Thats what it's all about , enjoy the day, pass it around , thats all there...LOVE !
"The best is yet to be, two branches of one tree. Whatever fate decreed, we'll see it through, for our love is true.Spending our lives together, worlds without end...God bless our love, God bless our love."
Well, does it?
Now for some Valentine goodies of another sort...
and cookies...
This is what happens when I ingest too much sugar!
"The best is yet to be, two branches of one tree. Whatever fate decreed, we'll see it through, for our love is true.Spending our lives together, worlds without end...God bless our love, God bless our love."

Mix together in a large bowl:
2 cups Rice Krispies
12 ounces white chocolate chips
1 cup mini-marshmallow's
1 cup red maraschino cherries
1 cup pecan haves, chopped a bit
In a glass bowl;put 12 ounces of additional white chocolate chips and 2 teaspoons of shortening. Melt 1 min. at a time til smooth and melted.(about 2 min.)
Pour over mixture in lg. bowl mix Press into a pan or greased molds. Set up on fridge for 30 min. SO good.
3 Cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1 package(3 ounce) Red jello
Mix all of this together....add,
1 cup of shortening
3 eggs... beaten in one at a time.
Chill 30 minutes
Roll out 1/8 inch thick, cut any Heart size shape
Bake on un- greased cookie sheet in a 350 oven for
10-12 minutes. Frost when cooled.
1 cup powdered sugar
1 Tablsp. soft butter
1 teasp. vanilla
2-3 Tablsp. Milk
Add Red food color for red or pink, or
leave it white. Add any sprinkles etc.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines Day!
Try the cookies and white choc. goodies, they're yummy...let me know how they turn out.
More recipes coming next post!
XOXOXO.... over and out Cupids!
P.S. Our son and his wife have a wood working blog where they make everything and anything you would want from wood...go check it out and tell them I sent you over to say hi.
Try the cookies and white choc. goodies, they're yummy...let me know how they turn out.
More recipes coming next post!
XOXOXO.... over and out Cupids!
P.S. Our son and his wife have a wood working blog where they make everything and anything you would want from wood...go check it out and tell them I sent you over to say hi.
I will give those yummy cookies a try tonight!
I will give those yummy cookies a try tonight!
I love Valentine's day! It is by far my favorite Holiday of the year. I think you celebrating Valentines day in ways like this helped me love the holiday. These look like delicious treats, Michael and I will have to try some of them out. I hope you have a fantastic day of love! Love Lindsey
You too Sweet daughter...Have a blast in Salt Lake, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! Love you.
That is the 'sweetest' blog I have ever seen! ha I love the recipe for the nutty sweethearts. You always have good ideas for yummy treats and desserts.
I also wanted to comment to you about our wonderful little Caleb.
He really truly is something special.
I am sorry that Isaac did not get that job, after all the many hours he spent in driving and testing. I was so glad to hear that each time he left, that you traveled to be with Caleb and Tiffany. You are awesome and and great blogger too.
Thanks for all your comments on my blog.
These look so yummy! We definately try them out! And YES I heard about Tiffany!! That is too exciting! Now we will just wait for Lindsey;) LOL
Hi Julie,
It is so fun that you started a blog. I have a blog, but it is private, so send me your email address to brookehbutler@yahoo.com and I will invite you. Hope you are doing well...
(if you didn't reconize my last name this is Brooke Hiskey:)
I am definately going to make some nutty sweethearts for my mom!
I will try those recipes for sure.
those look delicious.
and i have a candy heart problem...
Hi Julie,
Those nutty sweethearts sound delicious!! I'm going to have to put them in my file to try.
Also, the "candy" in my jars are glass scatters (not fattening at all...lol). I love them. You can get them at places like Hobby Lobby or Pier 1. Hope you are enjoying your day.♥
YUM-O!! My, oh my, it all looks delish!! Cute Valentine's too!! Thanks for sharing!:-)
Love the recipes I will give them a try they look fun!
What a cute treat idea - love those, thanks for the recipe!
These looks fabulous! I too will have to give them a try. You really make each holiday a celebration of love.
Enjoy a great week! ~♥
Yummy recipes!!!
Now I have a seewt tooth! Gotta try those treat ideas. I love Valentine's day. I usually try to do something crazy. One year it snowed the night before, so I got some red spray paint and painted a giant heart in the snow. I left my wife a note on the kitchen table to look out the window at the world's largest valentine. :o) Great blog Julie!
You are always full of sweetness!
I wish I had rice krispies, white chocolate, cherries...my pantry is empty! YUMMY!...I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow for the ingredients (can that really be called groceries? LOL!)
Oh...and no to the comment on my blog...you can't have the orange one! Out of 6 I've made since moving in September...this is the only one I've kept for myself! I'm really not selfish...but I love that quilt so much!
Thanks for the recipes! The Nutty Sweethearts looks especially good!
Hi Julie! Oh, I'd love to try these. They look so tasty!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
These are making me very hungry! I love all the holidays - all the cooking all the festivities. I love seeing what everyone else does.
I can see you take good care of your family!!!
Great recipes...as usual!! :)
Oh I so love your goodies..those rice crispy hearts are amazing. Thanks for another thing to make..boy I am going to have to quit my job just to bake all the yummy things I am wanting to bake.
Oh my goodness - your home! That's your HOME in the header of your blog!! It's absolutely beautiful!!
I'm trying to imagine how serene and peaceful it must be to live there and gaze out your kitchen window. I've always believed that Zion and much of the Colorado Plateau is the most spectacular place on earth. It is TRULY God's country!!!
There you go again, making everything look so yummy. That stuff in the little cups looks so rich. What better time to have a goodie like that than at Valentines.
Love your Valentine goodies dear Julie! They look delicious, thanks for sharing. Happy Valentine's Day for you too :-)
Hope you having a great week, much love: Evi
A very yummy looking post Julie! I wish I felt better, then I would definitely want to be trying those cherry white chocolate goodies! Perhaps next week . . .
Wow your view is breathtaking and your life sounds wonderful. My daughter has 7 children and 6 grandchildren now so life is very good. She lives in the town of Eden on a farm as well and they treasure every moment with their children and so do I.
Dorothy from grammology
Hi Julie!
Thanks for the wonderful message, as always ~ and for the yummy recipes! I have some white choco chips left over from Christmas... I've been wondering what I'll make of them, now I know ;o)
Thank you for passing on the love of our beautiful Creator ♥ Maria
Yummy recipes...I have never tried the Jello cookies...I did read once of a cookie using Root Beer Extract have you heard of that? Thanks for coming by to look and thanks for the craft comments.
Those are two great recipes! I am so making both to celebrate Valentine's Day. Thanks for the link, will hop on over and do a little shopping! Have a great day and thanks so much for visiting GrannyMountain...
Such sweet valentines... and speaking of sweets, you have some yummy recipes here.
Those jello cookies look awesome! I think I will have to make those.
This is my first visit to your blog and I'm so happy to see all the goodies! I love to bake so will definitely try these sugar cookies. 8 children? Oh my goodness! You are truly amazing ~
Have a love filled Valentine's Day!
Hi Julie
Adorable Valentine goodies! Love the name of your son and daughter in laws new blog :-)
Julie you are so bad honey showing me all these goodies when i am trying my best not to indulge especially since I weighed at the doctors office.
U are special and I always love coming by here
Great recipes. I will try them out. I need to make some heart shaped sugar cookies. The Jello recipe sounds yummy!
Thanks! Looks GREAT!
You always share the best recipes and yummy food!
Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE your blog! You make it GREAT!
Aww Julie, thank you for always saying the kindest things on my blog! You are the sweetest, just like your treats!! :D
YUM!I shouldnt of come here, now I have a good excuse to make something this snowy weekend,a new recipe to try.lol
Have a great weekend Julie!
I am so glad I am not the only one who makes sentences out of the candy hearts!! hehehe!
Julie, as usual great recipes.
Such a cute post! You are the best! Happy Weekend!
I think I just got a sugar high by looking at all those yummy looking sweets!
I have that recipe for Nutty Sweethearts! It is very good! :)
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