Great advise to all mothers and grand mothers!
Don't be afraid to stop and just have fun being
crazy and really enjoying those precious ones
that we have been so blessed to call our own.
The playing will make them so much more co-
operative when you do ask something of them!
Don't be afraid to stop and just have fun being
crazy and really enjoying those precious ones
that we have been so blessed to call our own.
The playing will make them so much more co-
operative when you do ask something of them!

I wanted to share this delicious dessert with you. I served
it at a ladies party and I had cut them each a big piece, and
I thought, well, they might eat half of that...but they ate every
bite of it! This is one of those desserts you will want more of.
it at a ladies party and I had cut them each a big piece, and
I thought, well, they might eat half of that...but they ate every
bite of it! This is one of those desserts you will want more of.

Place 8 1/2 ice-cream sandwiches in a 9 x 13" pan.
Spread evenly with caramel topping, 1 (12 oz. jar)
Sprinkle with 1 cup chopped Pecans.
Top with 2 cups thawed Cool Whip.
Lay on top of this, 8 1/2 more ice cream sandwiches.
Spread 2 cups Cool Whip over these sandwiches.
Sprinkle with 1/4 cup pecans.
Cover and freeze for at least 2 hours.
Let stand 5 minutes before serving; cut into squares.
Drizzle with 3/4 cup Hot Fudge topping (heated) Serve.
Serves 10 big servings...Calories per serving 609
But worth it!
Place 8 1/2 ice-cream sandwiches in a 9 x 13" pan.
Spread evenly with caramel topping, 1 (12 oz. jar)
Sprinkle with 1 cup chopped Pecans.
Top with 2 cups thawed Cool Whip.
Lay on top of this, 8 1/2 more ice cream sandwiches.
Spread 2 cups Cool Whip over these sandwiches.
Sprinkle with 1/4 cup pecans.
Cover and freeze for at least 2 hours.
Let stand 5 minutes before serving; cut into squares.
Drizzle with 3/4 cup Hot Fudge topping (heated) Serve.
Serves 10 big servings...Calories per serving 609
But worth it!
Me and Ella...just doing some Summer-hanging out.
Nothing like that grandma-grandchild love, it's the best!
Nothing like that grandma-grandchild love, it's the best!
Ella, enjoying her great grandma who is 98 years old!

Those girlie feelings start early and run deep don't they?!

she was looking up at this little boy statue, as if he were real.

away with a cute little girl...that's our Brody, enjoying the local libraries
summer story time play day.
are going into the woods, to find the 3 Bears house.
She loves this little dog so much! She is always packing him
around, mostly by the neck and Ollie lets her, what a good dog!
She loves her big brother and knows how to boss him around
pretty good too and he watches over her just like a big bother should.
she's got it down perfect! That is how I like to eat mine too!
chair pad?" "Ok mom, I'll move along then, didn't know it was new!"
Thank you sweet Samantha, a woman's work is never done is it?!
Now, I don't mean to hurt any one's feelings but if
you have not heard from me and you have a play list
on your blog site...that is why. My old computer just
freezes up something awful at those play lists and it can
take me up to nearly 5 minutes to try to leave a comment.
So, I am just clicking off and even then it takes me a while
to get out of there. So sorry about that but I just don't have
that kind of time...I love you all though, really I do.
Have a great week my friends, I hope you are loving
your Summer. We certainly are, every minute of it!
great photos. it seems as there is always a party or gathering going on in your life. i think it's wonderful! the dessert looks delish and worth every calorie!
Hi Julie. :) Your pictures are all great. The kids all look like they are enjoying summer.
It looks like you're taking your own advice (from the beginning of the post)! Your life is so rich Julie...
Blessings, Debbie
Another outrageous recipe. I just finished (Sunday) the cinnamon roll cake and it was such a hit. Wishing you blessings Friend.
Oh Julie, I just love your blog, your life and you! Thanks for all these darling photos. What sweet kids! And all yours! Awesome! You are right there is nothing like this love for them.
Hugs, B
I'd say you are having a great summer, and the kids are having a good ole time, too. That dessert looked really good. xo
All of the pictures are great ~ and such a treasure to share with the kids/grands.
That dessert looks fabulous! I know it's delish.
I absolutely LOVE your photos! You have such a beautiful (and too cute for words!) family!
The Turtle Dessert looks pretty yummy. I'll add it to my list of things to make when I reach my weight loss goal! Yum!
Julie you have such a beautiful family. The photos & accompanying captions were so lovely to browse through. It is evident in your post that you are one very devoted Nanna. This was lovely!
That dessert sounds and looks delicious but OH THOSE CALORIES...:(
All your babies are sooo sweet and so cute.
I do hope after you sell your home and begin your new lifestyle that you will keep a blog so we don't lose touch completely. I always enjoy your posts and love, love, LOVE the photos of all the sweet grandkids!
Have a wonderful day, Julie.
Oh Julie,
You have the most heartwarming posts! And some of the cutest grandkids around!
I loved all the pics and especially the last one with the female cat on duty!
That little Sophie is just the cutest thing, I feel like I know her and the other grandies too!
Now your dessert is simply devine!
Hugs friend,
Love the pictures. Sophie so cute on the water fall. And then Ella and Caleb going into the grass and that is an adorable one of then sitting together. I think Bobby has the right ideal. Out on your big porch sleeping away. Does your MIL (thinking MIL maybe it is your mom) live close by? Thank you for sharing some of your summer with us.
As always, your pictures are wonderful! My favorite on this post is your granddaughter munching on the watermellon ~ so cute!
With a smile,
You always have the best posts, lots of family fun, plus a recipe! That's a killer dessert, I've seen it before and will make it when the kids are here to eat it up from me....600 calories a slice...WOW! The kiddos are enjoying the summer, it's flying at my house. Hot, hot here in Arkansas this summer. The lake is almost too warm to feel good. How is the sale going, have you had any showings yet? The market is better here than a year ago they say.
Oh Julie wonderful post! I love your family pics (esp the one of you & Ella, The Grandson {Caleb?} dancing, and the precious sleepy cat). I needed this smile you gave me this morning. Thank you Dear Julie♥
Your grand-kids are the cutest I've seen. I love their photos. and Bobbie, that sleeping photo is just precious. Samantha is quite the beauty, isn't she. Love those Asian cats. Thanks for the recipe. I think I gained 2 pounds reading the ingredients. ha!
I've made that same recipe before and yes, it's divine!!! :-)
Yes, indeedy, I think you have Summertime down!! That's how we should all spend it!!
You are the best. What a wonderful grandmother. I love the photos of all those sweet babies. I especially love the one of Sophia looking up at the statue. You can just tell she's trying to figure out whether this is a real child or not.
It's amazing to see her walking and standing.... I could swear she was just born.
I'm so on board with that dessert! I'll be making that the next time I bring dessert to our family Sunday dinner...I can't wait!
All your pictures just scream summer I love it, but my favorite it Ella and Olllie. Oh my gosh that is adorable and Ollie what a sweet heart of a dog, it's just the cutest picture ever!
The advice is so true. Take that time. I will never be known for my clean house but maybe for the fun I have esp. with little ones. Love all your cute grandbabies. Your dog reminds me of mine. They just enjoy the kids loving on them. Thanks for sharing your great photos.
Your photos are just wonderful and it looks like the grands are growing up so fast. I love every minute that I have with mine.
Thank you for sharing your family with us.
Looks like you and the grandchildren are having a fun summer! Great photos. Love the one of the kitty snoozing. The dessert looks and sound so yummy. You have the best recipes! Have a nice day.
You are certainly surrounded by sweetness aren't you? So many grandbabies to LOVE! (I can hardly stand how cute Ollie and Ella are together! That is so adorable!) And that cake looks delicious! It is a good thing we aren't neighbors because I would gain weight being that close to you!
Sure looks like everyone is having a great summer! Keep enjoying all of that goodness! xo
Your pictures are so cute, grandkids are such a blessing!
Will be trying your dessert, looks so good!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing it.
More darling pictures of grandkids! Heaven! Thanks so much for another wonderful recipe! Have a wonderful day Julie!
Hi Julie! What sweet pictures! You have the sweetest little grands! That's a great looking dessert too! Wish I could come over!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh girlfriend , I love this post..and it is so true.. we never this this moment back and we need to savor every , every moment..there is nothing more important than our time with our loved ones.. love , love , love the pictures,, and love all your kitty cats.. how precious..
great post my friend.. have a great week..xoxoxo
The little ones are growing so fast! Have I really been coming here so long that I'm watching them from newborns to now?
Yup, I guess so.
The sandwich icecream cake looks delicious.
LOVE the cat pictures!!! You are such a great photographer!
Yummy dessert, cutie pie faces and adorable kitties. This post has it going on :) Love all your pictures of the grandchildren, they really are adorable
I don't have a problem with those play lists slowing my computer down but I don't like them, never have
I make the same dessert and it's a crowd pleaser! It's fun to see all the grands, pets and grandma here...glad your having a super summer.
Hi Julie, Precious times with the grands; they each are adorable!
That dessert has my name all over it! That would be delicious on these hot afternoons.
So happy to see Bobby safe and happy and content.
Have a wonderful evening.
Motherhood...Grand Motherhood and turtle pie dessert...nothing could be better! How blessed!
Hi Lady! Well, it's another lovely loving post filled with cute grands and curious cats!! Loved it...Why is it that they ALL always want to go and get on something NEW - right away??...guess to claim it with their own FUR scent.. lol! WEll I have made it through two realtor visits. (whew!) Now to wait for all the RELO paperwork to be done and sent and hear back from the realtors.....I definitely have picked out the one I want to take our listing...Another Julie with a property for sale...Hoping it happens SOON! :-) hugs to you!!!
I think I gained 10 lbs just READING that recipe. YUM!!!
a post in the fashion of a true grandma....filled with lovely photos of the grandkids.
Love it.
I am a mom who definately believes in hanging out with the kids and having fun!
You look like one fun mom/grandma to have around.
That little water park looks so cute.
There is nothing like spending time with the grandchildren is there? I am so blessed that mine are only a couple minutes walk away! Thank you Lord!
That dessert made me go to the freezer and grab a pint of ice cream which I am devouring as I write!!
Well, that dessert looks perfect for summer!
I admire how you invest in your grandkids lives...love that!
all of your children and grands are too pretty...lots of blessings!!
That dessert is a must try...I can just taste it!!
Looks like you're having fun. Love all your pictures of the grandkids. Now THAT'S what makes summer fun!
Ah Julie girl,
You my dear, are SO loyal...and I do Love ya ever so much for this. Life IS just crazy busy...for you too it seems. You are selling and moving onto greener pastures. May the sale of your gorgeous home go smoothly and your new home tick all the boxes.
Enjoy EVERY moment with your beautiful family...HUGS...Rosie
I have missed you and now at least I know why. lol
Great pictures always of your lovely family.
Love your short hair cut too.
This dessert now has me hungry and it is bed time to late too eat. lol
Have a wonderful week
Love ya
Hi Sweet Julie!
Back to blog hopping and seeing I missed your haircut! I love it!! You are one gorgeous grammie!
Love the 'how to love motherhood' directions..I've done a few of those things in my day!
I know what you mean about playlists and the havoc they can cause when blog hopping, happens to me too.
Big hugs,
okay -- I've gotta tell you -- your photo of you and your grand daughter just too sweet there is so much JOY on your face - it's pure joy to be around those grand children -- right! And super glad your summer is going great!
It does indeed look like you are all having a fun summer. Your grandchildren are just adorable and that dessert looks soo good. I love ice cream sandwiches.
Thanks for the new summer desert recipe!
I was reading by the pool yesterday, and that very song "oh what do you do in the summertime?" ran through my head and I actually watched the clouds in the sky!
I love the picture of your grand daughter eating watermelon that picture should be printed and used for advertising summer (:
Happy Summer.
Hi Julie,
I can tell that you're having a wonderful summer. How nice that you can spend so much time with your grands. I miss mine SO much. If I had the money I would fly out to see them, but...
I actually spent last week with my two oldest grand kids at our church camp and we had a marvelous time.
I don't have a play list, and I'm so glad, I would hate for you to pass me by.
You didn't used to live in BC Canada, did you? I used to have a friend by the name of Julie who was a Mormon, I would so love to reconnect with my old friends. I am very thankful for my new friends, though.
Love and hugs, Cindy
I love this. Life just whips right past us if we don't stop and take a breather huh. Sweet little grand babie faces are the BEST to kiss! :-)
First let me say what a beautiful family you have (including the cat and dog). But.....that desert looks and sounds awesome! It is going into my favorites right now. Thanks, and glad to see you are enjoying your summer and your family.
Such sweetness!!!
Your grands are adorable...so much fun for everyone!!!
Yummy looking dessert too Julie!
Glad you are enjoying your summer!!
Deborah xoxo
Your turtle dessert looks incredible and incredibly easy! Can't wait to have company to try it. Great blog!
That dessert looks so tasty! I'd definitely want every bit of a big piece too =)
Oh, how sweet and tender. Love the pictures. . .Isn't it such a blessing to be a grandma. Those sweet little ones are so precious, I just don't know what we would ever do without them. Thanks for sharing your pictures and your thoughts. Hugs, Karie
Julie, you live in grandmother heaven!! ALl of your babies are simply adorable. The photos are all wonderful and my favorite is the one with you and Ella on the blanket. You are a natural! It is so special that they get to enjoy their greatgrandmother, too. Love every bit of it. blessings ~ tanna
ps I am trying to be in avoidance of the great looking recipe! Seems I've packed on a few too many pounds! LOL! Looks wonderful though.
Thanks for the recipe! It sounds (and looks) divine! I will make it before everyone heads back to school.:)
PS I love coming over here to see your sweet grandbabies.
What a wonderful summer you are having. And, so love the looks and recipe for this dessert. Continued luck on selling your home. Such adventure ahead. xo
What great pictures of the kids and the kitties too. And a big thanks to you because after reading this post I've decided to add that icecream dessert to my menu this weekend when I have a cookout for family.
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