it came after a heavy down pour of rain...
but it was worth it!
Kind of like our lives...
some days are just so hard,
and then comes the great joys.
but it was worth it!
Kind of like our lives...
some days are just so hard,
and then comes the great joys.
Our son Corey...after getting his 4-wheeler stuck in a bog of mud!
But he had a sense of humor about it all, especially after wards!
But he had a sense of humor about it all, especially after wards!
They sat and talked with me and told me lots of cute things!
Ella Mae...hanging out the door of our trailer...
looks like she has been in there eating some of grandma's
"S'More Brownies" ...she is always so cute!
looks like she has been in there eating some of grandma's
"S'More Brownies" ...she is always so cute!
a dream come true for Caleb who worships his
uncle Michael.
this over looks the desert awesome!
she was cozy as a bug in a rug and such a good baby!
they are playing air plane, see the wings and
hear the roar of that engine!
hear the roar of that engine!
them at night, talking and laughing.
I love the soft bed of the forest and all the secrets it holds...
(where I was purposed to so many years ago)
it is so beautiful there. This over looks miles and
miles of desert below and a National park.
stopped to watch us through the bushes.
cuteness, but finally fell fast cute!
It has a big hole that was made by a wood pecker and it's hollow inside
where a snug home used to be. We are going to do something with it...
not sure what yet, maybe a cute bird house...any suggestions?
Well, there you have it, our family camp over...
it rained and it was windy but we had so much
fun! Nothing like being together as a family!
I'll be gone now again for a few days...
I'll catch up with all when I get back...
Love everyone of you MUCH!
Well, there you have it, our family camp over...
it rained and it was windy but we had so much
fun! Nothing like being together as a family!
I'll be gone now again for a few days...
I'll catch up with all when I get back...
Love everyone of you MUCH!
Julie.. I am loving the photos of your camping trip. What a big wonderful family you've got. It's great that you all can take trips together.. I can imagine how happy that makes you.
Have a great weekend.
Looks like you guys had so much fun exploring and camping!
What a sweet family you have!
Take care and have a wonderful holiday weekend!
Hugs, Ann
Looks like so much fun. It's wonderful to have a large family that loves each other and likes to spend time together!
Oh, so nice Julie!
You have such a beautiful family!
I love that pic of Ella May, what a cutie!
And it looks like an awesome place to have a family campout with all the cousins getting together!
A time they will always remember!
I just love all the photos of your family and trip! Beauitiful family, beautiful memories for you.
Looks like it may have been a bit on the chilly side but loaded with fun. What gorgeous scenery you had to look at and enjoy.
So much happiness all together. What beautiful large family you have, Julie. Wishing you as much lovely family moments as can be!
Have a happy Saturday xxxx
Hi Julie! Thanks for taking me along for your camping trip! I am in awe and wonder of your wonderful. and beautiful, family. God has certainly blessed you~but you know that!
I'm not sure where you were camping but the setting is awesome and I loved all the pictures. Especially the ones with the kids in them...and that little Ella Mae and baby Sophie...but then I am partial to the babies;>)
Welcome back to the real world!!!Glad you are home safe and sound~ Diana
Oh, what a wonderful time you all had together, Julie! Love all your sweet photos of family and the beautiful nature shots--just gorgeous!
Have a lovely weekend, my friend!
Loved seeing your camping trip in pictures.
Julie, I know you know this, but you are a VERY blessed lady! :)
xoxo Pattie
Such a lovely location for your family camping. Your photos are lovely. I'm one of eight with many grown nieces and nephews with their own children. Except for not going this year, we have had many great, and large, family camping trips. Lots of fun and great memories too.
Julie hi!Looks like all the family had a fun time.Even little Sophia.I love roasting marshmellows,mm just the sound of them makes me
Wishing you a very peaceful Sunday!
What fun, even the new baby got to go. Your grandkids are really beautiful. So nice you could all be there together. I have a son named Shane as well. Lots of memories. Do you scrapbook?
Oh, that looks like a great time!
WHAT A TOTAL BLAST!!! i adore seeing all the pics. You really make me want to go camping with my family. I haven't been since I was a young girl. Glad you had such a wonderful time. Great memories for sure. Hugs, Jen
such a beautiful family and it does my heart good to see people in relationships and the real world instead of techno stuff. the camp site is gorgeous.
Your photos are wonderful my friend..I say this every single time I see your family but must say it are blessed! xoxo
Looks like a beautiful place to camp and a very fun time! Did your grandson lick any little frogs? Those mushrooms look like breads baked to a golden brown! Guess I should go eat dinner!
Hi Julie! Your grands are catching snakes???!!! I'm scared to death!! :)
You have such a wonderful family and y'all have a lot of fun!! Your grands are all just precious and look at little Sophia! I scrolled down and saw all of those darling photos of her - nothing more precious!
Some of those mushrooms look like bread - one, even a seeded hamburger bun!! :)
Have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Wow! You take the most beautiful pictures! So wonderful to be together with the family and everyone looks so happy. :-) Love how the children explore nature and the little critters. Although I'd have to pass on picking up the snakes! LOL Thanks for sharing.
Have a blessed weekend.
What a fun time your family had! You live in such a beautiful state. It's fun to see all your kids and very sweet!
I love camping too, Julie! In fact, we are headed to do some very soon. Looking at your pictures makes me ready to go!
Looking at the view off the mountain reminds me of Bryce Canyon. We went there about 6 years ago and loved the beauty there.
Glad you had such a nice time with your family.
Eileen :0)
Oh, it looks like you all so much family fun!
We love to camp and your pics made me feel as if I was there :)
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!
xo, misha
What a great time you all had Julie! I think family times are the best of times, even if it is windy and rainy! I loved seeing all the pictures and reading your words! Have a wonderful sabbath day! xxoo
Ahhh...A perfect camping trip...I am "sneaking" away for a little break...will stop in before I get back to the old "to do" list...Have a SuNnY SuNdAy Rosie
Isn't it great to have a change of scene and everyone have a holiday together. Looks like you were kept busy by all the grandkids. If anyone was catching snakes around me I would be up the tallest tree in seconds. I even have on my brochure for my cat-sitting service that along with the cats I will care for small animals such as rabbits, hamsters but NO SNAKES!!! Just wanted to make that clear. Loved your photos, especially the one of Ella-Mae. What a sweetheart. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
TFS! Love seeing the fun you had with the family. Look at all those cute grandkids!
Looks like a great time for all. Camping was on my 35 things list...I just couldn't do it. Maybe next year...I am more of a "Hilton Hotel" kind of girl.
Okay Julie, I was looking at these photos thinking, "This is the coolest family ever" right up to the point where the kid is holding the snake. I'm cool with nature and leave things as they are, but all deals are off when it comes to snakes. If I see them, they better be faster than I am otherwise they're dead. ICK!
G'morn, Julie ~ What a lovely family ... the pictures say it all ... LOVE, JOY, PEACE ... it radiates thru. Sophia, oh my ... such a precious bundle. I'd snuggle her forever, too.
Can't deal with the snakes, tho, chuckle!
Have a beautiful holiday weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
WHAT A GREAT TRIP! The kids looked like they had such a wonderful time=0)
Thank you so much for sharing such fun pictures!
What a great vacation... and with all of your family!!! You are very, very blessed my dear friend! I love all the cute kids, and that precious new baby. Looks like you had a wonderful time... thanks for sharing these vacation pictures.
xo Yvonne
Such fun and happy times together. Lots of great memories being made here :)
Wow, what a great way to spend quality time together! Your family is so beautiful...and growing quickly too!
It looks like it was cold there already too. We really are back to front aren't we!
Enjoy your week Julie.
Best wishes,
What wonderful fun for your family. It's beautiful there and so is your family. I also noticed the jackets everyone was wearing. Was there a touch of Fall in the air? :-)
Looks like so much fun! Nothing better than getting out in the mountains with family.
BTW, what were you burning?
From beautiful family to fabulous camping spots, you've got it all. With an RV, I almost like camping better when it's cooler than when it's hot. All the grands want to come snuggle with us and like you, we just bundle up and have a great time. With those big marshmallows, did you eat the outside and then stick them back over the fire? They are lots of fun! So glad you had a nice time together. Family, that's what it's all about!
Looks like you guys had a great time. What a fun way to say goodbye to summer!
Love those giant marshmallows too:)
Such fun!!!!!!!! I love camping w/ my kids and their kids. Great Pictures!
Gorgeous pictures Julie, I bet you all had a great time. Certainly looks like it :)
What a fun weekend! I love family getaways.
My kids would love those giant marshmallows... yummy!
Sad about the weather but that's the mountains for ya -- Glad to see photos where you went and of the happy and some muddy family faces - Having Families events together adds more to our life..
What a beautiful family you have, and what a gorgeous camping spot. I enjoy you the cool temperatures. Still summertime here in Missouri :0!
What a beautiful place! I wanna come ... Looks like you had a blast!
And oh that little baby girl = LoVe!!!
I think your family and my family would get along just fine :-D
I so love seeing the family gathering together, dear Julie!!!!! ... and it has grown a lot...
hugs and joy,
maria cecilia
I almost can feel it..your family spirit! I am talking poems today-who knows why...anyway, you, Julie, are a very happy women.I looove to look at happy people-makes me believe that everything is ok with this world:)
what a great trip....I got a real kick out of the little guy with the snake...typical boy......
Good family fun in a beautiful place!! did you get such fabulous pictures with that new little sophia in your presence?
I know you must have been hugging on her all the time!
good times...isnt summer/early fall the best!
Julie, I so admire how you gather as a family and enjoy time together so much! That is just an awesome gift. Love all the family photos and the ones of sweet little Sophia. Your blog just makes me smile and feel the goodness!
Julie, you need to turn just this post into a book for your family! What a special time for you all, an ideal camping trip as far as I'm concerned! I love this post~
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