Sunday, March 31, 2013


"Little Jonah and his Peep"

After all that hiking we headed for our home
in St. George, only 20 min. away. The kids were
hot and tired and just wanted to cool off, so we
changed and walked 2 blocks to the water park.

The St. George Art show was going on, so
we walked around looking at all of that.

Kelton was so excited to see  these guys
 and had to have a picture with them.

Our son in law Michael climbed high up into our
Mulberry tree and tied a long rope for a swing. I
have been wanting to get an old fashioned swing
in that tree for a long time. That made me H A P P Y!

We seemed to do a lot of swinging...
Sophia loved this one hooked to the 
back patio.

All of the grands loved this swing though,
it would swing really wide, long and slow.

Sophia loved it so much...

That she fell to sleep in it!


Then I took the kids over to see a bunch of Easter
bunnies...about 20 or so! Brody was so excited!

We took a big bag of carrots to feed them...
Kelton loved them so much.

We had enough carrots that we could all have fun
feeding all the bunnies.

Brickelle is a teenager but she still enjoyed it.

Sophia was so delighted and just loved the bunnies!

We spent lots of time here, it was so relaxing.

Tons of eggs were colored...
to be rolled down the hills...
and to be thrown at each other!

The mom's even put glow in the dark pieces in
plastic eggs and then hid them all over in our yard.
The kids all had so much fun finding them that night.

We ate a ton of deviled eggs too...
One could say we had such a fun and
egg-citing Easter!  Every bit of it was
fun from beginning to end. We had a nice
Sunday dinner together, then all headed for 
their homes...wonderful 2013 Easter time.



Unknown said...

You make your family events so beautiful & full of fun, Julie. So adore the feeding of carrots & the wee ones having such a grand time.

Happy days, beautiful holiday.
Hugs, Marydon

Bob & Marilee Neff said...

That scenery is so delightful and the grands are fun. thanks for sharing..

wendy said...

I bet the kids loved the rabbits. That is very cool that you got the swing up in the big tree. Tons of good times will be had in that.