his job done, so we can move along to our plans for the future.
like to enjoy a soak in the hot tub, grill some steaks or just look at...
you all had a great 4Th of July, we certainly did.
home and take a good look around because it's... FOR SALE.
with gorgeous views out of every one of them.
the stars or a full moon peeking in on you, or the clouds floating by.

on the net. Tomorrow they will take more pictures and do a virtual tour
of it and I will share that with you as I get it.

a place to sit and read or just gawk at the gorgeous views.

and even right out the back windows to such beautiful red rock
views. It's all very open and spacious and comfortable.

the back deck and hot tub... so convenient and fun!

look at what you get to sit and gaze at, all day long if you like...

horses and sheep and some deer. You can watch a storm roll off
the Boulder Mountain and right up to your door as you sit in warmth
and comfort...it's a sight to behold!

and there is room to really spread out here with family & friends.

You can stand there to prepare dinner or bake cookies
and look out at a view from 3 big full windows that will
knock your socks off!

breaks up the dark stained hickory cabinets beautifully.
Stainless steel appliances and Quartz counter tops (they
don't ever need to be polished) it's an easy kitchen to keep up.

I just love having it close like that, everything at my finger tips.

Out of one of the big windows of this room you get to see...

place to be with family and friends. It is a walk out basement
and there are lots of big full windows to see the views out of.

room with a pool table and ping pong. Lots of light and openness.

This is the description from the realtor:
Southern Utah Splendor. The striking appearance of this home near Torrey, Utah matches it's gracious ease for a residence. The lines of the home are in perfect harmony with the background of Thousand Lake Mountain's red cliffs. The generous 5000 square feet of living area, together with covered wrap-around decks and porches provide a nice feeling of space. Six bedrooms, three full baths, study/library, an open kitchen, dining room area and great room are perfectly placed. The windows are of significant size and placement to maximize the tremendous views of Boulder Mountain. Vaulted ceilings add to the open, airy atmosphere. Dark stained Hickory floors, Quartz counter tops and many more quality features are throughout the home. A full finished walk-out basement with ground level windows provide more, light and open living space. A three car garage is attached. There are 8.3 acres adjacent to public land on three sides, with trails and space for jogging, walking, horseback riding, 4 wheeling, motorcycling, etc. adding to the sense of space and freedom and fun. There are horse corrals and shed, chicken coop and run, a gathering place for friends and family with trees and a fire pit. Possibility for commercial use. Located 4 miles from Torrey and about 15 minutes from Capitol Reef National Park on highway 24 on one end and on the other Fish Lake. Priced at $540,000
Go here, and then click on, to see properties, then in the
Bicknell town area, click on... Southern Utah Splendor.
Contact...Cathy Bagley
Some of you have asked why we are selling such a place...
We are in need of some serious down-sizing ( the pets will go with us.)
Just about anything else is negotionable.
We need the money from this place to organize our future. We want to get
a smaller place and we we want to serve some missions for our church,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We want to have time
to spend with family and each other, preparing for Eternity as husband
and wife. Life is just too busy pulling us apart everyday, time to get back to
us, and what we now want to do as a couple, and that is, serving the Lord.
Let me know, if you know of anyone who would be seriously interested in
this beautiful home and property. I'll keep you updated on anything more
there is to share on all of this. Spread the word friends!

I feel excited for you and a little sad as well.
I sure wish I could buy it - Wow your home truly is stunning!!!
I think it will sell fast!
If only I had the money to buy that home. Wonderful place you have there.
Oh my, that's a lot of house to give up, but you aren't giving up anything...the memories all go with you! We have moved many times and each house is home until the next stage of our life. We both love change, some people fear the unknown but God provides and there is so much out there just waiting for us to open our hearts and minds!! Good luck with the move and all of the hard work it entails.
Wow Julie. Your home is so much larger than I imagined. It is really magnificent. I hope that the right family is just waiting for it. I know that once you make a big decision like this you have thought about it for a long time so I am sure you are ready and anxious to size-down. Will you be travelling for your church as missionaries? I have to ask because it is gnawing at me as I type this. Are you taking your animals? If not, what is ahead for them? Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
I sure wish I could buy it. It is so beautiful there.
I'll bet it is going to be hard for you to let go.
I sure hope that it sells and you can move on with your future together and doing for the lord.
It's BEAUTIFUL! I can't imagine leaving it behind. I hope you get what you need as you go forward to your next journey.
Oh my goodness your home is just divine. When I was looking through the photos, I was thinking to myself, this is definitely out of my range of affordability .. then I read $540,000. I was so surprised, I thought it would have had to be over a million. In Brisbane, Australia..you definitely wouldn't buy anything as beautiful as this for $540,000.
Good Luck with finding a buyer for your home so that you may begin your future in your new home.
I've always thought your house was so beautiful. I know you feel blessed to have spent so many years there with many memories! Hopefully it will sell quickly...I mean, what's not to love? :)
Also can't wait to hear what you two are moving on to do and where you will be! And how exciting to make a new place all your own. I can just see you, Julie, nesting all over the place and cozying up a house and making it yours. How fun!
Julie, your home is truly located in paradise, wow... Your home is so lovely. I hope it all goes smoothly and quickly for you so you can start the next phase of your life. Blessings to you and your family. xo
are you selling the animals as well?I just wondered because i know how much they mean to you,,we sold and moved into an apartment, we are happy now,, but it takes time, when you have a goal such you then it will be easy,, well easier,,its a breat taking home and view, I'm sure it will sell quickly,
Gorgeous home Julie!!!
God bless you on this part of your journey...He will make a way.
Deborah xoxo
What an exciting new chapter to your life! I'm sure your beautiful home will sell quickly and you will find the perfect new home for this stage of your life! Good luck with everything.:)
I would love to buy your place, it's gorgeous. Only one problem though... I can't afford it. But if I could I would. Good luck, hopefully a nice large family will fall in love with it and buy it on the spot.
Julie, Like the others I would love to move out into your house and the beautiful country that you are always showing us pictures of but I will probably always be right here in Southern Illinois. Your house is beautiful and anyone would be lucky to get it. Best wishes as you and your hubby move into the future.
As a homebuilder I know for a fact that you could not have this house built for $540.000! The price of everything has sky rocketed! Wishing you good luck in your new adventure!
Such a beautiful home, how long have you lived there? It is hard to make changes, even when you know they will make you happy. Lots of good memories I bet.
Oh wow Julie, if I was ever considering moving back to the states I´d love a home like yours!! That red cliff background is AMAZING...and all those windows..I love windows in a home and with views like that!! So wonderful!!
I completely understand you want to downsize now that the kids are moved out and on their own. I´m sure you´ll find something equally as charming in a smaller scale.
Good luck with the sale, hope it will be quick and you get a lovely family with lots of kids who want to take over and be the next generation in your gorgeous home!
Holy Crow Julie! I never thought I'd see the day. I have to say I reas the title of this post and shouted, "What?" However, I do understand and if I was looking for a move, your place would be just what I would be looking for.
Best wushes in your future plans. It's priced well, I know it'll sell.
Your home is a dream. Someone will be so lucky to live there. I am glad that you are sure that you want to do this. I am excited for you but a tad bit sad for you as well. I honestly can't believe that the price is so low. I would have guessed so much more than that. Good luck in your plans. I know that you will bloom where you are planted. Just make sure they have internet so we don't loose you.
Julie- I am excited AND anxious for you! I know that selling will be bittersweet for you...but I also know that if you are "called" to do this is makes it much easier to make the changes! God bless and I am praying for a quick sale for you. xo Diana
I can only imagine that this is bitter sweet for you and your family, but you do sound like you are ready for the change, so that's a good thing! What an absolutely amazing piece of property this is! It truly is spectacular in every way! I wish I could buy it (seriously) ... wow, just lovely. Good luck! ;)
Best wishes going out to you and your hubby! Hope that all will work out for you just as you would like it to.
Looks like you have everything ready for showings, and hopefully you will have an offer before you know it :-)
Julie, enjoyed taking the tour of your home. It is beautiful, the view is unbelievable. I pray you will make the transition quickly and I know this too will come one day. I don't do well with change, but I had the thought today, life is ticking right on by have I done what HE (my Lord & Saviour) put me here for. Blessings to you & your family, Karen
Your house is just gorgeous and as realtors are always saying 'location, location, location' ...even the LOCATION is gorgeous. I know you will find just the right buyer and it will be as much a blessing to the new family as it has been to yours.
I know what you mean about downsizing. We accumulate so many 'things' in this life, but what is REALLY important is our family and our called purpose from God. That calling may vary from person to person, but we ALL have a calling and those who figure out what it is are truly blessed. Your house has been a blessing to you and yours all these years, but now selling it will be a blessing for you too. I hope you will keep a blog, if not this one then a new one, so we can all keep in touch.
Your 'net friend,
Such a gorgeous home with a beautiful view I can't imagine it being on the market for very long before someone snags it up.
What an amazing home you've been blessed to raise your family in. I'm sure it will be hard to leave it, yet it sounds like you have exciting plans which will fulfill your lives together and bless many others as well. I wish you good luck on your sale. We down sized 5 years ago from 4,000 to 2,000 sq. ft. and it has turned out to be a great decision for us. Enjoying your blog, you have a very special way about you and a beautiful family. Blessings, Tia
That's really an incredible home! I'm thinking you won't have any trouble selling it, for the acreage and that size house, the asking price is very reasonable!
Good luck, but then again I know the Lord will bless you in selling your home, He knows your intentions and I'm pretty sure he'll want you to get to work as soon as possible! :)
Hi Julie! OH, you home is so lovely and to me it would be sad to sell such a gorgeous place. But I do hope it sells quickly for you and your family! I know it would make a wonderful home - you've proved that already!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
John and I recently did the same thing. It took one year to sell our 5600 sf house but the perfect family came along to call it home and we gained new friends in the process. God truly blessed each of us. We are very content in a small home/yard and feel more secure about the future and our ability to help family members in need of our financial assistance. Many folks told us we would greatly miss our home/gardens but when God is in the details, there are no doubts and no looking back. I pray you will be as happy as we are.
It is so beautiful! I am so sad!
I wish I could buy it just to be able to "keep it in the family!"
I understand, but wow, that's going to be hard.
The pictures are so beautiful. I don't suspect that it will last long!
*sniffle* *sniffle*
Your place is gorgeous beyond belief. I love everything about it. LOVE THE WINDOWS....and all that open space.
My little "love shack" is only 950 sq. feet, so I am kinda lusting after your place right now.
I hope the right people find your house, fall in love with it, and help you along with your future plans.
It sounds like you have some wonderful goals ahead for you and hubby.
Life is Change in Motion I think.
Your home is so lovely, Julie. I am both excited and sad to know you will be leaving for a new adventure. I know it will sell at just the right time. blessings ~ tanna
This would be such a perfect place for a young couple to raise children.
I am sure, when the right people come along, they will fall in love and be able to swing the deal.
Good good luck on it..I so understand the downsizing, getting life less complicated...our little house is small enuf that, so far, we've no problems with it. However, I sure do need to get rid of a LOT of stuff...:)
OH my Julie, your home is simply fabulous!
But I understand your downsizing and moving into this exciting phase of your life.
Best Wishes with this my friend,
Wow! That is all I can say. . . You are blessed! God bless you as you make the changes in your life. What a leap of faith. Hugs, Karie
I'm sure that sign won't be with you for long, your place is beautiful!
I wish you the best~ you are an inspiration!
WOW!!!! What a beautiful place. That price seems so cheap to me,if a house like that were herein WNC it would sell for 3 times that.
Hope you sell quick so you can get on with your plans for the future.
Blessings to you
Julie, your beautiful home with the incredible views is fabulous and I don't know if I could leave it if it were mine! But I'm sure you and hubby have prayed over this big decision and are making the right one. I'm sure a home as lovely as yours won't be on the market long. Best wishes in your new adventure! ~Cheryl
It's hard to imagine leaving such paradise, but home is where the heart is. And with a heart like yours, I'm sure that your next HOUSE will be a beautiful HOME in no time!
Blessings, Debbie
Your priorities are right on! You will be blessed for selling your beautiful home to fulfill your goals. I'm excited to see how things go for you. Our move has been huge for us, but we are so happy we are closer to family and served a mission. I will pass your news along!
I have to admit I was surprised by this post! Your home is beautiful and if I lived closer we would seriously be interested. I wish you all the very best luck with the sale! I think it will go quick. Keeping you and your family in my prayers....wishing you all the best!
What an exciting time of change in your life.
I know your new journey and mission will be so fulfiling.
I like Betsy, know you will find the perfect house to make a home again.
Oh, what a beautiful home and property you have! Your kitchen and pantry are wonderful and I adore the silver claw feet on your tub. Big changes are in store, but fun service too! My husband says he wants us to put in our papers as soon as our 17 year old puts in his. I tell him, I at least want one year where I don't have to wait up until midnight! Good luck Julie.
Oh my! Your home and property are a bit of heaven. Hope someone extra special buys your place and soon. New adventures ahead sound very exciting for you and your husband. Great times....and maybe a few surprises a long the way.
You have a beautiful home but you are doing a great thing!! Good luck with your next adventure :)
Such a gorgeous home, inside and out. I hope it sells quickly for you so that you can move on to the next chapter in your life. Are you taking the horses with you, I hope!! xoxox
Julie- your home is simply amazing.
And although it must be hard for you to leave such a gorgeous place, it sounds like you have faith to believe God has greater plans for you and your hubby, and I think that is so wonderful!
Hi Julie,
I'm so sad to see you're moving but I certainly understand down sizing and moving onto a new chapter in your life. What a beautiful home you'll be leaving and the views are incredible. I'm sure you have lots of wonderful memories in this home. I doubt it will take long to sell your beautiful home...I bet you'll be selling some of your beautiful furniture along with your home if you're down sizing. How exciting to be looking towards a new life and one that is going to be enjoyed doing something you both love. I wish you all the best!
Maura :)
It's such a beautiful home I can imagine it would be hard to leave it. However, your plans for the future are beautiful too. I hope it sells quickly.
Dear Julie, this is just a so sad news but a very good new life for you both, I understand that there the time comes when one needs downsizing and start a whole new way in a smaller place. Wish your future projects get soon realized and that you find the new home where the Harwards can gather all together.
Have seen the lovely Sophie in your previous posts, how beautiful she is growing up!!!
sending you lots of good wishes for your dreams come true.
gorgeous! If only that amazing place was in the Amarillo, TX area...we'd be all over it!
This must have been a big decision, but I can definitely understand the desire to downsize and simplify. Someone is going to be very lucky to be the next owners of your beautiful house. The views alone are breathtaking! Makes me want to move to Utah. :-)
It is absolutely DREAMY Julie!
A most lovely home filled with memories that you take in your heart where ever you go!
My husband and I just did a rode trip through eastern Utah over the weekend and I thought of you when I saw the mountains and cliffs around your home. I can understand your desire to downsize, prepare for the future and serve missions. I hope your are able to sell quickly so you can move on with your plans.
your home is so beautiful, Julie! The views are amazing. I hope it sells quickly, so you and your family can begin the next chapter in your lives. you'll always carry the wonderful memories of your home with you. take care my sweet friend.
Julie, your home is beautiful and I am sure you will have no problem selling it. I admire all that you are doing to prepare for a mission(s) and spending time with family.
Six years ago we down-sized and moved closer to our children and grandchildren. What a blessing it has been! We have learned that "less is more" and we don't have to have "everything" to make life blissful! No more bogged down to bills, keeping up with the Jone's and showing off what we have.
I know the Lord will bless you because you have blessed and shared with many. This is a very exciting time in your life!
Love ya,
Oh Julie... this brought a tear to my eyes. I understand. I get torn between a grand home to have the girls and their future families to join us for holidays & to have grands come stay with us... but then I think about Hubby & I retiring..the work I feel I need to do (particularly volunteering) and things we need to do before it's too late.
This week we packed up a dear friend that is condensing his lifestyle as well as living space moving 18 hours away from family & friends to do what he is called to do. My Hubby is there with him now helping him settle in. It is an amazing journey that I am sure God has called him to follow.
Love to you my dear Blog friend. You are an amazing woman that I have come to admire & pray for. You will certainly be in my prayers now as you are stepping into this new journey.
Love In Christ~
I love this! Lance promised me that if I married him (I was considering a mission) he'd take me on missions when we were older! I hope it sells really quickly, way to go!
In Maryland your place would be valued at over a million. What a peice of heaven!!! Send the
u-haul, I am movie to Utah!!!
I wish you guys all of the best ~ you are awesome!!!
Good luck with the sale, I know that it won't last long.
I just wanted to pop back over to thank you for your encouragement yesterday. I needed it but never expected the outpouring of wisdom from my sisters that was lavished on me.
Blessings to you Julie,
Hi Julie!
You have a breathtaking home and countryside!
My favorite room ~ well really, they're all my favorite ~ is your bedroom * so pretty and sweetly decorated!
*wishing you much success in this and happy memories as this time goes by*
Hi Julie,
I hope your home will sell quickly for you. It is so very beautiful, and the views are amazing! I didn't realize it was that large. WOW! You guys have done a wonderful job on keeping it in perfect shape! I am sure that fact will help it sell in no time...:)
I pray for God's direction and hand to be guiding all of your future plans. God bless you, dear friend!
What a beautiful home & stunning views. You have plenty of memories I am sure to take with you :)
As you probably know...we did the big "down size" a year ago....not out of choice! I wish you the best and I hope your home sells right away! It is truly gorgeous!
Awesome, magnificent, definitely gorgeous, and in the same breath...so very much "HOME"...
Love it...we only ever get to see bits and pieces, nooks and crannies, a room here or a view there of blogger's homes. It was so cool to see your whole nest....or most of it...I love it. I am happy you are already in the "sign planted, house ready to show" stage...wow..hoping I will be right there with you by the end of next week. My favorite two things were your huge wrap-around porch...oh my!...and your sign post at the entrance to your property...I have been thinking a long time about having a name for our place and a sign...if it would fit the property to have one in Iowa. Hugs to you Julie, and I will be praying for that perfect match for your home, even as I am doing for mine... xoxo :-)
Hi Julie,
You have such a gorgeous home, as well as the surrounding property. (I love the porches and decks.) Thank you for sharing all the photos! I wish you the best in selling your home, and hope the sale will be quick!
Hey Julie,you have the most beautiful place there I have ever seen! Those views are divine! I am feeling a little sad but also excited for you...we have had an offer on our place too but don't know if we could ever leave...! Good luck and I am sure it will sell quickly for you!
Oh! how beautiful your home and place is Julie, and that new resident won't be there long, I have always loved the view from your home.
I can certainly relate to the downsizing, dh and I have had very similar conversations.
I pray God's richest blessings on you and your husbands as you are embarking on this new journey, I know it is going to be so wonderful and rewarding.
Your home is SO beautiful...I'm sure this treasure won't be on the market for long! :)
Best wishes to you in selling your place. It's truly beautiful, but serving the Lord is even more so, as you well know :)
Oh my goodness, that was a bit of a shock reading your news Julie! I sure do hope that your plans and dreams all come true as soon as possible. I will be praying for the quick sale of your amazing and beautiful home so that you can get on and do all of the things that are important to you.
Best wishes always,
Hello I have always loved your blog and I hope even though you are moving on to some new and exciting things in your life you will still be blogging. You are an example to so many of us.
In fact, I just started a new blog and I hope you will come visit sometime :-D
Oh Julie..I know that must of been a very hard decision, but I can truly understand your theory.. so many time we dont even realize just how much time we spend on other thing,and let our familys and relationship be come "what time we have left over".. Im very proud of you and your family making and wish you all the very best..God bless you my friend..
Julie, I just love visiting your blog! I love your home. Wish I could afford it, we are wanting property, but Torrey is just a little bit to far for my husband to drive to work each day. (: (especially since i reside in a suburb of Phoenix)
What an exciting time in your life to downsize and go on a mission. I know that Heavenly Father will bless you and help you reach your goals. Where will you move too? Closer to your children and grandchildren?
I guess I'll just repeat what everyone else has stated....What a gorgeous home!!!
I love the porch out back. We are porch sittin' people.
Wow, Julie.....Such a beautiful home and gorgeous views!! Everything about it is lovely! It's going to sell fast and I'm excited to see what your next journey will be. You are amazing.
Absolutely beautiful! The kitchen would be a dream for me as well as the wrap around porch. Love all the windows and views, the light that would stream in and make it bright and happy. I understand your need for change, however, I can only imagine it would pull at your heartstrings to leave.
Absolutely beautiful! The kitchen would be a dream for me as well as the wrap around porch. Love all the windows and views, the light that would stream in and make it bright and happy. I understand your need for change, however, I can only imagine it would pull at your heartstrings to leave.
I can see why your lovely family loves coming home, Julie. Your home is extremely inviting, spacious yet cozy.
Have a happy midweek, my friend.
ps I like your shirt (in the first picture) xxxx
julie and family,
your home is stunning - you are moving onto a wonderful new life and for all the right reasons -to serve Our Lord - Amen!!
can't wait to see photo's of your new missions and new home -
love ya, maria - cottage feel-
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