I have been thinking about how very grateful I am for
my pioneer heritage and of the great souls that came before me,
they that prepared the way that I might not only live in freedom
but be blessed to have religious freedom, which is such a great blessing to me.
to me that their parents gave to them. They taught me to love and
respect my ancestors who gave up everything they had in search of
religious freedom....And here in Utah, they finally found it...a place
where they could worship and serve not a King or man but their God,
the creator of Heaven and earth.
where they could worship and serve not a King or man but their God,
the creator of Heaven and earth.
they my great great grandparents.
He left Scotland, his homeland, to join the Mormon church.
He came with the first company of pioneers seeking a place of religious
freedom. He was the companies wagon expert and a great cook too.
It was a tough and arduous journey over many miles of plains and mountains.
Brigham Young was the leader and president of
the church, he had seen a vision as to where they were to go.
When they came out of the rugged mountains he said;
"This is the right place!" And so they settled here.
It was a barren desert and they knew they wouldn't be
bothered here, so they went to work and made it blossom as a rose,
into the beautiful Salt Lake City that it is today.
He came with the first company of pioneers seeking a place of religious
freedom. He was the companies wagon expert and a great cook too.
It was a tough and arduous journey over many miles of plains and mountains.
Brigham Young was the leader and president of
the church, he had seen a vision as to where they were to go.
When they came out of the rugged mountains he said;
"This is the right place!" And so they settled here.
It was a barren desert and they knew they wouldn't be
bothered here, so they went to work and made it blossom as a rose,
into the beautiful Salt Lake City that it is today.
who were in that first company to enter the Salt Lake Valley.
My great great grandfathers name is listed there. I am so
grateful to him, for now I can have that great freedom in my life.
My grandfather went back at his own expense and brought
many more companies to Salt Lake City. He served all his life
setting up settlements all over Utah.
He died at the age of 83,
He died at the age of 83,
pretty old for a pioneer of that time. I am so thankful for him
and other family members who had so much to do with settling Utah.
They came with many talents and gave all they had to live the gospel
they loved so much. They came out of every country you can think of,
some of mine came from England, Norway, Sweden,Scotland.
I am so thankful for them because now I can live here...
I am so thankful for them because now I can live here...
a place that means everything to me.
this beautiful building in the back ground here.
It stands today and will forever stand
as a testament to these great people.
I still can hardly understand how they did it.
As one stands and looks up at it, it is so stunning!
Built out of granite stone, carved out of the near by mountains,
you wonder.... how did they do it?!
It would be a monumental task even in this day
with all the knowledge and power tools and heavy
machinery to do it.
They were amazing people...our pioneers.
It stands today and will forever stand
as a testament to these great people.
I still can hardly understand how they did it.
As one stands and looks up at it, it is so stunning!
Built out of granite stone, carved out of the near by mountains,
you wonder.... how did they do it?!
It would be a monumental task even in this day
with all the knowledge and power tools and heavy
machinery to do it.
They were amazing people...our pioneers.
in the winter time...with wagons...and clothing that was not
warm enough and not enough food for man or animal?
Being driven by what you believed in so strongly, seeking to live it in freedom.
Knowing that God was your guide, trusting in him for protection and care.
Being driven by what you believed in so strongly, seeking to live it in freedom.
Knowing that God was your guide, trusting in him for protection and care.
It has blossomed as the rose.
of the canyon that the pioneers came through,
as a testament and tribute to all of those great souls.
they were directed by Brigham Young to start a choir.
They were refined people from many countries all over
the world and it was so important for them to continue
on with all they things that they loved.
This is the same choir that you know as the famous
This is the same choir that you know as the famous
world choir... or... America's choir,
"The Mormon Tabernacle Choir."
We celebrate them and us and the joy of living in Utah.
We celebrate with a huge parade and rodeo, and families
gather together to remember their precious ancestors and their
families of today...with hearts filled with great gratitude for blessings unnumbered.

The president and prophet of our church today...
Thomas S. Monson...saying Hello to all from the parade route.
I am so grateful for my pioneer ancestors and I love them
with all my heart for all that they did to bless my life today...
Thomas S. Monson...saying Hello to all from the parade route.
I am so grateful for my pioneer ancestors and I love them
with all my heart for all that they did to bless my life today...
First of all, your new profile picture is perfectly pretty, Julie. And I keep on saying it but I really really LOVE your gorgeous part of the world.
What b e a u t i f u l pictures!
Wishing you lovely weekend. xx
Beautiful Post Julie all well said. You make me proud to be a member, and to remember this DAY "PIONEER DAY!" Its a great day for more celebrating. Hugs, Jenn THE SALT LAKE TEMPLE IS MY FAV. ;)
Happy Pioneer Day! The floats look gorgeous!
What a lovely story of family, faith and history. I hope you enjoy your special day.
Our family is deeply rooted in Canada, our home. Our ancestor explored Canada with the Hudson Bay Company and was the first man to settle here with his family. Great pride in family heritage.
We just returned this afternoon to an overnight ward camp out with me feeling like an old lady, sweetpea! I had to be the oldest one there by at least 25 years, but truly, I was the youngest in heart, chick! I keep telling Love Bunny NEVER AGAIN but he keeps dragging me off to the wilds of Idaho and yesterday, the wilds of Oregon. Will this madness never stop?!?!?!
Smiling at ya!
Beautiful post !
Happy Pioneer Days !
Your pride really shines !
Julie I am so glad I got to see this post. It is just wonderful especially the picture of you. I love how you wrote this post of family, history and faith.
Thanks for commenting on my help
post. I did not hear anything from the cutest blog site they were doing anything. Is this temporary and who did you switch too.
Sorry for all the questions
There are few things that are as fulfilling as knowing your roots. Mine came from Wales & England!!
I really enjoyed your post!!
Have a Wonderful Evening!
What a wonderful post and such beautiful pictures. Happy Pioneers Day to you to Julie, hope you're having a wonderful weekend with the family.
What a wonderful history and tribute to your ancestors. I enjoyed this post very much. I am so happy there is religious freedom! Salt Lake City is beautiful!!
Julie, I loved hearing the history of your family and state. And I always LOVE your beautiful pictures of your surroundings. Just breath taking.
Julie...what a heritage..both here on earth and in Heaven!!
How totaly awesome..you can trace your family back so far. I am adopted..I know very little!! I know my dad was from the Northwest..my mom 's family would of been from Oklahoma..we have Indian blood..I know not what tribe..or of the struggles they went through..or the way they survived through history..But this I know...Our Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of us..I am in HIS family..my heritage is through HIM..We are sisters in Christ...and someday..yes someday....I will have all the pieces of the puzzel!!
The parade looks like a blast to go to..I am sure your family enjoyed the day!! Thank you for sharing with us!!
Hugs and Squeezes..Cindy Rick-Rack and Gingham
What a wonderful post! I love family history....
it really happened! Salt Lake city is there..........
What a beautiful post. It's really a shame that more of our religions don't stress the importance of honoring our ancestors. You know me.. genealogy and family history are my passions.. a long-time member of Ancestry.com.
So glad you've had a wonderful day!
Ladybug Creek
Loved this post!! The photos are all amazing, especially the one of your ancestors!!
Thanks for sharing your testimony!!
In honor of Pioneer Day, I baked some bread. Your bread to be exact. I told you I would try your recipe. Now mine doesn't look as lovely as your loaves of bread, but it tastes soooo good. I even posted about it on my blog.
That recipe is a keeper. By the way.....you must have a BOSCH or something. How else can you add 11 cups a flour to a regular sized Kitchen Aid Mixer? I had to cut the recipe in half.
You are totally beautiful! It's always evident but this picture really reveals it. A beautiful post too ~ and yes, a wonderfully gorgeous city. I cannot imagine the trials and tribulations of the early settlers...like you said, the elements, the few possessions they could carry with them, the lack of food, etc. Quite a testament to their strength and faith!
Enjoy your Pioneer Days ~
Happy Pioneer Day! I have learned so much about the Mormon faith through blogging.
It makes sense to pay tribute to pioneers with a special day!
What a beautiful post. Happy pioneer day.
All my great-great grandparents joined the church and traveled to Utah in the later 1800's. They came from several different countries but all seeking a place to worship in peace. They were some hearty faithful people...I am so happy to be part of the great migration to Utah.
I want to see the Days for 47 parade someday. We had an early morning pioneer pancake breakfast at our church this morning at 7 am to celebrate this great day!
This was truly a beautiful tribute all the way around! Great photos, lovely sentiment ... my parents were converts back in New York about 50 years ago so my church roots don't go as deep as yours. What a wonderful heritage for you!
Thanks for sharing. :)
One of the most awesome sights in this country is coming down the hill/road into Salt Lake ... the temple is awesome, the sight of the land is breathtakingly beautiful.
Enjoy your celebration. I love the photos of your family.
Have a lovely weekend ~
TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon
When driving across our beautiful country, I have often wondered how the pioneers had the courage and fortitude to travel over mountains, rivers and deserts in a covered wagon to start a new life in a land that they knew nothing about.
In fact, my Mom and I were just talking about this same thing on the phone this past week. They had tremendous faith and trust and knew God traveled with them.
Thanks so much for sharing your "Pioneer Day" with us, Julie! I enjoyed reading all about it. :0)
Hi Julie!
Happy Pioneer Day to you!
How wonderful it is to be grateful for all the faithful that came before us, and surround us!
What a history you told!
God Bless you Always ♥ Maria
Happy Pioneer Day Julie. I loved this post. Our Ward celebrated at a park near my home. I was asked to speak about some of my families Pioneer Heritage. It was so wonderful to remember and honor them. We are so proud of our rich heritage in the Church. Your pics make me miss beautiful Utah!!
Happy Pioneer day!!!! You have such a great family history.
Have a great sunday!!
Great post! LOVE Utah and Salt lake city! I don't understand how the pioneers made it either...People will do anything to be able to be free and this is why people came to America.
Love the pictures you shared. Love the window you opened about what happens here. have a great Sunday...Hugs
Happy Pioneer Day. I enjoyed reading your family history. Those were beautiful photos of Utah and Salt Lake City too.
You noticed the way my son "slept" with his leg crossed on my most recent post. I found so many pictures of him like that. I hadn't even noticed it until I was putting that post together. We have lots of photos of him sleeping, because he seemed to fall asleep in the most out of the way places. Thanks for noticing, and thanks for always coming by to say hi. You are just the sweetest lady!
A beautiful post Julie. My husband's great great grandfather came to Utah in 1848. So they might have known each other. They were sent down to Scipio to settle that area. Hope your day was fun. Mimi
Ah the sweetness of our heritage.Mine of course comes from Greece isnt it special can you believe my grandparents came here on a boat in their early twenties.Into Elis island.Their names as there as with all the others.I miss them,Happy Pioneer day!
I have always loved every story of the pioneers and settlers of our country and so enjoyed reading this wonderful post. Loved the photos as well! Blessings,Kathleen
Thank you so much, Julie, for sharing this amazing story about your family and your pioneer history. I loved hearing about the way your church began in the US, how your church grew from the strength and suffering of others and how it flourished to become the incredible church and city that it is today. I would love to visit there one day to see that majestic and awe-inspiring church for myself one day.
Happy Pioneer day to you and blessings and best wishes for a wonderful week.
Such interesting history and beautiful pictures. Love your new profile picture, too!
You just gave a beautiful tribute to all of us out here...for your history and family.
I too am so grateful for my heritage and my family of faith and their courage and endurance and passion for the Lord to pass it on. I pray our generations will continue in the future to keep the flame burning and give light to so many who do NOT have such a wonderful Pioneer History and Faithful heritage. Thanks for sharing. I know you will have a blessed day. Love your new bio pic. So pretty! :-) HUGS
Thank you so much for sharing your rich family history, as well as the history of SLC and your faith. I was very drawn to the lovely picture of your parents; they looked so striking.
I couldn't agree with you more about how blessed and fortunate we are to have religious freedom. Our ancestors have done so much for us.
Thank you for sharing such wonderful memories and information with us.
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
I love this piece of your family history. Isn't it amazing, the courage of the generations that came before you? Although I am not Mormon, we've always lived in wonderful towns with strong Mormon influences - one of the towns was originally settled by Mormon settlers.
I'm adding Salt Lake City to my bucket list of places to go on vacation.
Religious freedom...something we should all hold dear in this country. Such a blessing.
Your photos are wonderful...love the one of your parents! :)
And that photo of SLC is amazing!
Hello Julie, I must say, I truly enjoyed reading your post today! What a beautiful family story and pictures you have shared with us. My husband's family came across the plains as pioneers from Sweden. (Maybe they knew each other!) I don't have any Pioneer blood in me, but I have always said I appreciate what they did so that my family was able to come here from Italy. Here in California we don't do much for Pioneer Day. I had to giggle to see Pres Monson in a cowboy hat and plaid shirt. I have never seen him wearing anything but a suit.
Happy Pioneer Day!
Hugs, Ann
Dear Julie
You are so pretty...I love the new picture of you!
What beautiful photographs and lovely post you have...family and history is so important! It is so imprtant for our children as well. Our family were the French Hugenots who left France because they were supressed for their Christianity and fled to South Africa.....here we are in the USA today!
Hope you had a lovley Pioneer Day!
Hi, Julie,
Congratulations on your wonderful ancestry!! I enjoyed so much seeing your parents and grandparents and all of your pioneer family who came to settle in Utah. It sounds like you come by your great cooking skills quite naturally, it has been passed down to you!! Have a beautiful week, my sweet friend~ Love and hugs always~ Vicki
WONDERFUL!!! I love all these photos of your family and Utah. Very lovely post=0) I love the photo of your parents.
I love hearing about your heritage. The Temple is the most beautiful building. Thanks for sharing.
Julie! What a great tribute for Pioneer Day and one of your relatives was in the FIRST company! Wow! Mine came later. In fact, I did a Pioneer Tablescape for Tablescape Thursday highlighting one of mine who crossed the plains. So happy late follower and I am one of your newest followers! Joni
This may sound strange but I often think about what it must have been like to travel in those covered wagons for months on end. How difficult it was for the settlers. How many people did not make it out west.
There is much to rejoice on pioneer day and you can definitely be proud of your ancestry.
Happy Pioneer Day and thanks for the wonderful post. Like you my ancestors crossed the plains. I'm so thankful for their sacrifices and love of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your pictures are sensational too! I'm assuming no baby yet? Thinking of you!
Hi Julie,
Thank you for sharing about your family history, and sharing your photos (the first one of you is very pretty). The photos of Salt Lake City and Utah are beautiful. I think the pioneers coming west were a brave, and hearty group of people. I don't think it was something I could ever do. I admire their spirit!
I hope you have a wonderful Pioneer Day! :)
Neat pics and story Julie. You look so pretty, I want your blonde hair!!
That was very interesting, Julie. I love learning about different heritages. Beautiful pictures on this post. Good wishes go out for the birth of the new grandchild. I am just lovin' mine. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
Woohoo!!! This Ozark farm chick thanks you for the history and the beautiful tour of your great state. How well you captured it in your fab photos!
Ya'll have a wonderful blessed day from the happy hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa!!! :o)
We really are blessed, it's true!
Thanks for sharing your sweet testimony and beautiful pictures.
Beautiful post! My hubs great...came across with the first company as well. Major Howard Egan.
I love the pictures you posted.
You are a beautiful woman.
Thank you for sharing such an interesting post! I just loved it!
And your new pic is adorable :)
xo, misha
I wasn't on the computer all weekend so I missed this post. I love it - it is a beautiful post.
With all my heart I love the pioneers and their courage and faith brings me to tears each time I think about them.
I am a convert with no pioneer ancestors so I am always in awe at the rich pioneer heritage some people have...like you - it is wonderful.
The pictures and the stories are so neat!
Love your post here today -- I am also grateful for my pioneer ancestors - indeed amazing people!
Love the story of your great grandfather being with the first company to come into the valley.
Wonder what that was really like.
Can't beleive he went back and got more...how brave, really. And it is amazing he lived into his 80's and without advil!
Your smore's brownies...You're just too good of a cook...like your grandfather, suppose its in the genes.
What precious family photos! Keep them safe, once lost they can not be replaced.
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