I could have entitled this post many things...but I am so grateful for the
tender mercies of the Lord at this time, so hence the title.
So, the amazing story I promised to tell you...well, it is amazing to me,
filled with His amazing grace to me and to Jack...so here it is.
"Me and Jack and Our Dear Lord's Tender Mercy"
The other day I had 5 of our grand children here for a party and a sleepover before school was to start. We had such a good time...they loved spending lots of time in our hot tub, we sat out in it and looked up at the stars and the milky way and we talked and talked. The next morning they wanted to get in again, so we had the music on loud and they were having a great time.
I was in the house baking up a storm...making lots of food for our up coming family camp out. I thought to myself, I think I'll run down town to the post office and get my mail. So I jumped in the car and off I went. The post office is about two and one half miles away and I drove about 65 mph..wanting to get right back.
I ran in and got my mail and as I was coming back out of the post office, a orange-ish looking cat ran out from under my car and dashed across the highway. I thought; that cat looks kind of like my Jack! But no, it can't be him! What if it is?! I then called out..."Jack"...the cat kind of halted, turned like he didn't know where he was...and then turned back and ran across the highway again toward me but then off he went down the street.
I jumped in my car and turned it around and followed in the direction the cat was running. I rounded the corner and parked off the road. I thought I had seen the cat run into a yard there on the corner. The house on this corner is owned by people who don't live here full time, so I went into the yard, calling..Jack, Jack, here kitty, here kitty in the voice he would recognize and know.
I was looking all over this huge yard and came to some very thick, old yellow rose bushes in the corner of the yard. I thought I could see a orange cat deep in the bushes. I stopped and called to him...not knowing, but wondering if this could some how be my Jack or was it just some orange cat? The cat sort of looked at me and gave a tiny meow! I got down on my knees and tried to see it more clearly and I kept calling, but it wouldn't come. I thought, well, maybe I can get closer to it if I go outside the fence. So I left the yard and went around...no cat...I could not see it in the spot that it had been. I walked the length of the fence and bushes calling. I went back inside the yard again and looked and looked and called...I could not see a cat anywhere!
I thought to myself, well, it was most likely a stray cat and has gone of to places that it knows here. So I got back in my car and drove home, when I got there I walked all around our property calling my Jack. He always comes running when I call him but this time only his little budding Samantha came. I went into the house and finished some things, called my daughter to come get the kids. I then went back outside looking down by the hay stack and everywhere for Jack but he wasn't anywhere.
Now, I started to cry...what if somehow that was Jack? Could he have been under my car or in it somehow and I didn't know? There was no place that I could see, that he could have been up inside or on it. I started to feel SO bad...This was the little cat that I had found out in the middle of no where...injured with a broken shoulder and cuts all over him, he was as sick as can be and limping around on 3 legs. I had brought him home and nursed him all winter long until he was now strong and healthy. This cat is so gentle...too gentle for his own good...my special needs sweetie-cat Jack.
I prayed...asking for help, guidance, for a tender mercy for me and for Jack. I got in my car and went back to town and to that same house and yard. I walked every inch of this yard calling and calling until I was almost hoarse. I cried and cried...what had I done?!
I went home...thinking, well if it was Jack, he had his claws..he knows how to catch a mouse..but where could he have gone? What direction could he have run off to? Where was he hiding? Dear Lord...please answer my prayers!!!
I tried to keep busy...maybe it wasn't Jack, maybe he's just off in the fields for the day. I would be doing something and just start sobbing...this was more than my heart could take! This went on all afternoon, my eyes were all red and swollen and my heart hurt at what I had done. When Ron got home, I told him all about it and he said; "Well, lets go up and look one more time." We loaded up our 2 little dogs and our golden and off we went. (Later we told each other that we each, had the feeling, that we should take the dogs along because Jack loved them all).
We took the dogs and split up and walked all over that yard...nothing! I thought; "this cat was long gone". I went along praying and looking and calling out...as I stood by those same yellow rose bushes, I thought I heard a tiny meow...no, I was just wishing it...then I heard a tiny rustle in the bushes and out pops a little head...I thought, could it be, YES, IT WAS JACK!!!
I scooped him up and held him tight, I could hardly believe it was him but it was! He began purring that loud purr of his...but he was scared, he kept trying to get down and run, but I held him tight by the nap of his neck and close to me. I called out to Ron, "I've got him!"
We all loaded back into the truck...Jack settled right down in my lap next to our little dog and he started to purr. Off we went for home and as we pulled into the driveway, I held him up so he could see where he was and he looked all around...seeing his chickens and his horses and his barn and haystack...he knew he was home!
He was so happy..he couldn't love on us enough, I put him on his shelf in the garage so he could get a drink and eat but he didn't want anything but to lay down in his favorite spot... and then he fell sound asleep.
I said a prayer...thanking my Father in Heaven...thanking him for keeping Jack in that same spot all day long...thanking him that we didn't give up but went back to look, one more time. Thanking him for blessing a very scared little cat to finally get over the shock of it all and come out of those bushes to the people who loved him. Thanking the Lord for the great faith he has given to me, to always, always turn to him no matter what!
I am sure that to some, it would seem so silly for a grown woman to love an animal so much that her heart would break over such a thing as this was...but I had nursed this little animal back to health and I had done this awful thing to him...carried him away from his home and into a scary place and then left him there. Yes, it broke my heart in two...but through God's wisdom and love and understanding and tender mercy...He answered my prayers and lead us to bring this little Jack home again.
My faith has always been strong all my life...now, it is even stronger, now my love that I have always carried in my heart for my Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer, is even stronger. All my life, they have been teaching me...by these kinds of experiences and many more as I have been a wife and mother...to have total faith in them, and I do. They know all things and can do all things...their way is my way, their tender mercies and miracles are the very thing I need as I go through this life...I am SO grateful for lessons learned.I am here to testify to you...Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are REAL...they love us and are here for us...to help us through the hard points in our life. They will never leave us alone, we can always, for any reason, call upon them for their help...for their great and tender mercies, always.
So there is my story...I share it with you my friends... I hope you won't think it silly. I hope you will know of the truth, as I testify to you of these things, that I know to be true.
Sending all my love to each of you, hoping that in your life you will know that these things are true... that you will know that this is the way...the Lords way for our faith and trust in Him and the way of our happiness in this life and the life to come.
Sending all my love to each of you, hoping that in your life you will know that these things are true... that you will know that this is the way...the Lords way for our faith and trust in Him and the way of our happiness in this life and the life to come.
That is just the most sweet story Julie!
I am so happy that you were able to keep Jack and share this story with all of us.
How's the cute little grandbaby doing?
Not silly at all. It is wonderful that your love explodes even with Jack the cat. It just shows how much you have to give. It is amazing how he survived the trip "to" town! I guess you will never know where and how he even got there and maybe better not to know his ride! Glad everything worked out!
What a beautiful story. I too cry and pray over my animals. They're just so comforting and loving.
oh! BTW Ella is adorable! such a beautiful baby girl! and YES she looks like YOU! how fun!
Absolutely not too silly. God care for us and He also cares for our pets. What a wonderful testament to the goodness of our Lord.
God bless and you and Jack have a marvelous day!!!
Thanks for sharing such a tender story of love. It is true that we are watched over and cared for by our loving Heavenly Father. I too have experienced tender mercies that have helped strengthen my faith. Give Jack a squeeze for me!
Oh golly. I have a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. I'm so happy for Jack and you... and the family. I know he would have been missed terribly.
Ladybug Creek
Praise God for His guiding feet that kept you going back to that spot!! Of course He heard you..and Knew the desires of your heart.when my Rufus (dog) was stolen..I truly thought I would die!! I cried so much..God showed me that Rufus wouldn't be found..but that He had my heart in His hands..and He would heal me..He did!!
I am soo glad you have your Jack back!! Maybe Jack won't get in the vehicle again!!
Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Julie, that is a very sweet story! I have one that most people would think much, MUCH more silly ... I cried and was terribly upset when our pet rat had 9 of her 18 babies die in the heat. I couldn't get over it because she was such a sweet mother!
We can't help how our hearts feel, and I know how easily it is to get attached to animals that you've cared for!
"Tender Mercies" indeed ... are a gift! xo
Jack is an adorable furbaby. {{hugs}} Glad the story had a happy ending.
Oh my this was a sad story but with the best of endings Julie!Jack is so cute,I think he was very attached to all of you so he sat and waited and hoped.Just as you did.
Thanks for sharing this with us all.Sure does make you think what the power of Jesus Christ can do doesnt it?
Happy New week to you and to Jack!
I would never think that Julie. You are an amazing friend to us all. I understand that you love your precious animals so much. I feel the same way. What a wonderful story about sweet Jack. I'm glad he is home now. :)
I would feel EXACTLY as you did Julie..so don't for one second feel silly.Thank goodness there are people like you in the world...loving and caring.My heart would break if something like that happened to me.Thank God that your story had a happy ending. :o)
Oh you dear heart! I feel the EXACT same way about my sweet little kitties. What a lovely post and I am so glad your prayers were answered. Jack is so precious!!!
Oh my goodness! If you knew how many tears I've sobbed over a pet! I can completely relate! So glad he is found..and safe and sound, too! What a sweet story! Wouldn't it make a great little children's book? :)
Don't you just lvoe it when things like this happen and your testimony grows by leaps and bounds. The love of the Lord for all his creations knows no bounds. You and Jack were blessed, no doubt about it!
I am so glad Jack is okay!!!!! And yes God answers prayers....even when it comes to out four-legged children!
Thanks for sharing your great faith and sweet loving spirit with all of us. I too am so grateful for the many sweet mercies Heavenly Father blesses my life with. I could never make through a day without the knowledge that we have a very loving Father in Heaven and that both he and his son Jesus Christ hear and answer our prayers. None of them are too silly. I am glad Jack is home safe and sound.
We too enjoyed a beautiful time with most of our grandchildren this weekend. I hope you all had a fabulous time building cherished moments and you shared this story with all of them. ~♥
Hallelujah, Julie!! OH, what a story. I'm so thankful you found little Jack! Bless his tiny little heart - he was so scared! How sweet of our Lord to keep Jack in that same spot!
I understand about loving our little animals! I share your same heart!
Love you too!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You are such a wonderful example. You have so much faith. Beautiful story of love and prayer. Thank you for sharing. Love ya.
Julie you are so sweet and loving and your faith is a tribute to God! I love this story and how sweet Jack was found through God's Tender Mercies. I have experienced those myself so I understand and the love for all of God's creatures is so strong. Bless you and Jack! Thank you Dear Lord for Julie, Jack and this story!
What a great testimony of your faith and how God kept taking you back.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story. It is definitely not silly but inspirational to me.
Thanks for sharing this tender and encouraging testimony Julie..
He's so good to us and He truly is concerned about every need and desire we have...Bless His heart.
So glad you have your Jack back in your loving care!!
Deborah xoxo
I know Heavenly Father loves all his "children" including Jack. I include our pets in my prayers every day. Jack is a lucky feline.
You are a dear Julie~ this post was worth reading from start to finish. That Jack is certainly loved. As a mother nurturing a animal or a child to health and loving it would certainly make you attached. I love that Jack was in those rose bushes all along. Glad you found him. The power of prayer is a beautiful thing. I love my savior and I love your testimony. Thanks for your kind spiritual heart. Hugs, Jen
awww, I am so glad that you found him.
Have a great Monday Julie.
Aw Julie..(hang on...I can't see through my tears) I am so relieved for you and Jack. My daughters'cat was missing for 5 weeks and I prayed so hard for his return along with searching and checking out the shelters every few days. I put my faith in my prayers and one day my daughter was sitting near her front window and Hugo walked up the driveway and to the front door. He had lost 1/2 his weight but he was ok and they just held each other (he hugs) and she cried. It is a special love that we have for our pets and there is nothing to compare to it. It is so personal when you love a cat and no-one feels the bond but you. I am so happy, you made my night with this wonderful story. Give him a big hug and a pat for me. You are a special lady to care so much. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
What a pretty cat, and what a lovely story. Miracle do happen.
big hugs
What a sweet story that is. Not silly at all. These lovable little creatures are more than just pets. They come in to our lives and become one of the family. They give us so much and ask for so little in return. So glad to hear you got Jack back.
That is the sweetest story about the sweetest woman who has the sweetest cat.
I wonder how he got so far from home like that.
I am so glad you were able to find him - there is nothing worse than having an animal (or a child) lost. They are part of your family!
Oh happy day!!
I love your story shared with the rest of us. I can SOOOOOOO relate.
Somehow nursing an animal back to health puts a LOT of extra emotional investment into the process. I've done it a number of times with my own, and with fosters. It's extremely overwhelming to feel you have somehow let that little creature down. They are so trusting..
My heart ached for you when I read of your trauma over the whole incident, because I KNOW! God is good. He honors our stewardship over these creatures HE gave to us to share life with. I am so thankful for the happy ending. God bless little Jack. (HE DID! by letting him find your home.) and God bless you for your tender heart towards God's creatures. :-)
Hugs to you, and thanks for sharing a wonderful story. Truly these life experiences do grow our faith and stretch our fortitude to hang in and not give up!!!!
Oh-I love your story! We had quite a discussion at our house one time about God making animals. I said he made cats to please man...and the person I was talking to asked me why I thought that. I said that it was because God made a cat purr. So? They said...well, there is NO real REASON a cat should purr. It is NOT necessary for it's survival...it is not a "call" to anyone...it is just there for the pure pleasure of enjoyment in listening to it.
It makes me miss my little Misty all the more when I read this. She's been gone 2 years this October and I still can't bear to think about her without tearing up.
I am so glad that your "baby" was found by you. You did good, Mom! Diana
That is a beautiful story. I'm a total cat lover myself and understand.
He is a beautiful cat.
They really get into your heart don't they?
That story is a tear jerker! It's amazing how attached we can get to our pets. Thank you for bearing your testimony.
By the looks of al the comments, no one thought you were silly. I am so glad that you found Jack. I would have felt the same way.
Amazing that he stayed in that spot all day long waiting on you. God does work in mysterious ways. Glad your story had a happy ending.
So glad you went back one more time and found him. I bet he was scared, but happy to be back home.
I love my cats deeply. Of course this story hit my heart strings and I understand completely. I’m so glad you went back and looked for your kitty and that you prayed and believed made it happen for you...
I am sooooo glad you ended up getting Jack back home and that he wasn't hit by a car or anything while he was so scared and lost. I am an ANIMAL lover and I SOOOOO understand your looking and looking and being so heartbroken when you couldn't find him. Animals love us no matter what!♥
Oh Julie, I knew it was going to be Jack when you started telling the story and I couldn't read fast enough to see if you found him. I am so glad you did. Praise God and give him ALL the glory. So happy you have your sweet Jack home with you again.
Glad you were able to find Jack-Jack. We had a dog disappear once and the UPS driver who knew our dog well told us were we could find him at another residence about a mile away...so we where able to go get him and bring him home.
what a wonderful story of love. all His
stories are like that.
someone once told me that it took
more faith to believe that such a great
God could care about the little pains
in our lives than for the BIG things.
your sweet faith is very inspiring.
Hi Julie!
What a great story of the lost and then found!
My sister's beloved cat was lost for over 6 weeks and she miraculously found him alongside the road... on a 'hunch' to go down a certain street in her town.
She thought for sure he was gone for good ~ but was so joyful to find him safe and sound, skinny, but sound!
I'm so glad Jack looks happy and healthy!
Rejoicing with you that this story had such a happy ending. God is concerned with our big problems and our small problems and all those in between. And He is pleased when we share our faith and bring glory to Him!
Julie -- I am such a sucker for cat stories as I am a major cat lover! I am glad that the tender mercies of the Lord were with you and Jack! I love my kitties, all strays to pieces! Joni
What a beautiful story Julie. I'm so thankful that sweet Jack is safely home again. God knows our every need, and does answer our prayers. Thank you for sharing your story...
Oh Sweet Julie,
I don't type well to start with...but now I can't see through my HUGE tears...your dear Jack is so blessed to have you...GOD is so good, and knows our every need...no matter how big or small...and His compassion is boundless{ He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: the LORD is gracious and full of compassion Psalms 111:4}
Thanks so much for popping in once again...life is just CrAzY and will continue this way for some time I fear...I will stop back when I can...I am so grateful for you, my dear friend...have a JOY filled week...love Rosie
Beautiful story, glad it had a sweet and happy ending for both of you.
Hooray for finding Jack. I love love the name Jack, it's on top of my list for dog names, but that's another story. Give him a big hug!
Have a sweet, happy and wonderful Tuesday, Julie.
Is little Sophia still as sweet as can be? Sure she is. A silly question, just wanted to ask for the sweet petit. A big hug for the sweet pea too! xxooxx
Hooray for finding Jack. I love love the name Jack, it's on top of my list for dog names, but that's another story. Give him a big hug!
Have a sweet, happy and wonderful Tuesday, Julie.
Is little Sophia still as sweet as can be? Sure she is. A silly question, just wanted to ask for the sweet petit. A big hug for the sweet pea too! xxooxx
Amazing and wonderful story... thank you so much.
Julie, such a touching story. I am so glad Ron and you went back. My cat disappeared in April and I still miss him. We tried over a week calling for him, driving down the country roads that are over from us.
Well this beautifully shared and lived story just made my day!
I am so happy that Jack is safe and sound and home with YOU - a most loving and appreciative soul. I so understand your love and devotion... what a lucky and very blessed kitty to have you.
Thank you Julie for sharing your heart with us.
Awww Julie. Jack is one of those orange floofy boy kitties you just want to bury your face in his fur and snuzzle him good. I would not have expected anything less of you to keep on keepin' on looking for your orange boy. Your intuition was working well. I am glad Jack is back home with you and happy he has a grown woman silly enough to care so much :) All kittehs should be loved and cared for this much. The pictures of that fuzz face, I just want to hug him!
Sweet story! Just another reminder that He cares for every detail of our lives. Thanks for sharing!
I'm so happy you found your beautiful Jack. I have cat's and know the heart ache losing one can cause. God is good.
Such a sweet, faith-filled story, Julie...thanks for sharing yet another of the Lord's tender mercies...
Oh Julie, this is precious...not silly at all. I'm the same way about animals and would be just as distraught if my fur baby was missing. Thank God you did go back ~ I know HE led you to do that. I am so grateful that you shared!
What a beautiful story with a great happy ending. I'm so glad he is safe. That proves the power of prayer, it works every time!
Julie, what a sweet post and so glad that you found Jack. I had a cat missing for two weeks and I stood out on my deck one day at our first house and just cried and prayed. I started called here Max here kitty kitty not expecting anything and then I heard a faint meow off in the distance. I kept calling and he kept meowing as I followed the sound. He was two doors up in my neighbors back yard up high in a tree above two very large dogs. I called the fire dept. thinking they would get him down like you see on t.v. and they don't do that they said. Then I called the vet to see what to do and they said to place food at the bottom of the tree, of course the dogs had to be moved, and then he would come down. We waited and nothing happened. The neighbors were kind enough to keep the dogs put up in the basement for a while. I went home and kept calling Max. Finally he came walking to the house. He was very thin and dehydrated, but he was alive and well. God answered my prayers and made me listen for Max's meow in the distance even after two weeks. If you even reach just one lost soul then then your post was worth everything.
Oh Julie, I'm so glad that your kitty Jack's story turned out better than mine. About 20 years ago, my cat Tia did the same thing, when I got back home, I saw her jump down from inside the car and run under the hedge. She was dead when I found her a few minutes later. She didn't have a scratch on her but evidently something happened up inside that motor.
I, too, have seen and experienced God's tender mercies at different times in my own life. I don't know how people can get through this life without the love of God and Jesus's saving sacrifice. These times do serve to strengthen our faith, don't they?!
Thanks for posting this story - I hope it helps someone this very day! Take care!
Oh Julie! What a beautiful post! I've been praying very hard here too. Since He seems to be listening to you, can you please offer up an extra prayer for our Allie?? She's not feeling very well. They're doing an echo tomorrow and putting a 48 hour heart monitor on her. I would be ever grateful
xoxo Pattie
What a tender sweet moment - Love how you are SO caring - I can feel you testmony of the truthfulness of God Yes, He is always near and we should never let go of that truth - that's for sure ..O how we need him even more then ever these days!
Oh, Julie!! 60 comments!! People LOVE you kitty story. (Me too.) But you commented about us children and the wine. I come from an Italian background. There was always red wine with our Italian food, but for holidays my parents would allow us to have a concoction of half water/half red wine (Mogan David at that) and even then just enought for about four sips. We felt so special. It's just one of those old world traditions.
Ladybug Creek
Julie, This is one of the most blessed and faith building posts I have ever read. I am so blessed, and so glad that Jack is back safe and sound and resting in his special place, and that you continued to trust God for guidance. What a great example you are to all of us, of your steadfastness in your faith, I am so blessed to call you my dear friend.
We are indeed blessed and watched over by our loving Heavenly Father!
Even, when it comes to our pets :)
Thanks for sharing your testimony, and I'm happy for you that you got Jack home safe and sound.
What a sweet story Julie! I'm so glad it had a happy ending! I'm so glad he's home safe where he belongs!
This is such a sweet story...I'm so glad it had a happy ending! :)
SO GLAD you shared this! A precious little kitten is home again! God cares about every detail!
Hi Julie,
What a wonderful testimony of God's tender mercies if only we trust and believe.
Thank you for sharing your story.
I'm so glad that Jack is back home safe and sound.
God is Good!
The Tattered Tassel
I don't think you are silly. I am glad that you didn't give up. Pets are special. We just went through a grieving period with our friends when they had to put their dog to sleep.
That is one of the sweetest love stories I've ever heard.
So glad things are back to normal.
xo bj
julie your sweet story brought tears to my eyes. i have a jack kitty too. i can imagine your panic and your fear. i am so happy it had a happy ending!
What a precious new grandbaby. The photos are fantastic!
And I am so glad Jack is home, safe and sound. I tell you, I prayed that the Lord would find me a dog to love again...and He brought Bentley to my door...I know He answered that prayer!
Not silly at all. I have the same kind of tender heart with animals as you do. Such a sweet post Julie. Thank you for your beautiful testimony. It strengthens mine.
Thank goodness you found him! That would have had me in tears and just plain panic mode immediately. I am so glad you got him back safe and sound. I am so glad you did not give up on him. He is a dear little cat like our Jimmy. What a blessing indeed after a very close call.
I dont think it is silly at all....I feel the same way about my pets....Thank God for keeping him safe for you.....
I love this story. God does care about our animals and our feelings! Our Lord is so loving. Amen!!
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