We were up on Boulder Mountain this weekend enjoying all the beauty
and wonderful scent of the pines. Whenever we would lay a blanket
down, here came Cougar and he just couldn't get close enough to us!
and smelling the trees and watching the clouds float by.
into the desert as the setting sun touches the red rock below.
It almost looked like there was a fire inside the mountain.
here too, like a sand castle left to dry in the sun...so beautiful.
in my tracks to just stare at the wonder of it all. The shapes in the back
is Capitol Reef National Park, about 10 minutes from our home.
is about 15 minutes from our home, a blessing to live with such beauty!
sweet Cougar who followed him from one end of the field to the
other for hours! Now that is a loyal dog...that is a Golden.
going to think they have died and gone to Heaven!

when he was a little boy on his motorcycle and their little girl Sophia
sitting on a cousins bike...I thought it was pretty cute. Her daddy is
a trials bike champion, I wonder if it will run in the family?!

I asked every one's opinion on Face Book and my blog and got lots of
answers. Many said LG's but then some said they were slow and didn't
wash well and broke down and were expensive to fix. Some said top loaders
and some said front loaders were the best. It was quite the education!
I went looking and found out so much. I ended up buying a Speed Queen.
I know, I was amazed too! But it had the very best record and longevity
and warranty~ 3 years on all parts & labor...5 years on the cabinet and on
the motor...10 years on the transmission...and Lifetime on the stainless steel
washtub and outer drain tubs. They have been around for like 150 years, so I
hope they will be good ones. Every other machine had only a 1 year warranty.

to do a bit of this...it looks wonderful to me! Give me a good book
and a diet Pepsi with lemon and I am set for an whole afternoon!

One of the best pies I have ever eaten...I ate half and Ron at the other
half, guess that is why I walk 4 miles every day! It is SO good.
If you missed the recipe it is the second post back!

Pioneer Day. It is a celebration of our pioneer ancestors that came to Utah
for religious freedom in 1847. This picture was taken of those pioneers in 1887,
my great-great grandfather is on the second row, 3rd from your left. His beard
isn't as long as the others and it looks like he is holding his hat in his lap. You
might have missed this post, it is here below this one, I had a problem with good
old Blogger in getting it published right!

HI Julie! What fun you must have had on your camping trip! Love the snaps and your state is so lovely. I got so busy and never did post on our trip to Utah! :) I love those mountains.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
That sure is some beautiful country you've got going on! It's a good thing you're taking it all in because I think you're going to miss it!
Our stake is doing the trek this week, my in laws are going to be the camp cooks!
Hello, Julie! So nice catching up with you! Cougar is the sweetest, most lovable pup! Such relaxing photos.
Gotta have a reliable washer! Looks like you found just the right one.
Looks like a great little getaway...well, except for getting away from the faithful hound.
He's a beautiful dog.
Hope you enjoy your washer.
I think next time, I'll have a top loader.
Oh, Julie, I so love that part of this gorgeous USA. You captured beautiful pics of the terrain. Glad you had a marvelous time.
Take a peek tomorrow at the beginning of a week long trek across this country & God's beautiful land we just completed.
So glad you didn't LG. The service record is horrid, & very expensive & they aren't good about promptness nor quality attendance toward their appliances.
Beautiful pooch.
Have a wonderful week ~
Julie, who ever is fortunate enough to buy your ranch will indeed be living in Paradise! Great photos of that beautiful state. xo,
A wonderful read...thank you for the break in my hot and humid day!
Hi Julie,
Those are some fabulous pics!
And your right, whoever is lucky enough to buy your place will think they have died and gone to heaven!
Little Sophia!! She is such a cutie and your dog is so loyal and loves you two so much!
Hugs friend,
Julie....your pictures are SO beautifuL! I can just feel the cool breeze down here in Texas....LOL. Cougas is a cutie and a typical wonderful Golden.
You are right...whoever buys your house when you finally sell is going to be one lucky family! Your place is gorgeous.
Looks like a fun camping trip and the views are so nice. I love the pic of Cougar following the tractor; that is priceless! Wonderful photo comparison of Sophia on the bike too. She will always treasure that.
Have a wonderful week!
Laying in that hammock eating a piece of that watermelon pie looks like a pretty perfect day to me. I am definitley going to have to make it, I bought the watermelon today.
Such an adorable picture you began this post with. I was just thinking how much I'd enjoy laying on a blanket and watching the clouds drift by. I'll have to wait until it gets cooler though as it wouldn't be too pleasant now.
You do live in a beautiful area. I hope to be able to see it in person some day.
I thinkI heard Cougar say he wanted to come live with us. haha
We ar ein the market for a Golden. Who would have thought a dog could be so expensive? My first two cars combined don't cost as much as some of the Goldens we've looked at.
I love summer time. I'm sick to my stomach thinking we only have two weeks left.
Julie, who did you do your blog book through, please.
Thank you.
You live in an amazingly beautiful area! It reminds me of the badlands in North and South Dakota, the beauty is indescribable.
Whoever buys your place will be purchasing a real sanctuary.
Looks like you had a good weekend, good for you.
Hugs, Cindy
Oh Julie, I cannot imagine moving away from something this beautiful. Just one question....is there owner financing available? If so, I just may submit an offer, lol. Just beautiful. And I just love the doggie pics.
Oh, meant to tell you that I made your ice cream sandwich desert. YUM! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by and visiting and leaving such a kind comment.
Coming here is like taking a vacation.
I love the Utah vistas!
I am still in awe of the beauty that you share with us~ the scenery there is stunning.
Of course as a Golden retriever mom, I just love Cougar! They're the best!!
Have a great Tuesday Julie.
Your camping trip looks like it was so much fun, Julie! Lots of beautiful, beautiful scenery and good times. Cougar is a real keeper. Loyal and hardworking. Can't beat that in my books. Have a great week! blessings ~ tanna
What a wonderful weekend you had. Cougar is such a sweetie.
We love camping in out travel trailer too. There's nothing like blue skies and the smell of pine to make you just relax.
When we traveled to southern Utah quite a few years ago, we just could not get over its beauty. In the 1980's my Mom and Dad traveled cross country. Some of their favorite places were in Southern Utah also.
Glad you had such a nice time!
Beautiful views. It's so nice that you and your husband can be together and just enjoy.
Cougar is a great dog. Love how when your husband in on the tractor he is right by his side. Dogs are just so wonderful.
A new cute biker,hah.
I have been taking it a bit to easy....lazy summer. Now I have to step it up before I return to work. Enjoy the summer.
awww :) I love these pics of Cougar!
Okay - is your great great grandfather my great grandfather? Because I've never been able to find him in that picture. :))
There is BEAUTY all around in your neck of the woods! I love your scenery..heavenly, wish I was there to enjoy it! It's super HOT here! Happy 24th July! Have a great week!
do you paint,, you should paint,, what beautiful country!Thanks for sharing this,, wow great post!
Looks like a blast! We're so excited to go camping this weekend (we're staying in a lodge--my kind of camping!!!) Loved your post about Pioneer Day...what a wonderful heritage!
Oh Ms Julie~
Seeing a new post from you is always such a treat. It reminds me of getting letters from cousins back in the letter writing days.
What a lovely post! So glad you are having such a wonderful July.
Your goldie is such a beautiful dog, Julie! I'm surrounded this summer by little pooches... Our "biggest" in the family just returned home with Rachael. He's a mutt, sort of looks like a beagle, border collie and German shepherd in one!
Timber kept us on our toes all week!
Your land ~ and state are incredibly beautiful. I enjoy your photos of nature. {and of course, you baking!}
Happy new week*
What a great set of pictures of your camping trip.
Love pictures of Cougar. What a loveable face.
I copied your Watermelon pie recipe and will try it this weekend for some company that will be here.
Your view is so amazing..I think it is a corner of heaven.
You live in such a beautiful part of Utah. Looks like fun up on the mountain. Thanks for the pie recipe. It sounds refreshing. Happy Pioneer day to you. My husband's family came to Utah in 1848 with BY's second wave. They settled Scipio a few years later. Mimi
Southern Utah is one of my fav places to go camping...haven't been for a couple of years..will have to fix that soon! Yay for eating half the pie....I thought I was the only one who did that!
Those pictures take my breath away, so beautiful! And I am making that pie... I missed the post so glad you showed the picture in this one! LOL...that you ate half and your hubby ate the other half, must have been GOOD!
Oh what amazing photos and I can see why you have a fun time.
I would love to look out your windows, I would probably not get much done during the day just watching the scenery.LOL
Have a nice day.
What an amazing camping trip!! Great photos as usual!!
You are a smart, smart woman. If you are trying to sell your house, this is the way. I want to move there!! No matter that my husband has no job there, or that all of our family lives here... ;)
Blessings, Debbie
Wow, Julie, Boulder Mountain sure looks like heaven on earth! And what a great shot of your poochie resting on hubbs!
Loyal dogs who never leave your side are the best! They really are like part of the family.
What a peaceful camping trip - Fun to lay on a blanket and look at the clouds go by.
I scrolled down and read your pioneer post - I love all those old pictures - quite a wonderful history!
I just love you!!! Thank you so much for your support and friendship!!
Such beautiful pictures. I think Cougar is one, cute, lovable dog.
I hope you're having a wonderful day!
Julie, you make camping "Home Away From Home"! Look how cozy! It would be hard for me to go home! Must try the Strawberry Pie!
umm have not tryed the pie yet -- super beautiful photos of the country around you -- one of these day set your timer on your camera and you and your sweetheart get a snap shot out in those surrounds..wink! good information about the washer and dryer shopping -- it may come in handy down the road.. hugs
So jealous! :) I love the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. So beautiful!
We were hoping to go camping on Boulder this year~ but looks like it won't be happening. We usually stay at Pleasant Creek CG (I think that's the name of it). I was hoping to also visit the cemetery in Loa & take pics of some family graves. Next summer, hopefully!
My daughter loves watermelon, I'll have to make that pie!
Hello Julie!! I'm just getting back in town after visiting my family for a few days and have loved catching up on your blog--I feel like I'm sitting and chatting with a friend in a beautiful setting with a gorgeous dog too--I'd really love a piece of that pie! :-))
Just read your comment on my "B" post for ABC Wednesday. This is my sister Donna's recipe for the Banana Bread.
1 1/2 C. sugar
2 eggs
3/4 C. veg. oil
1/4 C. butter milk *
1 tsp. vanilla
(Mix the above ingred. together)
Add 3 mashed bananas
2 C. flour
1 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 C. nuts (optional)
Mix well. Will make l large loaf,
2 med. loaves, 4 mini loaves.
*If you don't have buttermilk, I add 1 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar to 1/4 cup half-n-half. Walla, you have buttermilk!
Bake in 325 degree oven for 1 hr, or until toothpick comes out clean in the middle of loaf. Small loaves bake faster.
Hope you enjoy...I'm making a double batch tonight to freeze.
Oh that campground. Heaven. And yes your view is going to make someone very happy. It is so beautiful. How are you going to leave it?
Gorgeous sun on those red rocks!
I'm anxious to hear how you like your Speed Queen!
Julie ~ thanks for the comment on my blog just now about your washer and dryer! I told The Mister how much you love them (he said I can replace my old Fischer and Paykal! yay!) Do you mind telling me what model you got...front loading or not, etc? I'm seriously thinking of getting the ones like yours! Thanks, dear friend!
Cougar is adorable. I wish my dogs enjoyed the water as much as he does. my dogs have such a fit over a bath. glad you had a great weekend with you family.
Love your watermelon pie and the pictures of cougar! I would enjoy to have a rest among the pine trees, love the scent of pines. Have a good day.
Awww.... Cougar has such a sweet face! Beautiful campsite, Miss Julie! I love that big ol' red barn too.
Sorry about your old washer biting the dust but hooray for new things!
What amazing countryside!! Breathtaking photos! Looks like a great camping place.
I agree with you on Southern Utah! Julie, Julie, Julie -- I saw your home and it IS beautiful! That will be hard to leave but it would make an ABSULUTELY FABULOUS Bed and Breakfast. I saw your home as we were heading for Calf Creek Falls -- have you ever hiked down to Upper Calf Creek falls -- it is a favorite hike for us -- we love jumping into the pool -- my son even forced me to slide down the waterfall! My husband and son also hiked lower Calf Creek Falls -- the girls and I just stayed in the camp ground. Had pie at Fruita -- have to have it ;). Your watermelon pie looks so yummy! You live in such a great place! Joni
Hi Julie,
What gorgeous views those all are. A blessing to have all of these so close to home. Utah is a very beautiful State! Thanks for sharing your slice of heaven with us...:)
I hope the rest of your Summer is wonderful!! Blessings to you and your family...:)
What a beautiful place to live!
Such a gorgeous view!
Hi Julie, it looks like a perfect spot for camping. The scenery in your photos is just mouth-dropping gorgeous. How neat to live so close to such beauty!
The watermelon pie looks very good. I'll be looking up the recipe very soon.
Thanks for dropping by my blog! Take care. ~Cheryl
omg girl those pictures are gorgeous.... we have a gold lab and he is just like your cougar,,when he is with my husband he just cant get close enough....they are loyal dogs...well enjoyed your post as always..love ya..looks like all is going well with you..talk to ya again soon
What a great camping trip! The pictures of the views are spectacular! At first glance I did think that was fire not the sun setting on the mountains. Glad it wasn't fire!!!!! Cougar is such a good buddy, those Goldens are the best! Hummmmm.....must try that pie!
Hi Julie! Oh, sounds like a fun day and I'm glad to hear you got your new washer and dryer! I'll bet you have no dirty laundry at your house!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I'll take a piece of that pie while laying in that hammock while looking at your views......priceless.
you are truly blessed even if you only had the veiw from your window. wow. Utah is a beautiful state and i would love to visit and see all this. thanks for sharing. I came over from Ro at AZ or not.
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