can you guess where we went ?
It is 4 hours south of where we was 101 there as apposed to 67 at our home.
It felt so good, more of a dry heat... I am ready to sell it all and go there to live!
We went to a place called St. George, Utah... The elevation drops at
the south end of our state and it is so warm there with red rock like we
have here but there they have palm trees...we had so much fun!
so they gave is this one instead! It was just fine with us, we
ended up with a $150.00 suite for $48.00!
We loved the room and the good deal!
ended up with a $150.00 suite for $48.00!
We loved the room and the good deal!
I felt a bit like Doris Day taking this picture! LOL
I loved the statue of Christus there, it's not a huge as the one
at Salt Lake but still beautiful.
that was built in the west by Mormon pioneers.
It is 141 ft. longX84ft. high and 93ft. wide and 175ft. high
to the top of the weather vain. This temple was built by
a band of stout-hearted pioneers in the days of their poverty.
beautiful on this pleasant summer evening.
To us our Temples are sacred places... places of
holiness and peace, a place set apart from the world where we
can feel a special closeness to God. Everything in the temple
testifies of the divinity and sacrifice of Jesus Christ and teaches
us to follow His example of love and service.. I love the temples.
To us our Temples are sacred places... places of
holiness and peace, a place set apart from the world where we
can feel a special closeness to God. Everything in the temple
testifies of the divinity and sacrifice of Jesus Christ and teaches
us to follow His example of love and service.. I love the temples.
The artist is a man named Al Rounds...I just love his work and have some of
his art and many years I have had one of his calenders. This picture depicts
the St. George temple in the days of the pioneers, I think this is just beautiful!
and all of a sudden this comes into view! I don't even know who the artist is that did
this work but it is as big as life and it looks like something real going on here.
running with wild horses, it is just so striking!
We just went for a short get a way but we had so much
fun sitting in the sun and hot tub and eating out and
driving around site seeing and doing some shopping..
just being together...lots of fun!
So, back home, it's 60 degrees and I am dreaming
about St. George and it's 97 degrees!
Now I'm off to try to catch up with all your posts!
We just went for a short get a way but we had so much
fun sitting in the sun and hot tub and eating out and
driving around site seeing and doing some shopping..
just being together...lots of fun!
So, back home, it's 60 degrees and I am dreaming
about St. George and it's 97 degrees!
Now I'm off to try to catch up with all your posts!
I am so happy that you and your sweetie got away for a while. What a beautiful room and the price you can not beat.
These pictures are just awesome both of the Temples and of Mr Rounds work.
It always amazes me to see such grand work made in the 1800's when they did not have the tools we use today.
Your comment left for me today is just to funny more like something Ms. Pearl would leave and not us. lol
Love ya
What a gorgeous place Julie!
Very lovely photos and the temple is amazing. :)
Hi Julie! So glad you had a wonderful time! Your room was gorgeous and what a blessing to get the deal you did! :)
Loved hearing about your funness!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
I thought Salt Lake Temple was the first one built in the I just learned something.
Closest Temple to me is Cardston..a 3 hr drive away, but Calgary will have a Temple soon...cant wait !!
Sounds like a fun getaway.
I swear I see dust behind those horse statues in Snow Canyon. It's 103 degrees here in AZ. You'd really get toasty here. St. George has really grown since the good old days, huh? Glad you had a fun trip. Your home area is gorgeous. I would consider that a vacation every day.
How fun! I've only actually stayed in St. George once, but I loved it! I need to get down there and visit the temple, it's so beautiful!
Julie, How romantic! And for 48 dollars! wow!!!
I love a little getaway with my hubby!
Have a pretty day!
Looks like you had the perfect get a way. Those mirrors are really cool. Love that picture. And that temple is just beautiful.
The fortitude and determination of pioneers is inspiring, especially the pioneers building those beautiful temples.
That looks like a wonderful getaway. This sounds like one time when you don't mind having the hotel make a mistake. What a beautiful room!
The temple is amazing. How nice for you to be part of a religion so rich in history.
The horse statues are also amazing.
Hey, thanks for letting me tag along. I almost feel like I just had a little getaway.
Thanks too for your sweet comments.
O, I know ya'll had such a great time, just being together.
I love the beautiful temple. I don't think I've ever been inside a temple.
Your bath looked beautiful...ummm
Was just catching up on your family camping weekend...looks like so much fun. Oh my...our families...what would we do without them?
You surely are holding a sweetie in your profile photo. :))
Julie-What an amazing post! I love the place where you stayed and I am so glad that you had a good time. Your history "lesson" is wonderful....and I didn't realize before that Utah actually was warm enough for palm trees!
Welcome back to the real world! Diana
Love St. George. It's a favorite get-away spot for us. We love to go down and see the plays at the Tuachan Theatre in Ivins.
Your room was really beautiful. Every time I see that temple I am amazes at it's beautiful. Glad you had a chance to get away.
I am so glad you had a chance for a getaway! It looks like a lovely place!
So fun to get away even for a few days. I love to stop in St George when we drive to California. Such a wonderful place in the winter;o). Looks like you had lots of fun with your family camping. Such beautiful country down by where you live. Those are some mighty cute grandkids. Mimi
I'm jealous!! Happy for you, but jealous!! ;-) Looks like lots of relaxing fun!! AND...what a deal you got on the room...GREAT!! :-)
We love St. George too...been to Snow Canyon but have not seen the wonderful artwork there! Lucky you...what a great place to get way. Joni
It sounds like you had a great time!
I love St George! We went there in April when I was SOOOOO sick of winter. It was what saved my sanity.
Looks like you had a great time. Yay for the mistake at the poshy hotel!
OHHHH!!! I so need to get down there to see TARZAN! I keep forgetting!
What a fabulous room and a lucky break for you two! :)
And I love those paintings by Al ... wow, they're just beautiful. (As is the St George Temple - it is just precious, inside and out!)
what a fun getaway. beautiful room, beautiful temple....sound great to me.
you got so lucky with that lovely room! I love palm trees! I love the hot weather too!!
What a nice trip you guys had! I kind of think I would prefer 67 to 101 degrees though. Aw, but it's dry heat right? That's what I have heard. Dry heat isn't as uncomfortable as humidity and heat.
Lovely room and very special rate :)
What a wonderful holiday! I love the Indian and horses running in the desert! I would LOVE to SEE that with my own eyes!
Sounds like a wonderful get-away.
There is just something about a couple days alone with the hubby, in a beautiful place that makes the world a happier place!!
Those paintings are amazing - I love the one with the flag on the SLC Temple!
Hi Julie,
Sounds like a great get-away and a great deal too!
I love going away and just spending time with my hubby.
And most people would probably pick your 67 degrees over the 97. But I know how you feel. When it's cooler you want some warmth!
Take Care,
So beautiful, we love St. Gorge and the Temple and peaceful. Al round did a painting of the Oakland Temple that I have been trying to find for years. He is good!
Your post with yor photos of the Temple and visitors center and the Christus reminded me of our trip to the Oakland temple last week. I think I posted it on Saturday. It is wonderful when you are retired you can actually take a minute and do that kind of stuff. We watched the Joseph Smith movie without being was great.
Glad you had fun!
Soooooo sweet being together just the two of you!!!!
What a fun get away. I love the photo taken in the mirror... very clever.
It's been a while since I've been to St. George- it looks like you had a wonderful time- what a pretty hotel room.
That picture of the endless arm is amazing! Loving the idea of mirrors on both sides.
You must have had a great time, according to these lovely pictures, Julie.
Have a happy Wednesday! xxxx
St George is so fun to visit...I think I could live there year round too. We were just there the end of May when all the flowers around the temple were in bloom...that temple is so pretty and white!
hi dear, thats a very adventurous and soothing place u have enjoyed a lot..hope to visit it one day..great pics..thanx for sharing..
Hi Julie!
Thanks for taking us along to see the modern {loved that bath} and the vintage... The temple, statues and paintings are just wonderful to see!
So glad you enjoyed it all! I would have too!!!
Blessings and Grace for every moment ♥ Maria
Looks beautiul Julie!Lovely place and im sure you needed the time to get away.What a lovely choice.
Amazing photos Julie, so glad you had a great time, and yay on the upgrade:)
Julie, these photos are incredibly beautiful! Can you imagine the pioneers building such ornate and gorgeous temples without the tools of today? In my humble opinion, it makes them even more meaningful. I'm glad you had a great get away ~ and I hope your week is peaceful and fun!
Beautiful! How lovely to have a getaway like that. Sounds dreamy.
What a lovely get-away to be sure! The Doris Day bubble bath looks divine. Love the horse bronzes out on the open range.
I'm just thrilled your and your sweetie go to go on a little holiday!
I'm also glad somebody goofed up on your room because this one looks like almost heaven. What a deal. I love the statues of the horses runnin'...' just amazin'!!!
God bless and have a super day sweetie!!!
Hi Julie,
Looks like your get away was a huge success! I just love St. George, the temple and climate like you said. Our mission president and his wife live there and we visit together often. We stay with them, but your room looks lovely...what a deal! I'm ready for a warmer climate too...anyway glad you had a wonderful time together with Ron.
Hi Julie
Such a wonderful get-away. I have never been to Utah but would love to travel there one day. Your photos are spectacular (and I love the reference to Doris Day) ♥
Oh, so beautiful, Julie....St. George is one of my favorite stunning with it's pure white against the red rock.
Thanks for introducing me to Al Rounds...never heard of him before, and his work is just gorgeous!
Glad you had a wonderful time!
What a wonderful getaway you two had, Julie! It's so nice and necessary to get away with our hubbies sometimes! That bathtub is great - I think I'd be spending lots of time there!
Love the artist that did the paintings. Your area of the west is so beautiful. Right now, I'm wishing for 67 degrees, not 97! Have a wonderful week.
I had to laugh at your bubble bath picture...:) cute! Wonderful for you that you got that upgraded room dirt cheap. It looks heavenly!
I know St. George very well! My Mom was born and raised there (along with her ten siblings)! When her and my Dad moved to California we went back every Summer to spend our vacations. When they retired they moved back to St. George, but since then have moved up to Central. Small world for sure!
p.s. your little grandbaby is just the cutest as "cute" can be!!! Those professional photos are very precious too!!!
The Temple is simply white!!
And the painting...oh my!
What a wonderful place to visit (and for a bargain too)
Hi Julie,
It looks like you had a fun get away! It's always nice to have some alone time away. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos! :)
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Hi Julie~I loved the pictures...looks like y'all had a wonderful mini-vacation.
Also, I viewed the pictures from your family camping weekend. Just great family fun and so many beautiful children, big and small!
You and your hubby are truly blessed.
The Tattered Tassel
Really Utah...palm trees?? Who knew!! Looks like a fun time and what a steal for your room. We went up North for Labor day and paid almost $300 for our room...YIKES!!!
Glad you got to get away and that you had a nice time. Neat how the room worked out. Looks like a lovely place. Maybe someday I will get to Utah.
Glad you had a nice get away. Lovely pictures. Someday maybe I will get to Utah. Cool deal on the room!
Oooh..that looks like a nice place to stay! I want that tub in my bathroom! :)
What a beautiful room and a great deal too. I'm glad you were able to get away like that. I'd take the cooler weather though :-) We've had it in the 90's until today, and we're in heaven because of the cooler weather :-)
{{{{{JULIE}}}}}...bread, milk, jelly, cheese, onion and salt...??
OMGosh aren't pregnant, are you ???
Nice room and great photos. I would love the 67 degrees more. I am tired of hot.
How fun Julie! Love that temple, the architectual detail is really somehting!!
What a great deal on a BEAUTIFUL room. The temple is gorgeous. What a fun getaway!!
Dear Julie
I am so glad that you and Ron could get away for a few days....! I must say that I thought you were somewhere in Florida when I saw the palm
Your room looked wonderful and what a blessing for only $48! What a lovely trip you had! I love the architecture of the temple's!
Ixx :)
Looked like a very fun and restful getaway! I totally agree with your comments about connecting HIS followers together. The encouragement is like a fresh bouquet of flowers. Thanks for stopping by my place.
It looks like you had the same idea I had - to get away before the winter winds start to howl! I'm hoping to get a St. George trip in before it gets too cold, I love going there also, it's such a nice place to go warm my old bones!
I love your pictures and your descriptions of the places you visit. I also appreciate the education you provide regarding the Mormon religion. Thank you so much.
Thank you for your visit. If you have a chance you might be interested to see the lamp my great-grandmother carried with her during the Galveston Hurricane of 1900. It's an old picture, but I was glad I found it!
Thanks for your sweet comments. Have a great weekend. I would give anything for temps in the 60s! lol
Ladybug Creek
Sounds like a lovely getaway for you and your honey. :) Thanks fot stopping by and do come back soon. :)
Nice pictures! Beautiful Temple and the horse sculpture is stunning!
What a wonderful get-a-way. The perfect place, I agree. St. George has become our home away from home.
Sounds like a great trip that picture of your arm and the camera...caused a big smile to pop up on my face. Hope you enjoyed that big bubble bath you had going. That sculpture of the horses was so beautiful against the backdrop of the cliffs. Gorgeous. Glad you had fun...we enjoy the little weekend getaways now as much as a big vacation.
St. George is a great get-away! I love your picture taking of the jacuzzi.
The temple is so beautiful!
Looks like you had a lot of fun! Perfect time for St George :)
Love going there :)
getaways just because are so wonderful....i love the horse sculptures....what a wonderful thing to see as your are driving......
Hi Julie...Oh you would never give up that gorgeous view of yours just for some old palm trees...I lived in Florida...believe me they get old after a while...and how fun that you and the hubby got to get away for a fun trip..The temple is just stunning...and in your last post your grandchildren are juest beautiful...they really do all look like you!!
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Oh sweet one what a wonderful time so deserved it. Happy weekend and thanks for sharing...I am gone for a bit but will visit when I get back! xoxox
So happy that you got to have a "get-away" with your hunny..
We all need that dont we?!
Your room looks lovel and what a great deal!!
Photos are gorgeous as always!!
Deborah \0/
What a wonderful time you must have had. The virtual tour was wonderful...I really can't wait to visit your beautiful part of the world one day!
Best wishes,
67 sounds like heaven to me! I didn't know that Utah had an area where palm trees grew!
I am new to your blog and so glad that I woke up at 2 am to tuck my sweet little boy in his bed and check on my chillans one last time, you are amazing and I am so glad that I came across your blog!!! Your words are so comforting and I love the happiness that you so freely share!!! What an amazing example!!! love
a new friend
Tifani Cluff
Safford AZ
ps come check my blog and get to know us a little better, I have to warn you it can get a little crazy!! ( not as crazy as having 8, but somedays even with 4 I feel like I am raising 8) WHEW!!!!
Hi Beautiful Julie!
What a fun getaway and beautiful photos of the temple!!! Having never been to your area it is wonderful to see these places and things that I may never experience so thank you for sharing them and your world with us.
Much love,
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