This is a picture of my brother Orville O. Jeppson
he was one of my very favorite people. He was
always there for me, that shoulder to cry on,
that one person who would always take the time
to listen and he always gave good advise too.
He passed away from cancer, the day of his
funeral he would have been 50. I miss him still.
Mom and dad in front of our home in Providence, Utah.
My dad was known as "the candy grandpa"
he always had a bowl of candy on the lamp
table at his side and when the grand kids
came to visit, guess where they went first?!
In his old age, he would wear his cap to bed,
he said it kept his bald head warm! (the baby
here is Josey, Orv's)
I love this picture of Orville holding Josey,
he had a dream about her before she was even
born and he knew she was coming to be part
of their family.
Orv as a little boy...left handed like mom,
strong willed as well as strong bodied. A
brother who was always good and respectful
to me, a good brother all around.
Orv left nine children when he passed away.
It was so sad...but they had all turned out good.
I think lots of parenting goes on from the other
side too, how could it not, they are his.
Orv as a cute little baby.
Orv, giving some city cousins a ride on his horse.

Orv was a real strong man, he could bench press 300 lbs, and he could get under
a horse and lift it with his back! That is why it was such a shock that he came up
with cancer and died so young. He was such a hard worker on the farm and great
help to my dad as he farmed a 300 acre farm, the boys did a ton of work, so did dad.
A picnic at Willow Park with Orv and some of his kids...
my mom and dad here at the end of the table.
A family get together at my brother Jared's house out
to Park Valley. Jared is the one in the back in the dark
brown suit. He was such a sweetheart too, and he also
passed away from cancer at age 53, also too young to
die. He and Orv each had different kinds of cancers,
but they both felt they had got it from working at a
place where there were chemicals. They are so very
missed by me and their families.
My mom and dad were such sweethearts...
It always made me feel so secure to catch
them kissing or hugging. I knew that they
loved each other and I knew they loved me.
They always took time for "just me"...I
don't know how they did that with a big
farm to run and a family of 7 children but
they did. I know that I picked them to be my
parents and looking back, I would not have
wanted any others ot to have been raised any
different. They were so wonderful in every
way and I miss them both so very much every
day but I know that they still watch over me.
I just wanted to get these pictures into my blog book,
so I have entered them here.
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