In a bowl mix: 2 C. Flour..4 tsp. Baking Soda..1 tsp. Salt..2 T. Sugar
Mix: 2 C. Milk..1 T. Butter, melted..1 C. Pumpkin..2 Eggs
Fold both of these mixtures together,
Cook your pancakes
Serve with Maple Syrup..or..
I like Whipped Cream with a sprinkling of nuts on top and a little cinnimon and sugar
Oh these are Heavenly..and so good this time of year..Enjoy!

Pop about 10 Cups of popcorn and set it aside in a big bowl.
In a kettle put;
2 C. white sugar..1 C. Honey..1 C. white corn syrup
Bring to a boil..boil 3 minutes.
Add: 2 C. Peanut Butter..2 tsp. of vanilla
Stir it together
Add: 2 C. any kind of nuts
Pour over popped popcorn, mix it in.
Spread out on a big tray that is lined with wax paper, let it cool.
( I say let it cool but it is SO nummy, you can't help but start to eat it!)
This doesn't stick to your teeth like carmel corn does...It's a family favorite for sure, we've made it almost every Sunday night..enjoy!
I hope this time of year is getting" deep down into your heart", it is mine. I'm enjoying and loving everything about it! Yesterday I took of to go for my 3 mile walk that I do everyday, remembered that I had forgotten something..so I went back into the house and got it..came back out and then realized that I had locked myself out of the house! The extra key was gone too because of visiting kids, so I was really locked out and my husband was not due home for 6 more hours! At first I was really mad at myself, the wind was blowing really hard and it was a cloudy day...(luckily I had my cell phone in my pocket which I usually don't) so I called my husband and he was able to head home, but he was about 2 1/2 hours away.
So I decided to go on and do the walk, that took about 40 min. got back and thought now what? So I went out and got into out trailer house and read the scriptures that hubbie always has there, called a daughter and chatted a bit, tried to nap the rest of the time away but mostly lay there thinking, luckily I had put dinner in the crock pot before leaving the house so I knew that would be ready. It was quite peaceful time really and I thought maybe it's good to slow down and ponder.. take on a bit of perspective during my day. I think I get into the habit of checking off my "to do list" and maybe it's alright to just settle and think. I know as a child I did that a lot and those were wonderful, peaceful, reflective, day-dreaming days..and they were good for me then..guess they are good for me still. Try it...just don't lock yourself out of the house to do it, there are easier ways!
Hope you 'll like the recipes...let me know if you did...have a great season of joy dear sisters! Love you all..Julie :D
The recipes look great-Thanks! I also love this time of year! We are finally under 100 degrees! It is starting to feel like FALL!
I agree, we all need to ponder and take time to appreicate the little things. So, I'm going to take a nap today and appreciate sleep! ha ha-I wish) Unfortunately that is not the wish of my kindergartner. ;)
Have a great day! Thanks for your inspiration and good thoughts, you always bring smiles!
is it wrong to want your pancakes for dinner now?
Hi, Julie,
I love that big pumpkin on your front porch grinning at the whole wide world! I have one on my porch, too. Halloween and Thanksgiving are my two favorite holidays. Thanks for sharing your recipes! When you told about your being locked out of the house incident, I was reminded of that scripture that says, "Be still and know that I am God." Blessings to you, sweet friend! Vicki
Hi Julie!
Your pumpkin is adorable and I have to have some of those pumpkin pancakes! I've never heard of pumpkin pancakes...thanks for the recipe, can't wait to give them a try!
Yum!!! I am trying these soon!! Perfect for the Fall. Stop by when you can. I have just opened Cottage Loft Boutique. Hugs, Connie
Congratulations JULIE! I nominate YOU for the KREATIV BLOGGER AWARD!
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5. Nominate Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.
The recipes look great especially the popcorn one! I'll try that soon!
It is good to slow down. Sometimes we have to be forced to slow down!
Mmmm, pumpkin pancakes. Sounds so good! I think I am going to make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies tonight. Thanks for the inspiration!
Yum! The peanut butter popcorn sounds delicious!!!
Hi Julie!
Thanks for stopping by! No grief, no worries. Actually, I intended for the Kreativ Blog Award post to stay! I was working on the Autumn Harvest post yesterday and forgot about it, so I was finishing it tonight. I was in the middle of posting and fixing the Kreativ Blog post when I had to run to the kitchen! I didn't realize I hit Draft. This may not make sense, HUGS to you! I think you are GREAT!
I love the popcorn it was SO yummy-- now for the pancake I will try them on Saturday then I'll let you. Thanks for sharing. About locking yourself from your house I've done that too but my wait for me was the next day before I could get into my home. So you know what I had to do --- yes, that's right--- I had to break- in to my own house. This
was an awful task in hand and it was late in the day too. It was on a cold day and my body needed a warm place already -- I was thrilled once inside --- my goodness I was doing the happy dance. I sure told myself I'd better not do that again--ever! So your not the only one that --- that happens to! :] keep safe! Kristeen kandgough@gmail.com
mmm . . . peanut butter popcorn and pumpkin pancakes. Delicious! I will have to give the popcorn a try for sure. I just love peanut butter! Don't forget to let me know which cards you want so that I can get them done and into the post to you!
That popcorn sounds delish. We do love peanut butter around here. Great snack for Monday nights too. I think it's great you turned a stressful situation into a peaceful day. We all become so wrapped up in the busy ness of life that it's nice to be reminded to just chill out and enjoy. Thanks for the reminder. Mimi
PS A friend of mine, Gwen Hutchings, (her maiden name) used to live 2 doors down from you up on Pin Oak. Small world.
Hi Julie,
I am definately going to try the pumpkin pancakes, they look really yummy~ I loved your post, so true, sometimes it's nice just to reflect and not feel so rushed. When I'm home, I always see things that need to be done, and projects to work on. Thanks for sharing, Cindy
Hello, I am an avid reader of Koralee's blog. I saw something about peanut butter popcorn and my mouth started to water. I thought, "where can i get some? how have i never heard of this yummy sounding treat?" Then lo and behold I see your comment promising a recipe. I am so happy right now. I am making that delicious concoction and i am sorry to say...i just might eat it all and not share any of it!!! ;)
♥ Rebecca
p.s. I am so glad I found your blog. Is that really your house? That is such beauty surrounding you. I don't know how you can go in the house. I'd spend all my time outside just staring at the wonderfullness.
Thank you sooooooo much for the popcorn recipe!!! Next post I will mention it and link back to your blog. I have so many comments on it....people want it!!! Your pumpkin pancakes look amazing as well!
I love your little story on getting locked out. Sometimes that is what needs to happen so we can slow down and remember what life is all about. So it really was a blessing! Happy weekend to you. Guess what I am making this weekend? xoxoxox
Your front porch looks beatufiul! Just like a room. And oh, the goodies you made....
Thanks so much for sharing the recipes...I will have to use them some time...I'm going to share them with my friends as well...:D
Hi Julie,
Just wanted to pop over and say hello and wish you a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for always leaving such lovely comments!!
Ooooo... these recipes look good.
Love your blog!!
You can also get to my blogs from my facebook.. although mine is a bit boring compared to yours :)
Have a wonderful weekend
Peanut Butter Popcorn!!!I love you for this recipe, or maybe I hate you for this recipe...I'll let you know!
You're amazing Julie! your house looks so welcoming and fun...you've inspired me to actually go and bake something :p
you had me at pumpkin pancakes, those look wonderful! I have been locked out on several occasions with the hubs having to come home and "save" me, I like being saved!! :) Hope you have a good weekend! the porch looks fab!
Hello Julie, thank you very much for your sweet comment in my blog and thank you as well for the opportunity to be in your blog now(and excuse my english). I have been looking to your beautiful pictures and I´m impressed for the place you live, that river, that lake, those trees in autumn, those paths, your dog, etc... and more than that I´m impressed of the big family you have, how nice and blessed you are.
So good that now you are enjoying being a blogger, as I do.
Muchos cariños
María Cecilia, from Chile
Julie, it´s me again... wow!! you are so good looking!!!!, my god, have lots to learn from you...
maría cecilia
we also love peanutbutter around here. i love the popcorn. a freind of ours gave us the same recipe last year! it's way good.
i can not imagine locking myself out of the house! BUT..... i have locked my keys in the car a few times! we have had pumpkin pancakes too. they are good. but thanks for the reminder. it's the time of year. BTW i didn't get a coomment to you on your last post. it made me smile! have a great weekend! ♥ mercy
I am so going to try the pumpkin pancakes! Hope all is well with you!
Your recipes for fall are on my list of things to do this week. Never have tried peanut butter popcorn, should be interesting.
Pancakes, cant wait!
sorry about getting locked out...oh I hate that! However, you turned the lemon into lemonade. That's how my day always goes... never as planned running a shop.
Little stressful, but you just make the best of it.
Well, at least you had somewhere to go. And reflecting and daydreaming I know must be good for us somehow.
Hi Julie, So nice to meet you, I have enjoyed visiting you tonight. I so enjoyed reading this post, And thinking "I thought things like this only happened to me." LOL Your recipe, pumpkin pancakes, looks delicious. As I like anything with pumpkin in it. I am so looking forward to getting to know you. Thank you so much for coming by and for leaving me such sweet comments. I have been gone for over a week and have a lot of catching up to do. By the way if that header is where you live, WOW! what an awesome view to wake up to. Hope your Sunday is filled with many blessings.
I have been craving pumpkin pancakes! I can't wait to try them out. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is so fun meeting people through the blogging world. I am a grandma too. I just wish I lived closer to my grandbaby :(
I can't wait to try this popcorn recipe, sounds yummy. your blog is so adorable, I'm so happy to have found it.
I have left over pumpkin from pumpkin whoopies pies that I just made. I'm definitely going to try your pumpkin recipe, that looks awesome! Thanks!
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