We have had such a good weekend with our family.
Our son Shane and his wife Kenra and their children
were sealed in the Manti Temple. After that, we all went to
a near by park to have lunch with friends and family.
Our son Shane and his wife Kenra and their children
were sealed in the Manti Temple. After that, we all went to
a near by park to have lunch with friends and family.
The weather was so nice..the best day we have had all
summer with perfect temps and no wind..Heavenly!
We even had a nap after...it was such a good day!
We even had a nap after...it was such a good day!
They had such a spiritual time, lots of tears of joy...
even though their favorite thing is not smiling for the camera so much! LOL
Marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God
and is central to God's eternal plan for the salvation of
his children. The means by which mortal life is created is
divinely appointed and safeguarded by marriage. This divine
plan of happiness enables family relationships to endure beyond
the grave. We are so happy to know families can be together forever.
people experience many of life's greatest joys and sorrows.
Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when
founded upon the teachings of Jesus Christ and when parents
make their family their highest priority and teach their children
the gospel of Jesus Christ and help them to live it.
Satan is making a concentrated attack on families. Parents must
take the time to teach their children the gospel, strengthen their
relationships with them, have fun together, have daily family prayer,
and scripture reading, go to church together as a family, and teach them
to serve one another and others. Heaven is a continuation of a happy home.
In the temple we make sacred covenants and are endowed with, or
are given gifts of power and knowledge from on high. This power helps
us in our daily lives and enables us to build God's kingdom. In the temple
we can be married and sealed for time and eternity, making it possible for
families to be together forever in God's presence, if we keep the covenants
which we have made with God.
If you have questions regarding any of this,
go to the right hand of my side bar and click
on the picture of Jesus Christ holding the lamb.
There you can ask any question and get answers.
families to be together forever in God's presence, if we keep the covenants
which we have made with God.
If you have questions regarding any of this,
go to the right hand of my side bar and click
on the picture of Jesus Christ holding the lamb.
There you can ask any question and get answers.
We had such a wonderful day as a family in the temple ...
it gives us a brief view of what Heaven can be like.
We hope to live in such a way that we can
be together forever as a happy family.
This is a little vintage apron...one of my monthly give a ways.
It's cute in all it's cotton loveliness, with nice bit of hand work.
If you would like a chance to win this along with a few other
nice things to go along with it...just leave me a comment.
If you would like a chance to win this along with a few other
nice things to go along with it...just leave me a comment.
I will pick a winner in a couple of days and then get
it sent off to you right away.
We have had a busy few days but I will do my
best to get caught up with your posts!
Sending "All my love out to each of you"
my sweet friends. Thank you for every comment
and kindness given to me. I can't even begin to tell
you how much I love and appreciate your friendship!
(Come say hi on Face Book too... see my side bar)
We have had a busy few days but I will do my
best to get caught up with your posts!
Sending "All my love out to each of you"
my sweet friends. Thank you for every comment
and kindness given to me. I can't even begin to tell
you how much I love and appreciate your friendship!
(Come say hi on Face Book too... see my side bar)
It sounds like you had a nice weekend! :)
I sounds like you had a lovely day. Your son and his family are beautiful! We have been having quite a bit of much needed rain. The down side is a few weeks of mosquitoes! I haven't been able to come to blogland much since school started---too busy!
Beautiful pictures.... I love the Temple...but its heartwarming to see members of your family sealed..
The apron is also beautiful....
Hi Julie,
You have had a wonderful weekend! Congratulations on the sealing of your children and grandchildren. You and Ron look so happy and heaven is smiling too.
I am also a late-bloomer to all the technology; enjoyed seeing photos of your family. Long-lasting relationships (marriages) between a man and a woman are definitely becoming a thing of the past it seems. Thanks for sharing,
Karen. Love the little apron!
Reading about your wonderful weekend makes me want to go back to church and be temple worthy again. How I miss the peace and blessings of going.
I have been following your blog for sometime because it makes me feel part of the sisterhood I have been missing. I have had to work every Sunday for about 5 years now. I love peeking into your life and I am grateful for the example you set.
Thank you
What a sweet weekend you've had...there' nothing better than watching a family be sealed.
Being a convert to the church, I still remember our family sealing...Priceless!!
LOVE the apron...
I would love a chance to win your apron. It's too cute!
You have a beautiful family. Love your photos! It's great to see families keeping God first! I was thinking the same thing tonight while I sat next to my oldest son and his family in church!
God Bless you!!!
Hi Julie!
Your words about the family are so true. Families are so important to a healthy society... yet they are under so much pressure!
I pray for the family
Bless you for posting about it!
~wishing you a wonderful week~
ps. what a beautiful apron...thank you for the giveaway fun!
Lovely pictures of the temple Julie and of your family. Satan knows that the family is the very foundation of society and if he can break that then he can bring down the world. Nevermind, we know the end of the story and that he won't win as hard as he tries. I am so thankful for the Gospel in my life and all that it teaches me and blesses me with. (((hugs))) what a lovely day that must have been. You must feel so happy about it. I wish my children were in the gospel with me. xxoo
You always have the sweetest little aprons to giveaway. Congratulations to Shane and his family. What a special weekend, for you all.
Hi Julie! I agree with Maria.The family is of the utmost importance in this life.Im hoping when my girls get married that they are blessed with happiness, God and Love.Sounds like the weekend went very well.
I love the apron,count me in!
Have a nice new week!
Hi Julie,
I love the picture of you and hubby! You look so pretty in your red dress!
Sounds like an awesome day and the weather looks just perfect!
Hugs friend,
Congratulations for your son and his wife! I hope to see my granddaughter sealed in the temple some day, honey. I'll be visiting with her this week over in Washington and hope to have a good talk with her and her hubby. I keep trying.
Your family is a blessing to see and hear about. Have a great day, Julie!
PS I love the apron!
What a beautiful time you all had together. I feel so honoured that you shared these special memories with me today-thank you.
I also believe in the importance of families and I know that my family cherishes our weekly get-together at my mum and dad's place every Sunday afternoon. My daughter was invited to spend the afternoon at a friend's house yesterday and she knew that it would interfere with the time she was to spend at my mum's and dad's so she arranged to see them on another day. How sweet is that!
Best wishes,
PS Thanks, Julie, for your sweet words yesterday. It really meant a lot to me.
What a wonderful weekend for your entire family. They look simply beautiful in white. So many blessings.....
And, love the happy blue checkered apron and handy stitches.
It is so great to see a blog where family is so important. The Lord is first in my life and then family. I love my children and grandchildren. I never wanted to be a career woman, I am satisfied, just taking care of my family. I am a follower, please enter me in your giveaway. I love aprons, I love hanging them on peg racks.
This was such an interesting post. (Haven't I written that to you before??) I love reading about the Mormon religion as my neighbors when we were growing up were Mormon. My husband went to Officer's Training in the Air Force in Ogden. He was able to learn a little bit about your religion as well. We all have the same mission though and that is to prepare our children for what is out there.. and it isn't always pretty! I am Episcopalian but can't see for a minute that we feel differently about that.
Have a great week!!
Ladybug Creek
Families ARE forever!
Beautiful pictures of a beautiful day that will live in your hearts forever :)
Hope you have a wonderful day today!
What a special weekend filled with family love.
The turqouise check apron is darling!
What a wonderful sounding weekend you had...complete with nap!!!
I love the sweet apron...I haven't cross stitched in soooo long and I love it. So basic and pretty.
What a beautiful family! And such a wonderful weekend!! Many blessings to you all
And thank you for a wonderful giveaway!
xoxo Pattie
What a beautiful time for you and your family. Blessings to all of you. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.Thanks.
Beautiful family! What a blessing to have the temples to seal us together as families.
Cute apron!
You have such a beautiful family. That apron is adorable.
what does that mean your family was sealed?
I love the first picture of you and your husband!
G'morn, Julie ~ What a wonderful & loving write of family & celebration in your church. I so enjoy learning of other religions. Earlier this year I did a write on the LDS temple here in Kensington, MD.
Congrats in the celebration, you all are really enjoying your day.
What a lovely giveaway ... please enter me.
Have a beautiful week ~
TTFN ~ Marydon
Hi, Julie...
Beautiful pictures of the temple and a such a sweet pictorial of your happy day. Family is so precious, God's gift to us in this world and forever.
I have not posted in a few days because I am with my daughter and son-in-law, Lindsey and Marc, and my precious new granddaughter, Isabelle Mckayla. She was born last Saturday night, just 5 lbs 1 oz, and oh so perfect in every way! (We grandma's know they always are, right?) My daughter called me when she left for the hospital and I was able to make the 2-1/2 hour drive and be there in plenty of time. They will be coming home today and I will stay with them through Wednesday to help them settle in. I'll do a post with pictures when I get back home.
Have a blessed day!
Thanks for your comment on my post, Julie. I always look forward to hearing from you and your post today is beautiful. I have just returned from Toronto as I posted and my good friend Mary is troubled by a marriage break-down in her family. It is so hard on everyone who loves the couple. Times can be tough. Thanks for the post...it gives me hope. Hugs, Deb
Hi Julie! You and your hubby look so comfy on that beautiful quilt! You have such a lovely family.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
What joy and happiness you must be feeling at this time! It is so heart warming to see children dressed in white being sealed to their parents forever. You are such a wonderful example to your children and friends. Thank you for sharing this spiritual experience.
Congratulations to your family. This touched my heart and gave me hope for my own son and his wife and girls :) Prayers are answered and what a blessing. Beautiful pictures of your perfect weekend.
Miss Julie- you and your hubby make a gorgeous couple!
(As my Grandmother used to say- "straight outta Hollywood!" *LOL*)
Beautiful thoughts on marriage, too... I too believe marriage is such a sacred vow two people make to God that it should always be treasured!
Goodness- another adorable apron! You are such a talented person!
This weekend really was just about pefect weather, wasn't it! I do envy your little nap in the park though. I was busy, busy, busy with a conference for work and just longed for a restful nap!!!
Thank you for sharing your testimony through your blog. You are a wonderful inspiration. xo
What a special day for all of you especially your son and his family. It is wonderful to see our kids make steps in the right direction and the blessings they will receive. Glad you had a joyous day!
Dear Julie, congrats to your son family. I don´t understand the religion you follow but do know the meaning of everything you write here, always such uplifting words and messages.
maria cecilia
Julie, my blog friend. I hardly ever post anymore but when I did there you were with your kind words. Much thanks dear lady.
Is there a story behind that lovely quilt you napped on in the park. I wouldn't be surprised to hear you quilted it yourself!
Sending you wishes for a happy day.
I am glad you and your family had such a beautiful weekend together. Yes, God bless all of our families. They are under so much pressure from all sides these days. I pray for all families everywhere that they will be strengthened by God's love. Love to you, sweet friend. Vicki
Oh these pictures made me cry! Hopefully just another month or so until we get to take Z to be sealed, squeaaaaal! :)
I certainly enjoyed your pictures of your dear family making their commitment to each other and to God. It more people had those priorities this would wouldn't be in the mess that it is in. Too many children without fathers in the home and too many Moms stretched too far trying to be both Mom and Dad to these children. It is not for me to judge those that have chosen the divorce route but I do pity the struggles in life that they will encounter. It's hard enough to raise well rounded children in this day and age with two parents let alone one trying to go it alone. Sad isn't it? We must minister to the single moms and dads of this world in our communities and I feel we will be blessed because of it. I rejoice with you on this day! xoxoxo
PS I would love to win the apron!
Wonderful weekend with family=0) I think I did see a little smile from Shane!
Have a great week,
Families are where we find our stength. I love that your Son and DIL do not look happy to be snapped...LOL, the first thing I noticed. Hope they did not chase you with a stick. Beautiful pictures and I love the one of you and your husband relaxing.
Beautiful Pictures!! Love this post!! Thanks for sharing!! Blessings from Georgia!!
I love these images Julie. You have a sweet family unit- what a blessing.
it sounds like you had a perfect weekend. And what a lovely family you have.
Love that apron, reminds me of ones my mother used to wear when I was a kid
What a beautiful family you have Julie, and yes family is so important with our relationship to the Lord. I do so agree with you about the family being under an attack by satan. Thank you for sharing. I love the photos of you and your dh enjoying the beautiful weather, Our weather has finally gotten beautiful too.
The apron is beautiful, and please enter me .
hi Julie.. what a wonderful weekend for you and your family.. thank you for sharing it with us..
I appreciate your visit to my blog and your kind words...
You take such beautiful pictures. The one of them in front of the temple is so gorgeous.
And of course the apron is super duper cute....I would love it!
Aw Julie I came by to thank you honey for the lovely comment left for me and my brother Gary. I am so grateful to have you in my life.
Can not tell you how much your sweet comment meant to me tonight.
I need to do a post but can't think right now but will soon.
Love this picture of you and your handsome fella. How you two compliment each other is a blessing.
As always I love seeing and reading about your family. So happy you are surrounded by them often. We all wish for that but it does not always happen.
Well I came by to say thank you and never dreamed I would be entering one of your fab giveaways if I am not too late!
Love ya
Hello Sweet One...
Your family is so lovely...and you are blessed with so MANY sweet children and grandchildren...I am a very pretty shade of green...LOL
...Well, not really, I have two darlings...but they are not married yet, so I think grandchildren are a ways off...So dearest, I live vicariously through you, and enjoy yours immensely.
I have missed you Julie...stop over for a cuppa when you have time...love Rosie
Oh Julie, what a sweet post! I am always so very touched when I come to visit! Congratulations to your son and his beautiful family! What a uplifting day! Your and your husband are such a handsome couple and so blessed! Always love your testimony!
I love the picture of the bubble bath! It reminds me of something else! :)
Hi Julie,
Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful pictures of your family on such a special day. Everyone looks completely happy. You and your husband must be overflowing with both joy and happiness.
I love the apron, too cute!
Hope your having a wonderful week.
The Tattered Tassel
Julie, such nice pictures of your sons family. I love the picture of Ron and you, that is really good and so sweet. Glad it was a beautiful day in all ways for you to enjoy.
FAMILY---so important right after God in our lives...We must have Him first and foremost.
The apron is precious....please include me! thanks =)
Looks like a lovely & happy day spent with family...the best kind!
Sweet blessings and prayers for many more moments of joy & happiness for your children and grand children.
Enjoy your day,
Gloria @}~`}~~~
it looks like a wonderful family weekend....I love the picture of you and husband on the quilt!!!!
Ok, I finally get to enter your giveaway. usually I miss them somehow!!!!!!!! I adore this apron...wish me luck.
Sign me up for the give away!
Great pictures and happy week end i can see. We are so blessed to have Temples. It gives me hope and help me through the tough times
HI Julie!
What a wonderful weekend with your family! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. Families are Forever!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful family photos.
It sure does look like you had a great day.
I also agree that GOD is our strength.
I would love to win the apron.
I know how thrilled you must be about this sealing! Congratulations!
Beautifully said, Julie. Congratulations to your daughter and her family! So wonderful to be all together in the temple...my favorite thing!
Hope you're having a wonderful day, my friend!
It looks like you had a very special weekend with your family and relaxing on that quilt looks quite nice too.
How sweet of you to be giving away another darling apron. I'd love the chance to enter. Thanks so much.
A most cherished event indeed -- O how you all most have felt -- what a blessed day! Having a nap sound good after such a event - wink!
can i rattle on here for a moment? about 46 years ago i was sealed to my parents and sisters in the Manti Temple. my oldest sister had JUST turned 8 a few days before and she hadn't been baptized yet. my parents hadn't given it any thought. a temple worker caught it and my sister had to go to somewhere, the baptistry?, i would imagine where she was baptized with witnesses she didn't know. my parents weren't there for her or any one she knew. toooo funny. congrats on your son and his family for becoming an eternal one!
This is another of your posts that your sweet spirit jumps right off the screen. You are such a blessing to me, Julie..I always feel renewed and recharged, just visiting you. Sometimes, I put my hand on the screen on your photo and I feel warmth. Often, when I am praying for others, I do the same thing. I can just feel an energy...am I losin' it ??? :)
Thanks for coming by...I nearly fainted and fell over dead when I saw the canisters. Just a really lucky break for me.:)
Hi Julie! Maybe you should keep that sweet little apron to wear to my kitchen party! :) But you've probably got oodles of them. :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
What a wonderful day for them! They are darling.
We had this same experience with our oldest son and family last year.
Perfect day.
Please enter me in your give-a-way!
Looks like a beautiful day together as a family!
Hi Julie..my name is Karen, from
and I have been visiting some of my friends blogs this morning and I see that you and I travel with some of the same good friends..so i just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself.. you have a lovely family and i just love your grand children welcome sign.. I am a proud grandma toooooo.. hope you will stop by to visit me .. and you and i can become blogging friends.. a girl can never have to many sisters in christ as friends..
Have a blessed day..
Julie this was lovely. Truly a beautiful weekend for your family. I especially love the last picture of your son and his family with the Temple behind them and the flag!
The picture of you and the Mr. relaxing at the park is pretty cute too.
Thanks for your testimony through your blog. Families really can be together forever. It is a beautiful gift.
Thanks Julie for the sweet comment.. and thanks for adding me to you list and I will do the same.. i look forward to getting to know each other better..
have a blessed day..
I loved your post which is so beautifully written straight from your heart. I too have a testimony that families can be sealed together for all eternity and there is NO place I would rather be, than in the temple with our children/family. I too agree families are under attack by Satan and we must do all we can to keep our families together.
Your son and family look so beautiful and so do you and Ron. Congratulations on this most cherished and important day!
Julie I just wanted to sa I tried visiting on facebook but it wouldnt connect.Just thought I would mention that.;)
It sounds and looks like a wonderful weekend, Julie.
That gingham prettiness is ADORABLE!
Have a happy Wednesday xxxx
What a cute little apron! I love it so much! The blue checks and the little details of someones hand work is so nice! What beautiful picture and story of your family! How exciting! Thank you for sharing and for getting folks excited about the give-a-way!
Julie, that apron is DARLING! My mom, MarySue (snickerdoodles2.blogspot.com) has gotten me addicted to your blog. Love it and your creativity!!!!
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