I hope as Fall comes near, you will find this precious little book and share it with your loved ones...it is full of "Fall-ness" and it will leave memories in your children's and grandchildren's hearts that they never will forget...my children, though grown still love it and remember it with such fondness.

This is one book you should have and and read with your children or grand children. It's a magical little story of a little mouse with no home." The soft water-color woodsy paintings with autumn trees and berries add beauty to this gentle story....a field mouse's encounter with something new in smell and in looks and usefulness...His domestic activity...and the snowy world have natural appeal." Mousekin finds himself a perfect winter retreat, a discarded jack-o'-lantern. This is a gentle coming-of-winter tale that will appeal to your children. I promise you, it will make you think about "where" to throw out your jack-o'-lantern after you are done with it!

Mousekin stretched and cleaned his white undercoat, he began to explore his new home, scurrying down the tiny path but always alert to all the sounds that filled the woods when evening came.

In the woods there are many tall trees, and small trees that reach and grow tall in the deep shade. There are low-growing bushes with berries and seeds that pop and roll about the forest floor. Beneath them all are tiny paths that only mice can see. One moonlight night, Mousekin followed just such a path....

Right in the middle of that very small path, Mousekin saw "something" that someone had thrown away when Hallowe'en was over....

Mouskin had never seen a jack-o'-lantern in all his mouse-days. he was so interested in it that he did not watch for danger with his bright, shoe-button eyes.

As Mousekin made a second turn around the smiling face, suddenly, a young owl swooped toward him!

But, before the owl could even blink its eyes, Mousekin jumped straight into the jack-o'-lantern's mouth!

Mousekin felt safe inside the sturdy walls of his golden house.

The days grew shorter and the nights grew longer. Mousekin worked each night to fill his new house with things to keep him warm, soft things for his nest: little feathers dropped by a bird in flight, thistledown, and milkweed~

When the turtle reached the jack-o'-lantern, he stopped in his tracks and stretched his neck to see if what he saw was true.

Just then, Mousekin popped his head out of one of his windows and scared the box turtle right back into his!

"The chipmunk hurried by,Come with me, beneath the ground. That house will never do. the wind will blow, the snow will snow, and chill you through and through."
The little mouse whistled a high soft "Goodbye!" He would not leave his golden house.

"Mousekin curled up, tucked his tiny feet beneath him, wrapped his long tail around some milkweed-down, and pulled it closely around him, and fell fast asleep."

"Inside, Mousekin was curled up into a tiny fur ball. He was safe and warm, and fast asleep in his golden house."

"Little by little and bit by bit something happened to the jack-o'-lantern. It began to close its eyes in the frosty air. It shut its mouth against the cold wind."
This is the cutest book ever! I can't tell you how many times me and my children have snuggled up under a blanket as I have read this darling book to them. I so loved reading to my kids when they were at home, we'd read almost every night and now I have such pleasant memories of that and they do too. Even the older ones who thought they were too old to be read too, would casually come into the room and lay on the floor..to listen as Mom read.
I have plenty of drama in me (got that from my Dad) so when I would read, I gave voice to each character, putting plenty of drama into the story! I loved it and they did too. We always had plenty of books in our home, I started them on books from the time they were little babies in my lap. Even now, I have lots of books and when the grand kids come over, they love me to read to them.
I read stories at the local library for awhile and loved that too, also fun was to go the the elementary school at Halloween time, dressed as a scary witch, and read scary stories to the kids. In my children's eyes, that made me a "star!" I would hand out some goulish treat to go along with the story...like gum eye balls!
I have so many favorite stories..."The Velveteen Rabbit"..."The Rain Babies"..."Heckedy Peg"..."Cookies"..."Corduroy"..."The Mitten"..."The Mother's Day Mice"..."The Talking Eggs"....All the Christmas stories and on and on!
"You may have tangible wealth untold;
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be-
I had a Mother who read to me."
Some of my kids like to read and some don't, but they still like me to read to them. When I was a child, my favorite thing to do was to get lost in a book and my favorite spot to read was up in the apple tree. I had a special place up there with a back rest, and a salt shaker for eating the apples. Sometimes, when Mom would call me, I wouldn't answer..I could sit up there all day, lost in my own little world. It was a good thing I had that time, because when I got a little older, I was required to work, driving the tractor-cleaning and cooking as my Mom had to get a job.
I hope you'll enjoy this little book, go find it for your children, and then snuggle up and read as these nights turn a little colder and the season's change from summer into Fall. Let me know if you like the book and what your children or grand children think of it. (next post will be the best Chili and home made Bread recipe ever..I promise!)
Oh I had forgotten all about this book! I used to love it... I am going to reserve it at the library right now! What fun!
I LOVE THAT BOOK! I am officially in the Fall mood now. I want to find it for my kids. I have to say that you reading to us is probably my favorite childhood memory. I also loved Rain Babies and the story of the eggs. I had forgotten about those. I wish I had enough money to go buy a bunch of books for my kids but I guess I'll just have to do one at a time.
I adore children books...I am always looking for new books to read with my students! This one I love...one of my favourites! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such sweet comments all the time..xoxoxo
Found your blog through Cackleberry Cottage. What a sweet blog you have! That book looks so delightful. I just love it when animals have little lives. It's so charming. Thanks for a late night smile.
Hi Julie,
You would think that I grew up in a cave but I have never heard of this book! Looks like I've been missing out! What a wonderful book with beautiful illustrations! Thank you for sharing and I have to go and find this lovely book!
What a cozy,comforting, and beautiful story book. I love children's books and read to my children every nigh after I tucked them into bed.We also did a great deal of reading together during the day, and looked forward to library days when each one of them would check out quite a few books of their choice.
Like you, I now read books to my grandchildren, with drama in my voice and a few songs to add too!
Isn't it a blessing to be able to share such moments and memories with the children of our children? Lovely blog, and thank-you for visiting mine!
BTW, I collect children's books, and have since before I had children. A good child's book seems to convey, very simply and clearly , messages or stories with illustrations that go straight to the heart without seeming to lecture.
Hello Julie! Thank you so much for visiting my blogs! I am so thrilled you did because I now have your WONDERFUL blog to visit! Going through your blog I have been touched in many ways and have felt a sweet spirit here! Congratulations on another darling grandbaby! She is beautiful and so is your daughter! Wow, 19! We will our 12th in Spring! Isn't it the best being Grandparents! Your home is so beautiful and the surroundings are breath~taking. I have so much to say and talk to you about! Of course the church and how wonderful it is! How blessed we are to have the gospel in our lives. We must talk more!
Big hugs!
I've never seen this little book before, but it looks totally charming! I'll have to watch for a copy. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Hi Julie,
I can't believe I have never seen that book. I have seen and read an abundance of children's books with 18 years teaching kindergarten and now being in my 4th year teaching Pre-kindergarten. I also read to my sons when they were little. I know what you mean about the drama. I can really get into books. One of my favorites around Halloween is "The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything". I always use props at with it at school. The children love it too!
I don't really get that close to the chickens for the photographs. I get as close as I can and then I crop the photo in Photoshop!
What a wonderful children's book! thank you for sharing~ hope you have a wonderful weekend~
What a sweet story. I will have to check it out at the library! Thanks for coming by and saying hi Julie. I love your blog!
And it's fun to connect with you on FB too! Have a super weekend!
What an adorable book. Thanks for recommending it. My mother read to me every night when I was little and I love to read to this day. I would take a flashlight to bed and hide under the covers and read Nancy Drew, Little House on the Prairie, or the Betsy, Tacy, and Tib books. Anyway. I don't live on Mutton Hollow I live in the old section of Kaysville behind the theatre. (1st South and 200 W) We were fortunate to buy a vacant lot that was being used as a garden plot when the owner's husband died and didn't want to mess with the garden anymore. (She was 93!) I LOVE this neighborhood. We get to go to church in the old Tabernacle. Very fun place to live. Although not as beautiful a place as where you live. Mimi
Found you on mimi's cottage...must get that book for my grandchildren, how sweet!
I love this book! I need to find a copy of it somewhere. I remember you reading all of those books to us. I think Tiffany got the desire to read from those books, and I just loved to stare at every single detail in the artwork, maybe that's why I love being a graphic designer so much! Love ya!
This looks like such a great book! Kyle and I might have to go get this!!
Aw! How sweet. I hadn't heard that one. I love to read to my grandson when I get to go visit. I use lots of "drama" too!
I am so glad you posted this and will share his fun book with our little ones.:) The story is adorable!
HI Julie! Oh, I've just scrolled down and saw your little Ella! She is adorable! Oh, thank you for popping in and telling me to look at her! 19? Wow! Your quiver is full! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
the book looks very cute and sweet.
Oh, I read to my kids all the time when they were little...it was our favorite thing to do, and we had alot of books. But somehow, we missed that one.
It looks absolutely adorable! I'll have to look for it, for my nieces and nephews. Don't have any grandchildren yet. *sigh*
That book is wonderful!!! It just gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling. Thanks for sharing, Cindy
So sweet and I am a Book~Buying~Grandma so thanks for heads up on this GREAT book! Love your blog, come visit grannymountain often!
Just love the book! I have never read it. Will have to pop out and buy one for the grands. It really put me in the fall mood. I must get some pumpkins and mums out soon. Enjoy your day and have a wopnderful week.
Oh my...I am SO in the mood for all now!! :D
Oh no! I went to Amazon to see if they had the book and guess what? $39.00 to $79.00. Yikes.
Please tell us the ending 'cause at that price I don't think it will end up on my bookshelf.
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