This picture looks just like our little 2 year old grandson Caleb. One day as he and his parents were walking through a Desert Book Store, Caleb saw this picture. He stopped..stared at it for a fill minute, his mommie knelt down by him and said; "Do you like that picture?" He said; "Jesus and Cacub..walking!" He really thought it was him, it looks just like him and he has a red polo shirt and pants just like this.
Aren't children just so sweet...if we could only be more like them!
"I am a child of God, and he has sent me here, has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear.
I am a child of God, and so my needs are great; help me to understand his words before it grow too late.
I am a child of God. rich blessings are in store; if I but learn to do his will, I'll live with him once more.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way. teach me all that i must do to live with him someday. (Naomi Randall)

This reminds me of my brothers fishing all the day long, before they had to grow up and help with milking the cows and farming the crops. We now have a golden just like this..our 6th one over the years of raisung our family.

~I love New Yorkies~
This little girl reminds me of the barefoot days of youth when nothing mattered except the here and now, when the cares of the world were years away, and joy came from the simplest of things.

~Cream and Sugar~
Bringing back warm memories of tea parties with friends, the tinkling of the cups and silver spoons with yummy cakes on a splendid afternoon.

~Don't Forget to Pray~
Thank the Lord for all our blessings, ask him for the help you need, and the comfort and strength you need. Ask him to help you choose the right...and because he loves you, He'll listen to what you say, because prayers are heard and answered. So, before you climb into bed, don't forget to pray!

~Denim and Lace~
This reminds me of a couple of my daughters...rough and tough little tomboy's who grew up to be beautiful woman with a softer side now shinning through bright and sweet.

A baby is God's way of saying... That the world should go on.

~Daddy's Little Girl~
It's not too far off when another will take her from my arm,
Giving her a different name, and so I ask, "Please keep her safe from harm."
Someday she'll be a woman, with her very own future to unfurl,
But in my heart, I'll hold her close; forever Daddy's little girl.

~Dress Rehearsal~
"Every soul resonates with a music uniquely their own"

It's so nice to have a friend who listens to every word you say, who keeps your trusted secrets never to reveal. A friend like this is such a treasure especially when they are real!

~Delicate Balance~
Many of my childhood memories are of our homes front porch. Carefree Summer days..putting plays on and singing to the top of our lungs..to the pine trees. The porch a symbol of the security of home and family, where wisdom passed from one generation to the next.

~One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure~
Where adults think leaves are a bother...children think leaves are pure fun! A mountain of leaves large enough and soft enough to catch them as they jump from the tree.

~Melodies Remembered~
How I remember my Dad gathering us all around the old up-right piano..he could play anything by ear and had such a beautiful bass voice. He taught us to sing and I love singing even now.

~Side by Side~
Bathed and fed and ready for bed, with giggles and whispers to confide.
Flannel-wrapped and satin -trimmed, to keep them nice and cozy,
With shiny hair so clean and fresh, their skin glows soft and rosy.
Sharing a favorite book. until both become sleepy-eyed,
Near or apart, within each heart, best friends forever, side by side.

~Precious In His Sight~
Under his watchful eye, a tiny sprout becomes a flower... a cocoon a butterfly..a babe in the manger the Prince of Peace.These miracles bring wonderment to our hearts, reminding us of an eternal truth~that all things are precious in his sight.

~Heavenly Hands~
"Please keep us safe in such hostile lands," Then came the warm touch of Heavenly Hands.
All that we go through and all that we need. Surely Heaven is with us, if we'll only give heed.

~He Is Risen~
I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are REAL.
On that first Easter morning, the Risen Lord Himself reassured a sad and questioning Mary Magdalene that He is real and that, yes, He lives!

~O Jerusalem~
How often would I have gathered you together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings..Matt. 23:37 In him is always hope and comfort, "Lo, I am with you alway" Matt. 28:20
He watches still from yet a higher vantage point, ready to extend his protective wing to all who seek after him.

~Be Not Afraid~
Like children who have lost their way we sometimes wander...stumbling along our way..we cry for help, is there anyone who can hear us? He is there to lead us home..he knows the way, his feet are sure, and in him we find safe passage.

"Lost No More "
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.(John 10:27)
If we seek him and follow in his path, we will find him and there enjoy contentment and safety.

Little children seem to have an inborn goodness; a simple faith, a natural desire to be taught and to walk in his light.
"Teach me to walk in the light of his love..Teach me to pray to my father above..
Teach me to know of the things that are right..teach me, teach me to walk in the light."

Greg said that to paint the Savoir is at the very least intimidating, because we each have our own image in our minds of what he looked like. Greg's intent is, to help us remember him.

~He is the way..the truth and the light~
I hope you have enjoyed these few moments of beauty and thought. I hope you felt uplifted and comforted. I hope these beautiful pieces of art remind you of where we all can find strength and comfort, and that it will help to reaffirm what is really important in our lives. These paintings are done by an artist by the name of Greg Olsen...he resides in Idaho. I love his work and have some of it in my home . Some of the thoughts in this post are mine and the poetry is his as well as the beautiful art work. You can find his work at a Desert book Store..he is on facebook and has a blog. You can find him on my blog list. This is just some of his work, he does everything, a very talented man, and wonderful father.
We are all so "Precious in His Sight"... every one of us. I'm so thankful for Heavenly Father and for Jesus Christ, my sweet elder brother, my personal Savoir and my Redeemer. This is what I believe... They take care of me...leading me and guiding me, walking beside me, showing me, and helping me find the way. I always want to be right with them, I want to be like them, do as they would do. I
I KNOW they are REAL.... they created this beautiful earth for me and I love it and enjoy it everyday. I want to be with them again.. one sweet day.