clouds. I could do that for hours and not be bored. I am sure you did it too, it was
so fun imagining I could see all kinds of critters up there, it was magical. I hope
we don't loose that just because we are grown ups now, it's still just as magical for
me even now...and yes, I have been doing just that and it was wonderful.
Samantha's turn because she got up there and didn't move for hours!

cute. I just love the Pickles cartoons in the newspaper. (Click on it to see it better)
They had been camping and Sophia was so excited about everything that
she wouldn't go to sleep until 12:30 that night. Needless to say, the next
day she was so tired, so she took a little nap on grandma's bed for awhile,
then we all went to lunch and played at the park...a fun short visit for me.

We will be a bit sad to sell it and move on, but this saying is really true, and as we have
prayed about it and pondered our future we have realized that there is so much more
to a real life than just having a beautiful home. There are others to help and love and
an eternity that will come faster than we can imagine and I want to be ready for that.
I want to walk into the next life hand in hand with my husband, knowing that...yes,
this is who I want to spend eternity with and knowing that we have done all we can
do to live as we should, as followers of Jesus Christ. So we go forward, putting it on
the market, preparing to downsize big time. I have heard that, "love grows best in little
houses" and that is what we are looking for. We are so excited to be making this "leap
of faith"...and praying that miracles will happen for us as we seek to serve the Lord.

Way up there in the sky but peeking into my window....beautiful!
If you or anyone you know might be interested go to my side bar at the top
and you can get more details on it.

am excited to get a new one though...I thought this was cute, decals that you can
put on a washer, very cool. By the way ladies....what is the best brand to buy???

and then stuff them with pillows! I think any child would just love
this. Hum... with 20 grand children, do I dare? Might take awhile!
And now a cookie I love

Take 1 pouch of Sugar Cookie Mix
1 (3.4 oz) Pistachio instant pudding mix
1/4 cup flour...stir together.
1/2 cup butter, melted
and 2 eggs
1 cup dry roasted pistachio nuts, chopped
1/2 cup dried cranberries, chopped
(optional, a tiny bit of green food coloring)
I didn't add any to these though.
Bake for 8-10 minutes at 350'
take from oven and let them set on the
cookie sheet for 2 minutes, then rack to cool.
Makes two dozen delicious cookies!
Don't forget go lay in the sun today, we all need a bit of real
vitamin-D. Take some cookies with you and a friend, big or little
and enjoy this heavenly Summer time my friends.
~My love to all~

Clouds...I still do that with fluffy clouds! Just as fun as a child!
Cookies...I have all the ingredients to make these TODAY! The kids are all coming over to swim. Thanks for the recipe!
Words of wisdom...I love the faith you have in the Lord! He will bless you bundles. I have had the dream home also, and downsize some. I love the saying "a house is a home where love dwells"! Little homes are so sweet.
Love the pillowcase pad idea!!! I think I might have to give it a try! Thanks for all that you give to all of us in blogland!
Love you Julie,
P.S. What company did you go with to print your blog into a journal! 450 pages! Wonderful!
Great post. I wish we could be out more in the summer sun, but with the humidity and heat index over 100 it is to hard for me to breathe.
Are you planning on staying in the same area??
Such a sweet post, Julie, I feel sad you are selling but I know it will all be done before you know it. I like the saying about love grows best in a little house! I certainly have that. Those cookies sound wonderful, I will make them when it is a little cooler. I love pistachio. xo,
So much fun going on all the time down in your beautiful haven Julie! I just noticed your picture of "The King and I." How wonderful for you! I am sure my theater girl will want to do musicals for the rest of her life! (I can just see you as Anna too.) xo
I am a MAYTAG girl.
Will have to try those cookies...OH HOW WE LOVED those pistachio cupcakes of yours at St. Pats!
Oh my Julie, you are brave to sell your gorgeous home and start a new chapter! I have thought about doing something similar, but I guess I would have to finish mine first!!!
I'm not ready yet, but I see the day coming when this place and all of it's critter inhabitants are just too much for me.
Where will your horses go?
Love the pic of your little granddaughter sleeping...
I love your happy Posts Julie!
They always make me smile!
And we have smallish house, only 1600 sq.feet and it's plenty for us!
Less to clean too although with Addison here a lot I am cleaning and recleaning more than ever.
Love that little Sophie!
The cookies are very pretty and sound tasty! Little Sophia sleeping is so sweet. Praying that your home sells quickly and that you find exactly what you are looking for.
I love the sleeping bags with the 5 pillows - would be great for kids to watch tv in the floor!
Hope you have a restful evening.
what a rich and inspiring post.The photos are just beautiful,, what a lovely little grand daughter, so sweet.Those pillow cases sewn together are such a cool idea,, and the cookies,, oh ya,, thos e are delicous of course!!Have a wonderful day,,thanks for sharing all this,,
Julie, I love the pillow ideal. Kids would like that! Could do bright colors or pillow cases found at Goodwill. For a bigger mat use the body pillows. Sophie looks so cute sleeping. Cookies sound good. Love the moon thru the windows. I am sure you guys will miss your house but that is alot to keep up. Nice when that big family all comes together tho. Wishing you many blessings for your future.
I do still love looking at clouds! Most of the time I run and grab my camera now to see if I can capture any glimpse of how my eye is seeing them. Caught a few...:)
Little Sophia looks so sweet in her camping photos and sleeping in Grandma's bed. It is so sweet having them visit. Our little Sophie is up here at the moment taking a nap!! :) Isn't it so fun having them visit! Your grandkids are all very adorable. What a blessing they are!
Sounds like you have the right attitude about your home selling. A big house is TONS of extra work. I think a lot of people would love to downsize to simplify. And, we all know we can't take it with us when we leave this earth!!
I tried to comment on your last post but couldn't for some reason?? I loved the words on Motherhood..:) Beautiful!!
Have a blessed week, sweet friend...
Oh what a fun post. Pickles is also my favorite....they are always to true to life.
Love the pillowcase idea. What a great way to make a padded mats.
So many good things, as always, Julie!! I just have to say that I love the quote on your sidebar: Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild - Welch Proverb. I can relate! ;)
blessings ~ tanna
What a great SUMMER post...Love everything about it..and the cookies look so yummy!
What a fun post! I LOVE that beehive cake! It is just so cute..wouldn't that be fun at an outdoor tea party? Those cookies look really good too. I am praying for a fast sale on your home! xo Diana
I still sit occasionally and look at the clouds trying to see what I can find in them :)
Love those decals for the washer, very cool
Now those cookies, those look delicious. I have to try those.
Beautiful pictures and sentiments and always a lot of wisdom in your posts, Julie.
My little granddaughter and her mom are coming this weekend from San Antonio ...Isabelle's first ever visit to the farm. Not sure who's more excited, me or her Grandpa. The pillowcase idea is wonderful! I think I will make Isabelle one using a a king-size pillow and case. I'll personalize it for her and it can be her 'nap mat' when she comes to visit.
Realtors are pretty good about pre-qualifying buyers these days. I expect the first ones that look at your beautiful home will want to buy it. Who wouldn't?!?
WOW!! What a jam packed post!! I LOVE that you are so willing to always share your testimony!! What an excellent example you are.
Yes, I to remember laying in the grass and watching the clouds. I should do more of it, I'm sure it's good for the soul!! Thanks for the reminder!!
Keep enjoying your Summer!
Julie, I really admire what you and Ron are doing. It will be a big sacrifice but as we know...sacrifice is part of the plan. You will be taking the most important things with you wherever you go.
I just got my cake plate like yours the other day via the mail from Deseret Book. They had them for 75% off. I jumped at the chance. It is bigger than I remembered but so pretty. I got the brown one too. I am using as my center piece on my kitchen table. I put some pretty,shinny coppery balls in it and a battery operated candle too. It looks so great, especially at night. Do you keep anything in yours?
Love to you and best wishes for a fast sale so you can move on to a new adventure. B
Best of luck selling your home, Julie!
Your Bobby cat in the last post looks a lot like this little stray kitten I call Tiger at my house! ;)
I have a Fischer and Paykal washer and drier. I hate them. Stay away from that brand! lol.....
There is so much beauty to summer...it's such a blessing to absorb it all!
I like that pillow bed idea - cute. It was lots of fun to stop by for a little while, wish it could have been longer. Sophia loves seeing her grandma! Hope you guys can sell soon, we're excited to have you in St. George. :)
I still enjoy looking at the clouds too :)
I usually call our friend that's a repair guy and ask which brand he repairs the most, then I know which one NOT to buy. He's told me before that Kitchenaid is what he buys, and a few years back (when we were purchasing a dishwasher) he said he was having lots of trouble with fairly new Maytags. I'm not sure what's best now, but checking with a few local repairmen might help. Just as long as they're honest and not trying to drum up business :)
Your sleeping granddaughter looks so sweet:) I LOVE the beehive cake(I have a "thing" for bees/beehives too)!
We are living in our 200 square foot quest house while we build so our love should be really strong!!..lol...beautiful post...
Looks like these would make a perfect Christmas cookie - all red and green.
What an exciting venture for you and your husband. I hope it sells quickly and smoothly for you and we can see what you do next.
Mmmm the cookies aound dee-vine, Miss Julie! I'm still giggling ovet the cartoon... that was too cute.
I hope you have lots of success with your home, my dear.
I will always remember laying in my backyard grass with my brother watching the clouds roll by and guessing what each shape looked like. Fun, simple summertime memories! The best kind! :0)
PERFECT BLOG!! Food, humor and inspiration!!!
Finally! I have not been able to comment on so many blogs and yours was one of them!!!
I am so excited to see where this next chapter in your life takes you and and the Mr! I know are thrilled and scared. A healthy dose of both is always good, my Nana always says!
God has big plans for you, Julie!
xo, misha
Downsizing is very hard. You have such a noble goal and i am so happy you want to serve.
Love the cookies and i want to make them now.
Happy summer!
I love clouds & always have! I still enjoy cloudgazing...there is just so much beauty in the sky's above.
And you couldn't be more right about The Best Things in Life, they are definitely not things but rather who's!!!
I always love visiting your blog..it shows what a beautiful heart you have.
Have a wonderful weekend Julie.
Cheers Katherine :)
I guess we got lots of love in our house (as it is only 950 sq feet) and WE DO
It will be hard for you to leave that beautiful place I am sure, but as you said, you have more important goals set for yourselves now, and it'll all work out.
Those pillow cases stuffed looks so dang cute.
Well I just can't bear to go lay in the sun I'm afraid, it's triple digits here and way too hot to even be out for 5 minutes. I will have to wait til Fall and cooler temps to enjoy Mr Sunshine again, right now I'm not liking him very much :-/
Love those pillow beds, what a great idea, and oh my the cookies! I might have to make those.
Dear Julie
It was wonderful to visit again today and see Samantha enjoying summer on the bench, little Sophia taking a nap, and the adorable yellow cake with bees! I love bees too! Surprised that you are moving but it will be a new chapter in your lives! All of the best with the sale of your farm.
HELLO JULIE!!! To start, THANK YOU so much for your kind and thoughtful comments on my blog!! I so enjoy hearing from you, and I'm so sorry that I've missed visiting your blog!! But I've enjoyed catching up because in reading this post, I am reminded of those leaps of faith that I've made in my life too. Those leaps can be just a a little scary, even in knowing that we're doing exactly what we are supposed to do--But that assurance that comes in those moments really helps to get us through, doesn't it?
Take care, I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, and thank-you again for your friendship! :-)
You definitely have the right idea about the things that are important in this life. I admire you for the leap of faith you are taking. May God bless each step you take.
Let me know what washer you decide on,I've got to get me a new one and don't have a clue what to buy.
Now that looks like a Christmas cookie if I've ever seen one! Boy you make the yummiest things Julie!
I have been thinking about you a lot lately and I really hope that your house sells soon so that you can do all the things you have planned.
Take care and best wishes for a wonderful week!
Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me
Morning, Pretty Julie! You're so right - I love that saying - it's not the 'things' but the joy in our hearts!
I hope you're getting some bites on the sale of your beautiful home! Good luck with picking a new washer - my olden one is still ticking! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Julie I can not wait to see what you will do next. I know that your home will sell quickly, it is gorgeous.
Those cookies look yummo ~ I've been in the baking mood lately, which explains why my pants are tight. Ughh. : )
I am often called a dreamer, a child stuck in a womans body ~ to some probably wierd, but I always have my head in the clouds. ( I just wish I had the energy of a child.)
The photos are all too cute.
Thanks for the blog reading advice.. I basically do the same thing that you do ~ once I clean out the blog list it should be easier. I have the who's ~ who's mixed up and I have to go through the whole list (that is not on the blog) and see who I want to add and who not. Yikes. : )
Have a fantastic Sunday.
You had me at the bee cake! I must save this one for future reference (we are now "beekeepers" :)) That cookie recipe sounds right up my alley - thank you! -Tammy
The fall is when we watch the beautiful, puffy clouds...too hot during the summer. :)
Your cookies sound wonderful.
Wishing a fast sale for you so you can get on with your new life. As we get older, it is so much easier for us to have less to take care of.
Blessings and love, bj
oh girlfriend.. to be that cat... not a care in the world..just relaxing and enjoying the summer..wow..what a life..
loved all the pics..and of your granddaughter , how cute..
go and enjoy your summer..God Bless xoxoxo
I so love your spirit and attitude Julie. You uplift me often and I thank you. Also, that pillowcase idea is really cute. Thanks for sharing and inspiration.
Hoping all goes well for you in the sale of your home! So beautiful! Cute pictures!!
Many blessings,
You are right about the best things in life....this new phase in your life may just be the best yet! Real life is happening right now...I too am glad to be ready for that BIG day too!
Summer here is just too darn hot! And the humdity makes it unreal!
Good luck with the sale of your home and in your new journey!
I totally love your pictures!
I am so sad that you're selling the place!
I love the moon in your window best of all. You certainly have taken enough pictures to remember everything though.
The cookies look delish!
Will be trying them. You have always shared such wonderful recipes. The bee cake looks too good to eat!
Thanks for the cookie recipe. It looks delicious. I love how you look for the good in everything. I hope the house sells quickly.
Love the stickers on the washer. Where can I get some of those?
I wish I could pick up your house and move it to our property here in Wisconsin.
Love to try and figure out cloud formations ~ fun! I think I have everything to make those cookies so thanks for sharing the recipe. Miss Sophia looks adorable while napping. They go at breakneck speed and then when they decide to give it up, they sleep so soundly. I wish I could do that! :-)
I was thinking about you and moving and all those pets. Kind of hard. I love your beehive cake, that looks yummy. And so far, I like my Bosch washer and dryer. No problems and tons of laundry. I even let my neighbor use it weekly for a year!
Good luck with your new endeavor Julie! Although I know you'll be blessed and won't really need the luck. You always come up with the best recipes. This one sounds delish. And your grands are almost as cute as mine. Mimi
Such a sweet post, Julie. Good luck selling your home. your cookie recipe looks delicious.
I'm not sure how I missed this post but I'm glad I backtracked! I LOVE the pillow, pillow case idea!! I'm definitely storing that one for just the right time. Also the bee cake...
You're blog is always so full of good things!
Blessings, Debbie
Is that a Siamese cat, Julie? He is beautiful.
Your house is so pretty, but I understand what you are saying, the best things in life aren't things, for sure.
God bless you as you take this next step of faith.
We have been having gorgeous summer weather here in Winnipeg, it has cooled off to 84* today, yesterday and every day before that for the last couple of weeks has been in the 90"s! Lovin' it!!!
I believe in te saying too -- and the cookie you shared my goodness yum! -- umm what kind of washer brand --umm don't dare say we've had a bit of bad luck unil we got our Bosch.. best of luck..
The pillow cases are SUCH a good idea - thanks -- I wonder if I dare sew by hand..wink!hugs
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