I love to ride with my daughters husband, Michael...this is fun!

I so love living here...every where we go there is something SO beautiful to see! What a place to ride horses too...no where better, I am so blessed!

The back of our home...it's good to see, after a couple of hours on my horse!

Ron says this looks like Helaman, from the Book of Morman...I think so~

Me on my horse M. Red...we love to have these good horses and ride them every week. There are so many places to ride from our house and the scenery is magnificent!!!

Ron has lived here all his life and he had never seen this before. I saw it while on one of our horse rides...It's an old carving on a big rock slab that has been leaned up against another big rock. It says..J. H. Cook~1887. I don't know if it's a headstone or just a man's name carved into a rock back in 1887...but it definetly is cool! I love it. it makes me wonder about the man who carved his name there, so long ago. This is such a great part of the country, you can find neat things like this...also Indian things in out of the way places..very awesome!

My horse..Mr. Red..he listens to me talking, singing, and whistling..he loves me and I
love him!

A view of Boulder Mt. from our horse ride...heading back home~

These Red Cliffs are right behind our home...we ride up around them and up into a canyon..my favorite place to ride!

"The Red River valley and my cowboy who loves me so true!"

We all discovered that our dog Cougar can now jump into the hot tub...this day, to the delight of the grandkids!

Ella is one month old already...getting cuter everyday!

Ron and I with our newest grandchild...Ella
It's been a fun summer...but I am so glad that Fall is here! My favorite time of the year...long morning walks...long horse rides...motorcycle rides...hot tub time under the stars. What a great time of year, I look forward to the holidays and baking again, nothing more fun for me...I love decorating the house for each holiday, having family come and enjoying good company and good food! I hope it's a really long Fall this year...my favorite season of all~
Oh, my goodness, but your red rocks are SO GORGEOUS! The color reminds me of some of the canyons around St. George, but the formations are unique--certainly NOT found in Washington County. You ARE blessed to see that beauty every day. And the back wrap-around porch to your home is simply lovely. You deserve it, my friend!~
Wow! you're lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country! So have you dug into those genealogy records yet? let me know when you do!
p.s. I'm one of the few 30 years olds that would know the song Red River Valley...great song :)
What a beautiful place to be!
Hi Julie! It's so nice to meet you! I'd like to welcome you to Blogland! I've been blogging a little over a year and just love it! The red rocks are beautiful! I've never been to Utah! Maybe some day. I do hope you'll come back to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Hi Julie! thanks for stopping in and visiting my blog! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! Your home looks amazing, when you talk it sounds so peaceful and wonderful...your little ella is a doll and your dog is too funny swimming in the old hot tub!! Thanks for sharing and keep writing!
Thank you for the sweet comments! I will have fun looking though your blog! Your house is beautiful!! I am jealous!
It is so nice to meet you! We do have lots in common! Your horse made me miss the one I had as a child. Those were great times.
We were just at sealing at Manti in July. My ancestors helped build this beautiful edifice. We live near the JR Temple.
The area around your beautiful home is so breathtaking and the history....WOW!
My FIL (Dad) grew up in Kanab and our son who just graduated and is now practicing dentistry in the gorgeous red rocks in Grand Junction. They love being surrounded and so close to so many recreational spots.
My in laws always wintered in the red rocks of St George.
Also your family is so precious! I enjoyed perusing their pictures. Beautiful family! Come often. I am not blogging as much because I am taking care of my FIL on a daily basis who is recovering from a fall at a nursing home for a few more weeks.
Thanks again for your wonderful comments! You should post this on the Outdoor Wednesday Posts and share beautiful Utah with the world!
Julie it is so nice to meet you!
I am glad you stopped by and introduced yourself!
Your home is beautiful...and the views are breathtaking!
You are so very blessed to be surrounded by so many of Gods wonderful creations!
You have a beautiful family and that new grand angel is just too precious!
Have a blessed day new friend,
julie -- what a rich, blessed and full life you have. i love your smiley and fearless attitude!
thank you so much for stopping by my blog! you are inspiring!
Thanks for coming by and saying hi. Looks like you're living a great life down in Wayne County. My husbands family was from Scipio. Manti was their temple too. Love your blog. How long ago did you live in Kaysville? We moved here in 2004. I too am enjoying this time with my husband. Your grandkids are almost as cute as mine. ;) Mimi
Oh I just love the west coast! it is filled with such beauty. Isn't America a wonderful place?! You are so very fortune to have so many beautiful blessings!
Thankyou so much for stopping by my blog! I'm so please to "meet" you, and this post is just darling. What a fun place to live.
Hi Julie, thanks for commenting on my orangeaphobic post on my blog and for your kind words. Love your blog too...you look like you have an amazing family! Hope you have a wonderful fall...it's my favorite season too. Come back and visit anytime!
WOW- love where you live! Seen you over at TatorTots andJello.
Thanks for stopping by! What a wonderful blog! So nice to meet you! We share a lot of the same "joys" in life! I miss Utah! I visit every summer and winter for snow sking! Your Home front in Beautiful! Come back and Visit again!
Hi Julie,
Thank you for dropping by Cackleberry Cottage and leaving a comment. You live in a beautiful place! Do you have snakes there? We have lots of them in South Texas (copperheads, cottonmouths, rattlesnakes, and coral snake are the venomous snakes that call this areal home) The landscape looks like rattlesnake country to me! Your family is beautiful. Little Ella is so sweet. I love the photos of her!
I agree with the fall thing. Ours is shorter, but we do have it. It still however is quite warm here. At least the mornings are wonderful and cool. Ty sure has fallen in love with Boulder Mountain. He has majorly backpacked there two years in a row. I really think you live in a great place too.
Wow...what an amazing lovely place you live in you lucky girl! Thank you for visiting me and leaving a comment..now I have found you! One day I would love to visit your area..those rock formations are amazing and your home so lovely where you placed it! Breathtaking indeed!
You are so sweet! These pictures are Hilda picture that I have found all through the web over the years. You can type in "Hilda by Dwayne Byers" and see what comes up! I love her!!! Put blond hair on her and she is ME!!
Hi Julie: So glad you dropped me a note on my blog so I could come check yours out. Wow, the scenery around your place is amazing! Just stunning, and what better place to ride and enjoy. I also LOVE to bake, especially for the holidays and fall is my favorite time of year here in the desert. :)
what a great day! I just visited sedona for the first time this summer and saw rock formations like that. It was amazing and to see them by horseback. wowie! Your view is spectacular!
Wow! What a view! I am completely and utterly jealous.
oh you live in such a pretty place! and to get to ride around... even better! thanks for visiting my blog, jain at onceinabluemoon, and also fws~
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