Sunday, March 24, 2013


I thought I heard the door bell...
come on in, so good to see you!!!

(My front door reminds me of a little
hobbit house door, I love it!)

We just love our little cottage home...

The front porch is especially fun to sit on and
the weather is so nice here in St. George that
it makes sitting on the porch a pleasant thing
to do at any time of the day or evening.

I found a couple of these cute pillows that kind of
tie everything together, I love geraniums! They so
remind me of my grandma.

I love the bright touch of red they add
to any space and to me, they just make
a spot so cheerful.

Sitting on our front porch we can look 
at the St. George is so very 
beautiful at night, love it!

I have these little plaques I hang next to the door
one for each month, the one out there right now is
a cute Easter egg,

I found "Little Buzz" at a thrift store, love at
first sight for us both! He promised that he 
would never sting me or mine, good little guy! 

I wish you could come and sit a spell with me...we have
lots of room for all.

I found this sweet dove at the thrift store too...
we have so many doves here, and I just love to 
sit and listen to their coo coo..coo coo.

Straight through the front porch there is a side
gate, Ron and I built it and also a front gate. We
have not done that before, but they both turned
out really cute!

Here is the side gate close up, it sits to the  side of
the old Mulberry tree, which I just love so much! I
have just now hung a couple of wind chimes in it, 
and am about to add on old tire swing for the grands.

This is the little front gate...WELCOME, 
come on it.

It turned out well too, I added the tall
white bird house. I also added the little
raspberries and the bird on top.

I loved the little blue bird on the top!

I thought someone might bother it as they walked by
but so far it still sits there greeting everyone with a
happy tweet! (The only tweeting I will ever do) ;)

Inside, I added an old brass bell, so that when
the gate is oped, the bell rattles away, love it!

I also added an old robin egg blue bike next to the porch.

I looked for a good year for just this kind of old bike...
one day I walked into my favorite thrift store, saying on
my way in; "Heavenly Father, I know in the grand scheme
of things this doesn't matter, but yet it does to me. It 
would sure be nice if I could find an old bike that I have
been looking for".  I walked in and there it was, just waiting
for me! AMAZING...Yes, He does care about all our little
cares and hearts him so much!

I also found this neat chair to go with my 
dressing table, I was crazy for the pillow in it.

I might paint it black, what do you think?

This is the view out my kitchen window at sunset.
I always love how the sun brightens the red rock 
and makes it turn to gold!

I had a visit from some little darlings one night.
This is sweet Claire, all snuggled in to watch a 
movie at grandma's house.

Caleb and Ella ready too...I just love to stuff them full
of goodies and be with them as they are so excited to
come to our house.

Here they are on the little steep stairs...

Enjoying the movie, along with ice cream and
yummy Eclairs.

This gathering was at our daughter's home...We were all
gathered for the name and blessing of their sweet baby
boy Jonah.

Our daughters, Lisa and Lindsey

We had a ton of family and a ton of goodies to eat.
I brought a big pan of Valentine brownies etc.

Ron and I with our handsome little grandson
Jonah, getting ready to leave for church.

And with his mommy and daddy

Jonah was the star of the day in his darling
Tux. His grandma Gaelynn P/ Made it, she
is amazing.

He had so many pictures taken of him that 
day and was just so sweet and happy for all.

This little guy was so handsome, even when
he was born, and he gets mores so everyday!

One of our cute  daughters...Jennifer

And another cute daughter...Lisa

We love each and everyone of our family so very much.
There is nothing I want more in this world than for my 
family to be together and to be happy, and to be following
the Lord. Some are there, some are still getting there, but
we love all the same. Thanks be to God for Family!


Cindy said...

Your home is lovely, I love your porch and the red geraniums and the gorgeous furniture. I love it!
Your family photos are fabulous!
Hugs, cindy

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Oh Julie,
Baby Jonah in his little tux is about the cutest thing ever!
That is just so adorable!!!
Your cottage home is so charming and the red geraniums, pillows, bike, super love!
What a great job you have done with it all.
And of course all your grandkids are darling.

wendy said...

Love your gate Julie. I hope no one ever bothers that little birdie on it. Everything about your home, from the outside to the inside shows charm and love.
Blessing babies is a fun time for sure. FAMILY is best as you said.