By the many friends.... and by the great amount of love.... that you have given to me.
I was trying my best to be a good follower of your blogs, but now you'll never get rid of me!
I am sticking to you like gum to the bed post...like honey to the hive...like jelly to her peanut butter!
I don't even know how to begin to thank all of you for the great kindness you have extended to me....I love each and everyone of you so much! Your kind remarks and good advise have filled my heart with such JOY....I can't stop smiling!

When troubles came and my heart was burdened...
And I felt still and waited here in silence...
Then you all came and sat with me a bit...
And now...
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders,
You raise me up...
To be more than I can be.

I will go forward...being myself...and I know all who are good and true will be my friends.
I want to be someone who nurtures and builds. One who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, who looks for the best in people. Hopefully able to leave a bit of good everywhere I go.
For coming to hold my hand for a moment and warm my heart.
I feel so blessed to have connected with each and everyone of you...
you have shown me how to be a friend and I can't thank you enough for that.
you have shown me how to be a friend and I can't thank you enough for that.
I do believe that.... "What you give out comes back to you."
I have this quote on my fridge and I just love it...good words to live by I think.
People are unreasonable, illogical, and self centered...Love them anyway.
If you are good, people may accuse you of selfish motives...Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies...Succeed anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow...Do good anyway.
Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable...Be honest and transparent anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight...Build anyway.
People who really want help may attack you if you help them...Help them anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt...
Give the world your best anyway.
(Mother Teresa)
My 100th post is right around the corner....and my birthday...So...
I feel a ***GIVE A WAY***coming to you, from me...stay tuned.
With all my love...Julie
People are unreasonable, illogical, and self centered...Love them anyway.
If you are good, people may accuse you of selfish motives...Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies...Succeed anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow...Do good anyway.
Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable...Be honest and transparent anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight...Build anyway.
People who really want help may attack you if you help them...Help them anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt...
Give the world your best anyway.
(Mother Teresa)
My 100th post is right around the corner....and my birthday...So...
I feel a ***GIVE A WAY***coming to you, from me...stay tuned.
With all my love...Julie
I love "You lift me up". It has such a positive message. And the Mother Theresa quotes are words of wisdom from a gentle, kind soul.
Happy Birthday!
Julie, I just love this post. That is why I blog, because of the wonderful people I have met on here and that I meet every day. People like you. People who have beautiful hearts and spirits. I cherish the many friendships I have made online. I hope you know that you are one of them!! xxoo
Thanks so much for such words of encouragement and inspiration to give it all we've got and never give up!...A Pollyanna girlish "look for the good in everything" has never done me wrong so far, and I'm with you!!!
My grandmother was always cheerful and kind to others and always had a sweet reason for why they might be just a little out of sorts that day. She is my role model. What a sweet spirit she had. I love all your advice. Thanks for sharing it. I enjoyed visiting here today!
I love the Bloodhound photo, and that is one of my favorite songs too!! Blessings! Julie
What I wanna know is, how did you get that picture of ME in the burgundy bathing suit??????? AND, will you PLEASE draw a skirt over my big thighs!!! Hehehehehehehehehe
I'm still hopeful that the ONE anonymous commenter who mentioned writing in all caps thought she/he was being helpful. I do put all caps when I want to emphasize a word or phrase.
I think you are doing wonderfully well with your blog - - - keep it up!
So glad you are feeling better about everything! I love blogland...I have met so many friends in just a few months, it is wonderful! Keep on being Julie cause that's who we love!
I am so glad you are feeling so much better. It is so wonderful when all of our blog friends rally around us. It seems to happen whether you have been blogging a short time or long and it is wonderful.
Glad you learned how to turn off anonymous. Know there will still be those negative nellys but just delete them. Just a push of that button and they are gone.
Hope you are having a wonderful Monday.♥
Glad you feel better. Keep smiling!!
Wise words from Mother Teresa.
Aw Sweet Julie this is just like you beautiful.
So happy I stopped by here this morning because now I can finish my farm chores with a smile on my face.
Love you
You're welcome. We have to stick together out here in blog land.
Come say hi...(winkwink)
Even though you did already today. ♥
Such inspiring and sweet words, Julie! I truly love the quotes of lovely Mother Teresa. I also love your way of writing. Makes reading so, so enjoyable!!
Happy Thoughts!
I just read your last 2 blogs and I am sad for you that people would be so unkind. Your blog is so uplifting and I can tell you ARE ( note the capitols, and I'm NOT shouting!) a happy and thankful person. Like you I believe in writing and posting my blog I have offered a bit of myself, my heart, my life for public viewing~ and sometimes I guess they feel that like family, they are free to criticize us, and some of the public are simply not nice.It is their problem.
Your blog is YOUR blog and keep it up!I agree with you on this wholeheartedly! I can also use my "delete" button for such anonymous comments too! Blessings to you Julie and thank-you so much for leaving kind and thoughtful comments at my place~
It seems that there are always people who are trying to steal our joy. Well, I for one just try to be myself as I believe everyone I blog with is. That is what makes us all so great together!! We are real!!
I love my blogging friends & that includes you. Don't let some critical or snooty person steal your joy!!
I love the quote from mother Teresa.
What a beautiful spirit you are in Blogland!
Good certainly drowned out the bad! hahaha...YAY~
Do Good Anyway --- love that! There was this time when I was sewing up block of guilting square when I had a defficult time understanding a step. So I call to see if she could help me she said sure any time. I said would tomorrow sound 10:00 am be fine she anwser sure. So when I got there I told her what step I did not understand. She rush through it so fast that I asked her to show me once more. Well to my surprise -- she said " it's not brain surgery ". I then said " I am sorry to have bother you" and went to leave -- when she " no it's aright." But I was shocked by her graving back the fabric and started to explain it to me again. But I did not gain any thing from that moment I was so surprised that I could not understand what she even said. I left her home by teling her sorry to have bothered her". So you see you can be face to face with a friend and can be hurt. But you keep doing good the best way you know how and keep moving forward doing good works and hopefuly becoming a holy woman -- right -- which you are!
Many thanks for leaving me comments -- which in turn I've gotten to know you and now we are friend forever! Kristeen
Way to go Julie! I LOVE reading your blog. It really helps me to know that there are great women out there like you, living life and finding enjoyment in all that it has to offer! You are amazing!
Hey...we're BFF's now (Blog Friends Forever)! So, I gotcha back, girl! And you don't have to thank anyone (though it's nice that you did!) 'cause it's your blog and we're just the lucky ones who get to read it!
Love ya!
What a lovely post, its the reason I blog,I have made such good friends here, I may never meet them and I am ok with that,we email and talk that way, they are precious to me.
A beautiful post and a new gorgeous day! I enjoyed this very much and lovve having you as a blogging friend. Someday we will have to make real life friends! :-)
I love that poem, and you are definitely someone who nurtures and builds. It shows in everything you write. I'm glad you've gotten rid of the anonymous comments. That should help alot.
Enjoy your day, knowing you have so many friends and people who love you.
Oh my goodness! I hadn't read your blog in a few days so I didn't know all that was going on. Julie, you go girl. That was a powerful previous post. I am so proud of you for saying all of those things. It's such a shame when others have to be so critical and nit-picky. I have seen it another time to a sister who has a sweet blog...they accused her of being fake and that she couldn't be that happy and perky! Like, you know, you don't have to read it if you don't like it!
Bless your sweet and tender heart. Well, I agree with everything that you said. Just proves again that there is Opposition in all things. The thing is there is always going to be no matter what. You just keep on keep'n on girl. We ALL LOVE reading your blog. You are a motivator and an inspiration. It's kind of comical and definitely ridiculous, that people will make anonymous comments like that, and you are right, it is very cowardly!! I love it that you always say, "Come say Hi"! I am behind you 110%!
Julie, so glad you feel so much better. It would be a GREAT disappointment to MANY of us if you didn't blog in your style!
Love ya girl!
Hi Julie.............You just stay exactly as you are and keep on blogging!
You say you are new to this but my oh my you sure do put the best photos on your blog...I just love seeing them.
Dear sweet friend. So happy that you are feeling better. I cannot tell you how happy I was to read your blog today. My prayers have been with you and I couldnt wait to get home tonight, just to make sure all was well with you once again. I love women who are true to themselves. Women who are Godly and step up when times try to get them down. You are an inspiration to all of us. Many prayers are being sent your way.....Lorri
What a lovely post!!
Your blog is always so refreshing and encouraging...keep up the good work! :)
Hi Julie~ The best part of blogland is 'meeting' people...
If we were all the same, there would be no point to it all... we might as well all 'stay home,' so to speak!
It's the wonderful variety that makes the garden so beautiful ♥
I appreciate your visits so much ~ you are such bright ray of sunshine!
Blessings always ~ Maria
Julie, I am so sorry you were visited by some of the "mean girls club!" They have visited me at times, too. Sad, isn't it?
When I was new to blogging I was blessed with a few rude comments. Both, were from "well-known, beloved bloggers." I was stunned..
They left such rude remarks. It was almost as if I was being told that my blog was not good enough. One left a comment that said, "Hmmm, interesting site. Not sure if you will have a good following". This person does not post much anymore, her following just dwindled. But they did enter a giveaway I did. LOL! I guess my blog was good enough then!
Another time when I got a blog award, I passed it on to someone (whom I really admired, along with 400 others!) who declined, saying they were getting ready to change their blog to "award free". Fine, no big deal :)
Then about two weeks later they posted about being awarded the same diddy I wanted to pass on to them. The post was how overwhelmed they were to have been deemed worthy of the award by such a well-known blogger!
It is just a blog...that is what I remember. It is MY place to tell stories and share my life. My blog is not for the person who is not an animal lover. And I don't go to the blogs that discuss breast-feeding and diaper brands.
We all have a place. It is just downright mean-spirited to belittle someone's writing. But, then that is why their following falls off. Because people with a true heart, a true yearning for friendship will see through someone who is in this blogging thing just to be part of the "popular crowd". Like those high school years I detested!!
To Thine Self Be True...
So glad I finally made it here, Julie! You have a beautiful family and a wonderful story to tell!
xo, misha
p.s. i know i made a lot of spelling mistakes and grammer blunders :)
You are the sweet one...what would we do without you??? Sending you much love for a amazing week.xoxo
Oh Happy Day!!! Glad your heart is smiling!! :-)
This was such a sweet post "DUH" right? from you they all are! I will be your friend I will hold your hand (in thought ;) I will comment, I will share love! Thanks for your sweet wonderful visits. I adore the message you have on your fridge, thanks for your endearing posts. Your friend, Jenn
I LOVE your blog Julie!!! And, I feel as if I have known you for many years. The things you write, I can relate to. I always look forward to your comments on my blog and thought it was cute how you signed your name. I agree, I would never want to be one of those big blogs. To me, it comes with too much pressure and time taken away from family. Don't EVER change!!!
You commented on my blog today about not knowing how to make a collage. I downloaded "Picasa" and used their automatic collage maker. I know there are other programs out there but I like this one.
Hugs!!! Eileen
Oh, Julie! I'm so sorry that happened to you! I missed reading your post yesterday, and just did...it makes you feel terrible when people get like that--and you're right, there's just no call for it at all! Happened to me once, too...yuck!
I think it's just GREAT when you use caps--I do it, too! I try to write like I talk--and sometimes I talk IN CAPS--we all do, don't we?!
Besides, this is YOUR blog, and you have the right to write any way you choose. Keep doing everything just exactly the same...and thanks for inviting me to visit you--I like that!
Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Isn't blogging great! There are so many wonderful women out there that we would otherwise never meet.
Women who become friends, and people who buoy you up when you are down and give you a kind word on any given day!'
Blogging friends are the best!!
Thats what I love about blogging, everybody sticks together with no judging, we are just here to have fun and support one another. What you seed is what you get . . thank you Julie.
you are too cute julie :)
Julie, it makes my heart sing to know you are doing better now.
I've not had any "mean" comments but I have had a lot of spam..turning my 'anomymous' off has cured that. Hopefully, this willl work for you, too. They are cowards, these that leave you bad, mean things....they don't ever sign their names nor do they have a blog where we can all pounce on them!! :O) Removing the anomymous feature should take care of it all.
Have a good and....fun day!!
You are one amazing woman Julie, I am so inspired by your spirit:)
I am just getting caught up on my blog reading. I am so sorry you have had some anonymous mean comments. I personally love it when you tell me to come visit or come say hi. Makes me feel like a neighbor coming over to visit. I had some bad experiences with anonymous comments as well and turned them off for a while. If I remember right one was telling me that banding calves was animal abuse- really nasty comments. I deleted them and went on my way. I blog from the heart as you do. That is why I love your blog you blog from the heart as well and are such an inspiration to me.
((((((big hugs)))))
love ya
Isn't it funny how those we "meet" in Blogland do truly become good friends to us?? I'm glad you shared about the crabby commenter - if you weren't such a good person you could tell her to &#(@(&)$^%#$@@!!!! I'm just being silly but I'm the same as you, I blog for fun, whether my blog is big or small (mostly small!) and I wouldn't trade those friends for anything. I MEAN IT. ☺ Have a good day ~ ♥
Every so often here in Bloggsville someone decides to be a bit mean spirited and I am sorry that it was you that was the recipient. Usually they don't put their name on it. Rather cowardly I think. BUT you have to look beyond it all and know that there are so many wonderfully kind bloggers out there that don't care if there is a word that isn't spelled correctly, I do that all the time now as I don't have Spell Check! lol! The vast majority of bloggers would give you the shirt off their back if they could and are women of great integrity. Keep on doing what you are doing, you have a wonderful blog and have inspiring things to say that we all can enjoy!!!
Beautiful, always an honor to be a friend of yours.
Love the quotes. From one of your past post I agree with the keeping up with the whole blogging thing, I have even stop blogging one time because it just gets to be too much and why should I feel worse for doing it or not doing it right. I mainly try and blog to talk with family, but that doesn't always work out the way you hope. Thanks for all your thoughts.
Those are beautiful thoughts.
You are a beautiful woman.
So glad you are feeling better, Friend!
I just remembered this book that I read a long time ago ~ "What You Think of Me Is None of My Business". It's great!
You are such a beautiful soul, inside and out, and I'm so grateful to have found you and call you "friend".
i am so happy you are happy again!
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