I called my doctor and she wasn't in, finally found someone to talk to...they said to call 911 NOW and get to a hospital. I couldn't get a hold of my daughter and my husband was 2 hours away. Now, I have to tell you that there is a clinic here with one doctor and some PA's and thats it. I called the clinic and luckily the one doctor was there...so I pulled on some sweats and drove myself to the clinic! Shortly after I got there, my daughter Lisa had got the message and she came right to the clinic.
The doctor examined me and said he couldn't take care of the problem...he ordered an ambulance....it took time to get the volunteer driver and EMT's together...they loaded me up and sent me on over the mountain (1 hour drive) to a hospital. Meanwhile, the doctor at the clinic had made arrangements for a Gyno. specialist to be there for me when I got there. My daughter Lisa followed the ambulance with my husband headed to the hospital too.
That was the bumpiest ride ever and I was in PAIN...but the EMT's were really good to me. When we got to the hospital...the Gyno. specialist had been called away for an emergency delivery! They cut my shirt off me and the PA at the hospital tried to examine me but I was so swollen he could hardly do it and it was SO painful. They did a CAT scan on me, that didn't show why this was happening. My blood levels were dropping pretty fast, I had been passing tons of clots along with steady bleeding for a couple of hours or so now. I had hemorrhaged years before with a delivery but it was not as bad as this.
So the hospital called for a Life Flight Helicopter from Salt Lake City (3 hours away) to come get me and take me to Salt Lake City. My blood levels are dropping fast...it took about an hour and a half maybe, and in walked the Life Flight crew.

They wheeled me in just as it was starting to be stormy...some of my children were waiting there....from then on everything was flying...people... doctors...they took me right into surgery to find out and fix what ever the problem was. While I was in surgery Ron got to the hospital, he had driven about 13 hours on this day.
When I came to, my doctor said they weren't even sure what had happened. They went in and restitched and double stitched everything....THEY SAID IT WAS NOTHING I DID.....
either as the stitches were dissolving a tiny corner started a slow bleed or tissue tore loose or.....no one knows what happened.
Perhaps my mission on this earth is not over yet, I felt like through all of this, I was being watched over, protected, helped and blessed...life is awesome!
THE CHANCES OF THIS HAPPENING ARE LIKE ONE PERCENT OR LESS..(and it had to happen to me, a person who lives a 4 hour drive from SLC) My doctor said that she had never seen this happen and the other doctor had seen it twice, ever. I am not in nearly as much pain as the previous 2 weeks, so maybe thats a good sign!
They kept me in the hospital 2 days, my children came to love and support me and those that couldn't called constantly...my blood levels were at 22...they gave me blood transfusions and when my levels reached 29 they sent me home. I am feeling a bit shaky and very weak and tired and they have me on iron pills and I am eating good.... hopefully I will recover now without any further delays or problems!
SO....now you know why I have not been around to say hi to all of you....But I wanted to explain... since I am getting some questions asking where I am and if all is ok. I am still really weak....I will try to come and say hi to you....if I don't get a comment to each of you, please know that I am reading your sweet posts and keeping up with you in spirit. I will get back to posting more and commenting as I feel good enough to do so.
I send "ALL OF MY LOVE" to each of you...my dearest sisters and friends...hopefully we can all quite talking about this...it's getting pretty boring to me! I am more than READY to move on now...to get out there and enjoy SPRING...Yes, it's finally here! XOXO's to each of you!
Oh my word, girl!!! I knew with the first words you described you needed 911 NOW.
I'm so glad the Lord spared your life, and that you are still here for your family and us, your blogging fans.
Take care of yourself!
I was really beginning to wonder about you and thought you probably had a relapse and you were back in the hospital, but I didn't think you almost died!!!! OMG!!! I'm so glad you are on the mend.
Stop worrying about blog land!!! We are all fine!!!! Please rest and take care of yourself. I wish I was closer, I would bring you dinner!!
I'm so glad you made it to the Dr.'s office safely by yourself!! SCARY!!!!
I'll keep you in my prayers!!
Oh my word!!!! How scary!
And I'm an ER nurse saying how scary!
Wow, I'm so glad you are ok and that you are going to start getting some color in that beautiful face of yours!
I'm sure you feel like a wet noodle and don't worry about responding to anyone but just know that there are a ton of peeps that totally love you!
Dear Julie I am so thankful you are OK. How scary that must have been. Wow and just your luck to have something rare happen and you living so far from a hospital. Thank you God for saving our friend! Take care and get well. WE are here for you.
Oh, Julie, I am so sorry! Thank God over & over that you did get help and were taken care of. I will keep you in my prayers and send healing energy your way.
Please, please don't even think about being on the computer until you are stronger! The focus now is for you to heal and regain your strength. We will all still be here, cheering you on and holding you and your family in prayer.
O my goodness -- see I knew something was up -- when I wasn't getting word back.. I said don't be in a huge hurry to be back at full speed but then this event happened it's like your body wanted to keep you down for a few weeks (WHY) grr - so sorry --
O, my dear little friend. I am so thankful and saying a prayer of thanks for this turning out ok now. My goodness, I know your family was scared spitless...it sure would have scared me. You are so brave and strong...you will be outside, digging in your flower beds before we know it.
Take care, oh "scared us all to death" one...take GOOD care.
xo bj
OMG !! What an experience !!
I am so glad your on the mend, it must have been very scary.I will send a prayer your way to speed up the healing.
Rest take care of yourself....
Please get better and take it easy. Don't worry about visiting any of us! We'll all understand!
Did you have the paparazzi there with you? Pretty cool photos!
Oh my Julie!
You had quite an adventure ... albeit at the cost of so much pain and discomfort.
I will keep you in my prayers for healing ... and mending * blessings dear ♥
Oh Julie, bless your heart! I am so glad you had good responses and a great medical team to take care of you! Get much needed rest and take good care of yourself! My prayers are with you. blessings,Kathleen
Oh my goodness, what an ordeal. I hope you are feeling well soon. You are in my prayers. I love your blog.
Oh my goodness Julie! What a scary experience! I hope you are feeling better now..Take care and we will all be here when you are ready to come back.
come say hi.....(smile)
Oh my gosh Julie!!! There are tears in my eyes. I know that must have scared you and your family so much! You stay put in that bed, or I will come up from Alabama and take care of you myself!! you hear! :D Holy Cow, that is so scary. You just never know what can happen. I am glad it was nothing that you did. That is crazy that that could happen. At least the guys in the helicopter ride were cute!! lol too funny that you said that and you were there looking up at the stars. I am so glad that everything turned out ok. I will say prayers for you for sure! Take care girlie!! Even though I haven't met you in person I feel that I know you. We are truly Sisters in the gospel!! We are pulling for you here!!
I'm just really crying over this sweet Julie, it just shows you the love that goes on around here for each other.
I can't even write, so please know my prayers and thoughts are with you and I know you will recover from this.
I had complications(blood clot in leg, sooo painful) when I had a hysterectomy and I didn't mention it to you, because I was hoping and knowing that you would be just fine. And you will be, I just know it.
It's a long recovery, just enjoy the sunshine on you and bless your precious family. They have probably been holding each other up because you are the center of your family, I see it with each post you put out. They need you.
I had to keep my shop closed today because my 17 year old who was working, her mother had an emergency 911 to the hospital today, still haven't heard a word on that.
We are just living each day the best we can...and your the best!
Thanks for sending YOUR love too.
whoa, i feel a bit light headed after just
hearing your terrible ordeal.
i'm so sorry you had to go through all
that. will be praying.
Hi Julie!I had a sneaky feeling something was up with you.Im so sorry to hear about this.The worst part being that you had to drive yourself wow.God Bless you, and take it easy,we never know in this life what we will come across.Even the Drs. dont have all the answers.
Have a beautiful Sunday ahead, keeping you in my prayers my friend!HUGS!
Oh' my sweet sweet Mom HA, Friend~ I was heart broken and so worried reading this. However, it sounds like things are under control and you are on the mend again... Take it easy, even if you did nothing... NO WORKING FOR YOU. I am so SO SO GLAD you are ok! with all the blood lose that is just so scary, don't scare me. Rest my sweet friend, and DON'T worry about comments and such, worry about you. HUGS, LUVS, JENN
Praise God for you being here to tell us the story. I hope this, your second recovery, is much swifter and less dramatic. Please take care of yourself. I know with such a wonderful family, your every need will be well attended.
I am so glad you are okay. How scary that must of been for your family.
Looks like you have work left to do :)
Wow what a story! Glad your ok. Let your family take care of you for a few days! get well!!
Happy to hear you are ok! Wow, that sounds scary! Take it easy and get a lot of rest and TLC from your family, which I'm sure you will-you have a great family!
You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Good Grief...sorry you had to go through so much and another surgery...hope their will be no more surprizes!
Best wishes on your recovery. I can't imagine how scary that must have been.
{{super big hug}}
Take good care!
Oh my....SO glad you are ok. Wow...what an ordeal. The photos were great to see...your daughter had to be scared, though. It's great that she was there nice and fast to be with you. Loved that you noticed how cute the EMT's were...you are hilarious.
I'll be praying for you. Rest up!
I am so glad that you are doing better! My goodness, how scary that must have been for you! One just never knows do they? I'm so glad that you had wonderful people there to help you, that's for sure!
Take care now... and I have you in my prayers!
What some women will do for a blog post is unreal! JUST KIDDING!!!
Oh my word Julie, bless your heart. I wish I could come over with some supper. What an unreal thing to have happen. You aren't done here on earth for sure ! What a blessing it is to have modern medical care! I'm so grateful you are doing better.
Talk about scary deal......
How is Ron doing?
Just keep hanging in there, rest and rest some more. Hugs and thoughts.
It is a fact that we never know what the day will bring. I am so happy you are ok, Julie. Your family must have been terrified to see you going through this. Take whatever time the dr. said to rest and then add a week for good measure. So happy you made it through such a horrible experience. Get well soon. Deb
What a frightening ordeal, Julie! I am praying you are past all of the hard stuff and it is clear sailing from here to complete health.
Kindy, ldh
Julie, I had been wondering how you were feeling since you hadn't posted lately. My gosh girl, you went thru alot! I am so VERY glad everything turned out. I also bet your family was scared.
TAKE IT EASY!!!!! Post when you can.
Oh my word. I am sitting here crying for you!! How scary it must have been for your family not knowing what was going on. Please know you and all your family are in my prayers!!!
Such a scary thing. And you are so brave! My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy and full recovery. Take good care of yourself.
Oh my sweet friend...what a major worry and a huge scare!!!! I am sending all the prayers I can muster up...I am thankful you are back at home and taken care of. Hugs x100. Please please rest and let God take care of you. xoxoxoox
the stars were all lining up for you that day, isn't it a miracle how many hands are there to help when in need. thank god you are doing so well now, what a terrifying experience, especially being so far from slc when you needed surgery. my heart goes out to you, but you are in good hands, scads of them, you just need to rest rest rest. thank heavens you had a happy ending :-) go gentle now for the next month or two, breath in your wonderful view and let your family keep on pampering you~
Hi Julie,
I am so glad you are OK. What a scary thing to have happen! Take it easy.
Dear Lord! Darlin! You poor thing, you'll know what a hemorrage is for the rest of your life. Sweetie those blood levels are the kind our chemo patients get. You are going to feel real tired! Until you get up to 30-35 anyway. Do you like liver? How about steak- medium rare? EAT IT! Spinach? EAT IT. As your new nurse sistah I am ordering you to a daily nap for the next month. No buts...nope... you lay down and sleep every day you hear me? You don't argue with us big southern mama's we are bossy! You know it's bad when all the nurses get scared.
What is really beautiful in this post is how calm you were. Your words are full of the peace of God as you went each step of your journey. And your right about those helicopter guys they are really the best--heroes every one of them!
And seriously julie, I am so glad you are here your family is beautiful and you have a lot more time to live.
And seriously honey--I mean every word about the naps and the steaks.
So sorry!! This must have been very frightening. I am glad you are better.
I honestly don't remember how I originally surfed into your little blog (I'm sure it was church related somehow), but I have grown so fond of you in the short time I have been following your writings.
I am so sorry you had this complication, but I am glad you are okay now. I couldn't help but think of Alma and Amulek watching the believers of Ammonihah burned by the wicked and Alma telling Amulek that they still had work to do, so the Lord would protect them. I'm guessing you still have work to do, too. I pray you can rest up and heal well.
Oh my goodness, Julie, bless your heart! I'm so glad you were able to get help so quickly. Please take care & put your feet up often!!!
Smiles & Hugs,
Carol ;-)
How scary Julie! I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. I'll be praying for your quick recovery from this and that no more stitches slip!
So glad you are okay now and praying for a speedy recovery.
It it so amazing how quickly our life can take a turn that we weren't expecting. Boy did I discover that last summer with the snakebite!
Take care of yourself friend!
bee blessed
Oh, my! So sorry you had to go through this, Julie--what a strange and scary thing!
I had an experience once where I lost a lot of blood, it was surreal and I understand what you mean when you wondered if you would live or die that night...it's kind of out of your hands!
Love your attitude--love that you have so much supportive family around you. Take it easy and rest! It takes awhile after losing that much blood to feel normal again--but you will! (I think I slept for 3 days straight!)
Take care, my friend--much love sent to you tonight!
All I can say is I am SO glad you are all right.
When you kept mentioning that you were in pain I was wondering...
I am still just sitting here in shock that this happened to you.
You really had an adventure my friend and I am SO SO glad it all turned out fine!
Heal fast!! {{Hugs}}}
I am so glad you are all right. What a frightening thing to happen. They didn't give you blood before or during your flight? You could have died! Stay well and healthy and know you are loved.
Julie, what in the world is going on? I knew I had not heard from you for a few days but had no idea all of this other had happened. What a scary time this must have been for you. I am so thankful the doctors were able to help you and get you back on the mend again. Take care of yourself and don't worry about anything other than getting back to 100 percent! Love and blessings~ Vicki
What in the world? I don't know what happened to cause all of this excitement but, really there are better ways to get cute guys to wrap you in a warm blanket!
Seriously I hope you are feeling much better. I know you are being watched over and there is no better feeling then that!
What a scare! I'm glad they were able to take care of things. Hope you'll be feeling much better in no time.
My sister-in-law was just diagnosed with cancer, so I'll be MIA for awhile, so I'm glad I saw this.
Feel better! :)
Oh dear Julie. I had no idea. I am so glad that you were spared and that you are ok. ((((hugs)))) what a terrible experience and so very frightening. You have surely been blessed and saved for a purpose. You light up my life I know, and I am sure you light up many others! I love you loads! xxoo
Oh my goodness! I was unprepared to read about such an emergency for you. You are so funny too while recounting a near-death experience , as when describing the EMTs" and they were so cute too". I was laughing while I was worried for you!
Julie, take all the time you need to fully recover! PLEASE! ... and I'm not yelling at you...wait, YES I AM!!!! GET WELL~WRITE LATER!!!
omg Julie! bless your sweet heart! How scary, I can't believe what you've been through. I know your family is thanking God, as we all are, that you are ok. Know how much you are loved and rest rest rest...never worry about anything but that precious family of yours praying for your full recovery!!
Oh my goodness...how scary. So glad you're okay...take care and get lots of rest and all the attention your family gives you; you deserve it!
Good Morning Julie!
Well... you certainly know how to start a party! :) Just not the kind anyone wants to go to :)
I know your family would have rather been at your house having a great time instead of being at the hospital, and you too!! What a blessing for you to have everything work out and for the right people to be in the right places at the right time. I love the life flight crews!! We have been blessed by their compassion and knowledge before, and I am forever grateful.
I am so glad that you are on the mend, and that you have such an incredible husband and great kids to help you out!
We'll remember you and your family in our prayers. Rest and heal and get well soon!
Lots of hugs..... Kerin
Dearest Julie
In such a short time you became very special to me...I couldn't believe what I just read! My mouth just dropped the more I read......I am so glad that you are better and back home. Oh my goodness...what a journey you have been on. I am sure there are lots more for you to do on earth and I know our Heavenly Father was there with you all the way..... I pray that you will recover 100% and enjoy Spring!
What a day, what a week! Rest and allow your sweet family to dote and wait upon you in any way they can!
Prayers of HEALING for you.
Wow girl! How scary. I'm glad you are okay. You take care and get all better.
Dear Julie, I'm so glad you are going to be OK. And that you were blessed with these wonderful EMTs and doctors to help in addition to your family.
Take a look at my blog post for today and you will see exactly what you should be doing to get well. And there is no need for you to comment, just rest anda get well.
OMG! How frightening for you.....I can't even imagine how you must have felt, or what your family must have been feeling. Take care and God speed, Marcia
So glad to hear the EMT's were hot!
whoa! that is so scary-glad you are okay!
and good thing for cute emts to help get you through it:)
So glad you're okay!!
Oh Julie,
I am just thrilled to read this post, because it means you are okay. I can't believe all that you have been through, and I know it was scary, but here you are showing complete peace and trust in the Lord that He was holding you (IS) and your time is in His hands. I am so glad you are okay.
I know your family was crazy with worry. Take care and I am glad this was just "one of those very rare things" that is now over with. whew... There is a reason for everything, and I know God knows it, even if we don't... I am thanking Him right here and now that you are alive and well. Blessings and quick full healing, and I will be praying for you.
Hugs, very soft ones.... Julie
My oh my, I went through the same picture taking about a year ago. Then my granddaughter put them on Facebook. Hope you recover and all is well with you soon. Be my friend and you can see me in hospital bed but the first one is the firemen and EMTs. I really didn't like my pictures. But loved all the people working on me. It is good to have young people going to school to be nurses, doctors, emergency personnel etc.
Love reading your blog.
Oh my GOSH how scary!!! What a scare for everyone. I'm glad you are already feeling better though and hope now you will heal fine. Those were definitely cute EMT's taking care of you. Now you just need to get well.♥
Oh My Dear Julie,
praying prayers of healing and sending words of encouragement...love Rosie
OMG I feel just horrible that I am just now reading this about you honey and I feel so bad that you had to go thru such an ordeal. Thank God you are okay and please don't think about writing us we know how you are ...just take care of you right now.
I feel so bad about doing a silly post about my renters when you were going through this.
Know that we all love you and miss you
So glad that you are all right, and that you were in the care of good doctors and our loving Heavenly Father was watching out for you. Recover quick! :)
***I told you to stop cleaning!***
Just Kidding!
My goodness, friend. I am so glad you are alright. Scary, so scary..
Promise all of your sisterhood here in blogland that you will take care of yourself :)
Or we will rent a jet and fly to Utah! Wouldn't that be fun!!!
You are in my prayers, sweet friend! xo, misha
I saw your title and my heart just sank! So relieved to hear you are now OK. Lots of prayers and good wishes for a complete recovery this time.
<3 jermaine
All's well that ends well! Glad you're on the mend. Just relax and don't worry about anything, especially blogging. You'll be back when you're ready. Our prayers are with you. Mimi
Oh my goodness lady, you know how to cause some excitement. I have grown to love you just through your writings and my heart just did a a hug lurge! I wish I would have known and would loved to have deliverd you flowers and a huge hug.
I had a similiar experience with my Hysterectomy but mine happened while still in the hospital. I couldn't keep anything down yet when on the 5th day they came to remove the staples. My vomiting seemed to increase by day. That night I woke with the sheets so sticky, I called me nurse and told her I had torn my stitches open from throwing up. She said it might have felt that way but ir really doesn't happen. Well she waltzed in 30 minutes later to see if I had gone back to sleep and and then she went as white as a sheet when she turned on the light! I was drenched in red. She called the head night hurses from several floors and a surgeon to the hospital Since it wasn't sterile conditions in the hospital bed they could only put 3 stitches in four inch gap. I also received blood and I stayed in the hospital for 13 days and my incision had to be packed with special antibiotic every three hours for 2 months until it healed with a wide huge scar. My husband was a saint!
Opps this was long.
You are in my Prayers sweet lady. Please do not over due!!!!!
Oh My Goodness ...I have been so tied up in my life's problems I never knew you were having this crisis!! Thank God you are o.k. Statistics are just that....Anything can happen!!
You've trained you daughter right, to be ready with her camera. I am amazed she did that. What great pic's. Other then that, what else have you been doing?
I remember you in my prayers. Please that care. Hey, wait a minute, why didn't you call me? I would have come to the hospital to meet you.
Biggest Hugs
Oh my goodness Julie,
I have been so caught up in my own recovery that I didn't even realize. I am so sorry you had to go through such a scary experience. I am so glad your ok. I understand the surreal part. I felt that way too, with all the pain and infection from my gall bladder attack and surgery. I am so glad that they were able to air lift you so quickly and fix up your problem. I have to chuckle though. You are a true blue blogger. Taking pics even in that kind of scary situation. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hugs, Cindy
Oh I am SO glad that you are okay now and I am SO sorry that you had to go through all of that! How scared you must have been. Oh my goodness - I am so so so glad that you are okay. Thank you very much for letting me know.
I bet today is EXTRA beautiful isn't it. Please take care and take it easy.
God Bless YOU!!!!!
Julie hope all is well!HUGS!
Julie, What happened? I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I know you were feeling better, I been reading your blog . . Wow, that had to be so scary. Well, I'm glad you are OK. Lots of hugs to you and God Bless. Sandy :O)
Dear Julie,
Oh my gosh!! How frightening for you! I am so thankful that you are all right!! The Lord was certainly watching over you, and you received quality care. I will continue to pray for your recovery. Please take it easy, and take care of you. Thank you for letting everyone know how you are doing. God bless you...enjoy the spring days ahead. :)
~Big Hugs~
I thought about you alot last night. I probably shouldn't have shared my experience. I was so young...just 29. I still am young in abit older body!
I am so glad your daughter was there. I can't even imagine how scarey it must have been for you and also your sweet Ron racing to get to the hospital, from so far...to be with you. Thank goodness for prayer the sweet reassurance we can get from the spirit.
Bless your heart! Sending wishes for a FAST and complete recovery!
Oh my! What an awful thing to go through..so so happy that you are ok and back home.
I used to worry about how far I lived from a hospital - the U is about 45 minutes away, but we have a hospital in Park City now. I guess the resorts got tired of life flighting skiers out.
Rest, rest and rest some more and come back and entertain us all when you feel better!!
Rocky Mountain Woman
Hoping today was a G*O*O*D D*A*Y, and that the bad ones are few and far between ...love in Him...Rosie
THIS IS SO SCARY!!! I am so sorry it happened to you! We are praying for you. Get better....Love you...care about you.
I am so glad to hear that you are home and are doing better. That had to be a very scary experience. Take care!
Oh my goodness, how scary this all must have been for you and your family! I am so glad to hear you are home and safe and feeling a little better. I thought it was odd you hadn't posted anything for awhile.
Take care of yourself!!!
Hugs, Ann
Oh my, Julie, your story scared me. So so glad to read your feeling a little better and everything seems to work out fine. You just rest rest rest and let your lovely family take good care of you, I'm sure they will {I'm thinking about your gorgeous post on family time with the swing and everything...}
All the best, take care, sweet Julie.
Sending many hugs your way.
Dear Julie! I'm so happy everything turned out to be fine. And I'm so sorry for the pain....Wishing you a very quick recovery. Love your attitude about the whole thing...get out girl and walking on sunshine :-)
Much love: Evi
My darling sweet Julie, I´m so happy to know you are doing good, very good now.... Spring is waiting for you to blossom as earth is getting warmer and warmer and spread your joy around us. Take care, rest a lot, be spoiled meanwhile we are praying for your completly recovery.
God is good, God is great!!!!
Maria Cecilia
I hope you are feeling better. I know recovery is long but it will be over. Then you will so much better than you have in a long time.
Hi Julie
What a surprise to read your post! You have been through so much lately ~ Hope you are feeling better. xo
What an ordeal! For you and your family. I'm so glad it turned out well and you're home. I hope you feel better soon!
oh goodness sweet girl that is so scary!!! I am glad that those "cute" boys were there to rescue you and that you are ok, and NO way is your mission here complete, you are going to be here for a really long time...get all your rest in and take care of yourself...thank goodness for the loves in our life that go out of their way to be there for us!! love you!, Tara
Oh Julie,your guardian angel was with you on that day for sure! What an ordeal and a fright for you and your family.Have lots of rest and relaxation and don't worry about your blogging friends..we'll all be here when you are up to posting again.Thanks for dropping by..you are so sweet.
Bellaboo :0)
I was just thinking about you the other day. You were so close I would have come to visit you at the hospital. I am so happy that you are well and that you survived this scary ordeal. I have hemorrhaged before and that is such a scary feeling but to hemorrhage to the extent you did is terrifying. You had angels watching over you. Take care of yourself and know thought and my thoughts and prayers are with you. You have so many who love you!
Oh Julie, thank you for the visit...I hope this means your feeling a bit better...go slow...don't over do it...sit in the sun with a good book and a cup of tea...and know we are still praying for a quick recovery... be patient...love in Him... Rosie
How are you doing now, Julie. I am thinking of you and praying you are healing quickly. Deb
So glad you are ok!!!
Oh my!!! I'm so glad you are home recuperating. How terrifying for you to have this emergency. I'm so glad you are on the mend. Hugs, Marla
Wow, what an adventure! That's a pretty scary way to get a ride in a helicopter. Glad to hear you are doing better and out of the hospital.
Take care.
When I saw 911 I nearly gasped! I am so glad that God was with you in your time of need! What an adventure if it hadn't been happening to you in person! Yikes! What a blessing that your daughter and husband were able to get there and be with you. Now you need to really take care of yourself and let them all pamper you!!! Thanks for stopping by, come again soon!
OH Julie! You are being watched over. I am so happy to hear you are going to be fine but what an experience. Sending you thoughts and prayers on your way for a speedy recovery.
Julie, oh, Julie. This is so awful. I am so sorry you had to go through this...and the fright your family had to endure. Please don't over-do it. Just sit down and let everyone treat you like the Queen you are.
Take care of yourself.
The world needs your joy and energy and lovely spirit.
Oh Julie...how scary! We're so glad you're home and on the mend. Thinking of you and your family. :)
Oh my! I just didn't know all that had went on. Good thing those cute Life Flight fellows were around!
You are so blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends.
I am sure you have been kept around for a lot of forthcoming reasons.
Take care of your self. Prayers and good thoughts from Georgia.
Goodness sakes. I had no idea you had been through all of this. I'm so glad everything turned out well and that you are home and mending.
Be kind to yourself and take it easy.
God bless you as you heal.
I do hope you are feeling okay now. Scary but thank God for medical staff and HIS healing.
I am so grateful that you are ok.......how scary? I think that is probably why you were feeling so weak...........take care and get better soon!
So so scary!! Glad that you are back on the road to recovery! Blessings.
i was so scared for you reading this, even though i read your popcorn post beforehand. my goodness, you have been through so much!! and still even at this most trying time you are giving to others. Julie you really are one very sweet and lovely person and yes i can see how God saw that you are needed here and am so thankfull that he did.
you are a radiant example of love and strength.
please take very good care of yourself now and rest, rest, rest.
you are very precious to your family and to all your sisters in blogland
OH.MY.GOODNESS! You are so lucky you could make it to a phone and call for help.
So happy you are safe and all's well.
Oh my!!!!!! Today is the first time I've seen this post and wow, you went through sooooo much!! I'm so glad you have recovered and it's times like these that we truly know God is in control. What a scary experience for you and your family. Wow, wow, wow. I didn't know this kind of thing ever happened with this kind of surgery.
Oh, I hope my surgery has no complications :)
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