He was found running on main street, dodging cars, on a very cold winter night. No coat or identification on him. Every attempt was made to find his owner but no one turned up to claim him.
So he has come to our home, we just love him, he is so sweet, quiet and loving, and fits right in. I'd never thought of having a Chihuahua before, they have such big batty ears...but we love him and our Mr. Bo Jangles likes him too.

This picture was taken August 14th, 1945
of a young nurse and sailor's kiss in Times Square, NYC
This is my daughter and her husband copying the statue...
I think they did a pretty good job of it too..Perfect for Valentines Day!
Thought you might like this for Valentines Day too...delicious cookies~

3/4 Cup Butter
1 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
2 T. Water
Put all the above in a sauce pan over medium heat.
Cook til melted, remove from heat and stir in ;
2 Cups Semisweet Chocolate Chips
Set aside to cool for 10 minutes.
Pour chocolate mix in a bowl and
beat in 2 Eggs
Combine: 2 1/2 Cups of flour
1 1/4 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Salt
Combine all together
Cover and put in fridge for 1 hour
Spray cookie sheet with Pam
Roll dough into walnut size pieces,
Place 2" apart on cookie sheet.
Bake 8-10 minutes
When you take them out of the oven,
Press one mint wafer into top of each cookie
(Use 3 (4oz.) packages of Chocolate covered thin mints)
Let mint set on hot cookie 1 minute
When soft, swirl with a toothpick to frost cookie.
I hope you will like this recipe...it's an easy one and so delicious!
Some Bunny Loves you....that would be me...
and I'm wishing you a very, very Happy Valentines Day!

I hope you'll love the recipe....Have fun Puckering up with your sweet heart!
I'm taking this weekend off but will catch up with each of you, my sweet friends.
Have a very wonderful Valentines Day
I'm taking this weekend off but will catch up with each of you, my sweet friends.
Have a very wonderful Valentines Day
I love that picture "unconditional surrender- one of my favorites. I love your new little pup- he does have big batty ears but he is so sweet. My grandma always had Chihuahua's- they barked a lot!
Julie thank you for the sweet condolences that you sent my way- they were very much appreciated.
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Hi Julie,
I am so glad you kept dear little Zac...he is just adorable and deserves a loving home.
It looks like your daughter and her hubby copied perfectly....beautiful and so sweet!!
The chocolate mint cookies look DELICIOUS and I thought I might make them today while watching the beautiful snow fall, but I don't have the mints.....darn it!
That little bunny is precious!!!!!!♥
oh your new puppy is just darling, I am so gald that he found a new home with such nice people...that makes me sad that he was wandering around...why do i have such a soft spot for animals? :) Happy Valentines day to you as well! xo
What a cute doggy!!!
The little bunny picture made me melt.....
Hi Julie! I have always loved that old pic up there.The dog is adorable,love the name,lol.
Oh my you have some awesome recipes, this one is amking me droll LOL.I will copy this for sure.
Lastly the white bunny in the cup way to cute.I should of had that for my pretty white things blog yesterday.Adorable!
Happy rest of the week to you!~~Becky
Have a Great little vacation ;)
I just love the idea of valentines day. And, I have forbidden myself from trying out your recipe. I just can't. I know exactly what would happen and I can't do it. hm.....Maybe I can talk Caib into trying it out. AHHHH!!!!! What were you thinking. I'm trying to restrain myself and I can't. Nooo I'm kidding. I LLOOVVVEEE chocolate and mint!!
Happy Valentines!!
I love that picture of the sailor...I would love to know the story of that.
Cutest bunny!!!!
I'm glad you have a new pup. He is darling!!!!
We've been to that big sculpture of Unconditional Surrender too! It is perfect for V-day.
Oh, lucky you and lucky little dog!
Thanks for the recipe too! Yum!
Hello Julie!
Zak is darling! He will surely be loved in your home! Now those are some yummy looking cookies! Thanks for the recipe and have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Dear Julie:
Do I know you? I think somehow I must...just can't quite remember. We have many things in common..We have a little g-dot named Ella, a dot named Natalie, we live on the old family farm, I love tea pots, (most of mine are from Taiwan where we have been so blessed to have 4 adopted grands), we serve as Ordinance Workers at the Snowflake, AZ Temple, someone is always bringing us animals, I love to cook, and the list goes on. Thank you for your beautiful blog...I've loved reading your posts the last few days. So glad I found you.
Zac is sure a handsome little guy!!! He was fortunate to be adopted by you!!!
Love the statuesque pose of your kids.
The bunny in the cup!!!! Now THAT is an "awwwwwwww" moment!
Hi Julie~
Congrats on your new darling doggie! Love that giant statue of that amazing ROMANTIC PHOTO! so in love!!! I hope you have a wonderful Valentines!!! I will pucker up for my sweets for sure ;) ;) xoxo JGG
Hi Julie,
Just a darling dog! What a cutie! The smoochy pic is so cute, I have always loved the original. Happy Valentines too! Cindy
Oh those looked so good. This no sugar thing is getting old! Love that little bunny pic. How cute was that:)
Oh that doggie looks just like my little Micro. She has been gone for two years now and I still miss her EVERY day!! She was 18 when we had to "let" her go and was my original baby. Enjoy Max and give him a kiss for me!
I also love that kiss picture! One of the good ones!
That was so sweet of you to pick up cute little Zak before he got run over. He looks like a sweet puppy.
I too love the picture of the Nurse and the Sailor and I have a real life one of my own that I will be posting on Valentines day of my Grandma and Grandpa.
I always wondered if the couple in the famous one even knew each other.
I love that your daughter recreated the kiss!
Oh...that sweet baby! Bless his heart. At least now he has a warm home and a family who loves him...(I'm a sucker for picking up strays!) Cookies look delish, too!
Oooooh that bunny in the cup is PRECIOUS!
You did again, another fun post!! Love the photos and the cookies look so Delish!! Can't wait to try them. Thanks for sharing!! :-)
Happy Valentine's!
What a sweet blog...My first visit here...and I love that photo, it just says it all !
I've had fun looking through your previous posts...Have a wonderful Valentines day with your honey!
xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Stop over when time permits...Love to meet you!
Ohhhhhh. so sweet. Loved your post today. Enjoyed every picture. And Outstanding Kudos to you for giving a little homeless doggie a wonderful home. Awesome!! too cute.
YOU have a wonderful day of love and affection with your family. that picture you posted is so famous. Just says a 1000 words doesn't it? Blessings.
oh, that bunny is too sweet! how adorable
all nestled in the cup.
Hi Julie,
I was checking out your blog when I stopped by to visit Les Chateaux des Fleurs. It seems like you are living such a beautiful life and you are blessed with a nice big family. My, my, lucky you! You seem so young to be a grandmother and was totally shocked to see you're a great grandmom...What???!!
I love your recipies you have posted . they look yummy. I will have to come back to see some more. It looks like I may want to try the chocolate mint candy cookies. That is some of my favorites.
If you have a chance, I'd like to invite you to come over and visit me over at my blog. Hope you can come!!
Why am I not surprised that this cute animal ended up at your house. Well, at least he will be well loved, congrats on the new addition to the family!
Zak is adorable! Bless you for taking him in. The Kissing Sailor is one of my favorites. I've never seen the statute but we have an autographed print from the guy who (supposedly) was the kissing sailor. I guess there was a whole controversy on that as a few fellas laid claim to that honor :) My FIL is a WWII vet and knows someone who knows someone... ;) Interesting story behind it all! Those cookies look delish. -Tammy
God bless you for having mercy on Zack! He is so cute. We have chihuahuas. I love their big ears.
Awww, your new dog is so cute!! :)
Just look at that face! He's adorable...what a wonderful home has adopted him! ;)
Chocolate and mint...what a perfect combination! yum!
I saw the statue when I visited San Diego. It really is awesome and yes, your daughter and her husband replicated it beautifully. Cookies look so good, so the frosting is the mint, very yummy!
Have a Happy Valentine's Day!
Oh my goodness! Zak is so precious. You know, once you give your heart up to a chi it's gone forever and he will always love you. So glad he found a good home :)
Oh and make sure he doesn't have a chip in him. The vet can do a search. I would die if I lost my baby, so I don't want anyone to miss him.
Have a great weekend :)
Such sweet goodies here today, right from that adorable little chiuaua to the tasty cookies and beyond! Happy Valentines Day to you Julie!! xxpp
Oh they did do a good job in copying the pose and I bet they had a great time doing it!Your blog is always so sweet, and the little chihuahua looks as if he is confirming life is sweet there at the Harwards!
What a lucky little dog to have a nice home with you folks now! He is adorable, love the big ears. Sometimes I wish they could talk so that I could know their history, everyone has a story, even little dogs.
Those cookies look so delish! I'm trying to talk myself out of copying that recipe as I need to lose some weight! lol!
Have always loved that picture of the sailor coming home to his sweetie!
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So sweet, all of the things...the new puppy, the cookie recipe and your kids smooching! Have a Happy Valentine's Day Sweetie!
HI Julie.
your little Zac has a white beard! :-)
Happy Valentines Day!
Enjoyed the post. The cookies look way yummy!!!! Tow of my fav flavors together!
Enjoy your day.
A cute doggie for Valentine's Day...how sweet. The cookies look yummy.
Your new dog is sure cute.We had one when the boys were small. It was a really good companion to them.
The bunny in cup is priceless.
I copied down your recipe and I am going to try them this weekend for hubby.
Thanks for sharing.
Happy Valentines Day to you.
Your daughter and husband did do a great job copying the famous painting!! Great job and such a cute post! Happy Valentine's Day!
Such a wonderful post, Julie! What a sweet little one you've found to love--lucky pup! Hope you have a lovely weekend!
He's just the cutest little thing! I's so glad he's found such a good home. He looks like a sweetie!
Zak is a cutie! You guys are so sweet to take in the animals.
Love the bunny in the cup!
Your daughter and her hubby did do a good job copying.
I will definitely try the recipe.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family!
Darling, wishing you a lovely weekend and a love filled Valentine’s Day.
Love & Hugs
I love the bunny in a cup. And the cookies look great. I won't be eating cookies for a long time. Thank you anway. Your such a doll! I hope your valentines day is a beautiful day.
I did not know there was a statue of that size -- see I am always learning something new here.. That's for the cookies -- yummy! Your new found Doggy looks very comfortable on your couch -- and the photo you took of him shows how sweet his is.. By the way thanks for the feed back on my blog -- it meant a great deal -- I needed the help!
Sweet Zak ...so happy he found his way to your home ♥
Awwwww! Cute little Zak!! Look at those ears... *squeal*
The recipe sounds yummy, Julie- I made some chocolate chip and pecan cookies for my Hubby for Valentine's Day... I don't think he's going to share them with me. *sniff sniff*
Hope you and your Hubby have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Your little doggie is adorable. It is so nice of you to have rescued him. He must be very happy to be in a loving home now with your family. Love the bunny rabbit in the cup too. So cute. Lia
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