this little girl will be joining our family! She will be grandchild number 21
for us and we are so excited to welcome her into our family! This will be
my last post for a while, as I will be off to help out with their little family.
I just wanted to share with you a beautiful place here...Fish Lake!
It is quite famous as a gorgeous place to go and fish or just enjoy for
a day or longer. There are so many cabins hidden in the mountains
by the lake that you will never see as you go there. I just love all the
cabins and wanted to share them with you.
It is quite famous as a gorgeous place to go and fish or just enjoy for
a day or longer. There are so many cabins hidden in the mountains
by the lake that you will never see as you go there. I just love all the
cabins and wanted to share them with you.
the scent of the pine trees and the chirping of the squirrels and birds.
right there off the deck too, that would be awesome!
here in the tall grass and just listen to the leaves rustle in the breeze.
walk around the trail on the shore line, which I
have done many times, my favorite place to walk.

Trials bike competitions, he won...he does every time! It's so amazing
what he can do and he does it with such steadiness and courage!

They are so cute, they have liked each other ever since 8th grade!
and enjoys it to the max...even sand and dirt! I hope
you are enjoying your Summer this much...I sure am.
I will be back after I get done with some mothering and
grand mothering...the thing I love doing most on this earth!
God be with and bless all of my friends and all others too who
are in the path of earth quakes and hurricanes. May God be with
you and yours, and keep you from any harm or danger .
you are enjoying your Summer this much...I sure am.
I will be back after I get done with some mothering and
grand mothering...the thing I love doing most on this earth!
God be with and bless all of my friends and all others too who
are in the path of earth quakes and hurricanes. May God be with
you and yours, and keep you from any harm or danger .

JULIE!! I am so excited for you!! Be safe and we'll be waiting for photos and news when you get a chance!! blessings ~ tanna
Those cabins sure are pretty, Miss Julie~ it would be hard to choose a favorite!
I know you'll have a wonderful time helping with the new baby...
Don't forget about us! *giggle*
Hi Julie,
Congratulations on the new grandbaby! How exciting for your family! Enjoy your time away with the new little one.
I enjoyed looking at all the cabins around the lake. I would love to have a cabin by a lake where my husband could fish to his heart's content! :) The lake is so beautiful.
Take care...can't wait to hear about the new grandbaby!
Hi Julie!Best wishes to you and your family for grandchild 21.Wow amazing lol.Hope all goes well.
Those homes are just lovely.I love the one with the stained glass window.
Enjoy your new granchild,see you when you return.Have fun!~~Becky
"Best Wishes" to the family, Julie. I know you will be right where you want to be. Enjoy!
A joyous time ahead for you and your family! Looking forward to photos!
Many congratulations Julie, oh my sweet pea 21. You really have an enormously giant, lovely happy family.
The beautiful lake, woods, wooden houses made me think of Scandinavian for a sec.
Have a happy rest of your day, my friend. Mine is coming to an end xxx
We too LOVE the Fish Lake area.
I swear, the cabin in the second photo is one of our dear friends cabins. We sure spent some great weekends there..
fishing and BBQ-ing!
We're headed up to Fish Lake again soon :)
Have fun with the new babe and family!
Congratulations on the new grandbaby, #21! You really are blessed!! Fish Lake looks like a beautiful place. I wouldn't mind any of those cabins for a leisurely get-away. xo,
You have 21 grandchildren (well almost) - That is so awesome -You and your hubby are really blessed.
I love how the quilt came out.
I have heard of Fish Lake before. I have never been there though. It looks like my kinda place. I love all the little cabins. Very peaceful.
Congratulations on the new little grandbaby! Wow, 21 -- that's a big bundle of joy :)
Julie- What a wonderful post full of beautiful places and wonderful news and little Sophia! Did you EVER think you would have 21 grandchildren? I have the 10th on the way and can't believe it!
I hope you have a wonderful time mothering and grandmothering your beautiful family! God bless and I hope all goes well with labor and delivery! xo Diana
Congrats on your sweet little girl!! Enjoy!
Julie...I love the quilt...How precious. You did an awesome job on it.Love the
Oh number 21 she will be as special as #1...our hearts can hold so many loves!!!
You have fun and can't wait to see the pictures. We will be praying for the new momma and the little one!
Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Loved my trip to Fish Lake, my cup of tea those old cabins! Go and enjoy, mother and grandmother but don't forget us and come home soon! Safe journey...
You and Joni seem to be having the most fun this summer! What fun cabins. Such variety and such a pretty setting! We have never been to Fish Lake but I have heard about it. So pretty. I love the picture of your married ones up in the rocks - really cool! Enjoy that new little one - it is always a miracle isn't it?
Fish Lake looks cool and relaxing! I can understand why you love walking the trails around the lake. Of all the cabins you showed, I liked the old dark brown one in the trees. It just looks cozy to me.
Congratulations on #21!!! Best wishes to all. They are going to LOVE the cute quilt you made!!
Hi Julie
LOVE the quilt, and if I was you I would so buy that sweet cottage on Fish Lake... you are downsizing aren't you?
We live on the river, even though it's not sparkly blue because of the clay bottom, we sure LOVE it.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday sweet friend.
Another sweet baby.......have fun.
Newborns are just so wonderful.
Fish Lake looks like fun. Wish we lived closer.
I can't believe all of those cabins are on that one lake. I love the tiny one. It looks so cozy...
Congrats on that baby number 21!
Julie -- your quiver overflows -- congratulations on your 21st blessing!! That quilt is remarkable -- I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE vintage inspired embroidery :)
Will miss you but your are up to important grandma work :)
Congratulations! The quilt is adorable.
The photos are great! Looks like a fine time.
It would be lovely to have one of those cabins.
Love the cabins and the big outdoors.
Congratulations on you newest granddaughter. I'd sure like another one. The quilt is so darling. Fish Lake, love it, love it. I spent a week there with my young women one summer. Your right, it was a beautiful place, many wonderful moments were shared there. Was that realy a fall leaf? Thank you so much for showing us that, I am dieing for it to be fall. I haven't done any playing, just working this summer. I'm afraid I don't want to be here in August anymore.
big hugs
come visit
21? Oh my goodness....enjoy your special time together! They are lucky to have you as their Grandma! ♥
I thought it was about time I visit you my has been so long. Looks like you are well and yes..I would really take any of those cabins on a lake right now. Hugs to you.
Cannot wait to see gbaby 21 :)
Be safe in your travels!
xi, misha
haha she is so cute! I would love to stay one week in a cabin too. Fish and forget about problems. No phone, no TV. My hubby would go nuts. LOL
great pictures. Utah is beautiful :)
You always seem to be having so much fun:) Enjoy your time with your new granddaughter! We just had munchkin #8:)
Hi Julie, so excited for you! Enjoy your time with the new baby! I loved this post,those cabins look so peaceful. Spring is coming here...I was reminded of my first post ever yesterday when I saw our mango trees starting to of these days our house will be filled with the smell of mango and orange blossoms!!!Heaven..
Another grand-baby for you dear Julie!! You are the luckiest one!
I love the cabins, the lake, the cute couple and their adorable baby girl!
I just love that Sophia's personality, it just shines through!
Have fun with your new grandbaby!
Keep us posted!
Beutiful pictures! I love the cabin!
Congrats to Julie! How exciting!
Have a great weekend!
Love, Brenda
Darling quilt!
Excited to see pictures of the new little munchkin.
Have a wonderful time.
Wowweeee....congrats Julie...that's a lot of Grandbabes...and lots of wonderful hugs and kisses. Good for you girlfriend. Have fun with that new little one and I can't wait to see pictures.
Have a wonderful time getting to know you newest grand. What a lucky little girl to be born into a family so filled with love.
Fish Lake looks like a beautiful place. I would enjoy a little getaway to any of those cute cottages.
Best wishes to your family and their new addition! How exciting!
I would love to stay a long time at FL myself. I really like something about each cabin so it is hard to choose a fav.
I hope that you have a safe trip and that you know we will be here waiting to see photos.
Julie what a gorgeous, scenic location. I love it!
21 grandchildren! Wow, you are blessed Grandma. :)
Wow! 21 grandchildren, what an incredible blessing! Wishing your family all the best and can't wait to see pictures!
Many Blessings,
What fun you guys always have! And in such beautiful settings! That baby quilt is absolutely to D.I.E. for!!! Lucky little grandbaby, lucky little grandma! Enjoy!!! xoxox
Julie, I am excited for you as you welcome the newest addition to your wonderful family!!
I love the cabins too! I especially like the old ones, and would love to hear the stories they could tell if their walls could talk!!
All the best for your family, and we'll be keeping all of you in our prayers that all goes well!!!
Number 21? Wow!!!! You will certainly be missed while you are away, but go and enjoy that new grandbaby. Oh, and the cabins in the mountains, well, I want one with a huge stone fireplace for a week-end this fall. :)
I have to admit that no, I'm not enjoying summer as much as your Sophia, but still and all... a good one!
Blessings, Debbie
Hi Julie!
What a wonderful tour of lake cottages. You are right! I would take any one of them! They are all special in their own way ~
I remember seeing bike competitions in Utah on a TV special once. The riders are very talented!
The baby blanket is so sweet, Julie. How talented YOU are too!
Enjoy your family and may you all be blessed ♥ and may your new wee one feel the incredible circle of love that is there.
Grandchild 21? Such a wonderful blessing!! :)
Don't be confused about my blog and Wendy's blog Julie. She had me help her last week and had to give me permission to edit her blog. I didn't realize it showed up on my profile... will have to modify that.
Wendy is totally sooooo awesome isn't she? I've made such wonderful sista's these last yrs. Blogging rocks.
It's wonderful that you're able to help out with the new grandbaby. We'll miss you but it'll be worth it because we KNOW you'll delight us with lots of pictures of her soon!
Hey Julie....looks like Claudie explained to you the "confussion" about her blog. I will have to go into my blog now and remove her as co-author (since she needed to be one in order to help me update my computer/blog)
I am a computer moron.
wonderful that kind of stuff. our guess house we just got is like a cabin. I will be posting in in a week or so.
enjoy the new grandbaby....I bet the family will be glad to have your help. We'll wait for your return.
ha ha....guess house
Enjoy that new baby! Can't wait to see pictures!
I would love a cabin on Fish Lake. The water is so blue. We lean more towards activities like that when we go on vacation than busy places. How lucky for grandchild #21 to be born into such a loving family. Love the quilt. Enjoy yourself.
wow 21 grandchildren, congratulations. Fish lake looks beautiful. I would take any one of those cabins.
Have fun with those cute grandbabies! Fish Lake looks beautiful. Where do you camp? I'd like to take our trailer up there. Mimi
All of those cabins are amazing and beautiful! Congratulations on grandbaby #21!!! God is so good for blessing us so wonderfully...:)
Enjoy!! I know you will...:) Love that adorable quilt, and Sophia. What a sweetie pie she is!
Julie, congrats on 21! I have been to Fish Lake just driving though and I didn't realize there were all these cabins even though someone from our ward does have a cabin there; they are hidden. Have a great time with the new one. Joni
Oh Julie~ What a wonderful tour of cabins & cottages at the lake! Hubby & I sure could use a little break from it all & a retreat like this sounds like just the right medicine. We fell in love with a little A frame log cabin we stayed at in the Smokies one year. The peace & tranquility is so good for the soul. Although some racoons had a little party on our roof scaring the tinkle out of me!
Can't wait for your newest Blessing to arrive. She will love her Blankie... Be sure to post some pictures of her when she arrives.
Have a Blessed weekend♥
Oh, I do love the cabins and would like to have one for myself....and eat fresh fish out of the lake for breakfast-yum!
Have the best time welcoming grand #21! So amazing and such a blessing to have grandchildren. Will look forward to some pictures of her sweet and tiny self.
And what a talented SIL. I can imagine the fun and excitement watching him compete. xoxo
Loved the cabins Julie, and loved seeing Fish lake, what a beautiful summer you are having, and now you get to go and help to welcome that precious grandchild,... it doesn't get any better than this.
My best to you and your beautiful family, Little Sophia is really growing, and what a happy child, I love the way her hands are intertwined so precious. Enjoy and be blessed.
Julie, I apologize for posting my comment on another email account, please forgive me, I think I will blame it on Irene. lol
Have a great time with the new grandbaby! Love all the cabins. you live in such a beautiful area!
Oh, boy...congrats on, woman...that's a lot of grandbabies. :))
xoxo bj
I hope all goes well with the arrival of another sweet baby!
Beautiful lake and cabins.
Yeah! Congratulations Julie on another precious grandbaby! How blessed you are! The quilt turned out so darling! xox
Paul and I have always dreamed of living in a cabin like those. Gorgeous.
The quilt turned out super cute. I can not believe that you have (almost) 21 grandchildren. Wow! Such a full wonderful family.
Have a great time.
I love log cabins, and if i had the money i would have bought the one in this post. Richard from Amish Stories.
those cabins , what a lovely spot,, looks a lot like Canada, with all the pines,, i'm still in awe,, 21 grand kids,, wowsa! I have 2,,I can't imagine,, have a wonderful Sunday,
Just love your post.Oh!Fish Lake and the cabins do look so inviting.Congratulations on the new little one.(Hugs)
Hello Julie,
Congratulations on another beautiful grandbaby! That quilt turned out just adorable. I love the vintage look to it.
I have never been to Fish Lake. My husband grew up in Utah and he has been there. I just love cabins in the mountains!
Take care and enjoy your new grand daughter!
Hugs, Ann
We've been cabin shopping, so this was fun to see. I think it's so cool that you make cakes for your neighbors at Christmas! They're going to be sad to see you move!
Warmly, Michelle
I hope to see some inside images of that log cabin. Im new here so im sure you have posted them already. Richard from Amish Stories.
I love all the sweet cabins! What a fun and relaxing vacation that would be!
Congrats to you on Grandbaby #21! I know you will have a blast kissin' those sweet cheeks.:)
Congrats. Wow, 21 grandchildren. You are so blessed.
Thanks for sharing all the photo's of the mountain cabins. I am with you, I could spend some quality time enjoying the mountain air in any one of those.
Id like to invite everyone to my blog Amish Stories today to read a post from old order Mennonite Jean of New York state. Jean has taken-in a foster child named Michael whose parents are no longer able to take care of him. He's English and Jeans family is old order Mennonite (horse and buggy) but that makes no difference in the love that this young man is receiving from this family. Thank you folks and i hope to see some of you drop by the blog. Richard
Oh my, I could be so happy in any of those cabins! I can only imagine the quiet and peace plus the tranquil. I so wish fall would arrive here...104' today. :-( Yep, 60+ days of it!
Congratulations on the new baby ~ nothing like these little precious blessings. We will expect lots of pictures you know. :-)
Love the quilt and can't wait to see pics of the new baby!
Oh my, Fish Lake is so beautiful! I would love to stay in any one of those older cabins for a week, just me and my honey. That is what we really need, I think.
Thirty years ago, I lived in a tiny cabin on a beautiful lake set in the wilderness of Northern Canada. I loved being there, even when the snow and cold came and we had to dig a hole in the ice to get our water. That was eons ago, but I will never forget the peace I felt walking along the lake shore. Nothing else was peaceful in my life at that time, but the lake was.
Have a wonderful time mothering and grand mothering, I know that is something that you are particularly good at.
Hugs, Cindy
Ohhhh...I bet you are snuggling little babe #21 right now and enjoying every minute of it!!!!!! There is nothing like the softness of their skin and that heavenly baby smell. I wish I had more grands but God blessed me with two so I am happy!
What a gorgeous place Fish Lake! Love all the cabins. My lake house is tiny but I love it that way, it is so cozy and not so much to clean! ha!
All my best to you and the new baby and family!! xoxoxoxo
Love the log cabins. My grand mother had 21 granchildren (9 children)we will be expecting pictures of the new born baby! Blessings Catherine
I hope your granddaughter has arrived and you are enjoying her right now :) Beautiful photos!
I would love any of those cabins and I am with you. The old quaint ones are the best. Blessed are you and enjoy that beautiful new baby.
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