just begging me to leave the treadmill behind and come outside for a walk...
these guys are the best motivation to "get out and go!"
he lives and breaths snow...he romps and dives...
and rolls and lays...in the snow.
and rolls and lays...in the snow.
silly rabbit, right in front of two dogs?!
Must be a very brave or fast rabbit!
(this picture from the web...real rabbit wouldn't let me take his picture!)
(this picture from the web...real rabbit wouldn't let me take his picture!)
he ran as fast as he could...but he did not want to go out into the snow,
so he watched it go until.... it was out of sight.
this is where we go to church on Sundays.
This little town is set right up against the surrounding hills,
like it sits in a pocket.
This little town is set right up against the surrounding hills,
like it sits in a pocket.
I am surrounded by beautiful red rock mountains~
I'm having so much fun watching the dogs having fun...
I am shedding my coat...this is so much better than the dreadmill.
Smiling to thank me for taking him out for a walk...
but I am thanking him for such a great time!
I am renewed and feeling so alive and grateful for my little corner of Heaven!
The snow doesn't usually stick around for long with our sunny days.
I love to get out of the house on a sunny clear day and go for a long walk. It is so good for my mind and body.
I have been walking for nearly 30 years now at least 4-5 days a week. I love that "good feeling" that kicks in not long after the walk and carries me through the day.
I'm really not any skinnier but I am strong. It is the best part of my day and I hope I can continue to go for my walks everyday until I'm an old lady.
Hopefully, I'll always have a "Golden" by my side, and hopefully they won't have to go looking for me cause I can't find my way home! LOL
Hopefully, I'll always have a "Golden" by my side, and hopefully they won't have to go looking for me cause I can't find my way home! LOL
I feel like I took that walk with you. What a beautiful place you live in. I loved all the pictures of the scenery and you two cute dogs!!
That Cougar sounds like a happy pup rolling around in the snow. Dogs are funny.
Okay, it's decided. If I ever get out that way, I'm coming to see you, just so I can take a walk with you and see all this beautiful scenery (and meet you, of course). Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures. I love that photo of Mr.Bo Jangles too. He looks so "tough" :-)
Julie, you live in such a beautiful place! Very different and beautiful. I went for a walk yesterday as well. It was so nice to get out about and clear the winter cobwebs from my brain! xxoo
Hi Julie,
YOUR PICTURES ARE JUST GORGEOUS!! Your Dogs are beautiful too! I love the area around your home, I need to visit there, it's a place that looks so intriging! Have a wonderful day my friend, Cindy
I so much enjoyed taking a walk with you there.Ive never been there and it looks lovely.I too am a walker.I loveeeee to take walks that is my form of excercise.Its the best!
Love your doggies, and the one has a cute vest on,lol.My daughter has 2 goldens.Phoebe and Belle.My border Collie loves the snow, but my westie doesnt.I think most little dogs dont.My bordercollie could be out forever in it, hes getting old though hes 13 now.I hate to see him go.
Happy Sunday Julie! God Bless!
Julie, beautiful pictures of your surroundings! I think walking does get your body going in the a.m.. Last year I was walking 1 to 3 miles a day and I got away from it. Went out yesterday a.m. around 7 and took pictures of our snow.
Hi there! I have been visiting your blog for a while now and would just like to say how happy it makes me! I love all that you share and the wonderful pictures you post as well.
Thank you.
What a beautiful area you live in. It is so vastly different than here!! That is one thing I love about blogging....You can visit so many areas & so many different people.
Beautiful post.....
Have a Great Day!
Just beautiful Julie~ all of the pictures are breath taking. Love your dogs names, bo jangles made me giggle. What beautiful and sweet dogs. Great companions on your walking adventures. Where you live is just so sweet and charming. I know you can't be far from me.... Enjoy your Sunday.. I don't have church until 1:00 talk later friend. Keep up the walking like you said it makes you feel so good, and its good for you. JGG
Thanks for taking us along on your walk! I love the beauty of where you live. You are blessed to live in such a beautiful part of God's creation!
I enjoy walking too. My early morning walks are the thing that gets me started to face the day. I feel so much better when I walk. I too have been walking for 30 years and hope I am able to walk for a very long time. My Mom and Dad have been walking for over 30 years and are now in their 80's.
Have a wonderful day!
Good morning, Julie! It's about time I came to meet you...I keep seeing you leave comments on other blogs I love--especially Marie Rayner's...don't you just love her?!
I've enjoyed a few minutes looking over your recent posts--so many beautiful views & lovely things to see!
I've always loved Southern Utah. (The rest of it, too!) My parents live in Pleasant Grove and my oldest daughter's at BYU, so we get over there fairly often, which I'm so grateful for!
Hope you're enjoying a beautiful Sunday--I'll be back to visit soon!
Oh Julie your pictures are breathtaking!! What a beautiful place to live!♥
You have a beautiful place to walk!
Loved your post today. The photos of your area where you live are absolutely breathtaking. I'm glad I get to share it via blogging.
And I just love Cougar and Mr. Bojangles. Gotta love those doggies. WE have bunnies just run right across in front of us when we are out walking too. Only my pups are on a leash. so ....Ouch on the shoulders holding the other end of those leashes!!!!!! dumb-bunnies! Unbelievably we had a lot of deer frequenting the neighborhood this past summer and fall. We back up to a public park and a greenway, so they are moving in to the suburbs more and more...
That is double crazy for the dogs... but a beautiful sight to see. One mom kept appearing late at night with her two spotted twins. Lovely. Thanks for sharing all the beauty!
I enjoyed the walk, with you! The photos are wonderful.
I love the pups!:-)
Fun post, it was like reading it out of a story book. I like your pictures. Cougar is getting so huge - he is a beautiful dog. Wish I could have days like that. :)
These images are gorgeous Julie! Like a fairy tale...Love them!
Hope you having a lovely Sunday, cheers: Evi
What beautiful country you live in! I almost felt like a had a deep breath of fresh air just reading about your great morning walk...and I love the buddies that you get to walk with!
Hi Julie! I do very much love a brisk walk... It's time for me... (even if I have someone along) to look up at the heavens, breath the fresh air and shed the day's thoughts...
Those deep breaths of Godly breezes are so cleansing~
I also just adore your Valentine wishes from the past post! So sweet!
I like you -- love walking always have and always will -- I also like to take walks out into a winter day as well as all through the year during all types of weather too -- I love country life that's where my mind finds peace and my heart longs to be.
Nothing is better than walking..I love to walk too. I wish I have more time to walk as far as you...thank you for sharing your piece of heaven. xoxo
Hi Julie! Oh, I'm so proud of you being so healthy and all with your walks. I'm always going to start! :(
What a beautiful area you live in and those little doggies are so sweet. I love seeing Goldens - they look as if they have a permanent smile on their little faces! And your little one in his orange sweater - standing so tall and regal! Keep warm!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
SO beautiful, Scenery , house dogs. I go on walks with the dogs too. When warm, every day. It's my break from the kids and stress.
I love to see the beautiful area around your home!
What a breathtaking walk!!!
There is nothing as peaceful and invigorating as a walk in the scenery with your dog. It's too cold where I live right now, but I can hardly wait to take him out!
Lovely post!
Thanks for taking us on your walk with you. It really is breath taking!! WOW!
What a pretty area you live in. When it gets in the 60s I wouldn't go walking because its to cold. LOL
All the snow looks so pretty and Mr Bo Jangles looks so cute in his snow jacket. Isn't he cold with that short haircut Mommy? When we go to our cabin in the mountains and I put one of those jackets on my Shih Tzu he just stands there and the only thing that moves on him is his eyes. Its a crack up!
What a wonderful place to walk. I don't live anywhere near mountains. But I so enjoy seeing yours. No wonder you look so young. Maybe has something to do with those walks!
So pretty!! We went to the coast this weekend- rain but no snow.
You burn extra calories by taking your camera along with you- did you know that!?
Come visit,
You certainly live in a beautiful spot. My dogs would have chased that rabbit to Colorado! You have some good walking companions for sure. Mimi
I love where you live! It is absolutely a piece of heaven on earth! I would love to go on a walk in the snow! I actually miss it! Arizona has beautiful sunsets and sunshine, but it lacks in the four season department.
What a wonderful walk!! Loved all the pics and details. Just beautiful where you live. Wow!
Hello Julia! Enjoyed your walk today with you! You have a beautiful home and your landscape is beautiful with the mountains all around you! I've never visited Utah, but I've heard so much about how beautiful it is - I 'm looking forward to reading more!
Thanks for visiting me! See you soon!
Loved your post, frosty pictures, dogs and about your walking...I have walked for many years too and I use the treadmill and stationary bike...which is much more boring then being outside. I am not as dedicated as you are but like you I do feel stronger and it does the mind and body good.
Thanks for the v-day comments you let on my blog. Sandra
I wonder if I could get the strength just by visiting your blog and watching your walk. I am very envious though, Love that place! We use to have a golden retreaver. I'm sorry to say that I didn't appreciate her. She use to go for long walks in our mountain with my son. She went blind as she got old and just walked off into the mountains to go back to her maker. 4 miles huh, love the little town. Tell me again where it is.
valentine hugs
Just beautiful. Love Mr. Bo Jangles little vest. So cute!!!
Hi Julie,
What a beautiful place to live, I so enjoyed walking with you today. Your photos are absolutely beautiful, and your walking buddies I adore.
Thank you for your prayers and well wishes, I am so much better, I too went on a 2 mile walk today, and it felt so wonderful.
Julie what a lovely lovely post. I so love your home, fur babies and the beautiful mountains surrounding you. Wow you really do live in heaven.
I can not imagine how peaceful and happy you must be living here.
This makes me happy knowing your living in such beauty.
How long have you lived there?
Stay warm and so glad you shared your walk with us. Great that you have been walking that many years...you go girl
Julie, I enjoyed my walk with you today, very much! Since I broke my toe I can't do my routine walking .... so I went with you today! (WINK!) Your pups are adorable!
Thankyou to you and the dogs for taking me on such a beautiful walk!
We are also blessed to have wonderful countryside around us too,and we get out every weekend and choose a different favourite walk each day.
Walks are so good for lifting the spirit,and to have your faithful friend along side you...well there is nothing better!
Bellaboo :)
Thank you so much for this beautiful walk! So pretty to see and Cougar is a love!!!
Nice walk. Thanks for taking us along. What beautiful country!
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