I don't know what should we do?
I know, lets go for a horse ride up in the
mountains and see the Autumn leaves!
Sounds good to me! Lets go!
Out where the sun is always shining;
Where the mountains are so tall,
and the climate is the best,
Beauty of canyons past defining.
and in wealth of every kind,
Out where the lakes and
skies are the bluest;
in the valleys broad we find,
Oh, the kind words we give shall in memory live,
And sunshine forever impart;
Let us oft speak kind words to each other,
Kind words are sweet tones of the heart.
Land of the sunny sky, Utah, we love thee!
Far in the glorious West, throned on the
mountain's crest, Utah, we love thee!
My mountain home so dear, Utah, I love thee!
watching the clouds paint pictures...just for me! I love to look up!
you see...Wrangler butts really do drive me nuts!
settling onto the mountains and on every side
we were surrounded by such beauty!
and open and close the gates... I've got it good!
my horse of coarse...and OK... that guy following me too! (he he)
passes and more awesome color that the camera
just cannot seem to capture!
and the deer and the antelope play...really!
a monument to the mountain explorers of
the past...God bless them for all they did.
he loves to get in the lake and swim and fetch sticks!
it sits right by the lake and people come from
all around to camp, fish and eat here!
he could do this everyday...me too!
good bye to the colors that filled my heart!
I thank God that I get to live where the seasons
change and I get to behold all the beginnings...
and all the endings...and all the changes that
bring renewal to my heart and soul...love it!
I'm off for a few days ladies...
I'll catch up with you when I get back...
All my love to everyone!
I'm off for a few days ladies...
I'll catch up with you when I get back...
All my love to everyone!
Hi Julie,
Gorgeous photos! I'm glad you enjoyed your ride...looks like an awesome time! Thank you for sharing your photos. Take care, and enjoy you time away...
Oh Julie.. what beautiful photos.. Thank you for taking us visually on your horseback ride.. Its a dream place you all have..
I appreciate your visit and the sweet comment you left..
What a wonderful day for a horse ride...you are so lucky to have nice temperatures and changing leaves to enjoy. How great that you and hubby have a common interest to enjoy together and you have those Wrangler behinds to drive you nuts LOL. Have a great break!
Fantastic photo's! What a wonderful way to start off this new Autumn!
I think I am coveting your horse and your ride - I would love to do that someday!!
Have fun whereever you are going :-D
Julie...what gorgeous pictures!! Thanks for including us in this beautiful ride :)
I know what you mean about Wrangler butts!! ;-) Ya gotta love 'em!
Looks like you enjoyed your gorgeous ride and all the views!! :-)
Julie soo nice.I loved it.Im the same as you.I adore the change of seasons and Thank God I have been blessed to live where its that way all my life.Its gorgeous in the mountains of Pennsylvania at this time as well.
Enjoy your time away!HUGS!
Reminds me so much of Fall in Colorado. When we lived there, the Aspens were so pretty in September. Looks like you had a beautiful ride!
Enjoy your time away! :0)
Such beautiful scenery and you are so lucky to ride horses!
"Wrangler butts really do drive me nuts" hehe, I agree.
absolutely beautiful country!!!! I don't know how you ever stay inside....
I think I just saw photos of a perfect day! The yellow on the trees is just gorgeous!
It is so beautiful where you live. I love that you and your Hubby go for horseback rides. Thanks for sharing those gorgeous pictures.
What beautiful photo's...looks like a great day to go riding, there's not a cloud in the sky. How fun, you did a good job of minding his horse while he opened the gates :)
Thanks for the horse ride it was lots of fun.
What an amazing little fun adventure with you sweets, in Gorg. Utah mountains. Love all the pics. Thanks for sharing. Jen
What a beautiful place for a ride!
Utah is such a beautiful place!!! How very blessed you are that you get to enjoy the view from your sweet horse!
Looks like the perfect day!
Sweet blessings to you and your family,
xoxo Gloria
gorgeous pictures! thanks for sharing!
Wow!! I loved every minute of your ride and beautiful day! LUCKY YOU!
Hi Julie
What a awesome post! Loved every minute of your ride and the view of the wranglers was not bad at all. lol
You are blessed to live where the seasons change and men where wranglers.
So glad I stopped by tonight. What a hoot you are my dear
Love ya
Hey Julie~ I felt like I was right along on that ride with you. When I was young I had a quarterhorse and I loved to ride. Seeing you mounted on that horse just gives me that warm all over feeling. I can feel your love and tenderness in that post. What a day to treasure and remember! Hugs- Diana
Outstanding dear Julie!!!! The beauty that surrounds you is absolutely beautiful and I love seeing you and your Love riding those horses way up high the wonderful mountains!!!!
Such a great day my dear
maria cecilia
Thanks for the ride! Love the scenery! I'm homesick now!
We're so blessed to have the change of seasons. I love going to the mountains to see the beauty of the colorful leaves. I've never gon on horse back, looks like fun!
Oh, how delightful...I am so glad you enjoy your riding, your horse, your pretty country and your good lookin' Mr.Wranglers Butt. haahhhaa,...you are so funny.
I just love ya!!
What a beautiful medley of verse and images. We are surrounded by beauty and I think it's so fun get to see it on horseback. Glad you had such a spectacular day together and hug cougar for me. He is so cute!
Julie, you live in such a beautiful part of the world. I just love Utah. You are so very blessed and we are blessed that you share it with us. Wherever you are going, whatever you are up to, do have a great time!! xxoo
What a breath of fresh air it was to go along on your ride with you this morning. Beautiful, just beautiful
I just love it when you share the pictures of your outdoor adventures with us. They are beautiful. Looks like a nice peaceful outing.
Wow! Your pictures are beautiful. Breathtaking scenery.
Just outstanding Julie!
Beautiful pics, and I would love to be out there riding a horse, what fun! And your wrangler butt comment was so cute!
I love all the yellows, are they aspen? So different than here but so beautiful!
Oh wow! Those are some beautiful photos. It looks like such a great time.
You really captured it with the pictures and the words.
You are wonderful.
Beautiful pictures! Don't we just LOVE a Utah fall ??!!
Have a great day :)
Ansel Adams has nothin' on you girl. What amazing photos and I could easily live up in those mountains. So beautiful.
Now Ahhh hemmm...."Wrangler Butts" Yours or His Wrangler butt? I think it's cowboy hats, boots and belt buckles that do it for me. A nice pair of cheeky Wranglers are nice to look at too though, I'll admit.
Gorgeous... looks like a full and complete day. I lived in Idaho for 10 years and it soooo reminds me of the beauty we were surrounded by. I can think of no better way to spend a fall day :)
Wrangler butts drive you nuts...lol. That cracked me up. Made me think of my reaction every time Dr. Hubby puts on his chaps and climbs on his horse...just does something for me...lol. Wherever you are off to...be safe and HAVE FUN!
Julie thank you for taking us along on a beautiful trail ride. You sure did capture the changing colors in your area.
Enjoy your days away.
I truly loved the photo of Sophia and her dog CB, Priceless!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful photos Julie! Fall has really come to your mountains!
This just brought the biggest smile to my face. What beautiful scenery and horses. It makes me want to pull out my boots and go for a ride. Now what to do about a horse.....
What an amazing day!! SO BEAUTIFUL!
I am so pleased to see that Jack is doing well after his "lost" adventure. He does not look "worse for wear!"
Oh I am SOOOO envious of your leisurely ride in the mountains. What a great day for sure! And I guess the wrangler butt in front of you is just an added bonus! That was too funny ... made me laugh out loud! :)
Beautiful and fun!
What heavenly scenery! I decided to bop over and see what you were up to and for sure.. there you were doing something exciting! Good for you.
Have a wonderful day.
Ladybug Creek
What heavenly scenery! I decided to bop over and see what you were up to and for sure.. there you were doing something exciting! Good for you.
Have a wonderful day.
Ladybug Creek
I love it when you share the beauty of Utah with us! Wow..what a gorgeous day for a ride. I'm loving these blue autumn skies!
making me homesick Julie...what a lovely way to spend the day...take care
making me homesick Julie...what a lovely way to spend the day...take care
Look at you kissin' horses. You are as bad as I am with cats. This was a fun post to read. So much to admire. You two are lucky to have the opportunity to ride through the mountains whenever the feeling hits. Life is grand, Julie!
"Wake up Jack, the mice are very active this time of year."
What a beautiful area. You are blessed to be surrounded by this every day. Oh and I love that sense of humor. I'm not sure which you consider more scenic.....the colors or the butts. LOL
What a beautiful way to spend the day, fall has truly made it to your neck of the woods, I think I could do that all day too!! thanks for taking us along on your trip!
I would love a day like that with my hubby.
See now, if I would have been driving a horse on Friday my garage disaster never would have happened!
I need some mom advice from someone whose been there. Can you come over and read my latest post? What would you do?
G'eve Julie ~ What an awesome trip with you ... TY for sharing such beautiful countryside. Your travels are so enjoyed.
Have a beautiful week.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
You are a girl after my own heart!
God,my hubby,our horses, and mountains! Does it get any better?!
xo, misha
It's so beautiful where you live. You look so healthy and happy :)
Oh what Fun! We always had horses growing up and lived at the base of the most beautiful mountain. Lots of old logging trails. I haven't ridden for a very long time, but you brought back some very special memories...
Thank you my dear...what a heavenly post...Smile On Rosie
How absolutely wonderful! The colors are breathtaking...thanks so much for sharing. You are indeed blessed to live like this.
Hope you have a blessed week ~
Your world is beautiful my friend...something only God could of made!
Hugs xoxoxo
Woo-hoo! What a beauty day you had..
autumn colours..so gorgeous!
Sounds so fun and loved every bit of your day!!
Deborah xoxo
I'll make it an even 60 comments for you. I would have to do something very earth shattering to ever get 60 comments!
You are such and outdoorsy girl. I wish I was more that way. Loved your comment about the wrangler butts! Too cute!
Heading to Utah tomorrow, cannot wait to see the fall leaves in the canyons.
all I can say is "LUCKY YOU!"
I loved LOVED the horse ride with YOU! Sigh... your part of the world really IS amazingly stunning.
Have a wonderful rest of the week, Julie xxx
Julie what a beautiful life you have... horses? Lucky girl you!
Beautiful, beautiful country!!! What a blessing to be able to go and ride in such wonderful surroundings with your hubby. We don't have two horses big enough, two of ours are ponies, so when we go together I ride my Morgan and the Hubs takes one of the ponies in the cart! What we all will do for togetherness, right?!
Flat Princess has headed to the UK! I shipped her out this morning to Linds at Rocking Chair Reflections. That gal gets around doesn't she?!
What a beautiful ride! Thanks for taking me along. ;)
Thankyou for taking us with you on your day out.I wish I could ride,but I was put off when I was younger when my horse bolted,and never tried again.Your pictures are stunning Julie.I've only ever seen those images in the movies.Enjoy your break away from blogging. :o)
Those photos of the aspen changing are amazing! I loved the overview pic with the aspen sprawling down the slope especially. Wonderful ride! I am a bit jealous...haven't been out on the trail with my horses in over a year. I need to motivate!
Dear Julie
Thank you so much for the beautiful horse ride up into the mountains to see the autumn leaves....! What a privilege to live in such beautiful surroundings!
I :)
Julie, these photos are beautiful! Okay, horseback ride through the beautiful fall scenery trumps bike ride to breakfast everytime! LOL! Mr. Red is gorgeous. Thank you so much for taking us along for the ride!
Oh those first images are beyond adorable dear Julie.
Have a great week, cheers: Evi
My daughter has just visited Utah... from Australia. She is now in NY. She went horseriding in Utah and thought the place was sooo beautiful. She loved Montannah too. Thank you for sharing a little of what she may have experienced :) Marilyn xx
Beautiful pictures - thanks for the ride ;) love you!
Hi Julie,
Your pictures are just awesome!! My favorite is the river winding through the valley. Such a lovely scene.
The Tattered Tassel
A beautiful ride...thanks for letting me join you!
Julie, what a beautiful ride that must have been! Lucky you living in the great outdoors where you can do that. Us city folks are jealous!
Have a great weekend!
Hugs, Ann
Julie you make me laugh, you had me going with all your poetry and the photos and I almost stood up to sing the Star Spangled Banner and then***wrangler butts drive me nuts****you frisky little filly that is too cute!! what a great day.
We surely do live in a beautiful state, and you live in a most beautiful part! Gorgeous pictures. It's been so warm here. Almost 90 tomorrow and our leaves are still green down here at 4500 feet! We'll catch up with you soon. Mimi
Oh what a wonderful ride -enjoy every moment you have on the horse being able to enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh air.
What a gorgeous place to ride! I'm with you, riding with my sweetie is one of my fav things to do. Can't beat it! I could do it every day, and sometimes we do. :)
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