Friday, February 19, 2010


Did you know that RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS week begins February 15th? I want to participate in about you?

Some ideas to get us started...

Make a powerful yet simple gesture to a total stranger...

Pick up the tab for the car behind you in a drive-through (or) the person behind you at the drink machine.
Offer to babysit for new parents.
Help an elderly neighbor by shoveling snow or running an errand for them.
Smile at every person you meet for one day.

There is no denying that the world is brimming with brilliant minds. Talent, ingenuity, and skill abound as far as the eye can see. I see this in blogging, women of so many wonderful talents.

This is so inspiring...lets open our eyes to the work of these talented women around us, allow ourselves to experience awe without envy, and give sincere compliments and kindnesses, from our hearts.
The more freely we give of our hearts, expressing our admiration, the greater our capacity to give and do, becomes.

A few months ago, my husband and I were at a restaurant having dinner. When we asked for our check, the waitress explained that someone had already paid our bill, tip and all.

We were totally surprised and delighted by such a kind gesture which inspired us.
The following weekend, we did the same for some people who looked like they didn't get to go out for dinner very often.
This brought the greatest joy to us... joy that is hard to explain.

Sometimes I think I let HAPPINESS slip by me because I think of it as an event...
You know, I will be happy when...

When I arrive at a certain destination...
When I can be with a certain person or in a certain place...
When schooling is finished...
When I get a better job...
When I arrive at a certain income...
When I am married...
When the baby is born...When I recover from my illness...
When my bills are all paid...
When I own a new car...
When I move into a new home...
When some disagreeable task is finished...
When I can leave on that big trip...
When I am free from this trial...

Doubtless I shall be somewhat happier WHEN...but not as mush happier as I think. Life has a way of presenting new complications, I can come up with new wants as fast as old ones are satisfied.

But as giving-away becomes a habit as well as a hobby, something happens inside of me,
I feel a new sense of human warmth in all of my relations with people.
Friends and associates seem closer, neighbors and acquaintances become firm friends, and first contacts with strangers are often delightful adventures which lead to friendships.

It is never too late, nor is anyone too old, to take up " giving themselves away."
So this week of... RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS...
try it...try giving yourself away...follow those "warm-hearted impulses"... instantly!
You might find that happiness was right there at your finger tips!

Speaking of GIVING AWAY...I will post my GIVE-A-WAY
on this Saturday watch for it.
~xxx's to all~


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Wow Julie, each and every word in this post is so well chosen and sweet. You truly spread a lot of Kindness, Happiness and Joy! I'm off to read this wonderful post one more time.

Carol said...

What a lovely thought. Just imagine if everyone took part in this special week - there'd be a whole lot of happy people around!

Joycee said...

Love the "pay it forward" idea on checks. It can be a simple act of kindness that means so much, there are many hurting in this big world. Listen and be still, then we can see. Love your blog, Sweetie!

paperbird said...

Beautiful post. I have been thinking about kindness a lot since my Mom passed way. There were so many kindnesses sent my way these past few weeks. Makes me want to be a better person.

Eggs In My Pocket / Yesteryear Embroideries said...

I always love to stop by here! By the time I have finished reading your wonderful words........I feel happy! Blessings,Kathleen

Sandra said...

Wonderful post...we can never be accused of being too nice! Glad you remembered the Logan stores too! I did think of the Blue Bird but we didn't eat there was kind of ritzy in the day...but I do eat lunch there everytime I make a trip to Logan.

Tracy said...

I LOVE this!! RAK of kindness's a "good thing"!! :-)

Linda said...

I love random acts of kindness! It makes you feel so good to give! Great post!

bellaboo said...

It has been proved that being kind to other people is actually good for your physical health too!
Love those chocolate dipped strawberries on your earlier post.
Thanks for popping in and for your lovely comments.

Bellaboo :0)

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Wonderful post .. sure makes you pause and think...

Jenglamgirl said...

I will get on the wagon with this. I will smile more, chit chat, say hello, and maybe pay for someones meal. I loved that someone did that for your hubby and you, HOW SWEET. Then you doing the same, just wonderful. Julie~ your blog makes me feel so good when I leave it, thanks for being you. HUGS, JGG

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Excellent post! I so believe in this. Over the holiday, last Christmas, my husband and I received a generous gift card and all it said was, "God Bless You Dave and Sandy", we had no idea who it was from, but what an impression it made on us. It touches your heart and makes you want to give back.

Peace starts with a Smile!

Mimi Sue said...

We live in a neighborhood that has 20 plus widows so there is always a bit of service to give if you just look for it. And we are so happy to help out when we can. We used to live in California right in the middle of the strawberry fields. We ate a lot of them in every way possible and one of my favorites is chocolate dipped. Makes me want one right now! Mimi

Shelia said...

Hi Julie! Did you know you were such an inspiration to me? This is a wonderful post and how true it is. I do believe it's just natural to be kind and it takes more energy to be mean. You are the sweet kind one and I'm so glad I've gotten to know you.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

ImagineCozy said...

Thank you for that beautiful reminder! We have also paid for someone else's dinner and it was just an amazing feeling. I need to do that again.

red ticking said...

i just love this... so sweet. xx

Court said...

Someone did the same thing with Josh & I when we were in college. We went out to dinner for Valentine's Day and we were informed that someone already paid the bill. That was a blessing to two poor college students! Thanks for the inspiration Julie!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Your such a sweetie! Love this post and what a lesson for all of us to learn.
I loved your comment you left for me and I too wish I had known you all of my life. You are the one of the women that I have met on here that I totally look up to and so admire. What a blessing you in my life.
Thank you for being my friend

Brenda said...

Hi Julie!

What a wonderful reminder! Thanks for your great post. So true!
I find my self singing "kindness begins with me" often to my children!

Have a great weekend!
Love, Brenda

Muthering Heights said...

I had no idea...what a great theme for the week!

Cindy Geilmann said...

What a cool challenge, I'll do it.
Thank you my sweet friend.


bj said...


I asked one of the ladies that has so many cloches where she put them all. Every tabletop and mantel I have already is overflowing...I can do without cloches...unless they hold FOOD!! :o)

Connie said...

The world would be a better place if we showed kindness to everyone! I'm game!

Maria said...

HI Julie...
As always, I find such inspiration and such kindness here.

It must have been so exciting to find out someone had paid for your meal!
and then you passed it on!
Our pastor described the same thing a few weeks ago... he and his wife had paid for someone in the restaurant.
He said it was so hard not telling the couple he treated ... he wanted it to be anonymous. I think that would be so much fun to try!
Good for you that you passed it on!
God bless you and your family~

Cherie said...

This is definately true! We DO feel better when we can give of ourselves and do nice things for other people!
I think it is a great theme for the week :D

Frenchy chick said...

Amen, to that. I think you did just amazing paying for someone else tab, passing the kind act along, most people would not think of doing that. I agree...It's always the time to do anything...If you are not doing it now, you never will.
You are the best!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

What a great post. Does it count if I don't kill someone who is being a total dufus? That is an act of kindness, yes?

Marie said...

Great post Julie, once again! You amaze me girl, with these lovely words you come up with day after day!! I love random acts of kindness. I just love doing things for other's whenever I can. It doesn't need to take a lot of money, or even a lot of time . . . it just takes love!! xxoo

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Good Morning Julie,
Your post is such a lovely reminder of what is really important in this life! You have such a great heart girlfriend! And every time I see that pic of you and your grandbaby in your matching red dresses, I smile! Hugs, Cindy

Paula said...

such beautiful thoughts Julie:)
Paying it foward is an addictive way to live and gives you the largest amount of happiness you could possibly imagine! I try to live this way, not always successful but I will never stop trying:)

My name is PJ. said...

Excellent post, Julie! Pay it forward.

My favorite is to get a $10 roll of quarters and put money in all the expired parking meters.

Megan said...

Thanks for letting me know about RAK week! I've got some great ideas- now to impliment them :)
Have a great weekend!

Petite Little Bee said...

I love your blog. There are so many beautiful thoughts and ideas and all of the pictures are just so lovely. I am a new follower. Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us. Lia

Brenda said...

Thanks for making my day so much better...what a wonderful way to "get happy"!

The Garden of Egan said...

What an awesome post. I love the idea of paying for someone in line behind you.
You are awesome.

Julie said...

Lovely post, Julie! It IS hard to try to explain that feeling you get, isn't it? Thanks for inspiring me to look for ways to bless someone's life today...

Thanks for your visit--love to see you! Hope you have a beautiful day today!

Darlene said...

What a WONDERFUL post that put a smile on my face. Being kind is such an easy thing to do but we get so "caught up" in our own lives (and thoughts) that sometimes it just doesn't happen. It is so much easier to put a smile on and "give" it to everyone than a frown. How wonderful that someone paid for your meal and you in return paid it forward! LOVE it!♥

becky said...

Great post Julie! I love the quote from Aesop, so true.

Have a great weekend!Hugs!

from my front porch... said...

I so believe in pay-it-forward!

I am a card sender. It is such an easy thing to do to make someones day special. I send to a lot of elderly people who live alone.Just random, I am thinking of You, cards!

You are so sweet to remind us all of how random acts of kindness make the world a better place :)
xo, misha

Eileen said...

This post is so true! I find that I feel much more happiness in surprising someone with a bouquet of flowers on a "regular" day or knitting/crocheting a gift for someone that they didn't expect then if I buy something new for me or my house. The joy it brings me when I see the joy it brings them, is a much deeper more satisfying kind of joy! I love this post!

Judi said...

Hi there
I absolutely loved this post. What a wonderful inspiring gesture of kindness it is. It certainly makes me think about what I can do...if nothing else than smile because I know when I pass someone in a store when I'm rushing about or deep in thought with the problems of the day receiving a smile from even a stranger makes me smile too. Smiling is a great relief too..

Wonderful. How special is that that your meal was covered and you in turn did the same. Love it.

I hope you have a very lovely day and a beautiful act of kindness comes your way.

come by and visit me sometime

ga.farmwoman said...

Hi Julie,
It does seem like the busier we get and more involved in our own problems we forget to share.

It has been too long since I made my stuffed animals for the local Children's Service. I am surely going to work on that this coming week.
Thanks for the reminder of "Kindness"
Have a great weekend.

Sandy said...

Great Post and great ideas! My next TFOT Relief Society lesson is Pres. Monson's "What Have I Done for Someone Today". May I use some of your examples please?
Sandy :D


A great post full of words of wisdom.
Blessings to you!

myletterstoemily said...

i love the idea of random acts of kindess and
the lovely repercussions.

you are just the sweetest thing.


Vicki said...

Hello, Julie,
Thank you so much for the reminder to practice kindness each and every day! Sometimes just a kind smile can make the difference in a person's life. I hope you have a lovely weekend full of kindness, dear friend! Vicki

Betsy said...

I was out running errands today for the first time all week..had a lot of stops to make! I smiled at everyone I saw...which I usually do. I'm always amazed at the reaction. Some smile back. Some look at me like I'm crazy! ha.

koralee said...

Spreading Joy...that is just what you do my friend. I am going to take this post to heart and spread some more.. Have a sweet weekend..dear one. xoxoxo

Cindy Geilmann said...

Julie, thank you for the suggestion to send my son some cookies. I'm going to do it. He hasn't had my chocolet chip cookies for a long time.


Valerie said...

Beautiful post, as usual! I think we can never have enough reminders to reach out in love and kindness to others. It's so easy to slip into the day to day routine and forget...:)
And wowzers! How did I get so behind on reading your blog? I missed lots of stuff! Yummy strawberries, and uh...some not so nice stuff too...Sorry that some choose to take the low road and be mean. I just don't get that!
Big hugs to you, my friend...and keep on being YOU! :)

nanny said...

Great Post...can't wait to participate in RAK.....I went shopping this week and made an effort to just talk to was fun and they were all very receptive!

Heart of a Cowgirl said...

I guess I missed it last week, BUT, this is something I try to do all year 'round anyway. It just feels good to give with no expectation of anything in return. But, it is true, what goes around, comes around.

Frenchy chick said...

Julie, you always know what to say to make someone feel like a million bucks. Your family is SO lucky to have you...Thank you for your comment. :)

pam said...

If we all could remember and do nic this how great would life be.

Melinda Cornish said...

little kindnesses go a long way....

Tara said...

what a wonderful remider! And happiness should be something you strive for everyday, instead of waiting you need to strive to change the things you are waiting for to make you happy! I loved this post, thank you!

Teresa said...

Wow Julie, such a lovely post. I really like the idea of picking up someone's tab at a restaurant. That would be so fun. Something for us to think about each and every day. Thanks for the thoughts.

Petite Little Bee said...

What a beautiful post. Very inspirational. Hugs, Lia

Duchess of Tea said...

Eloquently written post, I so enjoyed reading it, in fact, I read it twice.

Love & Hugs