Some ideas to get us started...
Make a powerful yet simple gesture to a total stranger...
Pick up the tab for the car behind you in a drive-through (or) the person behind you at the drink machine.
Offer to babysit for new parents.
Help an elderly neighbor by shoveling snow or running an errand for them.
Smile at every person you meet for one day.

This is so inspiring...lets open our eyes to the work of these talented women around us, allow ourselves to experience awe without envy, and give sincere compliments and kindnesses, from our hearts.
The more freely we give of our hearts, expressing our admiration, the greater our capacity to give and do, becomes.

We were totally surprised and delighted by such a kind gesture which inspired us.
The following weekend, we did the same for some people who looked like they didn't get to go out for dinner very often.
This brought the greatest joy to us... joy that is hard to explain.

You know, I will be happy when...
When I arrive at a certain destination...
When I can be with a certain person or in a certain place...
When schooling is finished...
When I get a better job...
When I arrive at a certain income...
When I am married...
When the baby is born...When I recover from my illness...
When my bills are all paid...
When I own a new car...
When I move into a new home...
When some disagreeable task is finished...
When I can leave on that big trip...
When I am free from this trial...
Doubtless I shall be somewhat happier WHEN...but not as mush happier as I think. Life has a way of presenting new complications, I can come up with new wants as fast as old ones are satisfied.
But as giving-away becomes a habit as well as a hobby, something happens inside of me,
I feel a new sense of human warmth in all of my relations with people.
I feel a new sense of human warmth in all of my relations with people.
Friends and associates seem closer, neighbors and acquaintances become firm friends, and first contacts with strangers are often delightful adventures which lead to friendships.
It is never too late, nor is anyone too old, to take up " giving themselves away."
So this week of... RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS...
try it...try giving yourself away...follow those "warm-hearted impulses"... instantly!
You might find that happiness was right there at your finger tips!
Speaking of GIVING AWAY...I will post my GIVE-A-WAY
on this Saturday night...so watch for it.
~xxx's to all~
So this week of... RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS...
try it...try giving yourself away...follow those "warm-hearted impulses"... instantly!
You might find that happiness was right there at your finger tips!
Speaking of GIVING AWAY...I will post my GIVE-A-WAY
on this Saturday night...so watch for it.
~xxx's to all~