Tuesday, April 6, 2010


OK...I'll be honest and tell you that I don't feel this good yet...but I am getting there!

I've been sitting in my comfortable chair...reading and
looking out the window watching the antics of the horses every afternoon.

On a warm day I went out and sat on the haystack
and just absorbed the sun and watched all our animals...very peaceful and healing.

Yes, I look "not so good" but it sure felt good to be outside...

And Cougar is right at my side every moment...so happy to have me out and with him.

I love to just sit and watch the horses eat...so peaceful~

A beautiful view to take in...and good company.

Fun even to watch the chickens doing their thing...all so healing~

I've had a few nights where I could not sleep...at all
...it's so weird to not be able to get to sleep all night long...but the moon kept me company.

So many sweet friends have come by bringing gifts...

And flowers...I love tulips!

And Easter cup cakes...YUM!

~Ella...the perfect little Easter Bunny~

Tuesday the 6th will be two weeks since my surgery...I think I am healing.

Today I vacuumed... (I know I'm not to be doing that but I felt good)...dusted the wood floors and the furniture, took the winter bedding of and put on the white, lighter bedding...went to the post office and the grocery store, and put a new post on the blog.
I haven't hit the wall yet, I feel pretty good.

Our kids are coming for a few days visit this weekend and I'm so excited....they may have to help out a lot but it will be so good to have them here.

I have so enjoyed all of you and your wonderful Easter posts...
Now if Spring will really get here, that would be nice.
We are to get 12-24 " of new snow in these South Central mountains tonight!

Sending out all my love to each of you...my sweet blogie friends! Julie :D


Darlene said...

Hi Julie,

I was hoping that you were healing up alright. It sounds like you are. Your pictures are just beautiful. I just love animals and watching them. Don't overdo it with your cleaning. Just rest and get healed.♥

Diana said...

Enjoyed your pics. Glad you are feeling better. I am on Day 4.

Jenny S said...

Oh my word! It is supposed to be 90 here tomorrow. We were all just saying that we skiped spring and went straight to summer!

Connie said...

Now is the time to relax, read a good book and heal. I know how it is, we all tend to think we can do more when really, we shouldn't. Be careful, it's better to take a little longer to heal than to be back down with complications.

Take care!

Susan said...

So glad you are feeling better!! What a beautiful farm!!

Vicki said...

Hello, sweet friend,
The healing process can take some time so please don't over do. Cougar is such a sweetheart and that little Ella is adorable. I am glad you have been able to enjoy some sunshine and your animals. Your children coming will also give you a lift. Thank you for coming by for a visit and for your kind comments! Love to you! Vicki

Ingrid DeVilliers said...

Dear Julie...you are so funny...I love that first picture of the dogs and trust that you will feel that good soon!

Your grandchild Ella is so beautiful....I feel like hugging her.....yeah, the perfect little easter Bunny.

Take it slow and hope you feel better each day!


Jules said...

Good to hear you are feeling better. I grew up on a dairy farm so I totally understand what you mean about watching the animals. I miss that.

once in a blue moon... said...

sounds like you are getting lots of good rest time, but umm, skip the cleaning, you are making me feel guilty since i am well and would never dream of it on a good day, much less bad!

i bet you are eager to ride again, all good things will happen soon~

Mercy Otis/The Stone House said...

OOOOOOH!!! Be careful with over doing!!! For real! Just sit.....some more! Soon enough you can get after it all!

Farmgirl Paints said...

Sounds like you are doing great. Being outdoors with all of your sweet little furry, feathery friends would be just the ticket for me. Sending healing prayers your way Julie:)

Le Chateau des fleurs said...

Hey beautiful...Oh. Heal fast and take care of yourself. Your pictures are so pretty. Our retrievers have the same colors :)
Oh love bugs...I love your Chickens. What breed do you have in the picture. What is your rooster? Do you let them hatch eggs?
Your grand daughter is the cutest bunny i have ever seen!
Thank you for visiting me and your friendship :)

Eileen said...

I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better Julie. I was thinking of you this weekend and praying that you would be able to enjoy your Easter. Sunshine and fresh air do wonders for the spirit!!! Glad you were able to get out and soak up some sun. Ella is adorable!!! What a blessing. Hope each day finds you getting stronger. :0)

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

What gorgeous scenery you have wow sooooo beautiful.
Don't over do it, you will be sorry if you do too much
Take care !!!!

Carol said...

You must be feeling better if you're able to sweep, dust, & change the bed. :-) Take care & don't over do it!


LDH said...

Dear Julie, I am still praying for you sweet blogging friend. Nice to hear you enjoyed being out and about today.

Oh, and if your ever feel well enough to jump like those spunky dogs... I'm going to be real envious :)

Jenglamgirl said...

Good Evening Julie~ Shame on you for doing that much work.... ;) if I was closer, I would come help! With all those darling animals and nature around you to watch observe and keep you company... I would feel better too! Ella is just so precious! Love the tulips next to the Savior Statue. It will be nice for you to have some kids visiting! Now rest friend, hugs, jenn

from my front porch... said...

Ok, hold out your hand...


No MORE HOUSEWORK! Follow Dr. orders. I mean it!

Ok. Lecture over!

Yes, animals are soo peaceful to watch. I love to listen to the horses eat. crunch, crunch, crunch.
And watching them interact. I learn so much about life from them. What true blessings they are!!
Glad you are feeling spunky, but reall, missy, take it easy!
That is an order!

God Bless. xo, misha

Style Sisters said...

Julie! You had better slow down because it will catch up to you and then you will be back down again. I remember thinking I could do all kinds of things and then I would start to feel some pain and then I would be back down again. Just let your body heal. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there and relax a little more.


Muthering Heights said...

I'm glad to hear that you're starting to feel better! :)

Cherie said...

I'm sorry you are still not feeling up to snuff. I am having that surgery in June and have already been told to be ready to lose about a month or more of my summer.
You have a great outlook though, and your home, your surroundings, your animals - All so beautiful and peaceful.
It is nice that you can get out of the house a bit.
That is a TON of snow that is forecast for your area - enjoy the sun while you can:D

ABamaMom said...

Let someone else vacuum and do the cleaning...there's a reason for the Dr saying not to do it...for instance you could pull something, start an infection and have to have another operation (learned this the hard way!) and that's really not fun! Twice as long to recuperate.

Jill said...

Julie, now, do not over do! Your photos are beautiful and animals have some healing and peaceful effect don't they? We have a Golder Retriever and love him OH so much!

Hope you continue to feel better and better each and every day.

Ceekay- Thinkin of Home said...

Stop that vacuuming!! I am glad you are feeling better. Maybe I should come and watch your animals and I would start to feel better...oh, I only wish!

Cindy Geilmann said...

Hello Miss Julie, I'm so glad to here that your healing and enjoying the process with your animals and your chair and your computer.

Big Hugs

koralee said...

Oh sweet one...praying you are feeling your old self really really soon. Hugs and more hugs. xoxo

Garden of Egan said...

Your healing will take time so be patient with yourself........and ya, you should put the vaccum away.
Glad you could get out and walk in the sunshine, that's gotta feel good.
Take care of you!!!
Hugs to ya!

Mimi Sue said...

Glad you're feeling better. Not so much fun to be down and out. Hope your Easter was as great as mine. Mimi

KathyB. said...

There really is something healing and peace-giving just sitting and watching the animals around us, isn't there? When life or health is troubling me I too sit and watch them, and it helps more than my words can express. Take it easy there Julie, you might feel good, but rest more and really feel great for good!Glad to read you're on the mend!

juli said...

Glad your are feeling better! But that is still a lot of work to do when you actually have a good excuse to take it easy!
Love all your pictures, too. You're a great blogger!

happeningswithLana said...

Love your pictures. You sure have beautiful surroundings to look at while healing! So glad you felt like doing stuff~~~BUT do not overdue. With the spring-summer here you want to be able to get out there and ride. Take Care.

Ella is a cutie!!!

Paula said...

Ella is the most beautiful little girl!! Those eyes, the most precious!!
Ok Julie, no vacumming!! I hope your doc doesn't read your blog!! lol:)
one day at a time sweetie & we are here for you:)

Tracy said...

Really?!!!! You did all of that in one day?!! Shame on you!! You better take care of yourself. Seriously!!! :-)

I hope you are okay today...rest, rest, rest!!

LOVE the photos!!

Brenda @Just a Bed of Roses said...

Thanks for your beautiful peaceful moments with the nature that you love...your animal friends.

2 weeks and you got dressed Julie??? You be careful. I know its hard to be down, when your sitting your looking at what you think needs to be cleaned.

It will end soon enough, glad your enjoying some rest.
We had a horrible blizzard last night, right now the swingset is swinging all by itself with 6" of new snow.
Enjoy a good book...and your company.

Shelia said...

Hi Julie! OH, I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! Now don't you dare try hopping over a fence like those doggys! That picture is so funny!
What a beautiful place you have - so serene and I can just imagine the animals sounds. I would love it. You silly little thing, don't do too much, you'll feel it. Just have a little patience and let everyone wait on you! Now you obey your blog friends! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

skippinginthemeadow said...

your photographs are wonderful!
warm healing thoughts and prayers xxx


Life is good! said...

glad you are healing. the sun can sure aid you along in that, or at least help you feel good while mending. sorry you are getting all of the snow. we will be grateful this summer. we woke up with a bit but sent most of it your way.

Lori said...

Julie, I've been thinking about you and am so glad you are feeling better! Your pictures were fun!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Julie, I'm so happy to hear that you are healing... and vacumming! Don't overdo! I'm sure your healing is being helped along by the beautiful views you see all around you.
And who couldn't feel good with that darling little Emma! Such a precious little bunny.
My prayers for healing are still with you.

Canyon Girl said...

I just found your blog and it is so beautiful. I'll be back to visit many time again. I hope you will continue to feel better.

sue said...

Hello, I'm Sue - my blog is Stories From Sweetgrass Farm and I found you thru MidLife Mom.. anywho, I just wanted to share that I had the "surgery" almost three years ago, sort of sounds like the same situation you had. It took a good 6-8 months before I really felt "back" (though I was doing alot before that time).. but now, I can tell you I feel absolutely great!!!! and probably a bit younger than I did before!!! the big thing is don't do too much too soon.. I had a couple of tries at that and it wasn't worth it....and you will feel so good when you are totally healed... hope you might jump on my blog sometime, please leave a note if you do... and hope you don't mind if I add you to my list of favorites.... blessings, sue

Catherine said...

I'm glad you are back and feel better.Love the little Easter bunny! catherine

ga.farmwoman said...

I am so happy you are feeling better, but don't go jumping any fences like those doggies! That is so cute!

It is amazing how just watching animals can make a person feel at peace and better.
Take care of yourself and don't over do.
Love the pictures, especially the perfect little Easter bunny!
Have a great day.

Kimberly said...

New to your blog! you are blessed to live in that beautiful home with those mountains surrounding you and all those animals!! wow! I can't believe you are a grandma and a great grandma! You look great!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Glad you are feeling better, be careful though and don't do too much! Voice of experience talking here....

We got about another foot of snow at my house last night. sigh...
I am soooo ready for spring...

Lia at Petite Little Bee said...

Hope you feel better soon!!!! You have some beautiful little friends there. Cheers, Lia

Duchess of Tea said...

Hello my darling, so glad to hear that you are on the mend and were able to do some chores. Your surroundings are amazingly peaceful, just the place to heal and I am glad you are taking advantage of it. I will pray for your speedy recovery. Have a lovely time with your children, and by the way, Ella is adorable, God Bless her and keep her safe and you too my friend.

Love & Hugs

The Tablescaper said...

I'm new to your blog. That is one incredible view. It almost doesn't seem real.

- The Tablescaper

Julie said...

Such wonderful photos from your home, Julie! Sorry you're not back to normal yet, but sounds like you're getting there quickly!

We just drove home from Utah yesterday--decided to go the northern route through Reno--pretty dicey in some spots! Sounds like it wouldn't have been too much better if we'd gone south, according to all your snow!

Hope you had a glorious Easter--we sure did! Talk to you later!

Maria said...

Hi Julie!
Oh your photos are always so fun to see... your animals are precious... and I'm sure Cougar senses that you are mending and is so happy to have you near him.

Your chickens are great, Julie... they're actually very pretty :o)

Ella is absolutely adorable... her eyes twinkle... I love that in a person... to see the sparkle of life!

You take care, now... the dust and vacuuming will always be with us...
dust is cosmic... was here when God created the universe...and will be here forever :o)

Blessings always ~ Maria

Theresa said...

I am so happy to hear that you are feeling better. I just love all of your animals, it is soothing to watch them. Reminds me of my childhood. Have a blessed day and don't overdo the working:) Hugs from Georgia!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Hi Julie, glad to read you feel better bit by bit... your pictures today are beautiful and fun, as always!
Have a wonderful day, hope there will be a lot of sunshine in your part of the world. xo

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Julie I am going to whip you good. Girlfriend you are way over doing it. Cleaning house is not good for you right now. I sure loved reading about all of the above things until I got to this where you listed all these things you did. I could just whip you girl. That is way over doing it. Now quit and lay down. We need you back to your ole self but not by hurting yourself. Slow down
we love you

Sandra said...

Glad you are healing and feeling good enough to go outside and enjoy a little sunshine. Don't over do the housework! Ella is a darling little bunny too.

Mc Allen said...

wow, boy do you have beauty all around you, ahhhh... Im so glad you are feeling so much better, looks like you have alot to tend to! Love the pics xoxo LA

bj said...

I loved seeing all your photos...I always do.
So glad you are feeling better..just don't over-do and you will be feeling normal in no time.
hugs, bj

Brenda said...

Happy to hear you are getting better. You better put the vacum away! I always enjoy your pictures, it makes me want to come and visit!
Thanks for sharing!
Take it easy!
Love, Brenda

Susan B said...

Glad you are feeling better! I enjoyed all of your pictures. Take it easy, and take care...

becky said...

Hi Julie! It was nice visitng with you and walking around your farm.I love horses or course I love all animals even the chickens look sweet.

It is not a good feeling when you cant sleep all night Im there with you,LOL.I cant sleep lots of the time all night long my eyes are wide open and my body feels tired.But we manage dont we?

Happy Wednesday to you and dont work hard,heal slowly you seem to be doing well.

Your grandaughter is just to cute LOL.Kisses for her.

My name is PJ. said...

Julie, I'm so glad you're feeling better, but if they tell you not to vacuum, please don't do it!

Don't you know that if you only do 75% of what the doctor tells you to, you will not get 75% better?!

The photos were great!!!

Betsy said...

I'm so glad you are healing up! What beautiful pictures! Those views would do all of us some good! :)

Tracy F. said...

Julie, I'm so glad you're getting along so well. Just don't over-do it! I'm so envious of your gorgeous farm, with the spectacular scenery and all the animals! I think I was a farm girl in another life, because that's one of my fantasies for "the next time around"! But, I have to say, that I have never seen anything quite as precious as Ella in her bunny costume. Now, I'm just plain green-eyed with jealousy about her!

Tracy F. said...

Since my computer got fixed (finally!) I'm catching up with previous posts. Your pics of baby animals just melted my heart---especially the lambs. Only thing sweeter is your grandchildren! Can't wait to make the babycakes, too.

koralee said...

Thank you so so much for your sweet caring comment concerning my daughter and her migraines...she is starting to feel better so hope this one is behind us. I think is was all the wonderful love and concern from everyone that helped her...oh how I love all you guys. xoxoo Hope you are feeling better and better yourself with each passing day. xoxoxo

JennyMac said...

beautiful pics..and Ella? GORGEOUS.

Libbie said...

WOW!!! What a beutiful homestead! I so enjoyed a peek around at all your animals! Healing indeed! something about the sunshine that does that :) Hope you are feeling better with each passing day! I am sure the kids coming will be a wonderful dose of medicine too :) Now remember...let them take care of YOU this time! :)

Sandy said...

Girl, you are not suppose to be vacuuming!! You better take care of yourself now or you may not heal as quickly as you want. I know you may feel good, and that's great, but do not over do it!! Our bodies take time to heal. Ok, I'll get off my soapbox. But please take it easy. My friend had what you had and she picked up her grandbabies too soon and it set her back for a while.
We have gone from winter to summer with very little spring. It's in the 80's almost 90 yesterday. We need some more days of 70's. But that's crazy Alabama weather. Thanks for stopping by! take care!

Kerin said...

Good Morning cutie-pie Julie!
Didn't that storm just stink! I am so glad the the sun is back to shining and brightening up our little corner of the world today. I'm glad that you are getting a little better each day!
Love your tulips too!
Hope you are having a great day and soaking up the sunshine.

Pat said...

Please don't push it! I know from experience ~ :-) So glad you're feeling better but take it easy.

Miss Ella is simply adorable! Those eyes are so bright and beautiful. I love all the pics but she is just too cute.

Thinking of you and still sending prayers of healing your way.


Michelle said...

Dogs are always such a comfort when one is not feeling good. They are always by your side and so loyal.

Glad to see you've been enjoying the sun and your gorgeous property.

Keeping you in my prayers.

Sharon said...

I am so glad to hear that you are healing,but please don't overdo.
Loved the photos of the animals.
Our animals can be such comfort to us.
Thanks for sharing.
Prayers for continuing healing.
Enjoy the kids while they are home.

Melinda Cornish said...

it will take you a while yet to really feel like yourself.......you probably are exhausted after doing so much!!!!

Teresa said...

Glad you're feeling better, Julie! The Easter cupcakes look divine and you've just inspired me to pack away my flannel sheets!

Heart of a Cowgirl said...

Hi Julie - so glad to hear you are feeling better. Even if that means you have to do housework... ha ha. :)
Loved all the pics of your animals, you are right, they are very healing and soothing to be around.