I can only be myself....is that good enough here in blog-land?
Or, do I need to hire someone to write my blog for me so that everything in it is perfect and will please everyone?
I guess I didn't know that everything about my blog, and me, has to be perfect... or I will receive a red check by my name...I will be in need of correction!
I can only be me...I am far, far from perfect, in fact I will never be perfect!
I make many mistakes with grammar and spelling... (I was a dreamy little girl in school and I think I missed a lot.)
I try to express the "feelings of my heart" more than anything, but apparently, that comes across wrong to some people.
I guess I didn't know that everything about my blog, and me, has to be perfect... or I will receive a red check by my name...I will be in need of correction!
I can only be me...I am far, far from perfect, in fact I will never be perfect!
I make many mistakes with grammar and spelling... (I was a dreamy little girl in school and I think I missed a lot.)
I try to express the "feelings of my heart" more than anything, but apparently, that comes across wrong to some people.

It's fun to have followers...just maybe not this kind of a follower!
I have been receiving a couple of "anonymous" comments that weren't very nice.
1. Telling me that; "Did you know that when you use all capitols, it's considered shouting?"
2. You need to stop saying, "Come say hi...you're just trying to rack up comments to your blog!
First off...I think to leave anonymous comments like this, is so very cowardly...My Mom taught me not to do things like that, didn't your Mom teach you the same thing?
Sometimes I do use all capitols...
I know, sometimes I'm just lazy and I like to just fly when I am typing and not hesitate to do it right...but thats MY CHOICE!
I love to sign off on my comments by saying; "Come say hi"...
To me, that just means...
"come on over"..."come on in"..."you are welcome at my house anytime!"
So if that bothers you... if you really hate that...just don't come say hi.
There are plenty of people out there who want to be friends,
and they are the ones I want to be friends with too.

(I have been told that throughout my life) but I didn't know blogging was a competition!
Why didn't someone tell me that?! LOL
You know, it's all I can do to put a post out there, and then try to keep up with everyone's blogs by visiting and leaving them a comment. I can just barley keep up with that!
I am not trying to be one of those BIG blogs that I see out there. I would NEVER want that...I'm too busy with my own life and family for that! I am not trying to be anything but what I am...isn't that... good enough?
I have been so amazed at the many, many women in the world that I am learning about, and I am coming to love each and every one of them that I connect with.
I am so totally amazed at their talents...
for writing, for crafting, for photography, for creating, for cooking, for the ability to share their hearts and lives.
They have really opened my eyes to see the many, many great women in the world who are working hard, raising families, making the world a better place. I so admire them all!
I am so totally amazed at their talents...
for writing, for crafting, for photography, for creating, for cooking, for the ability to share their hearts and lives.
They have really opened my eyes to see the many, many great women in the world who are working hard, raising families, making the world a better place. I so admire them all!
That is blogging to me, going to all the different people I have connected with and enjoying who the are.
Admiring their pot and their many beautiful blooms.
I am never there to criticize and tell them; "Oh look, you have a bloom out of place" (or) "Oh, look, you have a weed!" They are, each and everyone, beautiful to me!Admiring their pot and their many beautiful blooms.

Would you think it is alright to go into someone's home and start telling them what looks awful... what must be changed? I would never dream of doing such a thing!
I love to visit other women's blogs...to connect heart to heart with them, to enjoy them and the things they are brave enough to share.
I love each of them for... who they are and what they give out to all of us.

Maybe thats how the mean girl thing keeps on going... they are taught by their mothers to be critical of others!
I just want to have fun here in blog-land,
to love and enjoy other women and their lives,
if you are one of those who like to spoil the fun by being critical...please,
don't choose me!
I promise, my feelings won't be hurt at all by not being chosen!
Lets just "live and let live"...except and love each other for who we are.
As little girl, I just couldn't understand why people just couldn't get along with each other, and just be nice. Now here I am... still wondering the same thing!
What do you think about these kind of things?
Have you experienced the same kind of thing?
What did you do?
"Say little, But when you speak,
utter gentle words that touch the heart,
Be truthful. Express kindness.
Abstain from vanity, This is the way."
Daniel Levin
What do you think about these kind of things?
Have you experienced the same kind of thing?
What did you do?
"Say little, But when you speak,
utter gentle words that touch the heart,
Be truthful. Express kindness.
Abstain from vanity, This is the way."
Daniel Levin
~This is the way for me~
Thank you for your kind words about my crafts....Really, I am a major copyier!!
Don't let the nay sayers have anything to do with how you do YOUR blog!!! It is sometimes ridiculous what people may say...I just don't publish them....that is my way. I really haven't had any bad comments about my blog...but I had to turn off annom...cuz of all the filthy ads that came through..
And I will KEEP coming by and saying hi!!!!capital letters or not!!!
You are a blessing. I love to come and visit with you. As I read your blog today, I first just wanted to hug you and reassure you that what you already know about yourself and your blog is simply the truth. So walk in that. You blog for the pure joy you get out of sharing with other sisters out there who also receive joy on their end by reading it. It should be a no judgement zone, but I guess even amongst "real" sibling sisters, we sometimes say things that we should have put in check before it left our mouths. It just really wasn't necessary. In blogland, some sisters just feel the need to say some things that maybe they should have put in check before they hit "submit". The reasons or motives for giving advice or unsolicited comments is not always purely for joy or heart-driven. Who knows? But it is up to the one on the receiving end to let joy continue to reign over any spoilers that might try to weave in to the positive and loving comments. And I know you do. I can tell already in the short time I have known you. Everything that we try to do with good intentions will sometimes come across wrong to some and that's okay. It wasn't intentional. Maybe their comments weren't intentionally sent with ill-will...who knows? Some people are pleasers, they don't want to offend anyone. Some people are correctors (hidden gift of exhortation...maybe????) and can't help trying to correct mistakes they see. And they don't realize that they impose their personal interpretations of things over onto others that it may not relate to at all....simply because we are all different. Sisters, girls, bloggers, and yet different, unique, and gifted differently. Any time I get offended, I try to use that as a moment to see if my differences are also being untentionally pushed on others because of a gift or a zeal that I have let go of without putting it in check first. Guess that's my way of coping and not getting angry. Because in the end it only affects ME!!!, if I hold offense!
I sure don't want that. So any hurtful comments...I say just hit Delete....brush it off, and go read all those lovely comments of the others who are in no need to judge and are just happy to have your open invitation to come visit with you and your God honoring spirit and lovely pictures, and AWESOME (yes I'm shouting) place where you live. Love to just look at the header, Julie. And the newbie pup is just too too cute, I will say again. And anyone...anyone who will give a homeless doggie a new home is just in BIG letters OKAY in my book.
You are a joy. Glad I met you via blogland. Keep em coming...Brush off the little negatives and keep smiling! Cause this blog is a keeper! God bless. Hugs, Julie
My dear Julie;
Yes, I do know you...and just for the record, keep up the great work you are doing....there seem to be "lots" of us who are thankful for your thoughts and that you take the time...may each one of us take just a little of the hurt away...because no matter how "brave" you try to be it still hurts when someone is mean-spirited.
That reminds me of a bumper sticker one of my kids had once. It said....
Have a great day.
I very much LIKE who you are and enjoy reading your blog! I only recently found you and I agree that leaving criticism in the form of anonymous comments is a cowardly thing to do.
I have never left an anonymous comment anywhere. Though I am known to be somewhat opinionated (I prefer to think of it as passionate) about family values and the politics that encompass them, I do try to keep my opinions in a defensive mode rather than an offensive mode.
Come visit me at Hoof 'n Barrel anytime!
I love your blog! I never could understand the mean thing either. Don't feel bad about the mean people. I'm lucky I know you from your blog and personally. I've never felt obligated to "Come say hi:D" Be Happy! and HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!
Oh, and I love Naiveity. ;)
HI Julie! I dont know what to say.Im saddened I guess.This is the second post Ive read about such things.I hope this is the last.You know I love your blog,I love your "come say Hi"I always thought that sounded nice.This really IS the way I take it.TO BE nice.Ive Never thought of any thing other than that.I dont get it, its to be fun and to be nice and have contacts with everyone,in a good way.I dont understand some people, and believe me Julie I dont want to,lol.All I know is I adore you, and hope you keep blogging, always enjoyed every post.
Maybe people should just leave if they havent enjoyed a blog, you can do that,lol silly people.Luv ya Julie,hugs!Happy Valentines Day my friend.~~Becky
Just ignore them, they are just JEALOUS! Yes, I just shouted that, and you can tell me anytime to come visit you!
Your blog is such an inspiration, I love to read your thoughts, the way you express your kindness, don't let anyone spoil your fun, just don't change, we all love you just the way you are!
Hugs, Ann
Julie, ignore those who criticize! If you are like me and I think you are, you are blogging for yourself and for fun! I say what I want and I don't try to offend others but I am posting things I'm interested and saying and CAPITALIZING WHAT I WANT TOO! If they don't like it...don't come my way. I won't be hurt one bit. I have enough people who like me just as I am...and Julie I LIKE YOU JUST AS YOU ARE!! We nice girls have to stick together. Long comment but I've heard of others that this has happened too and I hate when it bothers us bloggers. My feelings, well I don't allow anonymous comments. If you don't want to leave who you are then I don't want to hear it. Love the flowers and yes we are all different and grow and bloom in different ways. Some are just stink weed!
Linda @ A La Carte
Oh please don't ever think we don't enjoy your blogs. I so love coming by here and seeing what our sweet Julie is up to.
I am so sorry this happened to you and wish I could make you feel better.
Like you I love how close we all get sharing each others lives both funny and sad. We pray for each other and only wish the best for all so I am like you I don't understand someone leaving ugly comments.
Also Julie I actually like the way you sign out when you come by to see me. It makes me feel like you really want to talk to me.
Just remember Maggie, Grandmayellowhair and even ole Pearl thinks your tops
Come on by and see me honey
Mean people are just that...mean. Ignore and turn the other cheek since as you can see WE LOVE YOU!!!
I think your blog is simply lovely. I LOVE coming by - - - even if to just gaze at that header of your home by the bluffs.
I've had what felt to me to be unkind anonymous comments from time to time too. So, I changed my blog settings to not allow anonymous comments. That way a person has to at LEAST make a google account with SOME kind of a "name" so I will be able to tell if it is the SAME "mean spirited" commenter every time.
I love your Oscar Wilde quote at the beginning of this post.
Just keep blogging they way YOU want to blog - - - if people don't like what they see, they can stop coming here and go someplace else - - - probably to a much more BORING place.
Oh, that's sad. There will always be mean people out there- that's just how it is; but hopefully, the nice people will always outnumber the mean.
Don't let it bother you- I know, easier said than done. Just keep on being you!!
Hi Julie
Love all the friendship photos :-) so sweet...and love your "come say hi" messages ♥ How is Zak & Mr Bo Jangles (love those names).
Hi Julie,
I am so sorry this has happened to you. I just don't understand this at all. I turned off anomynous comments too because I was getting some nasty spam. I love your blog and think your the sweetest! I hate all these posts telling us how our blogs have to be. I have noticed that blogs become very generic and boring when they all start looking and sounding alike. You keep up the good work girl, like Keetha said, it takes my breath away just to see your gorgeous home pics! Hugs, Cindy
Julie Im gritting my teeth,lol.Come over and read my last comment on my blog,LOL.What should I tell her?? scroll down to the bottom of her post LOL.Is their a full moon tonight? lol
You will have the best and the worst reading you. Who cares about grammar, there is books for that. REAL people make mistakes. Those people criticizing are so much into themselves, nobody wants to be around them so they only have the internet and BOOKS!
When you criticize people, You don't have the time to love them.
I know you for a short time but i love you already. You are friendly, one of the few who actually answers and come say hi to me. I love it when you say hi...At least i know that you have something on your blog to read because you are active in your blog and conversation. One of my friend has a very famous blog and she got a LOT of critics...BAD, she is LDS too...I have to remind her that she writes for the ones who love her. Not the others.
You are writing for the people who love you not the others Julie Remember that.
Happy Valentine, you are splendid.
I was told one day that you have to lesson to Christ and his love and not Satan and his hate.
It works. XOXO
What an excellent posting! Loved it!
You can visit my blog anytime and I would truly welcome you . . "We all all angels with one wing; we need each other to fly" . . Have a great Valentine's Day!
Awww.... sweet Julie- don't let those turkeys get you down!!
I think some people have a real problem- and they think it's their lot in life to make everyone as miserable as they are.
I too have gotten a couple of not so nice comments and I was very hurt at first, but then I decided, like you, that they don't have to come and visit me so why worry?
I love you just like you are and don't want you to change in any way!!
p.s.- You can change your settings to block anonymous comments if you want to put a stop to it for good... I'm sure they would be too chicken to "come out"!
oh my gosh, i am one of those that cannot keep up with any comments and feel terrible about it, but after reading this to heck with dinner, i am taking the time to say i think you have a delightful blog! i am bowled over by your huge big family and wonderful life that you share, i can't imagine anyone could care less how you choose to communicate on YOUR blog. who gives a darn how the message is typed, spelled or henpecked, as long as we all get our message across, thats what is important! to me, you have always been kind, gracious, caring, and well, down right full of love for life and your friends and family. i still smile when i think of your video you shared saying another grandchild was coming.
don't you worry one bit what the anons have to say, just delete them and move on, if you recall i had something happen to me as being linked to a forum as the poster child to bad blogging, and general LIVING, since i don't use caps... just delete the mean girls, don't allow anon posters also and that may make it all go away. i think you saying coming say hi made you very personable, like a neighbor in the country, chatty and kind~ listen, you have your life all figured out and are happy, don't let a few unkind words take away from a mountain of good, just keep on being YOU~ and yes i was shouting, que sera sera!
Hi Julie! I'm a fairly new follower and look forward to your posts and your recipes ~ I can tell by your "real life" writing that you are a genuine person... you write about REAL LIVING. I enjoy this very much and have sent my sister your way to read your posts...
I love the quote you have at the beginning... about being yourself, everyone else is taken.
It's a wonderful garden to be in~
take heart ♥ Maria
Julie, Hugs to you!!!!
I LOVE your blog and always look forward to seeing your post, pictures, recipes, poems and whatever you have to share. I am getting to know you and call you a friend.
I know the caps mean shouting but, I use them alot to express excitement.
Just continue blogging like you are, I know that we are all blessed to have found your blog.
Well, first of all, you are completely right in stating that this is YOUR space....and you can do with it whatever you like! :)
People who harass bloggers are sometimes called "trolls." I think we all have them, but I'm sorry they have been bothering you. :(
I'm sorry to hear that Julie..
You know the same thing has been happening to me lately, and I have been blogging less and less.
Some hurtful things...
I also love your blog... it is YOURS... so you can do it the way YOU want to.
Keep up the good work.. I am a follower, and look forward to each new post
Darlin' girl...I suspect that no matter where we go or what we do, there's always people out there that are jealous, mean spirited or just plain ignorant. Maybe their moms didn't teach them "if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all!" and maybe they haven't read the part in the Bible that says, "Love thy neighbor as thyself"...or maybe they just plain don't know how to be NICE.
Ignore them, take your "anonymous" off your comments and you should be fine.
xo bj
Try having a business blog Julie! Then your really get critiqued.
Had my share...and then they don't do business with me...oh well, cant win them all.
Like you said perfectly...just don't come by...
Sometimes my blogs are done so quickly and other times I can put some time into it. I say too accept me for who I am, we are not perfect in a perfect world.
I can't imagine your blog being offensive...but what is offensive to one isnt to another.
Again...to chicken to use their name is never good.
Sometimes is boils down to jealousy...its an ugly trait. Not saying this is what happened.
Hey your an angel of a woman. None of us want to be perfect...how fun is that? Just getting through life the best we can.
Thanks for stopping in, its been a busy busy week, so I havent been by here lately, sure I need to catch up on some wonderful posts I have missed out on.
This blogging world can cause some frustrations for sure...like I said...try doing one as a business...a whole new set of problems.
I LOVE when YOU come by to say HI :D
Please don't let bad comments bother you.
I LOVE your blog....I stop by all the TIME!
We are great bloggy friends!
HUGS and good thoughts coming your way!!!
I have only had a couple of random anonymous comments about my canning methods that I kind of found funny...the other anonymous comments have been nice. I sometimes think there are a lot of looky-lou type commenters out there that are only looking for something to be offended about so they can make their mean comments. I think they are the blog voyeurs that just spy and really don't know how to contribute in a positive way. I wonder if they are as lonely in life as they are in bloggerland. Keep your chin up....you are doing just fine!
Posting comments anonymously just shows how cowardly some people are...if not, then they would have a blog! It's not an easy thing to let your home, your family, your feelings, and your heart be on display to any and all. But...some of us are braver souls than others. Ignore the minority! (We...or at least I have all had these poopy heads comment on our blogs!**yes, I said poopy heads! LOL**)
I adore your blog and love getting comments from you!
Julie, dear! Of all the blogs on the internet yours is the sweetest. BY FAR! Do not let anyone get you down and make you stop doing what you do best. Loved that picture of the flowers in their pots. All different, all beautiful in their own way, all colors, shapes, sizes. Just like us. How boring the world would be if we were all alike or, heaven forbid, all close to perfect! So shake it off, ignore the negative, embrace the positive and continue your wonderful life and blog. Hope your Valentines Day is lovely. Love, Mimi PS Your new little doggie is adorable!
Julie - I just recently found you or you found me? ha ha but either way I love visiting your blog. You seem so very sweet and genuine.
There are always those out there who feel the need to say a nasty thing or two. Maybe they are having a bad day.
I think you do JUST GREAT with your blogging. I like to use lots of exclamation points, capitals, whatever it takes to get my message across with enthusiasm. There is no wrong way to blog.
I will tell you that if you get an anonymous comment I think the best thing to do is to just delete it as fast as possible without a word.
Whoever left it just needs to move on.
Hope you have a Happy Valentines Day!
Cherie :D
I am so sad for you. You are a dream friend you have touched my heart too. And when a thoughtless person leaves a comment such as the ones you have shared -- if meanest come out of their mouth as they type such hateful words. Then they are not good people to be around in any form. I visit your blog because it's makes me feel lifted-up and it holds truths. One can feel when reading your blog that you have such a sweet feelings and your actions are filled with kindness. It's my hope you will continue sharing your life in your blog -- and don't let no one bother you either. I am glad to have met you through this bloging world. I'd be very brocken up if I lost your friendship -- so stay in touch -- and one other thing thanks for giving me feed back on the winter photos at my blog - by yours and other feed back has helped my tons -- so thanks again :D..
You leave some of the sweetest comments on my blog. I was so sad to see that someone had left mean comments to you. I guess I'm naive too, because I didn't know these things either. I think you should just set your comments so that you don't get anonymous comments. I did this when I started blogging because I have teen daughters that read my blog. I was afraid of the language and contents of those anonymous comments.
Have a wonderful Valentines Day!
I wanted to add one more thing, I love your blog :-)
Lovely, lovely post Julie! Sweetest pictures. I'm off to read some of your earlier posts ...
Wishing you a Warm & Wonderful St. Valentin!
Julie...how anyone could say anything like that to you, one of the sweetest bloggers I know, is beyond me!!!
Completely ignore their ignorance and please...keep posting just the way you always have (I LOVE IT & SO ENJOY READING EVERY WORD!! Some blogs I get antsy when reading and scroll thru...yours I devour from start to finish!!) and...ALWAYS INVITE ME TO COME SAY HI .. because when you do it makes me smile from ear to ear!! I know that is your way of opening your front door and inviting me in, you are that kind of warm and friendly person that I am so glad to have found!!!
LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU SWEETIE & always just be Julie, we love her!
Keep on being "you," Julie. I'm glad we aren't all alike. How boring. Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm sorry to learn that you have had messages which have been negative. The only advice I would have is to ignore them. I'm quite sure the positive and uplifting messages you receive far out-weigh these sent by 'annonymous'. It's sad that people feel the need to nit-pick, but then we don't know the back ground of 'annonymous' - perhaps that's all they know.
None of us are perfect and never will be. That's why we need Jesus Christ.
Maybe no one has explainted that to 'annonymous'.
Please keep blogging in your own sweet and wonderful way.
You know how much I love you...soak up the goodness my sweet friend...ignore the rest.I don't get it..you are one of the sweetest in all of blogland. Sending you lots of extra love today...xxoxoxoxo
You hit the nail on the head....MEAN girls grow up to be MEAN women....and yes I am shouting. Don't let a few rotten apples ruin your day.......
Oh, dear Julie,
I am so sorry someone has chosen to be negative. Your blog is always uplifting to me, and I have a hard time understanding why people want to be mean. I look forward to my visits with you and so appreciate your visits to my Bunny Cottage. Please keep being your sweet self!! Sending lots of Valentine love and happy wishes your way! Vicki
Oh Julie I am so sorry you are getting some nasty comments. Just delete them. I say it is YOUR blog and you can say and comment on others as you wish. I love it when you say come say hi. I also feel like you are inviting me into your blog home when you do. So far I haven't had to moderate my comments and have only deleted a few, but if I started getting "snarky" comments by an anon. I would definitely moderate and delete them. I agree with the statement they were miserable MEAN girls that turned into miserable MEAN women. Don't let them bring you down. I am THRILLED that we met in blogland.
Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day.♥
Someone seriously said those things???? Mercy! I say they woke up on the wrong side of the broom. That is ultimate rude.
I love your blog and I'm glad I stumbled onto it.
You are a positive upbeat person and I'm always smiling when I leave.
You have "invited" me into your home and I love it!
I hope you don't change at all.
Love you.
Happy Valentine's Day to you too and your new little dog is so cute!!!!!
Oh the joys of all shapes and sizes of trials in our life!!...
Please keep being you: kind, funny, great example, loving wife, awesome Grandma, lover of animals and I'm sure the list goes on. I've learned all of this about you, just by reading your blog. Thanks for sharing your life.
I appreciate your kind comments on my blog, they truly make my day!!
Keep smilin' and "kill the unkind individuals with kindness"!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Just stopping by and wishing you a Happy Valentines Day!
Much love: Evi
Ps: Ah Julie I love those quotes...and I'm sorry to hear about the bad comments...just ignore them!
The first thing I want to say is that I love it when you say "come say hi". That feels warm and welcoming to me and, like you mentioned, it's not only a welcome to your blog, a response to a comment or email, it's like welcoming me into your home and I know I would love that!
I've received some adverse comments too and at first, it hurt my feelings. Then I realized that it's not about me ~ it's about the person that has no respect for others or social graces. Who would be so mean to do these things? No, we don't need them in our world ~ personal or blogging.
I LOVE your blog and your sharings! I will never have the "perfect" blog...I doubt anyone will. Some are very updated, full of DIY's, cooking, design information...you name it. And some of these folks are not warm or helpful or welcoming. I experienced that too.
I say that you continue to do what you love, say what you feel ~ even in caps! LOL ~ and disregard the naysayers. There's only been One perfect person and there will not be another. We should love and respect each person for what they bring to the table ~ the blogs, the world, etc.
Ok, I should step down from my soap box now and say Happy Valentine's Day to you. ;-) Oh yes, come say hi when you can!
Happy Valentine's Day Julie! Thanks for all of your prescious comments you leave for me. I treasure each one. I agree with this post. Blogging is supposed to be fun and something to enjoy. A way to meet like- minded women across the world.I am so happy I have met you!Be yourself and keep on blogging. Have a great day.
Don't allow others to steal the joy God has put in your heart. Those who do work for a serpent. He wants to sneek into a place filled with God, Love, Hope, Peace and Kindness and crush it. But you sister in faith are armed for this battle and any other which may come your way. You are armed with a heart for God. Stand in your Faith and continue to share your heart of Faith...When you set out on a mission to share, you open yourself up...But... We will be victorious in our faith, the battle belongs to the Lord. The Word of God is our armor and a 2 edged sword. I will stand with a sister in faith and shout JOY!I will delight in... coming by to say, HI!
Many Blessings, Deborah
Julie, I have never left a comment on your blog, but if ever there is a time to (and there have been many--you are great!) it is now! I don't have my own blog, but LOVE reading them! (I've thought about it!) I love to come visit you! I feel inspired, uplifted and at home. It's like coming from a really great RS meeting. Please don't listen to those that "can't say anything nice". (My mother taught me that too.) I am always thankful I never have to go back to junior high/high school competitive mentality! Thank for sharing your talents, advice and beautiful spirit!
Oh, Julie! I'm so sorry some have not been kind to you! You are so right - cowards are those who are nameless! Shame on them. I think you are a wonderful lady with much to share. Please don't let the few that are just jealous make you feel badly. I've had someone who used to come and say 'why do you always say 'be a sweetie?'. I just had to ignore it and of course it was an anonymous one.
Blogland does have so many ones who have connected with each other through the heart. Keep on being you, Julie, and you can tell me 'just come say hi' anytime you want to and I certainly will!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I'm so sorry this has happened to you! Yes, I agree that anonymous is very cowardly...and you know...jealous, I think. I love you and your blog just the way you are. And I love that little sign off you do of 'come say hi' :) The first time I saw it I thought how cute and clever it was and it really did make me feel welcome at your blog. So...please, don't change a thing. Just be you!
I recently started reading your blog, and have enjoyed what I've read. This is my first time commenting. I'm sorry that you are getting some negative comments. I turned off anomynous comments because I was starting to get spam. I would ignore anything negative, and keep on enjoying your blog! :o) Thank you for the great post!
1. I enjoy visiting here. You seem to be sweet and genuine and like many, you blog for "bliss," so please people, cut a girl some slack. *wink*
2. I use CAPS more to just to emphasize. my bad?
3. It is easy to feel like an "unprofessional" blogger. hello? we are! LOL.
4. Big hugs!
5. great photos -- especially the sprinters on the beach *i'm the slow girl*
I found your blog by surfing the many blogs. I so loved reading it. we are who we are and that's the way God meant for us to be. I am a senior citizen and visiting and viewing the wonderful blogs helped me fill the time in the winter. My blog is me and not lavish like some.....their are days I have no ideas or thought to share . I'm so glad i found you. So do come by and say Hi.
I am simply floored and a bit dismayed that people have been rude to you, who has opened up your home and whole heart to all of us.
I am so grateful for your ability to bless our lives through your words and good works.
I am a firm believer Heavenly Father created us each uniquely different and together we are a gorgeous and fabulous bouquet. =0)
Some are a bit more prickly than others. I feel they just need more loving and nurturing!;]
Thank You from the bottom of my heart for each of your beautiful and thought provoking posts which never fail to touch my heart and lift my spirits!
Hugs my friend on this day of Love!
Your blog is wonderful- I know it is easier said than done, but try to ignore mean spirited comments like that.
In fact- delete them. Look at it in the same way you hang up when you get a phone call from a telemarketer.
Again- your blog is just right.
Oh Julie!
I think you are just the nicest, sweetest, greatest person. I am so sorry that you have had some mean comments. I had a mean one a few months ago. It made me cry. I almost deleted my whole blog and stopped altogether.
Don't even pay those people any mind. People that do that are shallow, mean people and are jealous that you are awesome and have a wonderful, happy life.
You are awesome!!!!
Julie - I can't believe some people can be so mean-spirited. Each person's blog is their own and they can do what they want on it. If you want to use caps USE CAPS. I do it all the time, and I'm never hollering - I'm just using emphasis. Did somebody make up "blog etiquette" or something? I think (and hope) peoples' real personalities come out on their blogs. I try to be myself and I think most other people do the same. I even drop my 'g's and use Ease Texas hick language from time to time - just the way we talk down here. I hope nobody ever gets offended by that. And if they do, and if they think I'm crazy, then they don't have to come by anymore.
For the most part, I've met beautiful and wonderful and lovely people blogging. I guess there always has to be a few bad apples in any bunch and I guess you ran across one or two of them. I'm sorry. Blow them off! You have a lovely blog, and I always feel like I've been invited by a sweet friend to stop by. Don't let them ruin it for you! Why, just look at all these positive comments on here of the friends who DO love to come visit you! We just need to say a little prayer for that person who is having such a hard and difficult time in life that they have to put someone else down to make themselves look better. This is supposed to be FUN!!!!
Just be yourself. You may not be perfect for everyone, but you're perfect for you!
I greatly enjoy your blog and I'm happy to be invited to yours.
Julie, that's horrible. These people are just cowards. :( We love your blog and it gives me so much inspiration. Thank you, for being YOU. Yor an AMAZING woman. Your family is very lucky. Keep up your blogging. <3 Have a beautiful, blessed day.
Julie, I have been really busy with my own creative blog, and I have been trying to get more designing jobs, not to mention my church calling, so I have not visited your blog for a little while. But I just read this last post, and I am shocked that anyone would leave comments like that. I guess there are really petty people out there who blog too. Your blog is popular, because it is so warm and friendly. To bad that everyone out there in blog land isn't so friendly. I love ya though and appreciate your wonderful posts.
Oh Julie,I am so sorry you have been hurt by these nasty comments.These people must have nothing better to do with their lives.My mother used to say,before you say something to someone think...'is it kind?...is it true?...is it necessary?...and if more people did this,the world would be a happier place.Of course you want people to come and read your blog,not to 'show off' but to offer something of yourself,and you never know how you may have touched someone's life just by what you've written that day.Thanks for popping in,I love hearing from you!
Bellaboo :)
It's rude to point out the imperfections in another person's blog. End of story.
I blog for myself and no one else. It's not perfect but I try to get things right. If I don't know how to spell something, I look it up.
Just keep on keepin' on and try to get past the criticism. And I love the Daniel Levin quote.
I can't imagine someone being so thoughtless and cruel to you. You are one of the dearest people here in blogland . I always enjoy visiting you, because you speak from your heart, and have such love for God,your family and everyone around you. You always encourage each of us. which reminds me thank you for your comment on my last post, and for sharing a part of your first date and love story. I was so blessed by it.
Now getting back to your post for today, just keep being yourself. I truly like it when you invite me to visit you, it lets me know that I am welcomed with love.
Hugs and many blessings,
Hi Julie, my first visit to your blog and I love it. I saw your sweet, come say hi, at Betsy's and thought that is just what I would do....HI! Ooops I said in all caps/ha I feel if someone doesn't like what you say or how you say it....then leave....no one is forcing you to be here!!!
OH, look at the love here surrounding you ....I LOVE IT! ...and no, I wasn't shouting there! heehee
You have a delightful blog...and it is very professional : ) I love all your girlfriend photos. Just be yourself and say "whateva" to those who don't get it : ) It's their loss.
I am sorry to hear you have gotten some negative, anonymous comments. I have gotten some that were down right vulger.I don't let them get to me.. I delete and read on to all the wonderful kind comments I get , which far out weight the negative. sing along with me, accentuate the postitive , eliminate the negative , latch on to the affirmative and don't mess with mr. inbetween. I love that song. You have a beautiful blog, don't change a thing. we love you the way you are! Blessings and hugs!
Julie, I am so sorry that there is somebody that is leaving mean comments on your blog! I just don't understand why people do that. I get them sometimes too. If people don't like you page, they don't have to visit. There is no need to be unkind or mean spirited. I happen to love your page and I think you are one of the sweetest bloggers around. In short. I adore you and you bless my life in many, many ways. Don't let any of the naysayers change a thing about you! xxoo
PS - I happen to like coming over here to say hi!!
I am so sorry to read that someone out there in blogland can be so nasty.
Just ignore them and just continue to be you. I love coming here and reading your blog.
God bless.
Julie ~ I like you, and I like your blog. And if I lived near you, I would just come say "Hi" quite a bit :) Hang in there ~
Hi Julie! I'm here to "say hi!" ;)
BECAUSE I WANT TO! So sorry you came across some haters out in blog land. So uncalled for. My blog is never perfect, either, just a little glimpse into my imperfect but wonderful world. Keep on doing what you do and that is all that matters.
I just found your blog hopping around and I love it. This was well said, we are out here to hav fun and share from the heart. That's what I do and I can't spell either. Come by and meet me too!
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