I love it when the Summer moon turns mellow and the nights get cold, I love taking off the summer bedding and putting the heavier bedding back on. Sleeping under warmth... so comfortable! I love to wake up to sights like this, a neighbors sprinklers telling everyone that Autumn is here and winter is not far behind. So, I decide to head up to Fishlake for my walk this morning, hoping that I have not missed out on the Autumn leaves

I love the tall yellow grass and the milk weed with the river behind it all...such beauty!

I love the red berry's...their little cheeks are plump and ready to feed the brave little birds of winter~

The Fremont river, it irrigates all the farms..is full of fish too. There are always deer along here as I go for my walk~

Allred point... one of my places to walk, the road follows along the beautiful Fremont River

I'm almost there...hoping that I'm not too late to see Autumn come to Fishlake~

~ A pretty sight...cattle grazing by the lake~

~A family I know who are camped by the lake...up checking on their herds of cattle~

The dogs on the trail of a deer, squirrels who hide acorns, or those woodchucks that disappear!

This beautiful lake sits at almost 9000 ft. is 6 miles long...170 ft. deep and covers 2,500 acres. It's full of rainbow trout, trophy-size mackinaw, up to 30 lb. or more. The temp. is 50*, so you wouldn't want to go there for swimming. In the day time it's about 80* with about 50* at night. In the winter time it freezes over to about 6 ft. of ice and then the ice fishermen come.

My friend Cougar... he is almost a year old and is really "full of it"...he is SO loving and so much fun!

~Cabins sit on the side of the mountain, over looking the lake~

Little paths to walk all over...my husband can make the best whistle's out of these willows..and they really whistle!

~This beautiful stream is full of BIG fish...it was nice to be there today without so many people all over the place~

The Fishlake Lodge, my favorite place ever, built in 1911, I can't believe it still operates today!

The trees have changed so quickly, I almost missed it all! They've all changed to raiment of red and gold~

~Fishlake...all decked out for Fall~

The trees in their Autumn splendor

I even found a rock along the path that was all dressed up for Halloween, he was looking a little ghostly, but he didn't scare me one bit! Isn't he cute?!

When I got back, the shadows were falling softly inside my home...I love to see that each day

My dog Cougar told me a secret that I need to remember, he said; "A dog has lots of friends because he wags his tail instead of his tongue." (He was smiling as he said it, but I got the point!) So I'll bring this to an end now
Autumn...the loveliest season of the year! It's so fun to decorate our homes and bake our little hearts out at this time of the year. But there are excellent adventures outside for us to discover too.
I took my two dogs out for a walk as I do very morning, it was a little colder but that just required a little heavier jacket. I hadn't seen enough of the Autumn leaves, so I loaded the dogs in the truck and off we went to Fishlake. I love this beautiful place any time of the year, it has a long trail that goes the length of the lake. One morning, I walked right into a moose eating!
I hope you'll get out there and go for a walk and really soak up all that God has given to you...after all, he did give you the eyes to see it all, and the ears to hear it all, and the nose to smell all the wonderful renewing smells, and the touch to feel it all...all that he has created for you! Don't miss it!
Beautiful pictures, Logan is also so beautiful this time of year....
Wow - I can't believe that picture of the frozen sprinklers! Awesome pictures, fish lake looks beautiful. I love that picture of Cougar, it made me laugh.
We also had ice on our wheel lines here this morning. No Snow, which was the forecast, just wind. I'm such a summer lover! But fall is soooo beautiful! We went for a little drive on Sunday, up Rock Creek to Upper Stillwater, and it was beautiful like your Fish Lake! Happy fall Julie!
BTW, your bread and chili recipes looks so yummy.... It is for sure the season for soups, stews, and chili's with crusty breads! :-) ♥
Wow you take amazing pictures!!! makes me homesick for good ole wayne county...
Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much! Loved them all!
These images are so lovely...I would of loved being there with you..you really do live in a beautiful place! Those sprinkler images are so beautiful with the ice! thank you so much for sharing these...I adore seeing where my blogger friends live! xoxoxo
That picture of the frozen sprinklers reminded me of riding the bus to WHS this time of year...It was FREEZING!
I want to squeeze Cougar! He is so cute.
Hi Julie, thanks so much for your comment. Wow what an absoloutely astonshingly beautiful place you live in, I really enjoyed this post. I was especially impressed with Cougar who is clearly a very wise dog indeed!
Have a lovely weekend,
Sarah x
Cougar is sooo adorable! We have a Golden and he smiles like that too. What a beautiful place!
Beautiful pictures. Thanks so much for sharing them. Stop by when you can. Connie
holy moly - this could be a coffee table book about fall. absolutely beautiful and so well photographed!!! thanks for sharing your view of autumn.
We saw you on your way home yesterday. We were heading back up to fix fence, and finish range studies, and Braden was doing a little hunting, and I was doing a little photography. It's just so perfectly beautiful it's to hard to resist picture taking.
What gorgeous photos! You live in such a phenomenally lovely place! Enjoyed the story. You're very good at this!
I always love to see your side of the country.... we are so blessed!
BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love the wisdom of Cougar too! "A dog has lots of friends because he wags his tail instead of his tongue." I will take this wisdom to heart.
Hope your weekend is wonderful!
I haven't been to Fish Lake in years! When our kids were little, we did some camping there.
Your pictures are beautiful...you've done a wonderful job of capturing fall in all it's glory. tfs
Hugs, Debi
We had frost down here in the valley last night. Fall is here for sure. We'll be snuggling in with conference on TV and soup cooking on the stove. Love all that is fall. Cougar has a wonderful smile. Mimi
Julie, these are wonderful pictures!
My son and his friends adore Fishlake and to live so close.
I loved the picture of the frozen sprinklers...but I hope they weren't damamaged. I love three of the seasons if we could skip Jan through Feb it would be awesome where we live! I am not looking forward to winter. Maybe your Chili and warm bread will see us through.
Happy Fall sweet Lady!
Love, love, LOVE this post! Your dog smiling is priceless ( to quote a commercial) and years ago our family took an October trip to the canyon lands and through Utah, we saw sprinklers in the fields that looked just as those in your picture.So sparkly beautiful, with the Autumn sun just beginning to warm the foothills in the distance.
Fishlake looks like a beautiful place to spend a day or more with beloved family and pets..
Thank you for the beautiful post for fall. We are just now getting the cooler weather and loving it. I especially loved the info about fish lake. I did not know it was that big. I loved all your pictures and I feel like I have had a grand tour.
yes! I need to get out there and enjoy the beauty of fall! Lovely photos.
Hi Julie
I so enjoyed the walk with you by Fishlake. Where in utah is this lake? Your pictures were wonderful! I love Cougar. What a cute dog. That last picture of him it looks like he is smiling!
I also love the picture of the frozen sprinklers. That gave me the chills....I am a California girl not use to cold weather!
Hugs, Ann
Julie thanks for sharing your stunningly beautiful fall walk with us, I enjoyed every minute of it.
I'm impressed your out walking, admirable! Watch the Moose!
Love your dogs saying too, I will always think of him when i see a dogs tail wagging.
thanks so much for the pep talk today! i have a little time to myself tomorrow and am thinking i just might (gulp) pull out the ol' machine. i'll keep you posted. :)
oh so much beauty in one post, i LOVE IT! heavy sigh to the fall colors, just gorgeous~
Oh, I love little Cougar's smile! What a cutie. I do think your fallness of color is so beautiful! I would love to see some of that!
Thanks for popping in to see me. Now you can snap for me any time, just let me know! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Loved the pictures, so peaceful. Thanks for coming to visit GrannyMountain today!
Your photos are so beautiful!
gorgeous pictures julie...
oh...i love autumn!!!
Hi Julie,
Awesome girl! Just loved the pics what a gorgeous place! Are colors are rapidly turning too and our weather has been cooler than normal. I would like some warmer weather before the snow flies! Cindy
Oh my! That is breathtakingly beautiful! And Cougar's wisdom is very true :)
Oh I love the dog wisdom!!
Wow- what gorgeous pictures... each one could be a postcard!
I especially love the rooster shadow... *sigh*...
My golly, girl! I've never even HEARD of 33 comments on anyone's post before! You are quite famous, I suppose. Bro. Blackburn asked me today what I wanted him to tell you when they got home in a few more weeks. I said to tell him how warm and loving you are--and he said (instead) that he'd tell you I wanted something really good for Christmas. So don't believe him when that comes out of his mouth!
These photos are amazing. Thanks for sharing them. I am SOOOOOO glad we reconnected after these decades. If we lived close I think we'd be inseparable!
New to your blog --- hope you don't mind -- I came from southeren plate.. I was reading the post on Fishlake is that Fishlake Utah???? If so I was there 29 years ago It was on my honeymoon. I caught my first fish which I was disapointed that I could not keep it ( I was told it was to small to keep) lol.. I am from Utah as far north you can go ---- and right by Bear Lake Utah ... I'll check in anther time if you will allow me--- Kristeen
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