Whatever it took in the past years to have a strong marriage, great family, and a great life, would not be sufficient now.

For example, you might try welcoming your husband home, or making dinner, or reading to a child, or exercising, or eating one meal, or talking with a friend, or shopping, or praying, or doing laundry as a holy woman would do it.
How would a holy woman do it? See what difference a desire to be holy can make.

Suddenly, I felt more patience. I didn't bark orders. I felt I had more influence over the situation. I could step back and almost see, well, how a holy woman would handle this situation.

They noticed how the desire to be holy affected their lives and wanted to continue to improve being more holy in their everyday lives.
Maybe we ought to try this experiment as well...if we desire to do this, to have this...we must recognize that the desire to remove anything anything and everything unholy from our lives, hearts and homes is absolutely a part of wanting to increase the holiness.

There is a great need to be holy in these times of turmoil.
It is time to pray for the Lord to help us to be holy.
The Lord is counting on his daughters...
we are the crowning glory of all his creations.
The hand that rocks the cradle truly does rule the world.
May we all desire to be a holy woman for our sakes and for the sakes of our families.
Expressing all my love and respect to each of you...I find there are so many good women out there in this world...being good women...even holy women.
I know that you are so loved by your Heavenly Father and he is proud of you for all that you do. And I know God and Jesus Christ are there for each of us, as we strive to be holy women.
It is time to pray for the Lord to help us to be holy.
The Lord is counting on his daughters...
we are the crowning glory of all his creations.
The hand that rocks the cradle truly does rule the world.
May we all desire to be a holy woman for our sakes and for the sakes of our families.
Expressing all my love and respect to each of you...I find there are so many good women out there in this world...being good women...even holy women.
I know that you are so loved by your Heavenly Father and he is proud of you for all that you do. And I know God and Jesus Christ are there for each of us, as we strive to be holy women.
I'm going to try that! Thanks, I'm kinda excited!
Great blog Julie!But firstly let me say Christ is LORD and saviour.You said last sentence, "he and the saviour.
I really loved this blog and so very true it is.The marriages of today arent working.The marriages of tommorrow which will be mine and your kids who knows.People want more freedom.People being woman and men.Freedom to have a marriage and be on their own a bit as well.I dont envy anyone getting married these days and its sad to say that.
Marriage is a work in constant progress.Its not the end when you say Married.its working each day to make it better and thinking of others more than yourself.I think we have a bit of a selfish world now,but who knows maybe things will change.
God Bless!
Beautiful post, yet again. I need to strive and try each day to be more holy. I need to be more patient too, in the bathroom with kid hair brushing, and teeht scrubbing. YOUR A DEAR. love the photos too. Your friend, JGG!
Hi Julie and a beautiful post! Even as a girl growing up, my mother would say when I was tempted to do something I wasn't sure was right or not - imagine that Jesus was standing beside me. If I could do whatever it was in front of Him, it would be okay. I do believe that helped me make some good choices at times.
I know I'm holy because of Jesus! When God looks at me, He sees his Son.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Very interesting concept, I've heard it before and this was a good reminder. Yes indeed, we all need to be "holy women".
Wow...yes, I suspect we would all behave a little differently if we acted like our Savior was in the room with us all the time. Why do we forget that he is? I'm going to try it, too! :)
We ALL need more holiness in our lives...how much more so those of us trusted with the task of raising the next generation of God's people!
Again it's a choice and an attitude. What a wonderful world we'd live in if we all chose to be holy women! Great post. Mimi
Julie this is an excellent post as well as a great reminder to keep that eternal perspective - both the forward view and the backward view.
We are Holy Women! We just have to keep our focus and remember that we are.
I love the experiment and I love how the one woman thought of the Savior in the room with her - How could you do wrong if you knew he was in the room with you - you would always be striving to do better.
We have a choice and we can always do better!
Once again a great post Julie. I think we could all live much better and happier lives if we all tried to put more of the Saviour into each hour of the day. I love that goal, to be a Holy Woman. I do believe we could change the world! xxoo
What a lovely blog, Julie! I love those images and your sweet words. Till the next time!
Wishing you a wonderful week!
Beautiful post....
When I was little my Grandmother always said I should do things as if I was doing it for God because we actually are. He gives us everything so He is our ultimate boss.
Take Care....
Love Ya',
Quite a challenge!! Thank goodness we have the Holy Spirit to help us to achieve something like this.
This is a wonderful post. very point on. We need to be holy everyday in everyway. I have a new blog... A christian blog(it is on my sidebar) would you mind it I had a link on it to this post? Let me know.
Blessings always!
Love love love this post today...you have inspired me! Today I will think about being more holy in everything I do. Thank you sweet one. xoxooxo
Beautiful, Julie! Thanks for sharing ~
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Thank you for this post.
I truly have been trying to be a more holy women.
I love the thought about The Lord being in the room with me.
Beautiful post thanks for sharing.
I also love the photos of your walk.
Thanks for stopping by.
Wonderful post Julie! I love the idea of trying to be more holy every day. I need to work on that - especially when my husband is out of town and my kids are grumpy!
Hope you are having a great week!
You did it again. A beautiful post and timely message.
I adore Wendy and her insights. It sounds like a wonderful experiment. One I want to exemplify. I could listen to Wendy all day long!
I love the idea of of putting in our premortal DVD in and remebering who we are. We are Holy women. We are HIS daughters.
Thanks again for the most profound thought of the day!
This is very good, I read it yesterday and today too. Thank you. Thank you for being such a good friend and your encouragements. Means a lot to me. XOXO
I found you from my sister site, great thoughts and oh how true.
Hey could I use the first picture, I'm going to be posting something thursday and I would love to use it???
Sorry, you did not like my designer today, but how boring would life be if we all liked the same stuff. smiles, great post too.
This is what I told my children --- I would say "remember our Heavenly Father is watching -- he knows your heart --- he knows what's best for you -- so be watchful in all you say and do. He is there at all times and in all places --- it's like having a hidden camera on us every day of every hour. It's up to you what you do or say or how you act or feel. But remember He is there for you always and forever -- just keep moving towards God's ways and all will work out for what's best for you."
When I said for the first " that its like having a camera or a video recording everything about you and all your doings. Their eye went open wide. Which I have not forgotten that moment -- As a parent -- I ve been blessed with three children -- one daughter and twins sons whom were born deaf. I had that also in my head and it became a blessing
in my life. Though I slip-up many times as a parent -- I can't tell you how deeply I was rewarded for having the thought "what would Jesus do or how would He think about this issue or how He would act." I recall often how He took on a great deal when he said to God " send me" offering Him self in our behalf... Being Holy is what God and Jesus would want us to be! So thanks for the reminder of working harder to be more Holy! Thanks for your words!
Oh Julie...I just was smiling as I read this. This morning I was sitting in my van praying to be holy and loving and share the joy of Jesus with the other women I would have contact with this day and the children I would be working with. I work with 3 year-olds each Tuesday morning at our church during the Anchor bible study sessions. And oh my, oh my. The class was almost to capacity with 13 this morning, and my oh my did I need that prayer as they were interrupting, and pushing, and hitting and throwing. They were just ROWDY today. Goodness knows what got into all of them (and to think I took sugared Valentine cookies for them to eat on top of all that!!!!) {:-o And I had a new gal subbing with me. So much time spent being patient patient patient, and deliberately gentle BUT firm to act in a righteous way. My oh my again! Yes...Asking God to help me be holy and give honor to Him helped me immensely, and, lol, I'm thinking maybe God decided to test the sincerity of my heart in my prayer.....ya think??? Thanks for the wonderful post and reminder and encouragement to sisters. I will take it to heart and attempt your challenge. Hugs
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful thoughts. It would be a good experiment to see how we would do things differently.
What a lovely post and I love the images you used.
Julie... so that was really beautifully put and the pictures you put on were so nice. Thanks for the inspiration. You're an awesome lady.
Thanks for the up lift. I will do better to remember Jesus is in the room as I battle Eliana to brush her teeth, lol! What a sweet reminder. Thanks for the Bday wishes! I enjoy your blog, and loved your entry about Gma & Gpa! Give all my love, Happy Valentines Day. I Love You! ~Emily
Hi Julie, Thank you for this powerful word today.
As always I leave here inspired and challenged,You are such a blessing to all of us here in blogland.
Wow. Pretty profound! I heard in a talk once, something to the effect.... that if we had 1, just 1 generation of righteous mothers, we would have the stripling warriors again.....
When I was a teenager, our stake YW sang a song for something....I don't even remember now, but I can still remember the chorus to the song.
"Behold the handmaiden of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy will."
As Mary spoke, so speak I. 'Heavenly Father I will try to do thy will, thy laws fulfill, in service to magnify thee, always to speak of Thee and Thine as mine.'
Amen to your sweet Testimony.
This was a timely and beautiful post.
Beautiful post and what a great reminder.♥
What a beautiful post. I imagine we all would act differently if Jesus were standing in the room with us. I am going to try to be a Holy Woman each day while doing a task and then try to progress daily. Thanks for the inspiration!
I read your post yesterday and thought about it all day long. Thank you so much for your food for thought......your family is blessed to have such a wonderful person in their life.
Great post (as usual). I had heard of this experiment, but didn't know the details...I have a few stressful times during my day that I am going to try this approach. One is homework time with my little guy...it always ends up with yelling, crying, throwing papers and pencils (and that's just me!) :) I think a kinder, gentler approach is in order here.
That is perfect and beautiful.
I know I and so many needed to read that today
so, thank you.
Smiles and truly holy moments to you.
Hi Julie,
A very inspirational post! Thanks for sharing it with us too. Hugs, Cindy
Very sweet - remember when all that WWJD was popular?? I liked it! I think it makes us all stop and think in times of decision making. Liked this ~ ♥
Hi sweet friend - a most remarkable thought for all people to examin. My daughter gave me that picture, framed, the mother with the little girl on her lap, reading in the rocking chair, the little blond haired boy is coloring on the floor. It hangs in my bedroom. It reminds me of the choices I've made to be the best mother that I can be. That road has become one of confidence with the act of humility and thanksgiving.
I love our visits.
Thank You
Hello, sweet Julie,
Thank you for this inspirational and encouraging post! I am asking God to help me be more holy in all that I do! I hope you have had a good week thus far. I am sending lots of happy Valentine wishes to you! Vicki
I reread your post again this AM. How pertinent this is today as ever. But maybe even more so now with all the wickedness that there is in the world. With all the distractions and temptations out there, especially for our young people. It is wonderful to know that we can truly be Holy Woman, Righteous Women, Women of God. We need to lean on the Savior more. Take hold of the scriptures more and serve the Lord by serving His Children. No matter what our circumstances We can truly strive to be Holy Women! Thank you for that reminder and beautiful post! Our family is continually watching us no matter what age our children and grandchildren. We can be righteous examples!
It is so hard to be set apart and to be obedient when things of this world pull us, but thru the power of Holy Spirit, we are able to persevere. Thanks for the encouragement and I just LOVE the images you used. Have a fabulous day, and thanks for coming by my blog to visit! ;D
I firmly believe that we all get wrapped up in existing and living every day, with all the pressures and tasks and forget to just go back to the basics. One of the things that I have found that blogging does for me, is remind me that I am not alone and that I need to slow down and remember to do the important but basic things. Thanks for another great reminder.
I love your words..........and yes, when my children were young, I used to tell them that Jesus was the invisible guest seated at our dining table and was always present with us, no matter where we were. I have always believed that myself. Just loved your inspiring post! blessings, Kathleen
I've just sent the link to this post to so many of my family and friends. This is full of inspiration and good news! Thanks so much Julie!
awww...he's so cute. zak that name is adorable. :)
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