But first a bit of a poem about the joys and the warmth bread making brings into a home.
"Childhood Memories"
My memory of the home I knew,
Where love and joy were always spread,
And I recall that special day
When Mother baked out daily bread.
We children would all gather 'round
And help her knead and shape the dough.
The odor of those loaves
Is something every child should know.
A mothers life in many ways is different now,
But, oh, I think so much is missing,
For any child who's never sat and smelled
Bread baking in the kitchen.
My memory of the home I knew,
Where love and joy were always spread,
And I recall that special day
When Mother baked out daily bread.
We children would all gather 'round
And help her knead and shape the dough.
The odor of those loaves
Is something every child should know.
A mothers life in many ways is different now,
But, oh, I think so much is missing,
For any child who's never sat and smelled
Bread baking in the kitchen.
(take out of the fridge; 4 T. dry yeast and 2 eggs..to come to room temp.)
In mixing bowl pour:
5 Cups hot tap water
2 T. salt
2/3 Cup of oil
2/3 cup of honey
The 4 T. dry yeast
Then add the 2 eggs
Mix in your flour...
(for "all" wheat bread, you'll add 11 1/2 cups wheat flour)
(for "all" White bread, add 12 cups white four)
(for 1/2 Wheat & 1/2 White bread, add 9 1/2 cups Wheat flour & 3 1/2 cups White flour)
(important tip)...Add the flour "until" the dough "leaves" the sides of the mixing bowl.
After the flour is all mixed in, leave the machine to knead it for..10 minutes...
Pour a pool of oil on your counter top,
Pull the dough out, with oiled hands, push all the dough into a big ball.
Cut that ball into 4 pieces...shape each piece into a loaf, place in Pam-sprayed pans.
Set the 4 pans of dough on top of the stove, cover with thin kitchen towel...
Turn oven on to 350*....Let bread raise for about 35 minutes, until it's about 1 1/2 inches above side of pan.
Place them in the oven..set the timer for 35 minutes.
When done, take them out, place each loaf on the cooling rack, slightly butter the tops..let cool.
(You can add raisins, sunflower seed etc. to this bread)
This bread is so awesome, perfectly crusty on top, soft and tender inside, wonderful texture, so tasty and filling, I could live on it alone!
It only takes 90 minutes from start to finish and makes 4 big loaves of the most delicious bread ever!
Now the Chili....
Brown 2 pounds of hamburger...with 1 onion, chopped up...salt & pepper
Sprinkle 1 package Chili seasoning packet, (whatever strength you choose) over hamburger mixture. Then add; 1/2 cup flour..stir in.
Now add in;
2 small (8oz.) Tomato Sauce
3 cans small Red Kidney, Chili beans...with the juice
1 bottle or 28 oz. Tomato's
Now add 2 or 3 handful's of Brown Sugar
Simmer all for however long or short a time as you want. Serve with a dab of Sour Cream and a handful of grated cheese on top. (Can garnish with chopped onion)
Every time I have served this to a group, people want to know what I did to make it so different and so good...Can you guess?
The secret is the Brown Sugar...it darkens the Chili and makes it so good with the spicy & sweet flavor combination coming through.
Enjoy it! It's that time of year to serve Chili at any gathering.
Enjoy it! It's that time of year to serve Chili at any gathering.
I hope you'll really try these recipes, I know that you will love them! They are so good you'll go to them every time. I love recipes that are really good and really easy, and both of these are. Enjoy, and let me know how yours turned out, will you?
Love to all my sweet blogging sisters out there in the world...my new friends, you have renewed my hope and faith, that there really are so many wonderful women in this world, women who share my love for all things good and true.~~~
Love to you all...please let me know how these recipes turn out for you will you? I'm sure you'll love them and go to them often, especially at this time of the year. Enjoy..Love Julie :D
Both recipes sound wonderful. I'm kind of glad it's getting to be chili weather. One of my favorite smells is bread baking. I'll definitely try that recipe soon. I had a Bosch mixer for about 30 years it finally couldn't be repaired yet again so I got a Kitchenaide a couple of years ago. I like it but that Bosch was the best. That was my little grandson on my post. He's 17 months old and the sweetest baby ever. Mimi
Julie.. they sound great! I saw your posting on Facebook and thought I am really up for new things these days and am really looking forward to making them! I am gonna try the Chili out tomorrow..wish me luck! :)
Bread, homemade bread is one of the best things in the world. Your home can be a shack and not too tidy, but if you are baking and serving homemade bread with lots of butter to slather on it no one will even notice a deficiency in the house keeping. All they will know is that it is a HOME! A welcoming and hospitable home.
Funny you should blog about bread and chili, I made home made bread and home made chicken soup and my husband and I shared it with friends who dropped in tonight.
I will have to try your bread recipe, chili now, maybe I will try it without the beans. Just not my thing, those beans. We always make me my own bean-less pot of chili.
I like that sign, I need one in my kitchen.
WOW! The bread and Chili look fabulous! My Mother also raised eight children and we were often welcomed to cinnamon rolls when coming home from school! I love your post, you brought back some great memories of Home Sweet Home!
It all looks so good! I wished I was your neighbor! I'm going to try your recipes!
Oh yum! I will definately make both of these recipes. I just recently made some sourdough starter from Suzanne's http://chickensintheroad.com
I need practice though, my loaf wasn't picture perfect like yours! Thank you...
joycee at grannymountain
Ok...thats it...I am moving in with you. That bread looks amazing! you really know how to make my heart happy today ...bread + chili on this cold wet BC day.Thank you so so much for that!
HI Miss Julie!!! (you said come say hi...)
I want some of this bread and chili... think you might want to Fed Ex it to me today?? Lol
Blessings you sweet thing you,
Oh my goodness that break looks delicious, I am not much of a baker, but I have always wanted to make homemade bread and you make it look so easy!! I love that quote too, made me laugh~
Yum, Yum!! Thanks :) Love ya!
ha ha Wow! This post looks like an episode on the Food Network or something. Step by Step direction, very nice. This beats the top ramen I made for Michael last night.
Oh my Julie,
Looking at that bread with the raisins in it, makes me crave my Granny's Raisin Bread! I tried making it a couple of years ago. It didn't turn out very well. Maybe I will try again soon.
The Rooster knockers came from a local store called "The Homestead".
hello darlin..frist let me say daddy-o is running over to your house...he loves fresh baked bread...and i can't do it!!!!!! ekkkkkkk....it looks sooo yummy! thank you for your comments...and your home is soooo beautiful...i love your fall goodies...blessings cat
Thank you so much for your sweet comments that you have been leaving on my blog.I have been so darn busy getting ready for the show this weekend that I can barely get a post on my blog. I will defintely give that bread a try! Thanks for the detailed instructions....I can craft up a storm but baking...not so much.
That's my kind of meal, especially in the fall! I copied the recipe and will give it a try. I have a Kitchen Aid and I've never used it to make bread (I usually make the no knead kind).
Thanks for dropping by my blog!
That bread and chili look so good! I don't know why, but I am afraid to make bread. I guess I am afraid it won't turn out.
Yours looks wonderful. What a perfect dinner for a Fall night!
Wow, I will have to try that bread recipe! Have you ever tried adding something else like dried apples or something? Just wondering!
Julie, this post looks like it is straight out of a magazine. Beautiful bread, I will try it!
stumbled upon your blog. how fun! love your background! very cute. and that bread looks wonderful.
Oh, I'm going to add the ingredients to my grocery list this week. Those recipes sound and look amazing! Thanks!
Julie your precious, all those pictures of the process you went through makinmg your bread and then onto the chili! So fun.
So my husband is busy making homemade chicken noodle soup, he loves to cook, and I called him over to view your blog...want you to know he will now be one of your bloggie friends too!
If you dont mind I will put you on my sidebar on the blog, then I can follow it easier. no forgetting!
My husband is always wanting to make homemade bread and I am always talking him out of it.
We should be getting new counter tops this fall/winter, guess I will quit crafting on the counter and let it be used for nice homemade foods...only from him!
Your family must be so grateful to you for being the cook that you are! That bread looks yummy. I have never seen a mixer like that. If I had one of those, I might still bake bread.
Home made bread and chili sound wonderful! Your loaves are perfect. I too am encouraged by the kindness of the women in our blogging world...kind, warm, loving, sharing...at a time when we could all use it!
Ummm... with the chill in the air today I really would love to sit at your snack bar and enjoy warm bread covered in melted butter and dive into a bowl of your yummy chili.:)
But I guess that won't happen soon, so I am definitely going to make it for us! I will let you know how they both turn out, I don't have a bosch but do enjoy my kitchenaide.
Brown sugar...I know I will already like it. Is the green vegetables I can see celery?
Hi Julie, I just happen to come across your blog tonight. I love it! What a great recipe for bread, thank you for sharing it!
There is nothing better than homemade bread and a pot of homemade chili! Thanks for sharing the recipes. Loved the poem! Blessings,Kathleen
Hi Julie: Thanks for the great recipes. I have a wonderful chili recipe I love, but maybe I'll try adding your "secret" ingredient to it... sounds yummy. And the bread, the pics made my mouth water!
Thanks for sharing.
It looks so delicious! I better not show my hubby or he might want some too! LOL. Great post~ Cindy
Lets get together......
I've got the home made peach jam, you bring that yummy bread and we'll have tea!
Hmmmmmm.... was just telling hubby we should made a big pot of chili....its cold and damp "thats chili weather!"
Hugz, Dolly
P.S. I need that sign!!!!
Yum~that looks amazing!
Your bread and your chili look so yummy! I'll have to try your recipe for the chili...it's definitely that time of year! :) Your pictures are lovely...I can almost smell the yummy smells that surely were going on in your kitchen that day!
I found your blog via Beth @ Aunties.
Two GREAT!!! recipes. I love the bread recipe. This is a wonderful time of year for baking bread. This year for Christmas I will be giving homemade bread. I usually give cookies, but for a change I'm giving bread.
I have become a follower of your blog, I love to share recipes and ideas. Come by and visit me blog anytime.
Thank you for the great recipe. I have made it twice now- in just one week. I am a mother of 5 and they have loved your bread.
I even brought a friend from my local knitting group over today and taught her how to make bread using this tasty and simple recipe.
So thank you for sharing!
(I found your blog via my sister in law Brenda- "Hallornothing".)
Hugs from Arizona,
I am so excited..I called my husband at work!! You posted a recipe that I can use in my mixer..like yours!!I too have had mine 26 years..and used it weekly for bread..cinnamon rolls and pizza dough crust. So many of the girls that I had in youth at church always bring up the good ole days of me bringing the homemade pizzas..and the cinnamon rolls to church functions.
I put it up in storage a few years back..the dr's told me yeast was not my friend. I recently got it out to start baking for the family again..and my recipes had been destroyed..I had lost everything it took to make dough with this machine.
We even took pictures to sale it on ebay..when we were hurting so bad..for some reason..God said wait..so we did.
Now I know why..your recipe!!Do you have one for pizza dough? We now eat all whole wheat or rye..it wasn't the yeast it was the white flour.
My family will be so excited tomorrow when I bake them some bread!! Nobody had a recipe that I could use in this machine..go figure..lol
Thank you..thank you.. thank you!!
Hugs..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
I made you bread recipe tonight and all I have to say is OH MY GOODNESS IT IS SOOOOOO DELISH! Gave a loaf to my Mom and my Sister, froze one for later on this week and will be cutting up the other for lunch box sandwiches for school. Thanks for sharing the recipe and I love your blog :)
Have a great night.
Yum Yum Yummy! This was so easy to make and it is sooo delish! I made half the recipe because I live alone but next time I will make the whole batch and give some to my parents and sisters, they would love it!
I am going to make your recipe this week. I have that same old wheat book. and that was my old mixer too! We must be about the same age. I used to wear Chanel no. 5, ah the memories.
Looks yummy I just found your blog after your commented on Traci's Kitchen remodel and you said you had a home in St. Geroge. I'm a fellow Utahn so I popped over to see your blog! This bread looks fabulous. Do you let your yeast bloom at all in the mixture or just go straight to adding in the flour?
Thanks for sharing!
Is this the bread recipe you mentioned? It sure does look good. I love bread with jam. I bet your homemade jam is delicious!
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