I have been gone for a bit helping and visiting kids and for a doctor appointment.
I was in beautiful St. George, Ut. and the weather was so very nice there. Then I
went north to celebrate a little one year old's birthday, more about that next post.
I was headed home on this day, I drive through 4 mountain passes to get home. The
weather was a bit cloudy but not bad...all of a sudden I see this going on over the
mountain ahead of me...a little spooky but I forge ahead, it's a 2 hr. drive home.
I was in beautiful St. George, Ut. and the weather was so very nice there. Then I
went north to celebrate a little one year old's birthday, more about that next post.
I was headed home on this day, I drive through 4 mountain passes to get home. The
weather was a bit cloudy but not bad...all of a sudden I see this going on over the
mountain ahead of me...a little spooky but I forge ahead, it's a 2 hr. drive home.

Before I know it the clouds are gathering so rapidly and it gets dark all around me.
It just bursts and the rain is coming down in powerful sheets of pelting rain and then
the hail starts. It is pounding down on my car so loud and it gets nearly impossible
to see anything. I have slowed down to 25 mph. cars are pulled off the road everywhere.
The temperature has dropped from 84 to 50 in just a few minutes. I am totally amazed,
I have driven in real hard rain and snow before but never like this!
It just bursts and the rain is coming down in powerful sheets of pelting rain and then
the hail starts. It is pounding down on my car so loud and it gets nearly impossible
to see anything. I have slowed down to 25 mph. cars are pulled off the road everywhere.
The temperature has dropped from 84 to 50 in just a few minutes. I am totally amazed,
I have driven in real hard rain and snow before but never like this!
It was like this for miles...I just kept going along real slow, I had to get home.

awesome, amazing and a bit scary too but I made it on home ok.
When I got home, I went out to feed the horses and put the chickens
in for the night. I hear a faint "peep peep"...look what I found!

New baby chicks!
I was so surprised because I hadn't noticed
any of the hens sitting on a nest at all!
I was so surprised because I hadn't noticed
any of the hens sitting on a nest at all!

while I was gone...I was so excited to see them!
Here she came so proudly with her new babies all around her.
began to tuck them all in under her wings.
They about didn't all fit but she would raise up and tuck them all in.
and now two peeking out at me!
Here is the daddy, he looks quite proud about it all if you ask me!
They are so cute! I am in love with every one of them!
Chickens are so amazing, what a gift they are for us.
Chickens are so amazing, what a gift they are for us.
This little guy showed up here at my
hummingbird feeder. Everyone was
getting along just fine until he came. He
will sit on this iron piece right under the
feeder and if ANY other bird comes, up
he flies up and chases them off! It's all his
and he is not sharing! What a little stinker,
but he is so cute too, makes me laugh. I
guess they will get it all figured out.
I hope you are having a good summer...

Julie, enjoyed reading this post. We too had a thunderstorm yesterday. But, thankfully no hail for us. WOW, that was amazing. The chicks are precious, but you nailed it with "greedy gut". We had one last year. He hoarded the feeder. He was sooooo fat he could hardly fly and he stayed on after the others left for the migration. We think he died because he was so fat & couldn't leave. Have a great weekend.
I drove in hail like that this spring and it is scary. I pulled off the road and let it pass because I could not see. The next morning when I went by I notice a big tree branch had fell where I had parked. God was watching over me for sure.
love the little chickens peeking out.
Have a great weekend
Julie Praise God you were able to get home safe!!
I love the baby chicks and I have a momma that could be her twin. That gives me hope she will be a setter also.
Aren't all of God's creation marvelous?!?
Hugs from Hot...Hot Texas Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Julie, I've missed your posts, glad you are back home. These photos are so adorable, I love those little chicks and their proud and "protective" parents. Even the little hungry hummingbird is cute! Great snaps. xo,
Wow, that was some storm. I would have hated to be the person on that motorcycle when the hail started.
The chicks are adorable.
Are the little chicks Ameraucanas? So cute and two white ones. How blessed are you?!
By the way, I've been baking your one rise bread for a few weeks now. We all LOVE it! Thanks!
WOW your home is amazing. You must be down sizing. It's perfect for a large family or even as a camp ministry for the church! Love it. That storm looked like the makings of a tornado. SCARY. I love the baby chicks so cute. Glad to see how you are.
Your pictures are so good. I could really feel the beauty and the fear in that storm. So glad you got home safely. What a time. I, too, adore chickens...especially the little chicks. It was one of my main jobs, as a child, to take care of our chickens and ducks. I loved every moment and love have chickens, now. xoxo
What an incredible storm, WOW!! I'm glad you made it home safe and sound. As for those cute baby chicks, they sure are adorable and I love how the mama hen is so attentive!
Glad you had your camera handy, Julie. Funny how now that we are bloggers the camera is never far from our hands. I love chickens too and would have been happy to see the new family. So sweet! Love the photos of her gathering them up. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
Wow, that was some storm but you certainly got some gorgeous pictures of the sky!
That little chicken family is just adorable. I love how they gather under her wings. So sweet. Don't you love little surprises like that? God's creation is just so wonderful!
Hail that comes down like that all of a sudden, and so hard scares me when I am driving. That looks like it was quite the storm!
Those baby chicks are sooo cute. How fun to see the mama running around with all of her chickies around her :-D
Wow, that was some storm. When I first looked at the hail picture I thought it was snow. Hope the guy on the motorcycle was alright...looks like he ran for cover which was probably a good thing. Have a great weekend.
very scary storm but amazing photos!I still am inawe of your chicken photos,, I had no idea they were such good mums,, do the rooster hurt the little ones ,, I'm curious.I just know the males in some species are not always friendly to the young.
I can't believe you had presence enough of mind to snap those photos! WOW-that is a granddaddy of a storm. I hate driving in hail..and the way it just pounds down~
I am so glad you got home safe and sound. I do think it is better to forge ahead cautiously than it is to stop.
and...what a wonderful homecoming...all those new babies to greet you and cheer you up! Hugs-Diana
I just love the way Mama Nature takes care of her babes. So sweet.
I am so glad you made it home safely! I would not want to have to drive in a hailstorm. I would love some rain though. We are in an extreme drought in South Texas. What a sweet surprise, coming home to find the chicks!
Oh i needed this post. Chickens make me happy and hummingbirds too. I miss them.
The weather is so crazy! Glad you made it safe.
You are a brave woman! I drove through similar weather on my way to SLC in April. Crazy and frightening. Loved the photos of the chicks. Fun to see even more pics of your piece of Heaven on earth. Happy day wishes.
So glad you made it home safely Julie! Wow the weather sure changed quickly!
Those little chicks are darling!!
What a sweet surprise for you to come home too!
And that bird..that is too funny!!
Greedy guts..lol!
Im enjoying the summer so much..sounds like you are too my friend xoxo
Deborah xoxo
Summer storms---yikes---beautiful photos, though. Love the baby chicks!!! (Yummy eggs from home grown chickens!) So happy you are safe and sound..
Such sweet little chicks!! Good that Mama Hen is taking good care of them. Your little hummingbird sure is a stinker. He is guarding his food supply. (Surely there is enough to share.) I guess you never know what kind of weather you're gonna get in a mountain pass! Glad you are OK. My daughter drove home today and had to pull off the road and wait out a big storm. It was raining so hard she couldn't see the road. A three hour trip turned into a five hour trip.
HI Julie! Oh, we spent the night in St. George! What a sweet little town.
Now that storm looks so scary and the hail and all - very scary!
Love your new little chickies. You know you could bring them all to my Roos and Chicks party next Tuesday!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Great shots of the storm!!! Glad you made it home safely. Love the little chicks. I really miss not having any. Have to get a chicken house rebuilt and maybe we will get more. I wouldn't envy the motorcycle rider either.
Ok Julie, I went back to reread to make sure you were not on the motorcycle! :o) Then I saw the word "car" Phew!
Your chickens and chickies make me feel bad about eating chicken so much LOL they are soooo adorable!
How are things going with moving? I am thinking of you because I always wonder where my children will bring me and my husband... I know once they settle down, it will be tempting to move closer.
Blessings to you always, Julie!
Wow! Julie these photos and your post is truly amaZing! Please help me understand this crazy weather because I just dont get it. It scares me to death!
BABY CHICKS! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh & ohhhhhhhhhhhh so cute♥
Love to you & have a very blessed weekend!
Happy to hear you made it HOME safely! I love the baby chicks! What fun for your grandchildren! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend.
Love, Brenda
Glad you made it through that storm it looked like a really bad one. We sure need some of that rain but you can keep the hail. I love baby chicks and I have a just hatched brood also.
Blessings to you
Oh Julie, they are adorable and you didn't even know it! What a fun surprise when you got home! Sweet, sweet! Wow, that storm was amazing what you drove through. You are brave my friend! Great pictures!
That storm was unreal Julie! It looks like snow!
Love the baby chickies, they are adorable!
Now I know where all of the thunderstorms went lol.They look vicious Julie.We do need some here though,we had a bit of rain but its still extremly hot.Not into the 100s though anymore just about 90s lol.
I cant belive you drive 2 hrs. to a DR.God Bless you lol.Seriously when you live out like that I bet those 2hrs. mean nothing right? Im in the city so I guess we are spoiled a bit .
To cute those little chicks are so cute.I remember when I was young they used to sell them at Easter time and they were dyed different colors.Kinda cruel,they dont do that anymore but we sure loved them.I had a green one lol.He turned out to be a rooster who cockadoodledood in the early morning in our neighborhood.Now I do know what it might sound like on a farm ha.
Happy weekend to you!Julie I couldnt find the recipe for the watermelon pie/cake maybe you can let me know about it.Thanks!
That storm and your safe passage through it is a picture of life. How quickly 'storms' can brew all around us, but by God's grace and remaining purposeful toward our goal, we are able to pass safely through.
As for Mr Greedy Guts, I do believe that is the first hummingbird I've ever seen with a pudgy belly! He has the beak of a hummingbird but the physique of a chickadee! Guess he didn't get that way by sharing the goodies... LOL
Your summer storm pictures are stunningly beautiful! It's funny to see white stuff on the ground this time of year!
Those little chicks tucked away are precious! I love chickens~ you should see my kitchen. Someday I plan on having a few myself.
Have a great weekend,
Hi Julie, What frightening clouds and hail. Glad you made it home safely and I'm glad those baby chicks are safe too.
Some of our hummers are greedy too!
I shared the link to your beautiful home with my MN nephew. He and his fiance have put a contract on a home there but just in case......they have the option of living just about anywhere with the jobs they have. I told them that you have the most spectacular view in the U.S.!!!
I so enjoyed the photos of the baby chicks! And your greedy hummingbird..they intrigue me so...they are so, so feisty!!! I love them!
I love summer storms. (except in Arizona it's just dust, dirt, then the lightening and rain) I am so glad that you made it home safely.
Hope you are having a fun summer.
What a storm! You must have felt like I did the night of our flash floods. Kinda scared and awed all the same. I'm so glad I was not driving through your storm! WOW!
Love the chicks. It is amazing to me that baby chicks know the sound of momma hens clucks. I love to see the hen gathering her chicks in. I also love the Saviors words in
3 Nephi, ."how oft would I have gathered you as a hen garthereth her chickens under her wings"
Glad you were able to travel home safely.
We've been having some awesome storms this summer too. They just boil up over the Great Salt Lake and pour rain down on us. You were gathered up just like your little chicks were gathered up by their momma. Glad you made it home in one piece! Mimi
What a storm Julie. Hard to believe that hail, does look like snow. Those kidns of storms ake me very uncomfortable despite the awesome skies they create.
And look at those little peepers, how darling.
Have a beautiful week ~
It is truly amazing how the weather can change on us so suddenly.
Love your new babies...they are so stinkin' cute.
I love your photos today, and that hail is crazy, I can't believe the drop in temp. I love those summer thunderstorms. Your chick look so sweet. Reminds me of that scripture too, gathering the little chicks.
Oh my, you poor thing! What a storm, but you are quite the trooper and the blogger!!! Taking photos of such an ugly storm, only a blogger! I'm sure you would have preferred to pull over to the side and stay there for a while, glad you made it home safely, though.
Your hen with her little chicks is so sweet, what a picture of our Savior, who has promised to hide us under His wings.
Hummingbirds can be very mean and selfish, it seems.
Hugs, Cindy
That is a mess! Yikes. A storm like that would have been something to see.
I can't imagine a temperature change like that in such a few minutes.
Glad you made it home safely.
I love the chicks!
I want some soooo bad!
Oh my gosh what beautiful pictures you captured of the storm. I would have been thrilled yet scared to death. But the beauty truly is amazing - what an awesome thing capture with you camera.
Your chickens are, well, I just envy you those baby chicks. Years ago when we had property we had chickens and I adored them. I loved gathering the eggs and my hens were no end of entertainment and fodder for my paintings. We also had pygmy goats in the same pen and the chickens used them to roost on. The thing I miss the most about living at the beach is my chickens. I guess I'll just have to live that life through your blog!
HI Julie
What an amazing post!!!!11 Loved seeing your "weather" post...WOW!
And is their anything cuter than a "chick"!
What a great fun post you did~thanks for sharing!!!!
Hi Julie!
Wow!! What a storm, the pictures are beautiful, but I'll bet you were scared to death!
I would love to have chickens, maybe next year... :0)
Sounds like you are having a crazy summer too?!
Loved the pictures!
Those were some storm pictures. You were a brave soul to keep driving in it. I know when it the mountains you never know what lies around the bend.
What a treat when you got home ..some new baby chicks..love ems and your your post was awesome
Goodmorning Julie!Thanks for the visit yesterday and the little info on the watermelon pie.
Have a nice week!
What incredible pics you took, Julie!! I bet when your hubby saw those he gave you a big hug and let out a sigh of relief!!
Babay chicks are precious...and yes! She does look like a proud Mama!
Hope you are having a lot of showings on the house. You are in my prayers, so you can begin the next phase of your life :)
xo, misha
Wow, Miss Julie~ that is some crazy weather pictures!
I love your new peeps! Can I come and snuggle with them? *grin*
This weather has been so exciting with all the storms! That is a huge drop in temperature. Just wondering, is that your motorcycle. Did you travel on that? I hope your Doctor's appt. was good and was just a check up.
I love to see hens tuck their chicks under their wings.
Hope you're having a good week, my friend.
I'm so sorry you had to drive through a hail storm...not fun. I can't even remember what rain is like. I think next Monday we're supposed to "cool down" ~ to 101'. I have been in such a horrible mood ~ can't wait for fall!
The chickens are so cute. Isn't it fun to see how the mamas care for the little ones?
What a fun post this was (not the hail storm, although I LOVE a great lightening and thunder storm and we just do not get enough of them here in Utah) ... because of your precious little chicks! Now that IS a delightful surprise!!!! :)
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