I love this painting..just the friendship of it all..the darling chubbie faced little girls munching apples. Reminds me of a place I loved as a little girl...an old apple tree where I had a special place to sit high up in it's branches, for hours reading my book and eating it's apples...I even had a salt shaker up there to salt the apples with. I'd sometimes pretend I couldn't hear my Mom when she called..."Julie"..."Julie"

6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 (10 0z.) cans cream of chicken soup
1 envelope dry onion soup mix
1 Cup sour cream (or) 1 pkg.-8 oz. cream cheese
1 10 oz. can chopped tomatoes, drained a bit
a sprinkling of ground nutmeg
(optional) a can of plain artichoke hearts
Place chicken in greased slow cooker. Mix remaining ingds. (except tomatoes, art. hearts and sour cream)
Cover and cook on high 4 hrs. (or) on low 6-8 hrs.
One hour before serving, stir in tomatoes, artichoke hearts and sour cream.
~Serve over cooked thin pasta...sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, garnish with parsley, basil~
I don't know about you, but along with some Halloween candy...I've been eating a ton of apples, they taste SO good to me! I try to keep them on my counter all the time and sometimes they sit there collecting spoil...not now. I think there is a season for everything and we should eat the foods of that season, to me they taste especially good then.
This is my last "hooray" for Fall, the temps. are getting down there and winter is a comin! I walk 3 miles everyday with my dogs, yesterday was so very beautiful! I love a bit of a breeze blowing in my face, and the crisp air of fall does the job. I intend to walk outside every day that I possibly can through out the winter..nothing more fun than to put an extra layer on and get out there in a bit of snow and full sun. At 7000 ft. we have nearly constant sun so the snow does not get very deep here.
Next week I'm having a Halloween party for my grand children, they( and me) are getting pretty excited about it! I have seen so many great ideas here, I have to thank you for sharing them, I'll let you know how it turns out! Get out there and enjoy the last of Fall Y'all..it's waving goodbye! :D
yes, that sunset is glorious. Sometimes it is hard to capture the real beauty of nature on film, but you really did it with that photo. Excited to see you tomorrow. Can't wait to see those grandkids.
Hello Julie!
Wow, you do live in God's country, don't you? So beautiful there... in your pictures.
I should be walking. I have diabetes and am over weight. I am so lazy at times.
Blessings dear friend!
Gosh Julie that recipe looks intruiging I may just try it!
What a majestic sight to see the cattle drive, I would love to see that, I imagine it is very stirring stuff!
Sarah x
Hi Julie,
What spectacular photos and what a gorgeous place you live! Oh how I would love to see a cattle drive pass by my house. My dream is to live in the country some day...I sure hope some day comes soon!
Thank you for this beautiful post. I'm excited for your party with your grandchildren. Mine were here yesterday playing in the leaves.
Your photos were great of nature.
Your blog is soo uplifting! Love to imagine what it must feel like to so passionate and melded to a landscape that you love surrounded by lots of beautiful grandkids!You are a inspiration!Must try chicken recipe.Happy Halloween!Holding my own Halloween shin dig /party over on my blog for grownups!Sharon xxoo se you soon.
Such beautiful pictures! How lucky you are to live in such an amazing location!
Oh I am in love with the area you live in...what fun to have a cattle drive right through your back yard!!!! My favourite image of yours is those two trees side by side...I LOVE IT!!!!! I am amazed at the beauty all around us this year...our trees have never been so brillant! What a complete gift from our Heavenly Father...I don't want to blink because I don't want to miss a single beautiful thing! Sounds like you are enjoying your wonderful World! xoxoxo
p.s. Have a great party...make sure you share photos!
p.s.s. I do not golf but would love to learn...my husband plays all the time...I have promised him once I retire and the kids all leave home I will take it up. Right now I have no time!
Julie, thank you for joining the followers on my blog. I just wanted to tell you. All of my best friends names are Julie, sooooo welcome to the croud. Also, my mother was born and raised in Ephraim Utah, Lola Elaine Allred. I spent alot of time there. I was married in the Manti Temple. My cousine Debbie Plummer is still living in Ephraim.
We are enjoying the last few days of Autumn here in Iowa too, but we have had more rain than sun!!! Thanks for all the beautiful pictures!
Beautiful pictures and yummy meal. xoxo
You live in such a beautiful place!
Wow, you live in such a beautiful area! I have heard the black cows with the white band in the middle called "oreo cookie cows". I am in the mood for a Halloween party too! I don't know that I'll manage one this year though! That chicken looks good too!
I liked what you said on Lemonade Makin' Mamma's blog today about how we can be who we should be when we allow the Spirit to take over in our lives. Sasha's illustration may be more meaningful for us adults than for the little ones. I also like your blog.Great pictures and the crock pot chicken recipe is just what I need for a potluck this week-end. I too am new to blogging and a lot older than the bloggers I follow. Still trying to figure some things out and don't write on my blog as often as I'd like. I'd like to get more friends to my blog and keep in touch with more bloggers. I live in Idaho so enjoy similar scenery to yours but yours is better. Would love to have you as a friend.
Hello, Julie,
Your home and surrounding countryside are so beautiful! I love seeing the cows, horses and the cattle drive! I have always wanted to have some cows and chickens. I would especially love to own a Texas Longhorn!! (This would be hard to do living in the city!) My dad was a farmer though so I still have some of that farm girl in my blood. I, too, loved to climb up in a tree and read when I was a young girl. I hope you are having a wonderful evening. Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. Blessings to you! Vicki p.s. Enjoy your Halloween party with your grandchildren!
Yeah today was wet from the morning rain and cold here in Bear Lake -- I did not leave my house --- just did some knitting and letter writing yes, letter writting not email the pen and papper. But yes, fall is going on by -- we had a touch of snow in the canyon.. Keep safe on your walks -- maybe tomorrow I'll go off for a walk and do some picture taking.. Kristeen. kandgough@gmail.com
Hi there....thanks for stopping by today. I used to live in So. Utah but I am now in Dallas TX. and loving it here. Love the beautiful sunset.
You do live in a beautiful place. Just gorgeous. There's nothing like Utah sunsets. Have fun at your party and take lots of pictures. Mimi PS Thanks for the recipe. Love crockpot cooking.
Good morning Julie, what a great place you live in!!! Would love to have a walk with you in that paradise. Thanks for sharing.
Have a very great day
María Cecilia
Breathtaking pics. Loved them!!
I tried to find you on FB but it did not work I'm Beth willson Dunn if you have time we can try to connect there! xoxo
Another beautiful post of beauty.
Both, that of the gorgeous area you live in, and your own which continues to shine through.
I too remember eating an apple or two involved in a book while hearing my name called! :)
Enjoy you Halloween party with your grands...it is the best!
Those photos remind me of the area in Montana where I grew up. Just gorgeous!
These pictures are beautiful!
Gorgeous photos!
Wow- that recipe sounds wonderful, Julie!! I'll have to try that one.
Love allthe beautiful pictures... especially the sunset... I'm a sky-gazer and love sunrises and sunsets!
I'm excited to hear about your Halloween Party with your Grandchildren! I think that is GREAT! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures!
Hi Julie,
I wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting my blog...it is wonderful to meet you. How fortunate you are to live in such a beautiful place. I really enjoyed the great photos of your ranching lifestyle. I lived on a 12,000 acre ranch during part of my childhood and I could definitely embrace that way of life again. For now I will live vicariously! Thanks again for your kind comments and I will visit often. ~Jermaine~
Wonderful pictures Julie! I love fall as well. The weather in the South is so funny. This past weekend the lows were in the 40's and today in the mid 70's again. But the trees have started turning and it was a glorious beautiful sunny day today. It's so warm tonight I have the A/C back on. Tomorrow calls for rain. Have a wonderful weekend!!
Love this post and the beauty of your countryside.A cattle drive and your beautiful sunset are reminders of the glory of God and His amazing blessings to us all.
I love looking at your blog. Thanks for all the good stuff. You do a wonderful job of pictures and everything. Paula
you live in such a gorgeous place, love seeing the colors~ and dinner looks great too!
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