the bugs leave your family alone!
So glad you had a good birthday!
ALSO that the little ones are getting better! So happy that spring is getting closer...makes me want to throw open ALL the windows to get the germs OUT and the FRESH in!!!
The bread looks OH, SO good!
Our March came in like a lamb, but it did not stick around at all.
We are being told that a blizzard will be moving in on Mon till Wed.
I guess our lamb had a bad attitude.
Our little grandson is still getting over his coughing and running nose. We have all had it here. I will be so glad for warmer days to stay.
Have a great weekend.
I thought that one of your gd and the poor dog by the collar was so cute.
Julie, these little ones are always so adorable! I'm sorry they've been so sick. It's bad when we are ill but horrible to have the little ones in that position. I know your daughters were so grateful to have you visit and help out as well as bring food! Mom's food always tastes so good. :-)
A belated Happy Birthday!!
Hi Julie! I have missed you!!! It looks like you have been busy and having a wonderful time with your family though ... there is just nothing like time with the grandbabies is there??? Ella in the dog kennel cracked me up! Glad they are feeling better now too - that is so scary when the babes end up at the hospital! Have a great weekend! ;)
Such adorable pictures! Sorry to hear they have been sick :-( That bread looks really yummy, I'll have to try the recipe.
Hope you have a great weekend!!
Hi Julie,
I am so sorry to hear that you have had so much sickness in your family. It has been going around here too- nothing worse than the wee ones being sick- it always breaks my heart. Your bread looks amazing- I am so hungry right now I could probably eat a whole loaf!
Happy "late" Birthday to you and your sweetie.
Have a great weekend!
I was thinking while reading that you must be referring to RSV. It is mean, there is a VACCNE now to help fight that! I think air purifiers help. I have some from Ecoquest that kill viruses. Do some research. You don't want just hepa filtration but something that actually kills viruses. Also hope your winter blues fade away soon. It's getting to be spring here!
Poor sickies! No fun at all! But what a sweet grandma you are to go help out! :)
Ugh...poor sick ones! I was sick the whole month of January! Whatever went around this winter is really hard to kick! I'm sure their mommies were so happy to see you come in for some help and relief!
Your bread looks wonderful...I need to try it soon!
Julie, I so hope all of your familly and your cold sore are all better SOON!! It is hard when family is sick.
Glad you and hubby had a good birthday outing! Sounds like you may need another one after being nurse. Hugs and prayers for speedy recoveries... Tanna
Yes! We are sooo ready for Spring.
So sorry to hear about your family getting the gomboo. Hope that with all your tender care and helping and prayers, that they are well soon!
Have a happy weekend.
(So glad that you had fun with your sweetie on your weekend getaway :)
I hope you have had a few wonderful days, Julie. The picture of Caleb and you is priceless!
Have a hApPy weekend xxxx
Happy belated Birthday to you both. The bread looks so delicious! Hoping the grands are well soon and that spring isn't too far away!
Hi Julie,
Read your post the other day and just getting back to leave a comment to say I hope your loved ones are all on the mend. We are well acquainted with the nebulizer and breathing treatments. That sweet Sophia is always a cheerful little one! Caleb playing under the laundry basket is adorable.
How come I am not surprised that Lindsay is so talented... just like her mama :)
Hey Julie,
So sorry to hear about the sickness in your family. Our school has been having a lot of influenza going are out 3-5 days. No fun I hear!
Hope your birthdays were fun!
I have a question about the Pecan Pie Muffins...I made them but they were not fluffy and pretty like yours....I followed the recipe...was there any soda or anything? Will you double check for me? Oh thank you sweet one!
Your grand babies are all adorable and that bread looks so good! Been missing you over my way! I've bought the stuff to make your Styrofoam cup baby booties for my soon SIL's baby shower!! Can't wait to hear the oooo's and aaaaah's!
Glad your family is starting to feel better...a lot of sickness going around this year. Viruses seem to be so much more resistant now than they used to be. That bread is making my mouth water and I'm starting to look for some butter to smear on. Cute, cute, cute Grandbabes.
So many cute pics, Julie. That bread looks scrumptious. I'll pop over to see your daughter's blog. Have a nice weekend with that big family. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
I'm ready for Spring too. Today we had such beautiful Spring-like weather. I went to Lowes to get some flowers to plant. I hope it doesn't get too cold again :-)
Your grandkids are adorable! I hope they're all better soon. It's always so hard to see little ones suffer.
I'm definitely ready for spring. Easter is kind of late this year. End of April! Your darling grands are so sweet. Glad everyone is doing a little better. The hospitals up here are overflowing with RSV kids. Must be passing it around in the nurseries! Glad you had a fun birthday time with your honey. Mimi
Your bread looks delicious. So sorry about your little ones being sick.
Glad you could spend some time together for your birthdays. And Yes! I am ready for Spring.
We're planning to go to Nauvoo the middle of April. I know you went last year. This is the first time I've been. Any suggestions?
Cute, cute pictures of your precious grandchildren. I'm sorry to hear about the sicknesses and hospitalizations. I hope the weather soon warms up and everybody is feeling all better.
Oh happy birthday to you Julie and to your hubby!!!
How nice to go away and celebrate both your birthdays.. :)
So sorry to hear your sweeties have been sick but glad to hear they are on the mend now.
All those goodies you made for your family sound so delish!!
So thoughtful and kind of you..
Lovely photos of your well-loved family!!
Im off to visit your daughters sites!
Yes I agree I cant wait for the warm weather dear..Im with you on that!
Blessings on your week Julie!
Deborah xoxo
My son's birthday was Friday also...Happy birthday!! Oh, that picture is so cute with her and her mom told me my first word was dawg. I still love them today!!
Your grands are adorable! I'm sorry to hear they've been so sick and hope they are doing better soon! We're all just really sick of winter weather and long for spring. I just know some warmer weather and sunshine will make us all feel better. Have a good week!
Hi Julie!
Isn't it funny how kids will make little "houses / forts" out of anything!?!
Your grandchildren are so adorable! I hope they are feeling better...
Your daughter's website is so professional! I wish her all the best!
*happy Monday and happy Week*
Looks like you have been having some good times with the grands. Nothing better really! I love Ella in the dog kennel....with her princess shoe!
Tell Lindsey congrats. I visited her page. Very nice. I loved the wedding ann. Hope she does GREAT with her business.
March here came in like a lamb. I loved it. Hope it goes out that way too1 today we are having a lion day however. Snow. But this time of year it goes almost as fast as it comes.
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