Our sweet little Sophia Jane...
I hope you don't mind more pictures...
I just can't get enough of this little angel.

Lots of kissing, squeezing and hugging going on here!

Lots of picture taking with every new outfit...

What a miracle that such a tiny little human, straight from
Heaven can bring so much JOY into our hearts!

There is no such sweetness found anywhere in the world than a new grandchild!

Grandpa and Sophia...Napping buddies

Just to hold her fills us with such peace...it just seeps into our hearts and souls!
How sad the world would be without families and the gift of babies to a family.

Grandpa...falling in love...such an easy thing to do with such a sweet beauty!

While staying with my daughter and her husband we headed out for a couple of fun things to do.
We toured this old church house built in 1931 by early settlers of Ceder City, it's really a beautiful building, built in the European style by those who came here from Europe.

Me and behind is Michael and Lindsey with baby and my daughter Tiffany
with her two children, Caleb and Ella....we had a fun afternoon.

This a mural on the wall above the baptism font, of Jesus being baptized by John.

And the font, it isn't used anymore but it sure is a neat piece of work done by hand.

The lights in this building are beautiful too~

The wood comes from the mountains near by...it's juniper and it was so pretty!

A lot of work by hand went into this old church...it is still in use today.

Caleb and Ella sitting on the steps of the old church~

We all ate at the Pastry Pub...it has such good food!

We also liked to go to the park in the evening...I loved to see the colors of the
sky as the sun started to set for the evening, so peaceful.

Lindsey's little dog Tinkerbell...she is such a little ball of cuteness!

Caleb was a big guy and wanted to carry the blanket!

This a bit blurry but this is one of the dresses I made for Ella...

And here she is in the other one too...such a cute little model!
I had such a fun week staying with Michael and Lindsey...
being by her side as she gave birth...sharing in the love of
our littlest grands and I so enjoyed every day there.
I hope you don't mind all the grand kid braggin...
but thats who I am and thats what I am all about!
~My love to each of you~
Where do I start....
Sophia is beautiful, she doesn't look newborn at all...
Her dress is adorable, just adorable!
Oh my, the church is breathtaking, so peaceful looking. I love the wood, the mural....just all of it!
Is there anything better than napping with a new granddaughter...go grandpa!
Great pictures, we never tire of them!
what absolutely adorable grandbabies you have!!! and that little sophia! she is like cotton candy in her tutu! i especially love that picture of her napping with grandpa - so sweet!!!
i also thinks she looks a lot like her momma! :)
Hi Julie!Oh I love sharing in your joy. If you have more post them ok,lol.Seriously this is what lifes all about right?She is sure so adorable.I love how she always has a smile on her face LOL.How precious.The outfits oh my.I remember with my first daughter I felt like I had a baby doll I was dressing,putting outfits on taking them off cause they were all so pretty.
The old church is awesome.The pews were very nicely kept.This brings me to a question about Sophia.When, in your church will she be baptized?I know for us we were early my girls both were about one month old.I was a bit older.
Have a joyous rest of the week Julie,I so enjoyed meeting Sophia.
By the way Ive noticed young mommys having blogs here on blogger,maybe your daughter would love starting one we all could see Sophia growing up.lol,that would be fun,I wish they had blogs when I had my first.
Congratulations to all of your family. Sophia is such a darling, I agree heaven on earth. Love all the pictures thanks for sharing such a special time.
Awww so sweet! Love the little tutu!
Your grandchildren are darling! Great photos. Thanks for sharing!
love to see the grandbabies..they are all so cute.
Brag Away Julie~
Congrats. I just love seeing all the love your family portrays in pics. Children family and grandbabies are all apart of Our Great Lords plan. You and your family have done it well. Love the old chuch and the baptism font is amazing. I would LOVE to attend church at an old building like that.. So gorg. and historic too. Glad your visit was amazing, glad to have you back too. Hugs, Jen
Julie, she (AND Caleb and Ella) is just beautiful! A gorgeous, blessed family.
That church is SO pretty- I love the juniper. This was a trip that made memories
xoxo Pattie
i dont see how you could resist showing off pictures of your grands. they are all so adorable :)
She is so absolutely beautiful.
I can see why you are braggin'! Brag on sweetie, brag on!
you are spoiled rotten. How many gorgeous grandchildren does one woman get to have? and all at once? ya'll don't waste anytime dressing them up adorably too.
congratulations grandma!
Dear Julie
What a cute and precious new addition to your lovely family!!!!! May she bring you lots more happiness and joy........
All of the best!
Thanks for sharing these! My favorite is the grandparents with their newest grandbaby! ..and the napping one. ;)
Julie you are so right about Family and babies...these are the true joys in life. Your family is beautiful and little Sophia is so precious.
Sophia is so adrable.... little Tinkerbell is a cutie too. Thanks for sharing all the pics with us. Looks like a great time for you all.
How could anyone blame you for showing off such adorable grandchildren. They are all so sweet. Love that church, it's fabulous.
Bring on more photos of grands. That is what we as grandmas do.
I just love the church. I love taking pictures of old churches.
Your grandkids are all so cute by the way.
Hi Julie,
Sophia is so beautiful. I love all of her outfits! Your other grandchildren are adorable too. I enjoyed all your family photos.
The church you visited is beautiful. It's nice you had a fun family outing! Thank you for sharing all of your photos! :)
Oh, how sweet!!!! :) Congratulations on the birth of your precious new grandbaby Sophia!! She is so darling!! Your grand kiddos are so cute (all of them)! Love those little dresses you made your granddaughter too!
What a blessing you are to all of your children, and grand kiddos!
God provided us with families to help show us the kind of love He is all about! What a joy!
Blessings to you (& your family).
Cute dress! You are so talented!
Love the pictures...Very fun time with your family. The baby is so adorable...Makes me baby crazy...No surprise here LOL
Thank you for sharing..
Big hugs and thank you for saying hi...:)
She is so cute Julie! Love seeing the pics, you have darling grandkids!
Dearest Julie;
What a beautiful baby girl!!! Yes, such a blessing...and thank you for posting the photos of the old 1st Ward Building in Cedar...I was blessed in that building..my grandparents lived just up the street..my Uncle still lives in Cedar on Highland Drive..If Lindsey had a labor and delivery nurse named Lori, that would be my cousin...Oh, boy, memory lane all over again.
Bring 'em on - those photos of little Sophia Jane! What a little doll and she's already a fashionista! :)
Love seeing your little grands and that's the sweetest little olden church.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Brag away Grandma! She is a beautiful baby, looks so good for a newborn! Such love you all have, so happy to see such a loving family.
I thought that's what Grandma's were supposed to do...BRAG!! :-) Looks like so much fun! Sweet, sweet baby and little ones. LOVE the cute little dresses you made.
Thanks for sharing!
Sophia and both of the others are just toooooo ADORABLE!!! That Church looks gorgeous.♥
Brag away!!!
You, your daughters and grandchildren are beautiful! It looks like you enjoyed your time getting aquainted with sweet Sophie and enjoying your daughters.
Family times are the absolute best!!!
Julie... those of us who are grandmothers, too never tire of seeing pictures of babies and family and love. It makes our world go round. The dresses you made are simply precious... on a precious model. And, that new Sophia... ahhhhh... sweet, sweet, sweet... Mr. Caleb is too cute!!
And, I never get tired of seeing grand old buildings. That church is a real beauty. I love the light fixtures!!
Thank you so much!
Adorable little Sophia in all her cute outfits. Little girls are so much fun to dress! Glad you and PaPa had a great time with your newest addition to the family. I will have a new grandson in October and another suprise in April! That will make 7 grandkids for me...I have a ways to go to catch up with you!
With grandkids that cute, you should brag about them!
Oh, Dear Julie,
I know how your heart is singing. Sophia is totally sweet, soft and beautiful! Kissing her must be your favorite thing to do. Enjoying your joy, dear grandma!
When a grandchild is born, you have bragging rights! She is such a doll, doesn't look like a newborn!
I love the old church you shared pictures of. That font is so beautiful, hand made out of all those rocks. I am sure each rock was placed carefully with so much love! Your family is beautiful!
Hugs to you!
She's beautiful! What a pretty pink dress. You really were in Grandma heaven :)
Lindsey looks great, you wouldn't think that she just had a baby.
The old church is amazing.
Julie, thank you for your visit to my blog today. I always enjoy your sweet comments.
My goodness, what a beautiful family. Amazing that you got in a tour of a church with all that was going on that week. Very enjoyable!
Take care.
Ladybug Creek
We never tire of seeing pictures of your family. Sophia is so cute. Caleb and Ella are too. Cute outfits you made! Pews are beautiful in that wood.
Oh these pictures are just too wonderful.
Of course we don't mind grandma braggin I would be doing it myself but my DL will not let me put pictures of my babies on my site.
Love all these pictures and she is just adorable. Makes me want a little one again around. lol
The church is awesome and glad you shared it with us.
Enjoy your sweeties
What a little sweetheart!!!
Oh I just want to kiss that baby! I miss the itty bitty stage!
That church is sooo cool! I want a house like that...not quite as big though!
Love the sleepy grandpa pics, what a beautiful family!
Who could mind pictures of such an adorable little pink sweetheart!
The picture of Sophia napping with Grandpa is so precious!!
The old church is really really neat. I am thinking about all the times I have driven by Cedar City - I think i might stop next time.
Congratulations Julie! Sophia is a beauty and I love her name. What a sweet and precious blessing in your lives. Take care and enjoy these fleeting days of summer.
Oh Julie, another beautiful post! Little Sophia Jane I am sure has stolen my hearts! You have such a beautiful family and you are so blessed. Love the old chapel. So charming. I love how you share the gospel blogging! Great missionary work Julie!
P.S. I hope my little dove survives but coming out of the wild can be very difficult for a little bird.
Brag away Julie!! I enjoyed every word and all the pictures! What a precious little dol she is! Your whole family is beautiful and I love that old chapel! How wonderful and quaint! xxoo
She is so so so so sweet. Sigh.
Oh how exciting! I am thrilled for all of you.... what gorgeous photos too.
Sophia is so blessed to be born into such a loving family.
I am truly so very happy for you.
Welcome to the world Sophia! You are beautiful!
All of the grands are just as cute as can be!
I know you are so proud.
They do grow so fast.
The pictures are wonderful
Have a great day.
Good Morning Julie,
What a joy and a pleasure to be able to visit with you again,Little Sophia Jane is absolutely beautiful, and my congratulations to her parents, what a wonderful life they will have and to you and your husband as well. I always leave here so uplifted and encouraged,what a blessing you are to me and to Blogland.
Thank you for also sharing the pictures of that beautiful old church.
Hope your day is filled with many more blessings.
The love of your sweet family makes my heart melt...you my friend are amazing!
She sure is precious, Julie. Congratulations to everyone. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
Wow! What a great couple of posts! So happy for you and your family!!!
What a blessing in your lives. I'm so glad that everything went well and baby and mom are healthy and happy. Congratulations to all!!!
That is one cute little sweetie...I understand the Grandma heaven thing, they are just so much more fun than their parents were!
I am so happy that Sophia is here safe and sound and so well-loved. You can post part 3 now, I'm ready for more pics of that cutie pie...
Bring it on! I love the grammie love and she is such a little doll. That is a beautiful church. We have been to Cedar City many times and I've never seen it. Thanks, Julie...I'm hoping for more!
I would be bragging too. We are patiently waiting on God's timing for grandchildren right now.
She is precious as are the other little ones.
Thanks for your visits with me =)
I really just loved every precious picture you shared with us!!!
Blessings on your day!
It is good for the soul to brag! especially when you have something real to brag about! What a precious and beautiful angle baby! She is adorable! You look beautiful as well grandma! Where is this chapel at? Around Cedar City? I am in St. George and I would love to go and see this chapel. The wood work is soo beautiful! Thanks for the picture tour...now I want to see it in person! smiles and hugs...linda
What a little beauty. You can tell that your whole family has fallen in love with sweet Sophia. I love that new profile photo!
Oh how totally precious. This post did nothing to get rid of my current babyitis. Tinkerbell is adorable too!
Oh my, such cuteness, such joy, such bonding times. I am thrilled for you and your family. I cannot imagine the joy of 20...I am half way there at 10 for now!
What a neat old chapel. Cute puppy, beutiful dresses you made...I simply love it all!
NEVER too many pictures of such sweet little ones Julie!
Love them.
Dear Julie, I can feel right here at my computer all the joy and love all these lovely and beautiful pictures of family spread right into me... I´m so happy to see your family gathering together around the so lovely new born Sophie Jane and the so lovely Caleb and Ella with the beautiful dresses you made for her.
My favorite picture is that of your husband sleeping together with Sophie in the couch, such a tender and the essence of family picture!!!!
Blessings to all of you,
maria cecilia
Hi Julie...you can never brag too much about the grandbabies...and this little new doll is too too adorable..she's so tiny...I remember when "B" was this little. they grow too fast...Enjoy her and I must say it's the Mom's that stay up all night with the new babies and it's the men that you always see in pictures taking that much needed nap with baby on chest...love it!
Was that a statement or a question?...as in "Do you sneak food into the theater just like me?"...or..."Do you sneak food into the theater along with all your other bad habits?"...LOL.
Yes, and I have been known to bring in all at one time 4 hot dogs with chili...a fry...2 bottles of Coke Zero WITH a glass of ice....oh and a few candy bars...I use my Ver Bradley (washable) tote that I refer to as my "Picnic in a Purse"....
She surely is cute, as are the other grandchildren. And I'm an expert on cute grandchildren so I should know! Lovely old building. So much fun to be able to go take a look. Mimi
You are one lucky grandma...Sophia is beautiful...enjoy each and every moment my dear.
.....love Rosie.....
Julie, what a precious beautiful family that you have. I love all of the photos, but esp love the picture of granpa sleeping with baby sophia ~ It is so sweet.
Have a great weekend.
What an adorable grand-daughter! Congratulations on such a cutie! And what beautiful pictures of the church! I figure I will have loads of granddaughters since I have loads of sons. I am looking forward to lots of pink!
congratulations to the parents and granparents ! lovely baby Catherine
Your new granddaughter Sophia is such a beauty. I know you must be in heaven with her birth and your helpful stay. Your blessed life comes through all your photos...and I loved that old chapel. Thanks so much for sharing. I love your blog.
Another precious and beautiful additon to the family. I love the "sleeping" pictures. Such a pretty baby for being just newborn, don't you think? Diana
Don't mind at all, Julie. I gladly share in your joy and happiness. Beautiful little Sophia is very awake already. Her eyes are good open, looking right into the world. So i noticed..
Wishing you a wonderful grand children filled weekend! xxxxx
Congrats on your grandbabies dear Julie! They are lovely and I must say you are so gorgeous too! Such happiness!
Have a great weekend, cheers: Evi
what a beautiful baby! and i love her name! isn't grandmahood the best!
The church is really beautiful.....I love all the work that went into it and that it has stayed so pretty and peaceful.
that baby though, oh my gosh, now there is a beauty...I am jealous...I miss snuggling with a baby.... a lot!
Oh my goodness... she is too cute for words!
The church looks like many up here in the mountains. Peaceful. You truly are blessed.
Oh my goodness... she is too cute for words!
The church looks like many up here in the mountains. Peaceful. You truly are blessed.
Mind the grandkid bragging? Are you kidding? Grands are our reward :) and yours are so beautiful. Your entire family is gorgeous like Grandma and Grandpa.
The church is incredible and I'm amazed at how meticulously maintained it is. The stonework is awesome.
Thought I'd better hop over here to say hi! It's been awhile; I didn't want you to forget me. HA
The new baby is so precious!!!! As you know, they begin growing so fast that they don't stay little for long. So enjoy every minute......... I love the pics with Grandpa.
Sophia is a doll and already has great style with her attire! I love the little dress you made for Ella also. Your are indeed creative! They are all adorable children!
so much good things you have shared. the baby isbeautiful and already for a pink day. the photos of everyone was great, esp. love the photo of the grandpapa. i love old churches. it looks good for it's age. have a great day. rose
Tinkerbell looks like my Fergie! That baby is so sweet. I could just eat her up. You have such an amazing family. A blessed woman indeed!
Sophia is totally adorable! Of course, the other two are also but a new baby is just a precious being that you can not put down. So glad you had such a great time ~ and the church is beautiful! I love to see 'handmade' tributes ~ such beauty.
Congratulations on the birth of adorable Sophia, may God bless her. And little Ella is so beautiful too! And then there's little Caleb again -- what a cutie he is!
there is nothing so grand as being grandparents -- this little sweetie is so beautiful -- blessed you indeed!Are those the cute little outfits you made? - cute cute..
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