Our family...6 of our 8 children came to be at the blessing of little Ella. We got together for lots of fun...nothing like family!

Ella Mae Askeroth....named and blessed by her Daddy
~Little Ella Dressed in White~
Daisies adorn the fresh meadow, Lilies gladden the field, Roses make bright every wayside, Each twig has some beauty to yield- All are expressios of goodness, and praises to God invite; But the glory of all creation is little Ella dressed in white!

Isaac, Tiffany and little Caleb and Ella, on the day she was given a name and a blessing.

Just random...I thought this was funny..when we were in the city, we saw this by the side of the road..we invisioned a huge drop off, like a cliff...it was a tiny bump! (City dudes! LOL)

Cute cousins...Caleb and Brody

We had our family get-together at Corey and Melanies home

Amy, the 3 legged dog..she is such a sweetie

Emry and Caleb likes the chicken hat!

The little table of cuties

My getting to be grown up grandaughters doing silly and pretty faces! (Shanedel, Kelsey, Brickelle and Natalie

Cute little Megan...the chicken catcher!

MY THREE SONS...Darin, Shane and Corey

SOME OF OUR GRANDCHILDREN...aren't they cute?!

This past weekend was so much fun! Our family all gathered at our son Corey's home for a barbq...we even had a campfire right there in the middle of his yard, fun! It is wonderful when our grown up kids do the organizing and get us all together...we need to all get together more often, but with their work schedules and the distance, it doesn't happen enough but when it does, we have a lot of fun! The grandkids really make it great for me..love them all so much. Now I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving...it's our turn this year with all of them...fun-fun-fun!
What a visual FEAST. Your children and grandchildren are simply beautiful. I do love Ella's birth announcement and photos--very talented "artist." Wow--what a summer it has been for you.
That picture of Cloe is priceless, it totally shows off her cute personality. I'm glad you guys were able to come, and thanks again for all the help with the food and everything. We still feel like we are recovering but it was fun.
Love it! Everyone is adorable. looks like fun. I love family get togethers, they're the best!
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