Hi to all grandma's
bloggy friends!
I love to go to my grandma's house, she loves me and she lets me do anything
I want to do. Like... ride her dog.. he's not real but I like him a lot because
he doesn't buck me off!

Grandma has been saying all weekend that I am "such a doll"
do you think she's really talking about me?!

This one is my favorite...I love to give her lots of loves!

"I feel Pretty...Oh So Pretty!"
Speaking of dolls...look at little Ella, or is it little Shirley Temple?
mommie got her all dolled up for church..such a little beauty!

Sophia and grandma...love at first sight!

Sophia with her two favorite ladies.

Grandma loves my bath time...and me!

I got to bath in grandma's old fashioned
soaker tub,
it was so fun..Grandma says I am a lucky little duck.

She even let me bath her old
Cupie doll...she looks like me I think!

I know how to charm the socks off my grandpa too...it's easy!

Lots of
Pistachio cupcakes to enjoy too...YUM!

It snowed this past weekend...Cougar loves to be near us when we are in the kitchen, so he hangs out in this... "too little for him"... chair, and watches us through the window.

Our kitties Sammy and Bobby..they love to snuggle up together in their garage bed, that is when they are not catching mice and leaving them at our back door for us..such nice kitties! ;D

And you can always find Mr. Bo Jangles keeping a
close eye on Cougar, making sure he behaves himself!

This is Bobby...he was at a motel we stayed at a couple of months ago. He was outside in the cold winter weather, freezing and nearly starved to death, I have never heard a kitty cry so long and loud before. We brought him home and took him to the vet and tamed him. He was so sick for a month and we wondered if he would make it but he did.

He and Sammy have bonded..and look at them go!

They are loving the dry grass to play on...hopefully it will be green soon now!

I found this sturdy little stool for $5.00 and I am going to paint it red.
With as many grands as we have, we can always use another stool!

I got this vintage glass and pitcher set too...love them!
We had a great weekend, I hope you did too. Our kids just left and I always feel a little blue when they go home. I miss them and I miss the sweet little grands that come and fill up our lives with such warmth and such love! Nothing like family...nothing like family!
Have a great week my friends!
Dear Julie;
My Kitchen smells so good right now...the meatloaf is just about finished...thank you so much for your delicious recipes...The grands are so darling...Isn't it hard when they leave!!!??? I can identify with that...
Keep busy washing sheets and towels for a day or two.
I just have one word to say regarding your grandchildren....JEALOUS!!!
Besides having adorable grandchildren, you have adorable pets! I love seeing your kitties play!
I love this little one and I don't even know her :) Those adorable photos lets me share in your joy seeing her grow.
The pic of the three of you is so, so sweet! Hope you plan to frame it.
A precious post Julie. Your grand daughters are so sweet!! I love the photos of your pets too. Cougar is so cute in his chair outside the window. Bobby seems to have settled in really well...he looks wonderful! Enjoy the rest of your week! :)
The wee little ones are so precious. It does my heart good to see Bobby doing well and having fun - he's a blessed little cat. Always fun to visit you - have a great week.
Don't we always have so much fun with the grandkids...yours are adorable and I know you cherish every moment you have with them. I am excited our 2 grandsons are coming Friday to spend the whole weekend with us..can hardly wait..it has been 2 weeks since I have had their sweet hugs & kisses.
Looks like a nice time for all! Pets look so content. Grandpa looks like he enjoyed time with his granddaughter. Love Ellas curls.
Oh, Beautiful Julie! Good lucks just run in your family - your children and those grandbabies! What little darlings! Cute kitties and you always give me something to eat!! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Julie- Your granddaughters are just beautiful and I know that you just can't get enough of them! Your daughter is lovely too-takes right after her Mom! What blessings in your life~ xxoo Diana
They are gorgeous, but SOPHIA is too much=0) I keep telling my husband that when our children our grown what will I do when it's so quiet?! I love that they come and visit you often and you ENJOY THEM! What a lovely grandma and such a blessing to everyone. Such joy on your face...I love it.
Have a great night,
I can't wait to see the stool painted RED! Love the pictures of your precious grandkids!
Your grandchildren are so cute!! I think I will love being a grandmother too, when that day comes. Thank you for having a kind heart and rescuing Bobby the cat! I really like all the pretty flower glasses you found!
You are so lucky to have had the kids and grandkids at your house. So cute!
Love your stool. It will look fabulous painted red!
That little Sophia is so adorable! And so is little Ella~
Just great pics Julie, love your grandkiddy posts and the animals too!
Cuteness Overload!!
You are the Grandma I hope to be when I grow up.
PS- those glasses rock! They look so summery and fun.
Such a sweet post ... she is a cutie keeper!!!
God is good to us my friend.
I know what you mean...I always feel a little blue after all the fun! Sweet photos of your happy times! Aren't you glad we can take LOTS of photos now! ♥
Hi Julie!
Looks like a fun week-end! I think you said it all at the end - "Nothing like family!" Adorable!!
I love your great finds!
Family time is the BEST time! Glad your weekend was wonderful, Julie!
I love the vintage glasses and pitcher that you found! I am always on the lookout for those types of items.
What great finds you had. Even the kitty baby was a great find :-) I always love coming here to see your sweet pictures of your adorable GRANDchildren!!
What a darling post Julie!
What little sweethearts you have there!!
Oh such fun at Granny and Grampys home..even all the furry friends are enjoying themselves so!!!
A house filled with love..home sweet home xo
Deborah xoxo
Oh, I love your photos, they tell a story just in themselves. You had so much fun, with those sweet grandbabies, love it. I miss mine so much. Skype is good, but miss the hugs. Your cats wrestling--that is what mine used to do. so funny. You have quite a troop there.
Aren't Grand kids the BEST! I had five of mine over for dinner, of course with Moms & Dads on Sunday. It is so much fun to have family around. I absolutely love the pitcher and glasses you found. And the pics of all your precious pets!
Hugs, June
Love seeing all your beautiful grands and the furbabies! You are so right there is nothing on earth like family...I know I adore mine and I am so blessed to have them...love that recipe for meatloaf in your last post...I will have to try that...hope you are having a great day...Picket
Your grands are so adorable. I bet hey do have you wrapped around their little fingers. I am down to the last few days/weeks? and my first Grand will be here..I can't wait to get my hands on him! Keep Sara and baby Tiger in your prayers please! A Mama gets a little nervous at this time I guess. hugs, Linda
My little Libby gets away with anything at grandma's house too. That's half the fun of being a grandma isn't it?!?!?! Your little girls are sooo darling - I just love them all dressed up for church too.
Pure, sweet, joy! xoxo
Oh, Julie... those grandbabies of yours are just the cutest things ever!
And I loved seeing all your furbabies, too!
Great pictures! Your grandchildren are so cute!! :-) You are so very blessed. Love the animal pics too.
Have a great day!
pure happiness! Sophia is one lovely little lady.
Your vintage glass set is adorable, I like the vibrant colors, they will make any lemonade taste delicious.
Do your grandchildren have their 'one' glass already? I can imagine all the children running while shouting I like the yellow flowers, I pick orange, my favorite color is blue.... hee hee.
Hope your Tuesday is great so far, Julie! xxxx
lucky lady spending time with all those cutie pies. they are so adorable
I am so excited. I am in Colorado and on my daughter's computer. Mine at home won't let me on to some blogs.....and one is yours. Anyway, so exciting that I could get on yours and see those adorable grandbabies of yours. Also love those pets. I have been looking for stools like that. (((((HUGS))))
what darling granddaughters you have! i love that you let them do anything at your house. a true grandma. spoil them to death then let their parents figure the rest out!
sweet little babies julie. they make life extra sweet don't they. i get some mimi time with all my little one's this weekend :-)
i am so happy to see bobby is well and being taken care of- you have a soft heart towards animals like me although i have to tell you your hubby must be a saint- mu hubby would never let me bring a cat we found at a hotel home. lucky for bobby that you came upon him.
have abeautiful day.
You have so many babies to love on!! And critters the cupcakes look so yummy. I am fighting a sweet tooth and it's winning. That cat can count his blessing that you found him. Do you still have the yellow tabby you rescued awhile back?
How fun. There is nothing like grandkids is there! They are the frosting on my cakes!
Little cuties! I want to squeeze little Sofia's cheeks! You're right, family is the BEST!
What fun! And aren't they just adorable.
Sophia os such a sweetie...and I adore Ella's curls!
I love the Shirley Temple curls...super cute.
Isn't Grandma time the best?
Oh Julie.. what a proud grandma you are.. I know that feeling.. :)
and I am also glad to see that Bob has been blessed by you and your family when you showed grace and mercy on his pitiful little self and brought him home to a great wonderful new home, filled with love ..
What a great post..I so enjoyed it.. as I always do when I stop by to visit you..
Have a blessed week..love ya, my fellow grandma...
I enjoy reading you and looking at your family!
I can tell you are such a huge blessing to your family. Thanks for your inspiration.
Great find on the stool! It's going to look fab in red. Sophia is just a living doll. Love her little purple dress!
That little Sophia looks like a cupie doll! I always love to see the fun at Grandma's house!!
Is there anything better than a freshly-bathed baby? I love all the kitty photos too. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
I always love looking at your pictures...thanks for sharing.:)
such precious little Grandbaby Blessings.
I love the dolls, the pups, the kitties, the vintage glasses & that darling stool! Red will be grand♥
WE got snow too! Crazy!
How awesome grand children..I am praying for my first this year. The pictures are precious and I love the Kewpie doll (I had one)...too cute.
Your grandchildren are so adorable! Great pictures! I love how you took the kitty in and saved him. And the pitcher and glasses were a great find. Have a wonderful Thursday!
Ohhhhhhhhh! What a lovely weekend with your sweet grand baby! Love her all dressed up for church in her pretty dress! Our church is a bit informal these days and I don't like it. I think it shows respect to dress appropriately.
We are going to have our grand kids this weekend as their parents are in Arizona on a business trip. I can't wait!!!! I have already made plans for a mani and pedi for Miss T and I and and Grampie has plans for Mr. D. Plus we have lots to do here at the house. Such precious times!!
Great post!!! xoxox
Cutie grand-girl!!!
Cougar is SO BIG!!
Well, this whole post is just full of adorable photos! There really is nothing like family. :-)
P.S. I'm loving that vintage glass and pitcher set, too.
I love the kitties wrestling!
Darling pictures of the grands. Little Sophia has grown so much!
Oh my mama had a set of glasses like that on the farm I grew up on.
Your grandbabies are just a glorious bundle of sweetness there!!! There is a resemblance there with the Cupie doll and Spohia!
God bless ya and have a terrific day sweetie!!!
Cougar said he wants to come hang out at our house for awhile. Really, he did. He looks like such a sweet fella.
There's nothing better than a baby after a bath. They smell good and they are a little sleepy...heaven.
Ella and Sophia are definitely dolls.
Oh, I know just what you mean about missing those babies and grandbabies. Big hugs ~ tanna
Your little granddaughters are adorable. Sophia does look like a sweet Cupie doll :-)
Thank you so much for your prayers for my nephew Jordan. They have meant so much to the family.
They are such a blessing, aren't they?
I love these little glimpses of your sweet family...
Sophia looks like she was dipped in a bucket of cute!!!
It looks like Sophia had a wonderful time with her grandma & grampa! She is SOOOO sweet! She does look like your Cupie doll...:)
I love your vintage finds! What a deal you got. That stool is very cute, it would look cute red too.
Dear Julie, how beautiful Ella and Sophie are these days, they look soooo pretty dressed up this way.
You look so happy with them.
Sending hugs and kisses
maria cecilia
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