Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NAUVOO.... (part two)

I was amazed at every town we went to there was a water tower.
Very different from Utah, there are none of those here.

This my high school friend Gwen...she so generously invited us to
stay at her home as we visited in Nauvoo. She has a beautiful home
and it was so much fun to just sit in the evening and visit with her.
We stayed with them two nights and then moved on before we
wore out our welcome. They were so good, kind and giving to us.

Another wagon ride around Nauvoo, a great way
to see it all up close and personal. One of these horses
was a good puller and the other one was a bit lazy!

Quite a feeling all over Old Nauvoo...I really felt a
such strong spirit as we rode past Hyrum Smith and
Joseph and Emma Smith's graves, so peaceful and still.

The beautiful Mississippi river in the Fall, full of lily
pads gone to sleep for the coming winter.

All the homes and shops that have been restored. The saints left
them standing, not able to sell them for anything. Many were burned or
destroyed by mobs, or just taken over, many sat for and years, abandoned.

In the sixty's the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and family
members came back for them, and lovingly restored many of them. One is
now able to get an idea of the beautiful and prosperous place Nauvoo once was.

A picture depicting the members of the church at that time
building the first Nauvoo temple. My great great grand father
helped with this work. He loved the Lord and loved to give of his
skills to the work of the Lord.

They had nothing but gave their
all to build this sacred temple unto the Lord. How sad they must
have felt as they were driven out and their temple destroyed and
burned by mobs. Never to see their temple or their beloved Nauvoo
again in their life time.

But is was their ancestors and by their church.

In 1999 it was announced that the temple was to be rebuilt and
on June 27th, 2002 the new Nauvoo Temple was dedicated
to the Lord and it stands as a witness of a people who gave their all.

It stands today as a witness to the world, that God's work will go forth
and Satan and all of his evil's will not triumph in the end. There is a
great plan of happiness for all of God's children on this earth and
He loves each one of us and has prepare the way for our happiness.

A replica of the great hand carved sun stones

Ron and I attended a temple session while we were in Nauvoo.
It was the high light of out visit there. As I walked up the steps
of the temple, I suddenly felt such a warm feeling come over me,
it brought instant tears to my eyes as I felt the sacredness of God's
holy house. The temple is so very beautiful inside with expert
craftsmanship all through it. It was such a joy to spend time there.

As we came out and I looked out over the great Mississippi...
those early saints and my ancestors came to my mind...about
how they had once stood on stairs like this and looked out over
this beautiful river and how much they loved their Nauvoo and
their temple and how hard it must have been for them to leave it.
Tears filled my eyes again, tears of love and respect for them,
and tears of gratitude that their great temple stood again.

This beautiful statue of Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum Smith
stands in front of the temple. It is so stunning and I just couldn't get enough
pictures of it. It is life size and every detail is perfect and it looks different
from every angle. I felt like I was right there with them.

This is right under the statue and explains about it.

The front of the temple... it has been built just like the original temple.
It was financed by contributions from the church members through out
the world and was completely paid for when dedicated in June of 2002.

~It is beautiful from every angle~

~Beautiful at night~

This stained glass work was done by a good man
who has a handicap... his contribution to the Lord.

All of our temples are a spiritual haven where we can feel a special closeness to our God.
We visit the temples to find the peaceful serenity the Savior promised His followers in the
New Testament: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world
giveth, give I unto you." (John 14:27

In the temple, through lecture and video presentation, we learn that life on earth is part of an
eternal journey that began long before we were born, when we lived with God as His spirit
sons and daughters. We are able to express our commitment to live according to the
principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We visited this old but peaceful cemetery, an old wooden fence
outlines it and marks the the old road that Joseph and Hyrum
rode on their way to Carthage. It felt kind of sad to me, yet sacred
and peaceful. We walked all through it looking at the remaining headstones,
looking for a family name. I didn't find any that I could make out as family
but there was a list of all those buried there.

A quiet path lead into the woods and into the old cemetery...

It felt like a place unknown to the world,
a sacred place of peace for those buried there.

It was so quiet, only us and the birds and
they were singing their sweet heavenly songs.

~These are names of my family members who are buried there.~

A beautiful statue representing the families who
buried their babies and young children there.

This is one of my great great grand fathers who lived in Nauvoo
and his wife Harriet, a little blue eyed gal from England. His name
was Charles A. Harper and he had a carriage shop there.

He was asked
by the church leaders to be the wheelwright for the first company of pioneers
who set out to find the great Salt Lake Valley, now ( Salt Lake City, Utah).

He was a wealthy man and he gave it all to help the saints find a place where
they could worship in peace. He brought many companies of people to the West.

While I was in Nauvoo, I went to the Lands and Records building and
found out where his property was that he had a carriage shop on. It
is now part of the State Park, right there off the highway as you come
into Nauvoo. It was quite the feeling to stand on what was his property.

~I loved the giant trees there all arrayed so beautifully for Fall~

We went to see where those gorgeous Belgium horses
were kept and I loved petting and talking to them all.

I loved their huge bridles...

And their sweet natures...

and their big old harnesses...just awesome!

Many of the peoples dishes have been found and many
have been lovingly restored to what they once were.

Many women gave their nice China to be crushed up and
put into the temple walls to make the temple as beautiful
as they could possibly make it.

Sweet little pioneer dolls, I could just image some little
girl at the store with her mom, wanting a doll like these.

The little "Scovil Bakery"...As you visit here you get a
tiny gingerbread cookie. I got a little gingerbread cookie
cutter here 22 years ago when I first visited Nauvoo,
I still have it and love it and use it every Christmas.

Well thats enough for this post will
be more of our wonderful visit to Nauvoo, Illinois.


gigi said...

Another awesome post!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and I finally got the recipe attached to the picture :)

Dell Miller, Owner said...

Thank you for the tour. These are things I havent seen yet, I am excited to return and go to the cemetary and find the beautiful dishes.

Cherie said...

Beautiful pictures and that is so neat that you found your ancestors graves and your great great grandfathers land - quite a legacy.
There is definately something special about Nauvoo.

Susan said...

Hey Julie. Wonderful photos and LOOK! The prophet's riding in an English saddle.
Thanks for the suggestion about the massage, but the area that needs massaging, I don't want anyone touching. Way to much bounce in that fast horse, so my undercarriage is pretty sore.

Carolyn said...

Hi Julie!

Such a beautiful post! The temple is absolutely gorgeous! Your walk through the graveyard and finding your family's name sounds like a quiet, peaceful time of reflecting. My mother and I used to love to stop at old graveyards and stroll alongside the stones looking at the dates and names.

It sounds like you and your husband are having a wonderful time! What a treasured memory!

Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunsine

Something Special said...

You have taken us all on such a wonderful tour. That would be a wonderful trip. I have been to Nauvoo, but not since the Temple was built there. Such a nice post.

Rosie said...

Thanks for the sweet tour,
Always interesting to see where we came from. Love those little brick homes with the red geraniums{ i think}...looks like you had a lovely on dear heart, love Rosie

Beth at Aunties said...

I have enjoyed both posts and left a message on your last one. I too loved going to the land and record office and locating where our family plots were and the feeling of standing on their property. Such incredible love for them and all they went through so we could enjoy the gospel blessings in our lives.
Thank You again for sharing your beautiful thoughts, pictures and testimony of this sacred and beautiful place. I am looking forward to the 3rd post!!!

Susan B said...

Hi Julie,
I enjoyed the lovely photos! It's so nice you were able to find about some of your family history. It looks like a beautiful place to visit. Thank you for sharing. :)

Marie said...

Julie, I am really enjoying this trip to Nauvoo with you. A truly beautiful and fascinating place that I long to visit for myself one day! I have friends who have been there and to the Temple and they say there is truly a beautiful spirit about the whole place. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. I can't wait for the next installment! xxoo

Becky said...

Hi Julie!I so enjoyed this little trip to Nauvoo with you as well.Lovely photos.

Thanks for sharing,have a lovely day!

Bonnie said...

Julie, this is just like going back for me. Thank you so much for doing these posts. The spirit is so strong while reading them. I know these things are true and good and right, you have done a beautiful job of conveying it.

We are so blessed to be members of this beautiful church. The heritage is so rich, the principles so true. I wish everyone would choose these things in their lives. It would be an amazingly peaceful and loved-filled world, wouldn't it?

Hugs to you my friend,


Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

What a great trip Julie!
I love the pics and your narrative too. I am not Mormon, but I still am fascinated by it.
I looked up Nauvoo and we are about 350 miles up the Mississippi from it.

happeningswithLana said...

Julie, I am also enjoying the visit through you. Such good pictures and information about each. Glad you found some of your family graves and that you also found out where the property was. Looks like a beautiful place! I looked it up and you were alittle under 5 hours from me. (west) Looking forward to the next tour. Did you get a new cookie cutter?

NanaDiana said...

What an awesome post and what a great history lesson for me. Beautiful pictures and beautiful description of the emotions it stirred in you- Hugs- Diana

Farmchick said...

That was fun trip....thanks so much for sharing all your pictures and your words! :)

Stop over and visit me soon. :)

Farmchick said... you want to exchange blog links? I already have you on my blog roll.....hoping you will put me on yours!! :) Have a great day.

Tammy said...

Thanks for the tours. Beautiful photos! My favorites are the nature pictures, especially the big yellow tree. Just can't beat God's handiwork! Glad you had a great trip!

Tracy said...

LOVED this post. Thanks for letting me be part of your trip!

koralee said...

So glad I popped in for part two...hugs sweet one. xoxox

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

I loved the tour, Julie! Enjoy these last days of October. xxxx

Sharon said...

What a beautiful trip and it is so wonderful for you to find some of your ancestors.
I used to live in IL but never heard of Nauvoo.
Where is it from Chicago?
You and your hubby on the steps of the temple is beautiful.
Have a great day.

Sydney said...

So happy you had a chance to return to Nauvoo. Your beautiful pictures say it all! We live about 8 hours away from Nauvoo and dearly love it their. Some of my husbands and my ancestors most likely worked and mingled with yours....the Lavenders and the Mendenhalls. Such a special spiritual place..full of history, sacrifice and blessings. xo

Julie said...

Once again, GREAT pics and history. You two look fantastic. And I love those beautiful horses..Such majestic beasts...
Thanks for sharing with us!!!!!!

Kerin said...

Another beautiful post!
Thanks again for sharing :)

Jenglamgirl said...

and yet another beautiful post of our faith and the beautiful stories and work and labor that once was. I got emotional when I read the part and saw the pic. of the statue fam. where their children were buried. Its a reminder of all they did and went through, what a blessing for Eternal Salvation. I love the part about your great great grandfather, what a wonderful man and story. Love that you got to see where he lived. What a sweet story about the little bakery shop and the gingerbread cookies and getting a sweet keepsake too. Love it all. Hugs, Jen

pollydove said...

Wow what an incredible post Julie! Such great photos and sentiments! Glad you had such a good time. I love Nauvoo - but it has been WAY too long since I have been! xo said...

What a beautiful story.... So glad you had such a great trip!

Jill said...

Wonderful post! Thanks so much for sharing the lovely pics. and info.
Have a great afternoon!

Vicky said...

When I lived in Idaho I heard so much about Nauvoo, but this is my first time visiting through your beautiful photos :) Someone once told me it was impossible to describe it, because you have to "experience" it, and I think that is just what you did. Thanks for taking us with you!

Le Chateau des fleurs by Frenchy said...

Beautiful! So much History and oh Our Pioneers...They brought so much to us! Great trip and post. Thank you so much for sharing :)
Love you too. Blog world would not be the same without you :)

Ann said...

Thanks for the tour and the history lesson. The photos are wonderful and I can see why you enjoyed it so much.

grandkrumps said...

Wow! You got some amazing shots--I love the one where you centered the Temple between Joseph and Hyrum, the huge yellow tree, and so many more. So happy to have had you as our guests for part of the time! Hopefully loads of folks will be inspired to visit Nauvoo! Love you!

gnee @ Singing With Birds said...

Well done, Julie. What an incredible temple and it is such a sacred place. Thanks so much.